//@@ Close External Calibrated leak @@// public static void Close_Extleak(int slotNum) { try { DAS.WriteLine("ROUTE:OPEN (@11{0})", slotNum); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
//@@ Open the external calibrated leak @@// public static void Open_Extleak(int slotNum) { try { DAS.WriteLine("ROUTE:CLOSE (@11{0})", slotNum); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
//@@ Power ON the UUT @@// public static void DAS_Power_ON(string slotNum) { try { // before power ON make sure that all 4 relays is open DAS_Power_OFF(slotNum); Thread.Sleep(2000); DAS.WriteLine("ROUTe:CLOSE " + Channel); slotNum = null; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
// @@ Measure the DC voltage drop between the black and red wire of the chasis fan connector. The acceptable range is 22.8V ~ 25.2V @@ // public static string Measure_DCV(string channel) { try { DAS.WriteLine("MEASure:VOLT:DC? (@ " + channel + ")"); Thread.Sleep(2000); string retval = DAS.Read(); return(retval); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
//@@ Measure Resistance between ground blade and test port metal @@// public static string Measure_Resistance(int switching, string res_range) { try { DAS.WriteLine("MEASure:RES? " + res_range + ", (@" + (Res_channel + switching) + ")"); Thread.Sleep(2000); string reading = DAS.Read(); return(reading); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
// Hairus added to get more accurate resistance measurement. /// <summary> /// To configure resistance measurement range and resolution for specific channel /// </summary> /// <param name="channel">Channel to be configured</param> /// <param name="range">Resistance range</param> /// <param name="resolution">Resolution</param> public static double Measure_Resistance(int channel, string range, string resolution) { try { int finalChannel = Res_channel + channel; //DAS.WriteLine("ROUTE:SCAN (@)"); DAS.WriteLine("CONF:RES {0},{1},(@{2})", range, resolution, finalChannel); //DAS.WriteLine("ROUT:SCAN (@{0})", channel); //Thread.Sleep(3000); DAS.WriteLine("ROUT:CHAN:DELAY 5"); DAS.WriteLine("INIT"); DAS.WriteLine("FETCH?"); var reading = DAS.ReadNumberAsDouble(); return(reading); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
//@@ Power OFF the UUT @@// public static void DAS_Power_OFF(string slotNum) { try { string channel = string.Empty; if (slotNum == "1") { channel = "(@101,102,103,104)"; DAS.WriteLine("ROUTe:OPEN " + channel); } else { channel = "(@105,106,107,108)"; DAS.WriteLine("ROUTe:OPEN " + channel); } //DAS.WriteLine("ROUTe:OPEN " + Channel); slotNum = null; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
//@@ Measure resistance between line blade and neutral blade. The acceptable range is based on model number of the UUT. @@// public static Boolean Measure_Res_LB_NB_ON(string modelnumber, string res_range) { Boolean status = false; DAS.Timeout = 10000; try { //115V, PR02 and PD03 if (modelnumber == "VSPR021" || modelnumber == "VSPD030") { DAS.WriteLine("MEASure:RES? " + res_range + ", (@" + (Res_channel + 4) + ")"); Thread.Sleep(2000); string reading = DAS.Read(); if (Convert.ToDouble(reading) >= 2.0 && Convert.ToDouble(reading) <= 15.0) { status = true; } else { throw new Exception("Measured value out of acceptable range."); } } //230V, PR02 and PD03 else if (modelnumber == "VSPR022" || modelnumber == "VSPD032") { DAS.WriteLine("MEASure:RES? " + res_range + ", (@" + (Res_channel + 4) + ")"); Thread.Sleep(2000); string reading = DAS.Read(); if (Convert.ToDouble(reading) >= 9.2 && Convert.ToDouble(reading) <= 60.0) { status = true; } else { throw new Exception("Measured value out of acceptable range."); } } //115V, MR15 and BR15 else if (modelnumber == "VSMR151" || modelnumber == "VSBR151") { DAS.WriteLine("MEASure:RES? " + res_range + ", (@" + (Res_channel + 4) + ")"); Thread.Sleep(2000); string reading = DAS.Read(); if (Convert.ToDouble(reading) >= 1.0 && Convert.ToDouble(reading) <= 5.0) { status = true; } else { throw new Exception("Measured value out of acceptable range."); } } //230V, MR15 and BR15 else if (modelnumber == "VSMR152" || modelnumber == "VSBR152") { DAS.WriteLine("MEASure:RES? " + res_range + ", (@" + (Res_channel + 4) + ")"); Thread.Sleep(2000); string reading = DAS.Read(); if (Convert.ToDouble(reading) >= 3.2 && Convert.ToDouble(reading) <= 15.0) { status = true; } else { throw new Exception("Measured value out of acceptable range."); } } //115V, MD15, MD30, BD15 and BD30 else if (modelnumber == "VSMD301" || modelnumber == "VSBD301" || modelnumber == "G8601-64004" || modelnumber == "G8602-64004") { DAS.WriteLine("MEASure:RES? " + res_range + ", (@" + (Res_channel + 4) + ")"); Thread.Sleep(2000); string reading = DAS.Read(); if (Convert.ToDouble(reading) >= 0.5 && Convert.ToDouble(reading) <= 1.2) { status = true; } else { throw new Exception("Measured value out of acceptable range."); } } //230V, MD15, MD30, BD15 and BD30 else if (modelnumber == "VSMD302" || modelnumber == "VSBD302" || modelnumber == "G8601-64005" || modelnumber == "G8602-64005") { DAS.WriteLine("MEASure:RES? " + res_range + ", (@" + (Res_channel + 4) + ")"); Thread.Sleep(2000); string reading = DAS.Read(); if (Convert.ToDouble(reading) >= 1.0 && Convert.ToDouble(reading) <= 10.0) { status = true; } else { throw new Exception("Measured value out of acceptable range."); } } else { throw new Exception("Unknown model number."); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(status); }