Exemple #1
        private void GenerateExcelFile(string xmlFileName, string excelFileName)
            Questionnarie XMLFile = new Questionnarie();
            DIExcel       ExcelFile;
            int           RowIndex   = 1;
            string        HeaderText = string.Empty;

                ExcelFile = new DIExcel();//excelFileName);
                if (XMLFile.OpenQuestionnaire(xmlFileName))
                    foreach (Question XmlQuestion in XMLFile.GetAllQuestions().Values)
                        //Write Section Name
                        if (HeaderText != XmlQuestion.HeaderTxt)
                            HeaderText = XmlQuestion.HeaderTxt;
                            this.WriteHeader(ExcelFile, RowIndex, HeaderText);
                            RowIndex += 1;

                        this.WriteQuestionIntoExcel(ExcelFile, XmlQuestion, ref RowIndex);

                    //delete file if already exists
                    if (File.Exists(excelFileName))

            catch (Exception)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Export metadata to excel file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ExcelFilePath">Excel File Path to be written as export data</param>
        public void ExportMetaDataToExcel(string ExcelFilePath, MetadataElementType elementType, string elementName, string elementGId, int targetElementNID)
                // --Open excel and get first worksheet
                this.DiExcel  = new DIExcel(ExcelFilePath);
                MetadataSheet = DiExcel.GetWorksheet(0);

                // --Set Matadata Type in Cell 0,0
                switch (elementType)
                case MetadataElementType.Indicator:
                    SetMetadataCommonCellValues(DILanguage.GetLanguageString("INDICATOR") + "-" + DILanguage.GetLanguageString("METADATA"), elementName, elementGId);

                case MetadataElementType.Area:
                    SetMetadataCommonCellValues(DILanguage.GetLanguageString("AREA") + "-" + DILanguage.GetLanguageString("METADATA"), elementName, elementGId);

                case MetadataElementType.Source:
                    SetMetadataCommonCellValues(DILanguage.GetLanguageString("SOURCE") + "-" + DILanguage.GetLanguageString("METADATA"), elementName, elementGId);


                // --Load data from xml to excel file
                this.LoadData(elementType, targetElementNID);

                //-- Save excel
            catch (Exception ex)
    /// <summary>
    /// Import mapping from Excel file. Create the corresponding XML files
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mappingType">Mapping type - > Codelist | IUS | Medatata</param>
    /// <param name="paramString">Param string</param>
    /// <remarks>Param string should be in the format of DBNID[****]LangauageCode[****]UserNId[****]AgeCodeListGID[****]SexCodeListGId[****]LocationCodeListGID</remarks>
    public string ImportMapppingFile(EnumHelper.MappingType mappingType, string paramValue, string languageCode, string dbNId, string fileName)
        //Load Excel mapping file
        string RetVal = string.Empty;
        DIExcel ExportExcel = new DIExcel(fileName);
        this.languageCode = languageCode;
        this.dbNId = dbNId;

        switch (mappingType)
            case EnumHelper.MappingType.CodeList:
                RetVal = this.ImportCodeListMappingData(ExportExcel, paramValue).ToString().ToLower();
            case EnumHelper.MappingType.IUS:
                RetVal = this.ImportIUSMappingData(ExportExcel, paramValue).ToString().ToLower();
            case EnumHelper.MappingType.Metadata:
                RetVal = this.ImportMetadataMappingData(ExportExcel, paramValue).ToString().ToLower();
        return RetVal;
    private DIExcel GenerateDimensionAndAttributesComparison(string hlngcodedb,SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType DSD1, SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType DSD2, DIExcel ReportExcel, Dictionary<string, string> dictMappedIndicators, List<String> ListOfMissingDimensions, List<String> AdditionalDSD1DimensionList, Dictionary<string, string> dictMappedAttributes, List<String> ListOfMissingAttributes, List<String> AdditionalDSD1AttributeList)
        int rowindex = 0;
        string DimensionName = string.Empty;
        string AttributeName = string.Empty;
        int SNo;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType DSD1DSComponents;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType DSD2DSComponents;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.StructuresType ConceptsObjDSD1;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.StructuresType ConceptsObjDSD2;
        IWorksheet WorkbookSheet = null;

            DSD1DSComponents = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType)(DSD1.Structures.DataStructures[0].Item);
            DSD2DSComponents = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType)(DSD2.Structures.DataStructures[0].Item);

            ConceptsObjDSD1 = DSD1.Structures;
            ConceptsObjDSD2 = DSD2.Structures;

            ReportExcel.RenameWorkSheet(0, "Dimensions");
            // Writing into Dimensions Worksheet

            // Writing Matched Dimensions that exist in both DSD1 and DSD2
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            WorkbookSheet = ReportExcel.GetWorksheet(0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Matched Dimensions", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 0);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex,3, 12, true, 70, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string MatchedDimension in dictMappedIndicators.Keys)
                    SNo = SNo + 1;
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 0);
                    DimensionName = string.Empty;
                    DimensionName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD1, MatchedDimension, hlngcodedb);
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MatchedDimension, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 0);
                    if (DimensionName != string.Empty)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel,DimensionName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 0);

                    rowindex = rowindex + 1;


            // Writing Missing Dimensions that exist in DSD2 but not in DSD1

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Missing Dimensions", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 0);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string MissingDimension in ListOfMissingDimensions)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 0);
                DimensionName = string.Empty;
                DimensionName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD2, MissingDimension, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MissingDimension, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 0);
                if (DimensionName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, DimensionName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 0);
                rowindex = rowindex + 1;


            // Writing Additional Dimensions that exist in DSD1 but not in DSD2

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Additional Dimensions", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 0);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 0);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string AdditionalDimension in AdditionalDSD1DimensionList)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 0);
                DimensionName = string.Empty;
                DimensionName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD1, AdditionalDimension, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AdditionalDimension, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 0);
                if (DimensionName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, DimensionName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 0);

                rowindex = rowindex + 1;


            // Writing into Attributes Worksheet

            WorkbookSheet = ReportExcel.GetWorksheet(1);
            // Writing Matched Attributes that exist in both DSD1 and DSD2

            rowindex = 1;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Matched Attributes", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 1);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0,1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 1);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string MatchedAttribute in dictMappedAttributes.Keys)
                if (!(AdditionalDSD1AttributeList.Contains(MatchedAttribute)))
                    SNo = SNo + 1;
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false,10, 0, 1);
                    AttributeName = string.Empty;
                    AttributeName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD1, MatchedAttribute, hlngcodedb);
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MatchedAttribute, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 1);
                    if (AttributeName != string.Empty)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AttributeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 1);
                    rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            // Writing Missing Attributes that exist in DSD2 but not in DSD1
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Missing Attributes", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 1);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0,1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 1);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string MissingAttribute in ListOfMissingAttributes)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 1);
                AttributeName = string.Empty;
                AttributeName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD2, MissingAttribute, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MissingAttribute, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 1);
                if (AttributeName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AttributeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 1);
                rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            // Writing Additional Attributes that exist in DSD1 but not in DSD2

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Additional Attributes", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, 1);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, 1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, 1);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, 1);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            SNo = 0;
            foreach (string AdditionalAttribute in AdditionalDSD1AttributeList)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, 1);
                AttributeName = string.Empty;
                AttributeName = GetLanguageBasedConceptNameFromConceptScheme(ConceptsObjDSD1, AdditionalAttribute, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AdditionalAttribute, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, 1);
                if (AttributeName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AttributeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, 1);
                rowindex = rowindex + 1;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            throw ex;



        return ReportExcel;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Metadata from Excel File
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will Extract Metadata from excel file and make a string Containing Matadata in Xml Format .
        /// So this can  be stored in database
        /// </remarks>
        public String GetMetadataFromExcelFile(string excelFilePath, MetaDataType elementType, string fldrMetadataTemplatePath)
            // Step 1 : Open Excel File for reading
            // Step2 : Get Mask and blank Metadata xml file from metadata template Folder
            // Step3 : Update Blank Metadata file from  metadata found in excel file. Metadata will be inserted in xml using
            // Position and path definded in Mask file.

            string RetVal = String.Empty;

            //Step1.  Open excel File
            // Open excel and get first worksheet
            this.DiExcel  = new DIExcel(excelFilePath);
            MetadataSheet = DiExcel.GetWorksheet(0);

            // Matadata starts from 5th Row
            //this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl = 4;

            // step2: Get Mask and blank xml file from Metadata Template Folder
            /////GetMetadataTemplateFilesForImport(elementType, fldrMetadataTemplatePath);

            // Step3: Update metadata blank document using metadata found in metadata excel.
            // Import will be done using Mask File. So check for Mask file
            //if (this._MetadataMaskFilePath.Length > 0 && File.Exists(this._MetadataMaskFilePath))

            //    if (this._MetadataFilePath.Length > 0 && File.Exists(this._MetadataFilePath))
            //    {
            //        int i = 0;
            //        XmlNode xn = null;
            //        XmlNodeList xnList = null;
            //        try
            //        {
            //            int temp = 0;

            //            // Load Blank xml Structure  as Metadata file
            //            MetadataDOM = new XmlDocument();
            //            MetadataDOM.Load(this._MetadataFilePath);

            //            // Load Mask File
            //            MetadataMaskDOM.Load(this._MetadataMaskFilePath);

            //            // Iterate all child elements of mask file.
            //            for (i = 0; i < MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
            //            {
            //                try
            //                {
            //                    // Get Position and path information for Metadata
            //                    string[] nodes = MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].SelectNodes("Path")[0].InnerXml.Split('/');
            //                    string[] position = MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].SelectNodes("Position")[0].InnerXml.Split('/');

            //                    if (position.Length < 1)
            //                    {
            //                    }
            //                    else if (position.Length == 1)
            //                    {
            //                        if (MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].SelectNodes("Type")[0].InnerXml == "Element")
            //                        {
            //                            //dom.DocumentElement.InnerXml = this.rtbDataValue[temp].Text;
            //                            MetadataDOM.DocumentElement.InnerXml = this.DiExcel.GetCellValue(0, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1);
            //                            temp++;
            //                        }
            //                        else if (MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].SelectNodes("Type")[0].InnerXml == "Attribute")
            //                        {
            //                            //dom.DocumentElement.Attributes.GetNamedItem(nodes[nodes.Length - 1]).Value = this.rtbDataValue[temp].Text;
            //                            MetadataDOM.DocumentElement.InnerXml = this.DiExcel.GetCellValue(0, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1);
            //                            temp++;
            //                        }
            //                    }

            //                    else if (position.Length >= 2)
            //                    {
            //                        // Get the postion of n is postion array
            //                        int npos = position.Length;
            //                        //--check which position has the n
            //                        for (int l = 1; l < position.Length; l++)
            //                        {
            //                            if (position[l] == "n")
            //                            {
            //                                npos = l;
            //                                break;
            //                            }
            //                        }

            //                        // Select Root Node Like "Indicator_Info"
            //                        // Xnlist contain list of all node under rootNode like indicator_Info
            //                        xnList = MetadataDOM.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(nodes[1]);

            //                        xnList = MetadataDOM.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(nodes[1]);

            //                        // Handling for second Postion
            //                        // If n is not at second Postion then then  start from  node  first child under Indicator_Info(Document Element)
            //                        if (position[1] != "n")
            //                        {
            //                            xn = xnList[Convert.ToInt32(position[1]) - 1];
            //                        }
            //                        else
            //                        {
            //                            xn = MetadataDOM.DocumentElement;
            //                        }

            //                        // Iterate inside this node. till we reach at n postion
            //                        //--get the value of xn till the nth position
            //                        if (MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].SelectNodes("Type")[0].InnerXml == "Element")
            //                        {
            //                            for (int j = 2; j < npos; j++)
            //                            {
            //                                XmlNodeList xnTempList;
            //                                // Getting List of all child nodes .
            //                                // If our path nodes array contain Indicator_Info,Row1,FLD_VAL,ROWData,temp1
            //                                //In First Iteration we selcted all Fld_Val node under Row1
            //                                // In SEcond Iteration  we select AllRowDAta node under FLD_Val
            //                                // Continue until j=  postion of n .So we have all nodes inside nodelist for which n is applied
            //                                xnTempList = xn.SelectNodes(nodes[j]);
            //                                xn = xnTempList[Convert.ToInt32(position[j]) - 1];
            //                            }
            //                            // Insert  metadata value
            //                            if (npos == position.Length)
            //                            {
            //                                //xn.InnerXml = this.rtbDataValue[temp].Text;
            //                                xn.InnerXml = this.DiExcel.GetCellValue(0, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1);
            //                                temp++;
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        else if (MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].SelectNodes("Type")[0].InnerXml == "Attribute")
            //                        {
            //                            for (int j = 2; j < npos - 1; j++)
            //                            {
            //                                XmlNodeList xnTempList;
            //                                xnTempList = xn.SelectNodes(nodes[j]);
            //                                xn = xnTempList[Convert.ToInt32(position[j]) - 1];
            //                            }
            //                            if (npos == position.Length)
            //                            {
            //                                xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem(nodes[nodes.Length - 1]).Value = this.DiExcel.GetCellValue(0, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1);
            //                                temp++;
            //                            }
            //                        }

            //                        //--get the value of the nodes from the nth position
            //                        if (npos < position.Length)
            //                        {
            //                            // Get all row data for which we have n in  position
            //                            xnList = xn.SelectNodes(nodes[npos]);
            //                            //xnlist is value for total no of metadata paragraph required
            //                            for (int o = 0; o < xnList.Count; o++)
            //                            {
            //                                try
            //                                {
            //                                    xn = xnList[o];
            //                                    if (MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].SelectNodes("Type")[0].InnerXml == "Element")
            //                                    {
            //                                        // Handling for after n node
            //                                        for (int j = npos + 1; j < nodes.Length; j++)
            //                                        {
            //                                            XmlNodeList xnTempList;
            //                                            xnTempList = xn.SelectNodes(nodes[j]);
            //                                            xn = xnTempList[Convert.ToInt32(position[j]) - 1];
            //                                        }

            //                                        // Get Value of each metadata
            //                                        // xn.InnerXml = SetCharacterEntities(this.rtbDataValue[temp].Text);
            //                                        xn.InnerXml = SetCharacterEntities(this.DiExcel.GetCellValue(0, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1).ToString());

            //                                        temp++;
            //                                    }
            //                                    else if (MetadataMaskDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].SelectNodes("Type")[0].InnerXml == "Attribute")
            //                                    {
            //                                        for (int j = npos + 1; j < nodes.Length - 1; j++)
            //                                        {
            //                                            XmlNodeList xnTempList;
            //                                            xnTempList = xn.SelectNodes(nodes[j]);
            //                                            xn = xnTempList[Convert.ToInt32(position[j]) - 1];
            //                                        }

            //                                        //xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem(nodes[nodes.Length - 1]).Value = SetCharacterEntities(this.rtbDataValue[temp].Text);
            //                                        xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem(nodes[nodes.Length - 1]).Value = SetCharacterEntities(this.DiExcel.GetCellValue(0, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1, this._MetadataStartRowIndexInExl + temp, 1).ToString());
            //                                        temp++;
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                                catch (Exception ex)
            //                                {
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                catch (Exception ex)
            //                {
            //                }
            //            }
            //            // Get Metadata Text in RetVal
            //            RetVal = MetadataDOM.InnerXml; //MetadataDOM.Save(xmlFile);
            //            DiExcel.Close();

            //        }
            //        catch (Exception ex)
            //        {
            //            RetVal = String.Empty;
            //            DiExcel.Close();
            //        }
            //    }
 /// <summary>
 /// Import the Area Mapping data from Import Excel worksheet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
 /// <param name="paramString">Parameter string</param>
 private void ImportAreaData(DIExcel excel, StringBuilder paramString)
     this.ImportCodeListData(5, excel, paramString, "Area");
    private DIExcel GenerateCodelistWorksheets(DIExcel ReportExcel, int SheetIndex, SDMXApi_2_0.Message.StructureType CompleteStructure)
        int i, j;
        IWorksheet CodelistWorkSheet = null;
        SDMXApi_2_0.Structure.CodeListType Codelist;
        SDMXApi_2_0.Structure.CodeType Code;
        string CodelistName = string.Empty;
        string CodeValue = string.Empty;
        string CodeDescription = string.Empty;

        int rowindex = 0;
        string Language = string.Empty;

            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count > 0)
                Language = CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[0].Name[0].lang;
            else if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count > 0)
                Language = CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[0].Name[0].lang;

            for (i = 1; i <= CompleteStructure.CodeLists.Count; i++)

                Codelist = CompleteStructure.CodeLists[i - 1];
                CodelistName = GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(Codelist.Name, Language);
                CodelistWorkSheet = ReportExcel.GetWorksheet(i);
                rowindex = 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodelistName, rowindex, 1, 12, true, 30, 0, i);
                rowindex = rowindex + 2;

                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Code", rowindex, 1, 10, true, 60, 0, i);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Description", rowindex, 2, 10, true, 250, 0, i);

                rowindex = rowindex + 2;
                //Binding Codelist

                for (j = 0; j < Codelist.Code.Count; j++)
                    Code = new SDMXApi_2_0.Structure.CodeType();
                    Code = Codelist.Code[j];
                    CodeValue = Code.value;
                    CodeDescription = GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(Code.Description, Language);
                    if ((CodeValue.Length + 1) <= 30)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeValue, rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, i);
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeValue, rowindex, 1, 10, false, CodeValue.Length + 1, 0, i);

                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeDescription, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, i);
                    rowindex = rowindex + 1;


        catch (Exception ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            throw ex;

        return ReportExcel;
Exemple #8
        private void WriteQuestionIntoExcel(DIExcel excelFile, Question xmlQuestion, ref int RowIndex)
            int    DataValueRowIndex = RowIndex + 1;
            int    BoldStartIndex    = -1;
            int    BoldEndIndex      = -1;
            int    ItalicStartIndex  = -1;
            int    ItalicEndIndex    = -1;
            string BoldStartTag      = "<b>";
            string ItalicStartTag    = "<i>";
            string BoldEndTag        = "</b>";
            string ItalicEndTag      = "</i>";
            string QuestionText      = xmlQuestion.Text;

            //set question no and question text
            excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex, xmlQuestion.No);
            excelFile.SetColumnWidth(Constants.SheetIndex, 6, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex);
            //replace <br> with new line character and remove enter key

            QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(13), string.Empty);

            QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace("\n", string.Empty);
            QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars.CrLf, string.Empty);
            QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars.Lf.ToString(), string.Empty);
            QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace("<br>", Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars.NewLine);

            //apply bold tag
            BoldStartIndex = QuestionText.IndexOf(BoldStartTag);
            if (BoldStartIndex >= 0)
                QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(BoldStartTag, string.Empty);
                BoldEndIndex = QuestionText.IndexOf(BoldEndTag);
                QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(BoldEndTag, string.Empty);

            //apply italic tag
            ItalicStartIndex = QuestionText.IndexOf(ItalicStartTag);
            if (ItalicStartIndex >= 0)
                QuestionText   = QuestionText.Replace(ItalicStartTag, string.Empty);
                ItalicEndIndex = QuestionText.IndexOf(ItalicEndTag);
                QuestionText   = QuestionText.Replace(ItalicEndTag, string.Empty);

            //set question text
            QuestionText.Replace(ItalicStartTag, string.Empty);
            excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, QuestionText);

            //set bold
            if (BoldStartIndex >= 0 & BoldEndIndex >= 0)
                excelFile.GetCellCharacters(Constants.SheetIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, RowIndex, BoldStartIndex, BoldEndIndex - BoldStartIndex).Font.Bold = true;

            //set italic
            if (ItalicStartIndex >= 0 & ItalicEndIndex >= 0)
                excelFile.GetCellCharacters(Constants.SheetIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, RowIndex, ItalicStartIndex, ItalicEndIndex - ItalicStartIndex).Font.Italic = true;

            //set layout of question text cell and question no cell
            //excelFile.MergeCells(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex + 6);
            //excelFile.SetHorizontalAlignment(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, SpreadsheetGear.HAlign.Justify);
            //excelFile.SetVerticalAlignment(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, SpreadsheetGear.VAlign.Justify);
            //excelFile.GetCellFont(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex).Bold = true;

            excelFile.GetCellFont(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex).Bold = true;
            excelFile.AutoFitColumn(Constants.SheetIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex);

            this.WriteDataValue(excelFile, xmlQuestion, ref DataValueRowIndex);

            RowIndex = DataValueRowIndex + 2;
    private DIExcel GenerateCodelistsComparison(string hlngcodedb, CodelistType Codelist1, CodelistType Codelist2, DIExcel ReportExcel,int SheetIndex)
        List<CodeType> ListOfMatchedCodes;
        List<CodeType> ListOfMissingCodes;
        List<CodeType> ListOfAdditionalCodelist1Codes;
        List<String> ListOfDSD1Codes;
        List<String> ListOfDSD2Codes;
        string CodeName = string.Empty;
        int i, SNo, rowindex;

        ListOfDSD1Codes = new List<string>();
        ListOfDSD2Codes = new List<string>();

        ListOfMatchedCodes = new List<CodeType>();
        ListOfMissingCodes = new List<CodeType>();
        ListOfAdditionalCodelist1Codes = new List<CodeType>();

        i = 0;
        SNo = 0;
        rowindex = 0;

        CodeType Code = new CodeType();
        string CodeId = string.Empty;
        string UnmatchedCodeName = string.Empty;
        IWorksheet WorkbookSheet = null;

            for (i = 0; i < Codelist2.Items.Count; i++)
                Code = ((CodeType)(Codelist2.Items[i]));
                CodeId = Code.id;


            for (i = 0; i < Codelist1.Items.Count; i++)
                Code = ((CodeType)(Codelist1.Items[i]));
                CodeId = Code.id;
                if (!(ListOfDSD2Codes.Contains(CodeId)))


            for (i = 0; i < Codelist2.Items.Count; i++)
                Code = ((CodeType)(Codelist2.Items[i]));
                CodeId = Code.id;

                if (!(ListOfDSD1Codes.Contains(CodeId)))

            // Writing Matched Codes that exist in both Codelist1 and Codelist2

            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            WorkbookSheet = ReportExcel.GetWorksheet(SheetIndex);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Matched Codes", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, SheetIndex);

            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex,2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, SheetIndex);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, SheetIndex);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, SheetIndex);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            SNo = 0;
            foreach (CodeType MatchedCode in ListOfMatchedCodes)
                   SNo = SNo + 1;
                   this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, SheetIndex);
                   CodeName = string.Empty;
                   CodeName = GetLangSpecificValue(ListOfMatchedCodes[SNo - 1].Name, hlngcodedb);
                   this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MatchedCode.id, rowindex, 2, 10, false,60, 0, SheetIndex);
                    if (CodeName != string.Empty)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, SheetIndex);
                    rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            // Writing Missing Codes that exist in Codelist2 but not in Codelist1

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Missing Codes", rowindex, 1, 14, true,10, 0, SheetIndex);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, SheetIndex);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, SheetIndex);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, SheetIndex);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            SNo = 0;
            foreach (CodeType MissingCode in ListOfMissingCodes)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, SheetIndex);
                CodeName = string.Empty;
                CodeName = GetLangSpecificValue(ListOfMissingCodes[SNo - 1].Name, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, MissingCode.id, rowindex, 2, 10, false,60, 0, SheetIndex);
                if (CodeName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, SheetIndex);
                rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            // Writing Additional Codes that exist in Codelist1 but not in Codelist2

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Additional Codes", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 10, 0, SheetIndex);
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowindex, 1, rowindex, 2].Merge();
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "S.No.", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 10, 0, SheetIndex);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "ID", rowindex, 2, 12, true, 60, 0, SheetIndex);
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Name", rowindex, 3, 12, true, 70, 0, SheetIndex);
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            SNo = 0;
            foreach (CodeType AdditionalCode in ListOfAdditionalCodelist1Codes)
                SNo = SNo + 1;
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, SNo.ToString(), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 10, 0, SheetIndex);
                CodeName = string.Empty;
                CodeName = GetLangSpecificValue(ListOfAdditionalCodelist1Codes[SNo - 1].Name, hlngcodedb);
                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AdditionalCode.id, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 60, 0, SheetIndex);
                if (CodeName != string.Empty)
                    this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, CodeName, rowindex, 3, 10, false, 70, 0, SheetIndex);
                rowindex = rowindex + 1;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            throw ex;



        return ReportExcel;
    private bool ImportMetadataMappingData(DIExcel excel, string paramValue)
        bool RetVal = false;
        StringBuilder ParamString = new StringBuilder();
        string ResultString = string.Empty;

            this.objCallBack = new Callback();
            int StartRowIndex = 4;
            int RowCount = excel.GetUsedRange(0).RowCount;
            string SourceGID = string.Empty;
            string TargetGId = string.Empty;
            Dictionary<string, string> DictSource = null;
            Dictionary<string, string> DictTarget = null;
            if (RowCount > StartRowIndex)
                DictSource = GenerateDict_Source_Target("Metadata", true);
                DictTarget = GenerateDict_Source_Target("Metadata", false);
                for (int RowIndex = StartRowIndex; RowIndex <= RowCount; RowIndex++)
                    //Get the Source and Target GIDs
                    SourceGID = excel.GetCellValue(0, RowIndex, 1, RowIndex, 1);
                    TargetGId = excel.GetCellValue(0, RowIndex, 3, RowIndex, 3);
                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceGID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetGId)))
                        //Check if the mapped GID of Excelsheet lies in the Source Files
                        if (this.IsValidGID(DictSource, DictTarget, SourceGID, TargetGId))
                            //Make the parameter string
                            ParamString.Append(SourceGID + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + TargetGId + Constants.Delimiters.RowDelimiter);

            //Make the XML Files
            ResultString = ParamString.ToString();
            if (ResultString.Contains(Constants.Delimiters.RowDelimiter))
                ResultString = ResultString.Substring(0, ResultString.Length - 9);
                RetVal = true;
        catch (Exception Ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(Ex, null);
            RetVal = false;
        return RetVal;
 /// <summary>
 /// Import the Location Mapping data from Import Excel worksheet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
 /// <param name="paramString">Parameter string</param>
 private void ImportLocationData(DIExcel excel, StringBuilder paramString)
     this.ImportCodeListData(4, excel, paramString, "Location");
    /// <summary>
    /// Import the IUS mapping data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
    /// <param name="paramValue">Parameter value</param>
    private string ImportIUSMappingData(DIExcel excel, string paramValue)
        string RetVal = "false";
        //Read the IndicatorSheet
        StringBuilder ParamString = new StringBuilder();
        string ResultString = string.Empty;
        string OutResult = string.Empty;
        bool Mapped = false;
        bool IsRowMapped = false;

            this.objCallBack = new Callback();

            int StartRowIndex = 4;
            int StartColIndex = 0;
            int SheetIndex = 0;
            int RowCount = excel.GetUsedRange(0).RowCount;
            if (RowCount > StartRowIndex)
                //Loop through each row and import the records
                for (int RowIndex = StartRowIndex; RowIndex <= RowCount; RowIndex++)
                    //Import only those records whose mapping has been done.
                    if (excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 3, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 3) == "YES")
                        //Make sure that all the values of dropdown are selected
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 17, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 17)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 18, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 18)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 19, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 19)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 20, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 20)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 21, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 21)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 22, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 22)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 23, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 23)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 24, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 24)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 25, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 25)))
                            //Make the parameter string
                            ParamString.Append(excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 13, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 13) + Constants.Delimiters.IndGUIDSeoarator + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 14, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 14) + Constants.Delimiters.IndGUIDSeoarator + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 15, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 15) + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 17, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 17) + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 18, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 18) + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 19, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 19) + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 20, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 20) + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 21, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 21) + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 22, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 22) + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 23, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 23) + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 24, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 24) +
        Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + excel.GetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 25, RowIndex, StartColIndex + 25) +
                            Mapped = true;
                        IsRowMapped = true;

                //Make the XML Files
                ResultString = ParamString.ToString();
                if (ResultString.Contains(Constants.Delimiters.RowDelimiter))
                    ResultString = ResultString.Substring(0, ResultString.Length - 9);
                OutResult = objCallBack.GenerateIUSMappingXml(ResultString);
                string[] OutResultArray = OutResult.Split(new string[] { Constants.Delimiters.ParamDelimiter }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (OutResultArray[0].ToString() == "true")
                    RetVal = "true";
                    RetVal = "false";
                    if (IsRowMapped == false)
                        RetVal += "false[**]No row mapped. Please map at least one row.";
                    else if (Mapped == false)
                        RetVal += "false[**]Invalid Mapping";
        catch (Exception Ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(Ex, null);
            RetVal = "false";
        return RetVal;
 /// <summary>
 /// Import the Indicator Mapping data from Import Excel worksheet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
 /// <param name="paramString">Parameter string</param>
 private void ImportIndicatorData(DIExcel excel, StringBuilder paramString)
     this.ImportCodeListData(0, excel, paramString, "Indicator");
    /// <summary>
    /// Import CodeList Mapping Data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
    /// <param name="paramValue">Parameter value</param>
    private bool ImportCodeListMappingData(DIExcel excel, string paramValue)
        bool RetVal = false;
        //Read the IndicatorSheet
        StringBuilder ParamString = new StringBuilder();
        string ResultString = string.Empty;
        string[] paramValueArray = paramValue.Split(new string[] { "[****]" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
        if (paramValueArray[3].ToString().Trim() == string.Empty)
            if (excel.GetCellValue(0, 0, 50, 0, 50).Trim() != string.Empty)
                paramValueArray[3] = excel.GetCellValue(0, 0, 50, 0, 50).Trim();
        if (paramValueArray[4].ToString().Trim() == string.Empty)
            if (excel.GetCellValue(0, 1, 50, 1, 50).Trim() != string.Empty)
                paramValueArray[4] = excel.GetCellValue(0, 1, 50, 1, 50).Trim();
        if (paramValueArray[5].ToString().Trim() == string.Empty)
            if (excel.GetCellValue(0, 0, 50, 1, 50).Trim() != string.Empty)
                paramValueArray[5] = excel.GetCellValue(0, 2, 50, 2, 50).Trim();
        paramValue = string.Empty;
        for (int i = 0; i < paramValueArray.Length; i++)
            if (paramValue == string.Empty)
                paramValue = paramValueArray[i].ToString();
                paramValue = paramValue + "[****]" + paramValueArray[i].ToString();

            this.objCallBack = new Callback();
            this.ImportIndicatorData(excel, ParamString);
            this.ImportUnitData(excel, ParamString);
            if (paramValueArray[3].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
                this.SelectedAgeCodeList = paramValueArray[3].ToString();
                this.ImportAgeData(excel, ParamString);
            if (paramValueArray[4].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
                this.SelectedSexCodeList = paramValueArray[4].ToString();
                this.ImportSexData(excel, ParamString);

            if (paramValueArray[5].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
                this.SelectedLocationCodeList = paramValueArray[5].ToString();
                this.ImportLocationData(excel, ParamString);
            this.ImportAreaData(excel, ParamString);

            //Make the XML Files
            ResultString = ParamString.ToString();
            if (ResultString.Contains(Constants.Delimiters.RowDelimiter))
                ResultString = ResultString.Substring(0, ResultString.Length - 9);
            RetVal = true;
        catch (Exception Ex)
            RetVal = false;
            Global.CreateExceptionString(Ex, null);
        return RetVal;
    /// <summary>
    /// Import the Data and Make XML mapping files
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sheetIndex">Sheet Index</param>
    /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
    /// <param name="paramString">Param string</param>
    /// <param name="importCode">Import Code</param>
    private void ImportCodeListData(int sheetIndex, DIExcel excel, StringBuilder paramString, string importCode)
        int StartRowIndex = 4;
        string SourceGID = string.Empty;
        string TargetGId = string.Empty;
        Dictionary<string, string> DictSource = null;
        Dictionary<string, string> DictTarget = null;
        int SheetCount = excel.GetWorksheetCount();
        int RowCount = excel.GetUsedRange(sheetIndex).RowCount;

        if (RowCount > StartRowIndex)
            DictSource = GenerateDict_Source_Target(importCode, true);
            DictTarget = GenerateDict_Source_Target(importCode, false);
            for (int RowIndex = StartRowIndex; RowIndex <= RowCount; RowIndex++)
                //Get the Source and Target GIDs
                SourceGID = excel.GetCellValue(sheetIndex, RowIndex, 1, RowIndex, 1);
                TargetGId = excel.GetCellValue(sheetIndex, RowIndex, 3, RowIndex, 3);
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceGID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetGId)))
                    //Check if the mapped GID of Excelsheet lies in the Source Files
                    if (this.IsValidGID(DictSource, DictTarget, SourceGID, TargetGId))
                        //Make the parameter string
                        paramString.Append(importCode + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + SourceGID + Constants.Delimiters.ColumnDelimiter + TargetGId +
    private string SaveComparisonReport(string dsd1FileNameWPath, string dsd2FileNameWPath, string hlngcodedb, Dictionary<string, string> dictMappedIndicators, Dictionary<string, string> dictMappedAttributes)
        string RetVal;
        XmlDocument DSD1Xml;
        XmlDocument DSD2Xml;

        List<String> ListOfMissingDimensions;
        List<String> ListOfMissingAttributes;
        List<String> DSD2DimensionList;
        List<String> DSD2AttributeList;
        List<String> DSD1DimensionList;
        List<String> DSD1AttributeList;
        List<String> AdditionalDSD1DimensionList;
        List<String> AdditionalDSD1AttributeList;
        List<CodelistType> DSD1Codelists;
        List<CodelistType> DSD2Codelists;
        RepresentationType LocalRepresentation;

        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType Dimension;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType TimeDimension;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.AttributeType Attribute;
        SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptReferenceType ConceptIdentity;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.StructuresType ConceptsObjDSD1;
        SDMXObjectModel.Structure.StructuresType ConceptsObjDSD2;

        int i,j,SheetIndex;
        RetVal = string.Empty;
        DSD1Xml = new XmlDocument();
        DSD2Xml = new XmlDocument();

        DSD2DimensionList = new List<string>();
        DSD2AttributeList = new List<string>();
        DSD1DimensionList = new List<string>();
        DSD1AttributeList = new List<string>();

        ListOfMissingDimensions = new List<string>();
        ListOfMissingAttributes = new List<string>();
        AdditionalDSD1DimensionList = new List<string>();
        AdditionalDSD1AttributeList = new List<string>();

        string DSD1Dimension = string.Empty;
        string DSD2Dimension = string.Empty;
        string DSD1Attribute = string.Empty;
        string DSD2Attribute = string.Empty;
        string UnmatchedDimensionName = string.Empty;
        string UnmatchedAttributeName = string.Empty;

        string DSD1CodelistId = string.Empty;
        string DSD2CodelistId = string.Empty;

        DIExcel ReportExcel = new DIExcel();
        string tempPath = string.Empty;
        string FileName = string.Empty;
        string FilePath = string.Empty;


            SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType DSD1 = new SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType();
            SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType DSD2 = new SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType();
            SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType DSD1DSComponents = new DataStructureComponentsType();
            SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType DSD2DSComponents = new DataStructureComponentsType();

            CodelistType DSD1Codelist = new CodelistType();
            CodelistType DSD2Codelist = new CodelistType();

            DSD1 = (SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType)Deserializer.LoadFromXmlDocument(typeof(SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType), DSD1Xml);
            DSD2 = (SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType)Deserializer.LoadFromXmlDocument(typeof(SDMXObjectModel.Message.StructureType), DSD2Xml);

            DSD1DSComponents = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType)(DSD1.Structures.DataStructures[0].Item);
            DSD2DSComponents = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DataStructureComponentsType)(DSD2.Structures.DataStructures[0].Item);

            ConceptsObjDSD1 = DSD1.Structures;
            ConceptsObjDSD2 = DSD2.Structures;

            DSD1Codelists = DSD1.Structures.Codelists;
            DSD2Codelists = DSD2.Structures.Codelists;

            // Binding DSD2 Dimension in a list - DSD2DimensionList

            for (i = 0; i < DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items.Count; i++)

                if (DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i] is SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType)
                    TimeDimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType)(DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                    ConceptIdentity = TimeDimension.ConceptIdentity;

                    Dimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)(DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                    ConceptIdentity = Dimension.ConceptIdentity;



            // Binding DSD2 Attributes in a list - DSD2AttributeList
            for (i = 0; i < DSD2DSComponents.Items[1].Items.Count; i++)
                Attribute = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.AttributeType)(DSD2DSComponents.Items[1].Items[i]);
                ConceptIdentity = Attribute.ConceptIdentity;


            // Binding Matched Dimensions in a dictionary- dictMappedIndicators that exist in DSD1 as well as in DSD2
            // and unmatched Dimensions in a list-AdditionalDSD1DimensionList that exist in DSD1 but not in DSD2

            for (i = 0; i < DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items.Count; i++)

                if (DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i] is SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType)
                    TimeDimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.TimeDimensionType)(DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                    ConceptIdentity = TimeDimension.ConceptIdentity;

                    Dimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)(DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                    ConceptIdentity = Dimension.ConceptIdentity;

                DSD1Dimension = ((SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptRefType)(ConceptIdentity.Items[0])).id.ToString();
                if ((DSD2DimensionList.Contains(DSD1Dimension)))
                    dictMappedIndicators.Add(DSD1Dimension, DSD1Dimension);


            // Binding Matched Attributes in a dictionary- dictMappedAttributes that exist in DSD1 as well as in DSD2
            // and unmatched Attributes in a list-AdditionalDSD1AttributeList that exist in DSD1 but not in DSD2

            for (i = 0; i < DSD1DSComponents.Items[1].Items.Count; i++)
                Attribute = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.AttributeType)(DSD1DSComponents.Items[1].Items[i]);
                ConceptIdentity = Attribute.ConceptIdentity;

                DSD1Attribute = ((SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptRefType)(ConceptIdentity.Items[0])).id.ToString();
                if ((DSD2AttributeList.Contains(DSD1Attribute)))
                    dictMappedAttributes.Add(DSD1Attribute, DSD1Attribute);


            //Binding Missing Dimensions in a list-ListOfMissingDimensions that exist in DSD2 but not in DSD1

            for (i = 0; i < DSD2DimensionList.Count; i++)
                if (!(DSD1DimensionList.Contains(DSD2DimensionList[i])))

            //Binding Missing Attributes in a list-ListOfMissingAttributes that exist in DSD2 but not in DSD1

            for (i = 0; i < DSD2AttributeList.Count; i++)
                if (!(DSD1AttributeList.Contains(DSD2AttributeList[i])))

            //Binding Comparison of the two DSDs - DSD1 and DSD2

            tempPath= Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath,"stock\\tempSDMXFiles");
            FileName = "ComparisonReport_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xls";
            FilePath = tempPath + "\\" + FileName;
            ReportExcel = this.GenerateDimensionAndAttributesComparison(hlngcodedb,DSD1, DSD2, ReportExcel, dictMappedIndicators, ListOfMissingDimensions, AdditionalDSD1DimensionList, dictMappedAttributes, ListOfMissingAttributes, AdditionalDSD1AttributeList);
            SheetIndex = 2;
            foreach (string Indicator in dictMappedIndicators.Keys)
                DSD1CodelistId = string.Empty;
                for (i = 0; i < DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items.Count; i++)

                    if (DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i] is SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)
                        Dimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)(DSD1DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                        ConceptIdentity = Dimension.ConceptIdentity;
                        LocalRepresentation = Dimension.LocalRepresentation;
                        DSD1Dimension = ((SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptRefType)(ConceptIdentity.Items[0])).id.ToString();
                        if (DSD1Dimension == Indicator)
                            DSD1CodelistId = ((CodelistRefType)((((CodelistReferenceType)(LocalRepresentation.Items[0])).Items[0]))).id;



                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DSD1CodelistId) == false)
                    for (j = 0; j < DSD1Codelists.Count; j++)
                        if (DSD1CodelistId == DSD1Codelists[j].id)
                            DSD1Codelist = DSD1Codelists[j];

                for (i = 0; i < DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items.Count; i++)
                    DSD2CodelistId = string.Empty;
                    if (DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i] is SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)
                        Dimension = (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.DimensionType)(DSD2DSComponents.Items[0].Items[i]);
                        ConceptIdentity = Dimension.ConceptIdentity;
                        LocalRepresentation = Dimension.LocalRepresentation;
                        DSD2Dimension = ((SDMXObjectModel.Common.ConceptRefType)(ConceptIdentity.Items[0])).id.ToString();
                        if (DSD2Dimension == dictMappedIndicators[Indicator])
                            DSD2CodelistId = ((CodelistRefType)((((CodelistReferenceType)(LocalRepresentation.Items[0])).Items[0]))).id;


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DSD2CodelistId) == false)
                    for (j = 0; j < DSD2Codelists.Count; j++)
                        if (DSD2CodelistId == DSD2Codelists[j].id)
                            DSD2Codelist = DSD2Codelists[j];
                if ((DSD1CodelistId != string.Empty) && (DSD2CodelistId != string.Empty))

                    if( (DSD1Codelist.Items.Count > 0) && (DSD2Codelist.Items.Count > 0) )
                        ReportExcel.InsertWorkSheet(DSD1Codelist.id + " Vs " + DSD2Codelist.id);
                        ReportExcel = this.GenerateCodelistsComparison(hlngcodedb, DSD1Codelist, DSD2Codelist, ReportExcel, SheetIndex);
                        SheetIndex = SheetIndex + 1;


            ReportExcel.ActiveSheetIndex = 0;
            if (ReportExcel.AvailableWorksheetsCount > 1)

                RetVal = FileName;


        catch (Exception ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            throw ex;



        return RetVal;
    private void WriteValueInCell(DIExcel Workbook, string value, int rowNum, int colNum, int fontSize, bool boldFlag, double columnWidth, double rowHeight, int Sheetindex)
        IFont WorkbookFont = null;
        IWorksheet WorkbookSheet = null;

        WorkbookFont = Workbook.GetCellFont(Sheetindex, rowNum, colNum);
        WorkbookSheet = Workbook.GetWorksheet(Sheetindex);

        WorkbookFont.Size = fontSize;
        WorkbookFont.Bold = boldFlag;

        WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowNum, colNum].Value = value;
        WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowNum, colNum].WrapText = true;
        WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowNum, colNum].ColumnWidth = columnWidth;

        if (rowHeight != 0)
            WorkbookSheet.Cells[rowNum, colNum].RowHeight = rowHeight;
 /// <summary>
 /// Import the Sex Mapping data from Import Excel worksheet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
 /// <param name="paramString">Parameter string</param>
 private void ImportSexData(DIExcel excel, StringBuilder paramString)
     this.ImportCodeListData(3, excel, paramString, "Sex");
Exemple #19
        private void WriteDataValue(DIExcel excelFile, Question xmlQuestion, ref int dataValueRowIndex)
            string[] SelectedValues = null;
            int      Index          = 0;

            switch (xmlQuestion.AnswerType)
            case AnswerType.TB:
            case AnswerType.TBN:
            case AnswerType.RB:
            case AnswerType.CB:
            case AnswerType.DateType:
                excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, dataValueRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, xmlQuestion.DataValue);

            case AnswerType.SCB:
            case AnswerType.SRB:

            case AnswerType.CH:
                SelectedValues = DICommon.SplitStringNIncludeEmpyValue(xmlQuestion.DataValue, ",");
                foreach (AnswerTypeOption Option in xmlQuestion.Options)
                    excelFile.GetCellFont(Constants.SheetIndex, dataValueRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex).Name = "Wingdings";

                    if (SelectedValues[Index] == "1")
                        excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, dataValueRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, Char.ConvertFromUtf32(252));
                        excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, dataValueRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, Char.ConvertFromUtf32(251));

                    excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, dataValueRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex + 1, Option.Text);
                    dataValueRowIndex += 1;
                    Index             += 1;

            case AnswerType.GridType:
                int StartRowIndex = dataValueRowIndex;
                int EndRowIndex;
                int EndColIndex;
                excelFile.LoadDataTableIntoSheet(dataValueRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, xmlQuestion.GridTable, Constants.SheetIndex, true);
                dataValueRowIndex += xmlQuestion.GridTable.Rows.Count;
                EndRowIndex        = dataValueRowIndex - 1;
                EndColIndex        = Constants.DataValueColumnIndex + xmlQuestion.GridTable.Columns.Count - 1;
                excelFile.SetRangeBorder(Constants.SheetIndex, StartRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, EndRowIndex, EndColIndex,
                                         SpreadsheetGear.LineStyle.Continous, SpreadsheetGear.BorderWeight.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.Black, SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.InsideHorizontal);
                excelFile.SetRangeBorder(Constants.SheetIndex, StartRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, EndRowIndex, EndColIndex,
                                         SpreadsheetGear.LineStyle.Continous, SpreadsheetGear.BorderWeight.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.Black, SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.InsideVertical);
                excelFile.SetRangeBorder(Constants.SheetIndex, StartRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, EndRowIndex, EndColIndex,
                                         SpreadsheetGear.LineStyle.Continous, SpreadsheetGear.BorderWeight.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.Black, SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.EdgeBottom);
                excelFile.SetRangeBorder(Constants.SheetIndex, StartRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, EndRowIndex, EndColIndex,
                                         SpreadsheetGear.LineStyle.Continous, SpreadsheetGear.BorderWeight.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.Black, SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.EdgeTop);
                excelFile.SetRangeBorder(Constants.SheetIndex, StartRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, EndRowIndex, EndColIndex,
                                         SpreadsheetGear.LineStyle.Continous, SpreadsheetGear.BorderWeight.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.Black, SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.EdgeLeft);
                excelFile.SetRangeBorder(Constants.SheetIndex, StartRowIndex, Constants.DataValueColumnIndex, EndRowIndex, EndColIndex,
                                         SpreadsheetGear.LineStyle.Continous, SpreadsheetGear.BorderWeight.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.Black, SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.EdgeRight);


            case AnswerType.Calculate:

            case AnswerType.Aggregate:

 /// <summary>
 /// Import the Unit Mapping data from Import Excel worksheet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
 /// <param name="paramString">Parameter string</param>
 private void ImportUnitData(DIExcel excel, StringBuilder paramString)
     this.ImportCodeListData(1, excel, paramString, "Unit");
Exemple #21
 private void WriteHeader(DIExcel excelFile, int rowIndex, string headerText)
     excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, rowIndex, Constants.HeaderTextColumnIndex, headerText);
     excelFile.GetCellFont(Constants.SheetIndex, rowIndex, Constants.HeaderTextColumnIndex).Bold = true;
     excelFile.GetCellFont(Constants.SheetIndex, rowIndex, Constants.HeaderTextColumnIndex).Size = 12;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create DBVersion Sheet of Summary Report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="excelFile">Excel File</param>
        internal override void GenerateSheet(ref DIExcel excelFile)
            // -- Create DBVersion Sheet
            int sheetNo = this.CreateSheet(ref excelFile, this.ColumnHeader[DSRColumnsHeader.DATABASE] + " " + this.ColumnHeader[DSRColumnsHeader.VERSION]);

            DataTable Table = null;

            // -- sheet content
            excelFile.SetCellValue(sheetNo, Constants.HeaderRowIndex, Constants.HeaderColIndex, this.ColumnHeader[DSRColumnsHeader.DATABASE] + " " + this.ColumnHeader[DSRColumnsHeader.VERSION]);
            excelFile.GetCellFont(sheetNo, Constants.HeaderRowIndex, Constants.HeaderColIndex).Size = Constants.SheetsLayout.HeaderFontSize;

            Table = this.GetDBVersionTable();
            excelFile.LoadDataTableIntoSheet(Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.DetailsRowIndex, Constants.HeaderColIndex, Table, sheetNo, false);

            int LastRow = Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.DetailsRowIndex + Table.Rows.Count;

            // -- Apply Font Settings
            this.ApplyFontSettings(ref excelFile, sheetNo, Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.DetailsRowIndex, Constants.HeaderColIndex, LastRow, Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.LastColIndex, true);

            // -- Set Column Width
            excelFile.SetColumnWidth(sheetNo, Constants.SheetsLayout.TimePeriodColWidth , Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.DetailsRowIndex, Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.ColValueIndex, LastRow, Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.ColValueIndex);

            excelFile.SetHorizontalAlignment(sheetNo, Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.DetailsRowIndex, Constants.HeaderColIndex, LastRow, Constants.Sheet.DBVersion.ColValueIndex, SpreadsheetGear.HAlign.Left);
    private bool CreateReportForUploadedDSD(SDMXApi_2_0.Message.StructureType UploadedDSDStructure, string sdmxFolderPath, int DbNId, string UserNId)
        bool RetVal;
        RetVal = true;
        string AgencyId;
        AgencyId = string.Empty;

            AgencyId = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.MaintenanceAgencyScheme.Prefix + UserNId;
            DIExcel ReportExcel = new DIExcel();
            ReportExcel = this.GenerateDSDWorksheet(ReportExcel, 0, UploadedDSDStructure);
            ReportExcel = this.GenerateCodelistWorksheets(ReportExcel, 0, UploadedDSDStructure);

            ReportExcel.ActiveSheetIndex = 0;
            ReportExcel.SaveAs(sdmxFolderPath + "\\" + DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Report.FileName);
            this.Save_Artefacts_Details_For_Uploaded_DSD_In_Database(DbNId, DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Report.Id, AgencyId, DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Report.Version, string.Empty, ArtefactTypes.Report, sdmxFolderPath + "\\" + DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Report.FileName, DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Report.FileName);

        catch (Exception ex)
            RetVal = false;
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            //Global.WriteErrorsInLog("Creating Report For Uploaded DSD From Admin");



        return RetVal;
        public bool ImportMetataFromExcel(MetadataElementType categoryType, MetaDataType metadataType, int elementNId, string xlsFileNameWPath, string xsltFldrPath)
            bool      RetVal            = true;
            string    MetadataText      = string.Empty;
            string    FirstColumnValue  = string.Empty;
            string    SecondColumnValue = string.Empty;
            string    ThirdColumnValue  = string.Empty;
            string    ElementName       = string.Empty;
            string    ElementGID        = string.Empty;
            DataTable ExcelDataTable    = null;
            DataRow   Row;

            DI7MetaDataBuilder         MDBuilder;
            DI7MetadataCategoryBuilder MDCategoryBuilder;
            DI7MetadataCategoryInfo    MetadataCategory;

            DIExcel ExcelFile = null;

                // -- Get data table from excel file
                ExcelFile      = new DIExcel(xlsFileNameWPath);
                ExcelDataTable = ExcelFile.GetDataTableFromSheet(ExcelFile.GetSheetName(0));

                // -- create database builder objects
                MDCategoryBuilder = new DI7MetadataCategoryBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries);
                MDBuilder         = new DI7MetaDataBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries);

                // -- import metadata reports with category
                for (int RowIndex = 1; RowIndex < ExcelDataTable.Rows.Count; RowIndex++)
                    Row = ExcelDataTable.Rows[RowIndex];
                    FirstColumnValue  = Convert.ToString(Row[0]);
                    SecondColumnValue = Convert.ToString(Row[1]);
                    ThirdColumnValue  = Convert.ToString(Row[2]);

                    // get element name
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ElementName))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstColumnValue))
                            ElementName = FirstColumnValue;

                    // get element gid/id
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ElementGID))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstColumnValue))
                            ElementGID = FirstColumnValue;

                            // get element nid by element gid
                            if (metadataType == MetaDataType.Source)
                                elementNId = this.GetElementNidByGID(ElementName, metadataType);
                                elementNId = this.GetElementNidByGID(ElementGID, metadataType);

                            // Skip title row by incrementing  row index


                    // continue if row is blank
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstColumnValue) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecondColumnValue) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ThirdColumnValue))
                        // reset element  value
                        elementNId  = 0;
                        ElementName = string.Empty;
                        ElementGID  = string.Empty;
                    else if (elementNId > 0)
                        // import metadata report with metadata category

                        // get metadata category and metedata report
                        MetadataCategory = new DI7MetadataCategoryInfo();
                        MetadataCategory.CategoryName = SecondColumnValue;
                        MetadataCategory.CategoryGID  = FirstColumnValue;
                        MetadataCategory.CategoryType = DIQueries.MetadataElementTypeText[categoryType];

                        // import metadata category
                        MetadataCategory.CategoryNId = MDCategoryBuilder.CheckNInsertCategory(MetadataCategory);

                        // import metadata report
                        if (MetadataCategory.CategoryNId > 0)
                            MDBuilder.InsertORUpdateMetadataInfo(metadataType, MetadataCategory.CategoryNId.ToString(), elementNId, this.ReplaceNewLineInMetadataReport(ThirdColumnValue));
            catch (Exception)
                RetVal = false;
                if (ExcelFile != null)

    private DIExcel GenerateDSDWorksheet(DIExcel ReportExcel, int SheetIndex, SDMXApi_2_0.Message.StructureType CompleteStructure)
        int i, j;
        IWorksheet DSDWorkSheet = null;
        int rowindex = 0;
        string Language, AttributeImportance;
        Language = string.Empty;
        AttributeImportance = string.Empty;

            // Language = CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[0].Name[0].lang;
            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count > 0)
                Language = CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[0].Name[0].lang;
            else if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count > 0)
                Language = CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[0].Name[0].lang;

            DSDWorkSheet = ReportExcel.GetWorksheet(0);
            ReportExcel.RenameWorkSheet(0, "DSD");
            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Data Structure Definition", rowindex, 1, 14, true, 30, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;

            //Binding Dimensions
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Dimensions", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 30, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;
            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count > 0)
                for (i = 0; i < CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Dimension.Count; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count; j++)
                        if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Dimension[i].conceptRef)
                            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].Name, Language), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].Description, Language), rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, 0);
                            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            else if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count > 0)
                for (i = 0; i < CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Dimension.Count; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept.Count; k++)
                            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Dimension[i].conceptRef)
                                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].Name, Language), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].Description, Language), rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, 0);
                                rowindex = rowindex + 1;



            //Binding Time Dimension

            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count > 0)
                for (j = 0; j < CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count; j++)
                    if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.TimeDimension.conceptRef)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].Name, Language), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].Description, Language), rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, 0);
                        rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            else if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count > 0)
                for (j = 0; j < CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept.Count; k++)
                        if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.TimeDimension.conceptRef)
                            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].Name, Language), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].Description, Language), rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, 0);
                            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            rowindex = rowindex + 2;

            //Binding Attributes

            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Attributes", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 30, 0, 0);
            rowindex = rowindex + 2;

            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count > 0)
                for (i = 0; i < CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Attribute.Count; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count; j++)
                        if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Attribute[i].conceptRef)
                            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].Name, Language), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].Description, Language), rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, 0);
                            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
                            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Attachment Level : " + CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Attribute[i].attachmentLevel, rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);

                            if (CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Attribute[i].assignmentStatus == SDMXApi_2_0.Structure.AssignmentStatusType.Mandatory)
                                AttributeImportance = "Mandatory : " + "Yes";
                                AttributeImportance = "Mandatory : " + "No";
                            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AttributeImportance, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                            rowindex = rowindex + 2;


            else if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count > 0)
                for (i = 0; i < CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Attribute.Count; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept.Count; k++)
                            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Attribute[i].conceptRef)
                                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].Name, Language), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].Description, Language), rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, 0);
                                rowindex = rowindex + 1;
                                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Attachment Level : " + CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Attribute[i].attachmentLevel, rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);

                                if (CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.Attribute[i].assignmentStatus == SDMXApi_2_0.Structure.AssignmentStatusType.Mandatory)
                                    AttributeImportance = "Mandatory : " + "Yes";
                                    AttributeImportance = "Mandatory : " + "No";
                                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, AttributeImportance, rowindex, 2, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                                rowindex = rowindex + 2;




            rowindex = rowindex + 1;

            //Binding Measure
            this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, "Measure", rowindex, 1, 12, true, 30, 0, 0);

            rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count > 0)
                for (j = 0; j < CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept.Count; j++)
                    if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.PrimaryMeasure.conceptRef)
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].Name, Language), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                        this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.Concept[j].Description, Language), rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, 0);
                        rowindex = rowindex + 1;
            else if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count > 0)
                for (j = 0; j < CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme.Count; j++)
                    if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.PrimaryMeasure.conceptSchemeRef)
                        for (int k = 0; k < CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept.Count; k++)
                            if (CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].id == CompleteStructure.KeyFamilies[0].Components.PrimaryMeasure.conceptRef)
                                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].Name, Language), rowindex, 1, 10, false, 30, 0, 0);
                                this.WriteValueInCell(ReportExcel, GetLangSpecificValueFor_Version_2_0(CompleteStructure.Concepts.ConceptScheme[j].Concept[k].Description, Language), rowindex, 2, 10, false, 250, 0, 0);
                                rowindex = rowindex + 1;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Global.CreateExceptionString(ex, null);
            throw ex;

        return ReportExcel;
 /// <summary>
 /// Import the Age Mapping data from Import Excel worksheet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="excel">Excel Object</param>
 /// <param name="paramString">Parameter string</param>
 private void ImportAgeData(DIExcel excel, StringBuilder paramString)
     this.ImportCodeListData(2, excel, paramString, "Age");