private string SaveComparisonReport(string dsd1FileNameWPath, string dsd2FileNameWPath, string hlngcodedb, Dictionary<string, string> dictMappedIndicators, Dictionary<string, string> dictMappedAttributes)
        string RetVal;
        XmlDocument DSD1Xml;
        XmlDocument DSD2Xml;

        List<String> ListOfMissingDimensions;
        List<String> ListOfMissingAttributes;
        List<String> DSD2DimensionList;
        List<String> DSD2AttributeList;
        List<String> DSD1DimensionList;
        List<String> DSD1AttributeList;
        List<String> AdditionalDSD1DimensionList;
        List<String> AdditionalDSD1AttributeList;
        List<CodelistType> DSD1Codelists;
        List<CodelistType> DSD2Codelists;
        RepresentationType LocalRepresentation;

        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType Dimension;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType TimeDimension;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.AttributeType Attribute;
        SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptReferenceType ConceptIdentity;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.StructuresType ConceptsObjDSD1;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.StructuresType ConceptsObjDSD2;

        int i,j,SheetIndex;
        RetVal = string.Empty;
        DSD1Xml = new XmlDocument();
        DSD2Xml = new XmlDocument();

        DSD2DimensionList = new List<string>();
        DSD2AttributeList = new List<string>();
        DSD1DimensionList = new List<string>();
        DSD1AttributeList = new List<string>();

        ListOfMissingDimensions = new List<string>();
        ListOfMissingAttributes = new List<string>();
        AdditionalDSD1DimensionList = new List<string>();
        AdditionalDSD1AttributeList = new List<string>();

        string DSD1Dimension = string.Empty;
        string DSD2Dimension = string.Empty;
        string DSD1Attribute = string.Empty;
        string DSD2Attribute = string.Empty;
        string UnmatchedDimensionName = string.Empty;
        string UnmatchedAttributeName = string.Empty;

        string DSD1CodelistId = string.Empty;
        string DSD2CodelistId = string.Empty;

        DIExcel ReportExcel = new DIExcel();
        string tempPath = string.Empty;
        string FileName = string.Empty;
        string FilePath = string.Empty;


            SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType DSD1 = new SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType();
            SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType DSD2 = new SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType();
            SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType DSD1DSComponents = new DataStructureComponentsType();
            SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType DSD2DSComponents = new DataStructureComponentsType();

            CodelistType DSD1Codelist = new CodelistType();
            CodelistType DSD2Codelist = new CodelistType();

            DSD1 = (SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType)Deserializer.LoadFromXmlDocument(typeof(SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType), DSD1Xml);
            DSD2 = (SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType)Deserializer.LoadFromXmlDocument(typeof(SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType), DSD2Xml);

            DSD1DSComponents = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType)(DSD1.Structures.DataStructures[0].Item);
            DSD2DSComponents = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType)(DSD2.Structures.DataStructures[0].Item);

            ConceptsObjDSD1 = DSD1.Structures;
            ConceptsObjDSD2 = DSD2.Structures;

            DSD1Codelists = DSD1.Structures.Codelists;
            DSD2Codelists = DSD2.Structures.Codelists;

            // Binding DSD2 Dimension in a list - DSD2DimensionList

            for (i = 0; i < DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items.Count; i++)

                if (DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i] is SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType)
                    TimeDimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType)(DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                    ConceptIdentity = TimeDimension.ConceptIdentity;

                    Dimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)(DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                    ConceptIdentity = Dimension.ConceptIdentity;



            // Binding DSD2 Attributes in a list - DSD2AttributeList
            for (i = 0; i < DSD2DSComponents.Items[1].Items.Count; i++)
                Attribute = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.AttributeType)(DSD2DSComponents.Items[1].Items[i]);
                ConceptIdentity = Attribute.ConceptIdentity;


            // Binding Matched Dimensions in a dictionary- dictMappedIndicators that exist in DSD1 as well as in DSD2
            // and unmatched Dimensions in a list-AdditionalDSD1DimensionList that exist in DSD1 but not in DSD2

            for (i = 0; i < DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items.Count; i++)

                if (DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i] is SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType)
                    TimeDimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType)(DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                    ConceptIdentity = TimeDimension.ConceptIdentity;

                    Dimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)(DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                    ConceptIdentity = Dimension.ConceptIdentity;

                DSD1Dimension = ((SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptRefType)(ConceptIdentity.Items[0])).id.ToString();
                if ((DSD2DimensionList.Contains(DSD1Dimension)))
                    dictMappedIndicators.Add(DSD1Dimension, DSD1Dimension);


            // Binding Matched Attributes in a dictionary- dictMappedAttributes that exist in DSD1 as well as in DSD2
            // and unmatched Attributes in a list-AdditionalDSD1AttributeList that exist in DSD1 but not in DSD2

            for (i = 0; i < DSD1DSComponents.Items[1].Items.Count; i++)
                Attribute = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.AttributeType)(DSD1DSComponents.Items[1].Items[i]);
                ConceptIdentity = Attribute.ConceptIdentity;

                DSD1Attribute = ((SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptRefType)(ConceptIdentity.Items[0])).id.ToString();
                if ((DSD2AttributeList.Contains(DSD1Attribute)))
                    dictMappedAttributes.Add(DSD1Attribute, DSD1Attribute);


            //Binding Missing Dimensions in a list-ListOfMissingDimensions that exist in DSD2 but not in DSD1

            for (i = 0; i < DSD2DimensionList.Count; i++)
                if (!(DSD1DimensionList.Contains(DSD2DimensionList[i])))

            //Binding Missing Attributes in a list-ListOfMissingAttributes that exist in DSD2 but not in DSD1

            for (i = 0; i < DSD2AttributeList.Count; i++)
                if (!(DSD1AttributeList.Contains(DSD2AttributeList[i])))

            //Binding Comparison of the two DSDs - DSD1 and DSD2

            tempPath= Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath,"stock\\tempSDMXFiles");
            FileName = "ComparisonReport_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xls";
            FilePath = tempPath + "\\" + FileName;
            ReportExcel = this.GenerateDimensionAndAttributesComparison(hlngcodedb,DSD1, DSD2, ReportExcel, dictMappedIndicators, ListOfMissingDimensions, AdditionalDSD1DimensionList, dictMappedAttributes, ListOfMissingAttributes, AdditionalDSD1AttributeList);
            SheetIndex = 2;
            foreach (string Indicator in dictMappedIndicators.Keys)
                DSD1CodelistId = string.Empty;
                for (i = 0; i < DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items.Count; i++)

                    if (DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i] is SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)
                        Dimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)(DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                        ConceptIdentity = Dimension.ConceptIdentity;
                        LocalRepresentation = Dimension.LocalRepresentation;
                        DSD1Dimension = ((SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptRefType)(ConceptIdentity.Items[0])).id.ToString();
                        if (DSD1Dimension == Indicator)
                            DSD1CodelistId = ((CodelistRefType)((((CodelistReferenceType)(LocalRepresentation.Items[0])).Items[0]))).id;



                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DSD1CodelistId) == false)
                    for (j = 0; j < DSD1Codelists.Count; j++)
                        if (DSD1CodelistId == DSD1Codelists[j].id)
                            DSD1Codelist = DSD1Codelists[j];

                for (i = 0; i < DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items.Count; i++)
                    DSD2CodelistId = string.Empty;
                    if (DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i] is SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)
                        Dimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)(DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                        ConceptIdentity = Dimension.ConceptIdentity;
                        LocalRepresentation = Dimension.LocalRepresentation;
                        DSD2Dimension = ((SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptRefType)(ConceptIdentity.Items[0])).id.ToString();
                        if (DSD2Dimension == dictMappedIndicators[Indicator])
                            DSD2CodelistId = ((CodelistRefType)((((CodelistReferenceType)(LocalRepresentation.Items[0])).Items[0]))).id;


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DSD2CodelistId) == false)
                    for (j = 0; j < DSD2Codelists.Count; j++)
                        if (DSD2CodelistId == DSD2Codelists[j].id)
                            DSD2Codelist = DSD2Codelists[j];
                if ((DSD1CodelistId != string.Empty) && (DSD2CodelistId != string.Empty))

                    if( (DSD1Codelist.Items.Count > 0) && (DSD2Codelist.Items.Count > 0) )
                        ReportExcel.InsertWorkSheet( + " Vs " +;
                        ReportExcel = this.GenerateCodelistsComparison(hlngcodedb, DSD1Codelist, DSD2Codelist, ReportExcel, SheetIndex);
                        SheetIndex = SheetIndex + 1;


            ReportExcel.ActiveSheetIndex = 0;
            if (ReportExcel.AvailableWorksheetsCount > 1)

                RetVal = FileName;


        catch (Exception ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            throw ex;



        return RetVal;
    private DIExcel GenerateCodelistWorksheets(DIExcel ReportExcel, int SheetIndex, SDMXApi_2_0.Message.StructureType CompleteStructure)
        int i, j;
        IWorksheet CodelistWorkSheet = null;
        SDMXApi_2_0.Structure.CodeListType Codelist;
        SDMXApi_2_0.Structure.CodeType Code;
        string CodelistName = string.Empty;
        string CodeValue = string.Empty;
        string CodeDescription = string.Empty;

        int rowindex = 0;
        string Language = string.Empty;

            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count > 0)
                Language = CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[0].Name[0].lang;
            else if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count > 0)
                Language = CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[0].Name[0].lang;

            for (i = 1; i <= CompleteStructure.CodeLists.Count; i++)

                Codelist = CompleteStructure.CodeLists[i - 1];
                CodelistName = GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(Codelist.Name, Language);
                CodelistWorkSheet = ReportExcel.GetWorksheet(i);
                rowindex = 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodelistName, rowindex, 1, 12, true, 30, 0, i);
                rowindex = rowindex + 2;

                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Code", rowindex, 1, 10, true, 60, 0, i);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Description", rowindex, 2, 10, true, 250, 0, i);

                rowindex = rowindex + 2;
                //Binding Codelist

                for (j = 0; j < Codelist.Code.Count; j++)
                    Code = new SDMXApi_2_0.Structure.CodeType();
                    Code = Codelist.Code[j];
                    CodeValue = Code.value;
                    CodeDescription = GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(Code.Description, Language);
                    if ((CodeValue.Length + 1) <= 30)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeValue, rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, i);
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeValue, rowindex, 1, 10, false, CodeValue.Length + 1, 0, i);

                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeDescription, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, i);
                    rowindex = rowindex + 1;


        catch (Exception ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            throw ex;

        return ReportExcel;
    private DIExcel GenerateDimensionAndAttributesComparison(string hlngcodedb,SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType DSD1, SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType DSD2, DIExcel ReportExcel, Dictionary<string, string> dictMappedIndicators, List<String> ListOfMissingDimensions, List<String> AdditionalDSD1DimensionList, Dictionary<string, string> dictMappedAttributes, List<String> ListOfMissingAttributes, List<String> AdditionalDSD1AttributeList)
        int rowindex = 0;
        string DimensionName = string.Empty;
        string AttributeName = string.Empty;
        int SNo;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType DSD1DSComponents;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType DSD2DSComponents;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.StructuresType ConceptsObjDSD1;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.StructuresType ConceptsObjDSD2;
        IWorksheet WorkbookSheet = null;

            DSD1DSComponents = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType)(DSD1.Structures.DataStructures[0].Item);
            DSD2DSComponents = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType)(DSD2.Structures.DataStructures[0].Item);

            ConceptsObjDSD1 = DSD1.Structures;
            ConceptsObjDSD2 = DSD2.Structures;

            ReportExcel.RenameWorkSheet(0, "Dimensions");
            // Writing into Dimensions Worksheet

            // Writing Matched Dimensions that exist in both DSD1 and DSD2
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            WorkbookSheet = ReportExcel.GetWorksheet(0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Matched Dimensions", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 0);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex,3, 12, true, 70, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string MatchedDimension in dictMappedIndicators.Keys)
                    SNo = SNo + 1;
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 0);
                    DimensionName = string.Empty;
                    DimensionName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD1, MatchedDimension, hlngcodedb);
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MatchedDimension, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 0);
                    if (DimensionName != string.Empty)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel,DimensionName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 0);

                    rowindex = rowindex + 1;


            // Writing Missing Dimensions that exist in DSD2 but not in DSD1

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Missing Dimensions", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 0);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string MissingDimension in ListOfMissingDimensions)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 0);
                DimensionName = string.Empty;
                DimensionName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD2, MissingDimension, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MissingDimension, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 0);
                if (DimensionName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, DimensionName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 0);
                rowindex = rowindex + 1;


            // Writing Additional Dimensions that exist in DSD1 but not in DSD2

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Additional Dimensions", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 0);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string AdditionalDimension in AdditionalDSD1DimensionList)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 0);
                DimensionName = string.Empty;
                DimensionName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD1, AdditionalDimension, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AdditionalDimension, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 0);
                if (DimensionName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, DimensionName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 0);

                rowindex = rowindex + 1;


            // Writing into Attributes Worksheet

            WorkbookSheet = ReportExcel.GetWorksheet(1);
            // Writing Matched Attributes that exist in both DSD1 and DSD2

            rowindex = 1;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Matched Attributes", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 1);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0,1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 1);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string MatchedAttribute in dictMappedAttributes.Keys)
                if (!(AdditionalDSD1AttributeList.Contains(MatchedAttribute)))
                    SNo = SNo + 1;
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false,10, 0, 1);
                    AttributeName = string.Empty;
                    AttributeName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD1, MatchedAttribute, hlngcodedb);
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MatchedAttribute, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 1);
                    if (AttributeName != string.Empty)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AttributeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 1);
                    rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            // Writing Missing Attributes that exist in DSD2 but not in DSD1
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Missing Attributes", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 1);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0,1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 1);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string MissingAttribute in ListOfMissingAttributes)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 1);
                AttributeName = string.Empty;
                AttributeName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD2, MissingAttribute, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MissingAttribute, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 1);
                if (AttributeName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AttributeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 1);
                rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            // Writing Additional Attributes that exist in DSD1 but not in DSD2

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Additional Attributes", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 1);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 1);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string AdditionalAttribute in AdditionalDSD1AttributeList)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 1);
                AttributeName = string.Empty;
                AttributeName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD1, AdditionalAttribute, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AdditionalAttribute, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 1);
                if (AttributeName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AttributeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 1);
                rowindex = rowindex + 1;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            throw ex;



        return ReportExcel;