bool ImportRecipeCSV(string iFName1, string iFName2) { StreamReader iStream1; StreamReader iStream2; try { iStream1 = new StreamReader(iFName1); iStream2 = new StreamReader(iFName2); } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Recipe CSVs Not Opened"); return(false); } int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes = new Recipe[0]; int num5; try { string iLine1; do { iLine1 = FileIO.ReadLineUnlimited(iStream1, char.MinValue); if (iLine1 != null && !iLine1.StartsWith("#")) { ++num4; if (num4 >= 18) { this.BusyMsg(Strings.Format(num1, "###,##0") + " Recipes Created."); num4 = 0; } string[] array = CSV.ToArray(iLine1); if (array.Length >= 18) { bool flag = false; string iName = array[0]; if (iName.Contains("_Memorized")) { iName = iName.Replace("_Memorized", ""); flag = true; } if (iName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0) { iName = iName.Substring(0, iName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } int num6 = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[10])); Recipe recipe1 = DatabaseAPI.GetRecipeByName(iName); if (recipe1 == null) { recipe1 = new Recipe { InternalName = iName, ExternalName = !(array[1] != "") ? iName : array[1], Rarity = (Recipe.RecipeRarity)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[9]) - 1.0) }; DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes = DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes.Append(recipe1).ToArray(); } int index1 = -1; int num7 = recipe1.Item.Length - 1; for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= num7; ++index2) { if (recipe1.Item[index2].Level == num6 - 1) { index1 = index2; } } if (index1 < 0) { recipe1.Item = recipe1.Item.Append(new Recipe.RecipeEntry()).ToArray(); } recipe1.Item[index1].Level = num6 - 1; if (flag) { recipe1.Item[index1].BuyCostM = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[15])); recipe1.Item[index1].CraftCostM = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[11])); } else { recipe1.Item[index1].BuyCost = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[15])); recipe1.Item[index1].CraftCost = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[11])); } if (array[7].Length > 0) { int index2 = DatabaseAPI.NidFromUidEnhExtended(array[7]); if (index2 > -1) { recipe1.Enhancement = DatabaseAPI.Database.Enhancements[index2].UID; DatabaseAPI.Database.Enhancements[index2].RecipeName = recipe1.InternalName; } } ++num1; } } }while (iLine1 != null); iStream1.Close(); num5 = 0; string iLine2; do { iLine2 = FileIO.ReadLineUnlimited(iStream2, char.MinValue); if (iLine2 != null && !iLine2.StartsWith("#")) { ++num4; if (num4 >= 18) { this.BusyMsg(Strings.Format(num5, "###,##0") + " Recipes Created."); num4 = 0; } string[] array = CSV.ToArray(iLine2); if (array.Length >= 3) { int num6 = -1; bool flag = false; string iName = array[0]; if (iName.Contains("_Memorized")) { iName = iName.Replace("_Memorized", ""); flag = true; } if (iName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0) { num6 = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(iName.Substring(iName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1))); iName = iName.Substring(0, iName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } if (num6 > -1 & !flag) { Recipe recipeByName = DatabaseAPI.GetRecipeByName(iName); if (recipeByName != null) { int index1 = -1; ++num5; Recipe recipe = recipeByName; int num7 = recipe.Item.Length - 1; for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= num7; ++index2) { if (recipe.Item[index2].Level == num6 - 1) { index1 = index2; } } if (index1 > -1) { int index2 = -1; int num8 = recipe.Item[index1].Salvage.Length - 1; for (int index3 = 0; index3 <= num8; ++index3) { if (recipe.Item[index1].Salvage[index3] == "") { index2 = index3; break; } } if (index2 > -1) { recipe.Item[index1].Salvage[index2] = array[2]; recipe.Item[index1].Count[index2] = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[1])); recipe.Item[index1].SalvageIdx[index2] = -1; } } } } } } }while (iLine2 != null); DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeSalvageIDs(); DatabaseAPI.GuessRecipes(); DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeIDs(); Interaction.MsgBox("Done. Recipe-Enhancement links have been guessed.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Import"); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception exception = ex; iStream1.Close(); iStream2.Close(); this.BusyHide(); Interaction.MsgBox(exception.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "CSV Parse Error"); return(false); } this.BusyHide(); iStream2.Close(); Interaction.MsgBox(("Parse Completed!\r\nTotal Records: " + num5.ToString() + "\r\nGood: " + num2.ToString() + "\r\nRejected: " + num3.ToString()), MsgBoxStyle.Information, "File Parsed"); var serializer = My.MyApplication.GetSerializer(); DatabaseAPI.SaveRecipes(serializer); DatabaseAPI.SaveEnhancementDb(serializer); return(true); }
void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DatabaseAPI.GuessRecipes(); DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeIDs(); }
void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Interaction.MsgBox("Really erase all stored recipes and attempt import?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo | MsgBoxStyle.Question, "Careful...") != MsgBoxResult.Yes) { return; } char[] chArray = new char[1] { '\r' }; string[] strArray1 = Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData("System.String", true).ToString().Split(chArray); chArray[0] = '\t'; DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes = new Recipe[0]; int num1 = strArray1.Length - 1; for (int index1 = 0; index1 <= num1; ++index1) { string[] strArray2 = strArray1[index1].Split(chArray); if (strArray2.Length > 7) { string iName = strArray2[0].Replace("_Memorized", "").LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) <= 0 ? strArray2[0] : strArray2[0].Substring(0, strArray2[0].Replace("_Memorized", "").LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal)); if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(iName[0])) { iName = iName.Substring(1); } Recipe recipe1 = DatabaseAPI.GetRecipeByName(iName); if (recipe1 == null) { IDatabase database = DatabaseAPI.Database; Recipe[] recipeArray = (Recipe[])Utils.CopyArray(database.Recipes, (Array) new Recipe[DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes.Length + 1]); database.Recipes = recipeArray; DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes[DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes.Length - 1] = new Recipe(); recipe1 = DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes[DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes.Length - 1]; Recipe recipe2 = recipe1; recipe2.InternalName = iName; recipe2.ExternalName = !(strArray2[14] == "") ? "" : strArray2[1]; recipe2.Rarity = (Recipe.RecipeRarity)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[15]) - 1.0); } int index2 = -1; Recipe recipe3 = recipe1; int num2 = recipe3.Item.Length - 1; for (int index3 = 0; index3 <= num2; ++index3) { if ((double)recipe3.Item[index3].Level == Conversion.Val(strArray2[16]) - 1.0) { index2 = index3; } } if (index2 < 0) { recipe3.Item = (Recipe.RecipeEntry[])Utils.CopyArray(recipe3.Item, (Array) new Recipe.RecipeEntry[recipe3.Item.Length + 1]); recipe3.Item[recipe3.Item.Length - 1] = new Recipe.RecipeEntry(); index2 = recipe3.Item.Length - 1; } recipe3.Item[index2].Level = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[16]) - 1.0); if (strArray2[0].IndexOf("Memorized") > -1) { recipe3.Item[index2].BuyCostM = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[19]) - 1.0); recipe3.Item[index2].CraftCostM = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[17]) - 1.0); } else { recipe3.Item[index2].BuyCost = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[19]) - 1.0); recipe3.Item[index2].CraftCost = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[17]) - 1.0); } int index4 = 0; do { if (Conversion.Val(strArray2[4 + index4 * 2]) > 0.0) { recipe3.Item[index2].Count[index4] = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[4 + index4 * 2])); recipe3.Item[index2].Salvage[index4] = strArray2[5 + index4 * 2]; recipe3.Item[index2].SalvageIdx[index4] = -1; } ++index4; }while (index4 <= 4); } } DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeSalvageIDs(); DatabaseAPI.GuessRecipes(); DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeIDs(); this.FillList(); int num3 = (int)Interaction.MsgBox("Done. Recipe-Enhancement links have been guessed.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Import"); }
void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => this.EventHandlerWithCatch(() => { DatabaseAPI.GuessRecipes(); DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeIDs(); });
void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => this.EventHandlerWithCatch(() => { if (Interaction.MsgBox("Really erase all stored recipes and attempt import?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo | MsgBoxStyle.Question, "Careful...") != MsgBoxResult.Yes) { return; } char[] delimiter = { '\r' }; string[] strArray1 = Clipboard.GetDataObject()?.GetData("System.String", true).ToString().Split(delimiter); delimiter[0] = '\t'; DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes = new Recipe[0]; int num1 = strArray1.Length - 1; for (int index1 = 0; index1 <= num1; ++index1) { string[] strArray2 = strArray1[index1].Split(delimiter); if (strArray2.Length <= 7) { continue; } string iName = strArray2[0].Replace("_Memorized", "").LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) <= 0 ? strArray2[0] : strArray2[0].Substring(0, strArray2[0].Replace("_Memorized", "").LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal)); if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(iName[0])) { iName = iName.Substring(1); } Recipe recipe1 = DatabaseAPI.GetRecipeByName(iName); if (recipe1 == null) { recipe1 = new Recipe { InternalName = iName, ExternalName = strArray2[14] != "" ? "" : strArray2[1], Rarity = (Recipe.RecipeRarity)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[15]) - 1.0) }; DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes = DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes.Append(recipe1).ToArray(); } int index2 = -1; int num2 = recipe1.Item.Length - 1; for (int index3 = 0; index3 <= num2; ++index3) { if (Math.Abs(recipe1.Item[index3].Level - (Conversion.Val(strArray2[16]) - 1.0)) < float.Epsilon) { index2 = index3; } } if (index2 < 0) { recipe1.Item = (Recipe.RecipeEntry[])Utils.CopyArray(recipe1.Item, new Recipe.RecipeEntry[recipe1.Item.Length + 1]); recipe1.Item[recipe1.Item.Length - 1] = new Recipe.RecipeEntry(); index2 = recipe1.Item.Length - 1; } recipe1.Item[index2].Level = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[16]) - 1.0); if (strArray2[0].IndexOf("Memorized", StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { recipe1.Item[index2].BuyCostM = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[19]) - 1.0); recipe1.Item[index2].CraftCostM = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[17]) - 1.0); } else { recipe1.Item[index2].BuyCost = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[19]) - 1.0); recipe1.Item[index2].CraftCost = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[17]) - 1.0); } int index4 = 0; do { if (Conversion.Val(strArray2[4 + index4 * 2]) > 0.0) { recipe1.Item[index2].Count[index4] = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(strArray2[4 + index4 * 2])); recipe1.Item[index2].Salvage[index4] = strArray2[5 + index4 * 2]; recipe1.Item[index2].SalvageIdx[index4] = -1; } ++index4; }while (index4 <= 4); } DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeSalvageIDs(); DatabaseAPI.GuessRecipes(); DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeIDs(); FillList(); Interaction.MsgBox("Done. Recipe-Enhancement links have been guessed.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Import"); });
bool ImportRecipeCSV(string iFName1, string iFName2) { StreamReader iStream; StreamReader iStream2; try { iStream = new StreamReader(iFName1); iStream2 = new StreamReader(iFName2); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception ex3 = ex; Interaction.MsgBox(ex3.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Recipe CSVs Not Opened"); return(false); } int num5 = 0; int num6 = 0; int num7 = 0; int num8 = 0; Recipe[] recipeArray = new Recipe[0]; DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes = recipeArray; try { string iLine2; do { iLine2 = FileIO.ReadLineUnlimited(iStream, '\0'); if (iLine2 != null && !iLine2.StartsWith("#")) { num8++; if (num8 >= 18) { this.BusyMsg(Strings.Format(num5, "###,##0") + " Recipes Created."); num8 = 0; } string[] array = CSV.ToArray(iLine2); if (array.Length >= 18) { bool flag = false; string iName = array[0]; if (iName.Contains("_Memorized")) { iName = iName.Replace("_Memorized", ""); flag = true; } if (iName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0) { iName = iName.Substring(0, iName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } int num9 = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[10])); Recipe recipe = DatabaseAPI.GetRecipeByName(iName); if (recipe == null) { IDatabase database = DatabaseAPI.Database; recipeArray = (Recipe[])Utils.CopyArray(database.Recipes, new Recipe[DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes.Length + 1]); database.Recipes = recipeArray; DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes[DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes.Length - 1] = new Recipe(); recipe = DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes[DatabaseAPI.Database.Recipes.Length - 1]; Recipe recipe2 = recipe; recipe2.InternalName = iName; if (array[1] != "") { recipe2.ExternalName = array[1]; } else { recipe2.ExternalName = iName; } recipe2.Rarity = (Recipe.RecipeRarity)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[9]) - 1.0); } int index = -1; Recipe recipe3 = recipe; int num10 = recipe3.Item.Length - 1; for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= num10; index2++) { if (recipe3.Item[index2].Level == num9 - 1) { index = index2; } } if (index < 0) { index = recipe3.Item.Length; recipe3.Item = (Recipe.RecipeEntry[])Utils.CopyArray(recipe3.Item, new Recipe.RecipeEntry[index + 1]); recipe3.Item[index] = new Recipe.RecipeEntry(); } recipe3.Item[index].Level = num9 - 1; if (flag) { recipe3.Item[index].BuyCostM = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[15])); recipe3.Item[index].CraftCostM = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[11])); } else { recipe3.Item[index].BuyCost = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[15])); recipe3.Item[index].CraftCost = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array[11])); } if (array[7].Length > 0) { int index3 = DatabaseAPI.NidFromUidEnhExtended(array[7]); if (index3 > -1) { recipe3.Enhancement = DatabaseAPI.Database.Enhancements[index3].UID; DatabaseAPI.Database.Enhancements[index3].RecipeName = recipe3.InternalName; } } num5++; } } }while (iLine2 != null); iStream.Close(); num5 = 0; do { iLine2 = FileIO.ReadLineUnlimited(iStream2, '\0'); if (iLine2 != null && !iLine2.StartsWith("#")) { num8++; if (num8 >= 18) { this.BusyMsg(Strings.Format(num5, "###,##0") + " Recipes Created."); num8 = 0; } string[] array2 = CSV.ToArray(iLine2); if (array2.Length >= 3) { int num11 = -1; bool flag2 = false; string iName2 = array2[0]; if (iName2.Contains("_Memorized")) { iName2 = iName2.Replace("_Memorized", ""); flag2 = true; } if (iName2.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0) { num11 = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(iName2.Substring(iName2.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1))); iName2 = iName2.Substring(0, iName2.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } if (num11 > -1 & !flag2) { Recipe recipeByName = DatabaseAPI.GetRecipeByName(iName2); if (recipeByName != null) { int index4 = -1; num5++; Recipe recipe4 = recipeByName; int num12 = recipe4.Item.Length - 1; for (int index5 = 0; index5 <= num12; index5++) { if (recipe4.Item[index5].Level == num11 - 1) { index4 = index5; } } if (index4 > -1) { int index6 = -1; int num13 = recipe4.Item[index4].Salvage.Length - 1; for (int index7 = 0; index7 <= num13; index7++) { if (recipe4.Item[index4].Salvage[index7] == "") { index6 = index7; break; } } if (index6 > -1) { recipe4.Item[index4].Salvage[index6] = array2[2]; recipe4.Item[index4].Count[index6] = (int)Math.Round(Conversion.Val(array2[1])); recipe4.Item[index4].SalvageIdx[index6] = -1; } } } } } } }while (iLine2 != null); DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeSalvageIDs(); DatabaseAPI.GuessRecipes(); DatabaseAPI.AssignRecipeIDs(); Interaction.MsgBox("Done. Recipe-Enhancement links have been guessed.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Import"); } catch (Exception ex2) { Exception exception = ex2; iStream.Close(); iStream2.Close(); this.BusyHide(); Interaction.MsgBox(exception.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "CSV Parse Error"); return(false); } this.BusyHide(); iStream2.Close(); Interaction.MsgBox(string.Concat(new string[] { "Parse Completed!\r\nTotal Records: ", Conversions.ToString(num5), "\r\nGood: ", Conversions.ToString(num6), "\r\nRejected: ", Conversions.ToString(num7) }), MsgBoxStyle.Information, "File Parsed"); DatabaseAPI.SaveRecipes(); DatabaseAPI.SaveEnhancementDb(); return(true); }