public void run(Image <Gray, byte> image)
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            _imageInput = image;
            if (null != _imageInput)
                if (0 != actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIWidth && 0 != actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIHeight)
                    _imageInput.ROI = new Rectangle(actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIX, actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIY, actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIWidth, actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIHeight);
            Image <Gray, double> integralOfInput = _imageInput.Integral();

            result1 = GetIntegralDiff(integralOfInput, 1, 1, dIntegralOfModel);

            result2 = GetIntegralDiff(integralOfInput, actionMultiSearchData.ModelAOIWidth / 4, actionMultiSearchData.ModelAOIHeight / 4, dIntegralOfModel2);
            Image <Gray, byte> _image = new Image <Gray, byte>(result1.Bitmap);


            // CvInvoke.Threshold(_image, result1,80,100, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
            //CvInvoke.Threshold(result2, result2, 80, 100, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
            result = new Image <Gray, double>(result1.Size);
            CvInvoke.Add(result1, result2, result);
            CvInvoke.Threshold(result, result, 100, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
        public override void ActionExcute()
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            _imageInput = VisionManage.listScene[VisionManage.iCurrSceneIndex].listAction[actionData.imageSrc - 1].imageResult.Clone();
            if (null != _imageInput)
                if (0 != actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIWidth && 0 != actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIHeight)
                    _imageInput.ROI = new Rectangle(actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIX, actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIY, actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIWidth, actionMultiSearchData.InputAOIHeight);
            Image <Gray, double> integralOfInput = _imageInput.Integral();

            result1 = GetIntegralDiff(integralOfInput, 1, 1, dIntegralOfModel);

            result2 = GetIntegralDiff(integralOfInput, actionMultiSearchData.ModelAOIWidth / 4, actionMultiSearchData.ModelAOIHeight / 4, dIntegralOfModel2);
            Image <Gray, byte> _image = new Image <Gray, byte>(result1.Bitmap);


            // CvInvoke.Threshold(_image, result1,80,100, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
            //CvInvoke.Threshold(result2, result2, 80, 100, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
            result = new Image <Gray, double>(result1.Size);
            CvInvoke.Add(result1, result2, result);
            CvInvoke.Threshold(result, result, 100, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
        private void buttonSharpContrast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double multiplier         = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxMultiplier.Text);
            int    threshold          = Convert.ToInt16(textBoxThreshold.Text);
            var    imageConvertedCopy = new Image <Gray, byte>(imageOriginal.Cols, imageOriginal.Rows);

            for (int row = 0; row < imageOriginal.Rows - 1; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < imageOriginal.Cols - 1; col++)
                    int pixel = imageConverted.Data[row, col, 0];

                    pixel  = (int)((pixel - threshold) * multiplier);
                    pixel += threshold;
                    if (pixel < 0)
                        pixel = 0;
                    else if (pixel > 255)
                        pixel = 255;

                    imageConvertedCopy.Data[row, col, 0] = (byte)pixel;
            imageBoxShapen.Image = imageConvertedCopy;

            var imageConverted2 = new Image <Gray, byte>(imageOriginal.Cols, imageOriginal.Rows);

            CvInvoke.Add(imageConvertedCopy, imageDifference, imageConverted2, null, DepthType.Default);
            imageBox2.Image = imageConverted2;
Exemple #4
        //Not sure why cv:AddS went away
        public static void AddS(Mat input, double amount, IOutputArray output)
            Mat scale = new Mat(input.Size, input.Depth, 1);

            scale.SetTo(new MCvScalar(amount));
            CvInvoke.Add(input, scale, output);
Exemple #5
        private void ProcessImage(List <string> lines)
            Mat imageOriginal = CvInvoke.Imread(ImageRecievedName, LoadImageType.AnyColor);

            var imageWithHitsBgr = CreateHitImage(imageOriginal.Size, lines);

            // create mask to have white circles wherever hits exist and to be black on all other parts
            var mask = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.Threshold(imageWithHitsBgr, mask, 1, 255, ThresholdType.Binary);
            var inverseMask = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.BitwiseNot(mask, inverseMask);

            // mapping level of gray to ColorMap
            CvInvoke.ApplyColorMap(imageWithHitsBgr, imageWithHitsBgr, ColorMapType.Jet);
            // from mapped image remove everything except hits
            var imageWithHitsWithoutBackground = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(imageWithHitsBgr, imageWithHitsBgr, imageWithHitsWithoutBackground, mask);

            // from original image remove only parts where hits happended
            var imageOriginalWithoutHits = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(imageOriginal, imageOriginal, imageOriginalWithoutHits, inverseMask);
            // result is combination of original image without hits and image with hits mapped to certain ColorMap
            var result = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.Add(imageOriginalWithoutHits, imageWithHitsWithoutBackground, result);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Maximizing image contrast
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imgGrayscale">Grayscale input image</param>
        /// <param name="errorCode">Error code</param>
        /// <returns>Grayscale image with maximum contrast</returns>
        public static Mat MaximizeContrast(Mat imgGrayscale, ref int errorCode)
                // Initiation of images that will be used in this method
                Mat imgTopHat              = new Mat();
                Mat imgBlackHat            = new Mat();
                Mat imgGrayscalePlusTopHat = new Mat();
                Mat imgGrayscalePlusTopHatMinusBlackHat = new Mat();

                // Structuring element used for morphological operation
                Mat structuringElement = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Rectangle, new Size(9, 7), new Point(-1, -1));

                // Morphological operation of tophap
                CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(imgGrayscale, imgTopHat, MorphOp.Tophat, structuringElement, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar());

                // Morphological operation of blackhat
                CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(imgGrayscale, imgBlackHat, MorphOp.Blackhat, structuringElement, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar());

                // Add grayscale image with tophat image
                CvInvoke.Add(imgGrayscale, imgTopHat, imgGrayscalePlusTopHat);

                // Substract grayscale plus tophat image from blackhat image
                CvInvoke.Subtract(imgGrayscalePlusTopHat, imgBlackHat, imgGrayscalePlusTopHatMinusBlackHat);

                // Return input image with maximum contrast
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorCode = 5;
        public void run(Image <Gray, Byte> image)
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            imageInput = image;
            Image <Gray, byte> _image;

            if (0 != actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIWidth && 0 != actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIHeight)
                Rectangle rectROI = new Rectangle(actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIX, actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIY, actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIWidth, actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIHeight);
                _imageInput.ROI = rectROI;
                _image          = new Image <Gray, byte>(new Size(actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIWidth, actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIHeight));
                _image = new Image <Gray, byte>(_imageInput.Size);

            _imageResult = _imageInput.Clone();


            if (null != _imageBright)
                if (_imageBright.Size == _image.Size)
                    if (actionBrightCorrectData.bDirect)
                        CvInvoke.Subtract(_imageInput, _image, _imageResult);
                        CvInvoke.Add(_imageInput, _image, _imageResult);
                    _imageBright = null;

            if (actionBrightCorrectData.bEqualize)
                CvInvoke.EqualizeHist(_imageResult, _imageResult);

            if (actionBrightCorrectData.bROIReset)
        public static void Add(this Mat mat, double value0, double value1, double value2)
            //mat.ConvertTo(mat, mat.Depth, 0, value);
            Mat op = new Mat(mat.Size, mat.Depth, mat.NumberOfChannels);

            op.SetTo(new MCvScalar(value0, value1, value2));
            CvInvoke.Add(mat, op, mat);
        public override void ActionExcute()
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            _imageInput = VisionManage.listScene[VisionManage.iCurrSceneIndex].listAction[actionData.imageSrc - 1].imageResult.Clone();
            ActionBase action = VisionManage.listScene[VisionManage.iCurrSceneIndex].listAction[actionBrightCorrectData.imageSrc];

            Image <Gray, byte> _image;

            if (0 != actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIWidth && 0 != actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIHeight)
                Rectangle rectROI = new Rectangle(actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIX, actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIY, actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIWidth, actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIHeight);
                _imageInput.ROI = rectROI;
                _image          = new Image <Gray, byte>(new Size(actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIWidth, actionBrightCorrectData.InputAOIHeight));
                _image = new Image <Gray, byte>(_imageInput.Size);

            _imageResult = _imageInput.Clone();

            if (null != _imageBright)
                if (_imageBright.Size == _image.Size)
                    if (actionBrightCorrectData.bDirect)
                        CvInvoke.Subtract(_imageInput, _image, _imageResult);
                        CvInvoke.Add(_imageInput, _image, _imageResult);
                    _imageBright = null;
            if (actionBrightCorrectData.bEqualize)
                CvInvoke.EqualizeHist(_imageResult, _imageResult);

            if (actionBrightCorrectData.bROIReset)
Exemple #10
        void processFrameAndUpdateGUI(object sender, EventArgs arg)
            Mat imgOriginal;

            imgOriginal = capWebcam.QueryFrame();

            if (imgOriginal == null)
                MessageBox.Show("unable to read from webcam" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "exiting program");

            Mat imgHSV = new Mat(imgOriginal.Size, DepthType.Cv8U, 3);

            Mat imgThreshLow  = new Mat(imgOriginal.Size, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
            Mat imgThreshHigh = new Mat(imgOriginal.Size, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);

            Mat imgThresh = new Mat(imgOriginal.Size, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);

            CvInvoke.CvtColor(imgOriginal, imgHSV, ColorConversion.Bgr2Hsv);

            CvInvoke.InRange(imgHSV, new ScalarArray(new MCvScalar(0, 155, 155)), new ScalarArray(new MCvScalar(18, 255, 255)), imgThreshLow);
            CvInvoke.InRange(imgHSV, new ScalarArray(new MCvScalar(165, 155, 155)), new ScalarArray(new MCvScalar(179, 255, 255)), imgThreshHigh);

            //CvInvoke.FindContours(imgOutput, );
            CvInvoke.Add(imgThreshLow, imgThreshHigh, imgThresh);

            CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(imgThresh, imgThresh, new Size(3, 3), 0);

            Mat structuringElement = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Rectangle, new Size(3, 3), new Point(-1, -1));

            CvInvoke.Dilate(imgThresh, imgThresh, structuringElement, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0));
            CvInvoke.Erode(imgThresh, imgThresh, structuringElement, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0));

            CircleF[] circles = CvInvoke.HoughCircles(imgThresh, HoughType.Gradient, 2.0, imgThresh.Rows / 4, 100, 50, 10, 400);

            foreach (CircleF circle in circles)
                if (txtXYRadius.Text != "")
                {                                                // if we are not on the first line in the text box
                    txtXYRadius.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); // then insert a new line char

                txtXYRadius.AppendText("ball position x = " + circle.Center.X.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ", y = " + circle.Center.Y.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ", radius = " + circle.Radius.ToString("###.000").PadLeft(7));
                txtXYRadius.ScrollToCaret();             // scroll down in text box so most recent line added (at the bottom) will be shown

                CvInvoke.Circle(imgOriginal, new Point((int)circle.Center.X, (int)circle.Center.Y), (int)circle.Radius, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
                CvInvoke.Circle(imgOriginal, new Point((int)circle.Center.X, (int)circle.Center.Y), 3, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), -1);
            ibOriginal.Image = imgOriginal;
            ibThresh.Image   = imgThresh;
    public List <Geometry> Parse()

        #region save image
        //Debug.Log("saving images....");

        if (geometries.Count == 0)
            Debug.Log("No body detected!");

        Image <Rgb, byte> instance_img = new Image <Rgb, byte>(img.Width, img.Height);
        //instance_img.SetValue(new Rgba(255, 255, 255, 255));
        for (int j = 0; j < geometries.Count; j++)
            Image <Rgb, byte>         body_img    = geometries[j].GetBodyImage();
            Image <Rgb, byte>         bound_img   = geometries[j].GetBoundaryImage();
            List <Image <Rgb, byte> > face_imgs   = geometries[j].GetFaceImage();
            List <Image <Rgb, byte> > handle_imgs = geometries[j].GetHandleImage();

            //// checking
            if (body_img == null)
                Debug.Log("No body!"); geometries.RemoveAt(j); j--; continue;
            if (face_imgs.Count == 0)
                Debug.Log("No Face!"); geometries.RemoveAt(j); j--; continue;

            instance_img.SetValue(new Rgb(31, 120, 180), body_img.Convert <Gray, byte>());
            for (int i = 0; i < face_imgs.Count; i++)
                instance_img.SetValue(new Rgb(166, 206, 227), face_imgs[i].Convert <Gray, byte>());
            for (int i = 0; i < handle_imgs.Count; i++)
                instance_img.SetValue(new Rgb(178, 223, 138), handle_imgs[i].Convert <Gray, byte>());
            CvInvoke.Add(instance_img, bound_img, instance_img);
        //CvInvoke.AddWeighted(instance_img, 1.0, img, 0.8, 0, instance_img);


        #endregion save image

        private void buttonSharp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (imageConverted.Data == null)
                imageConverted = new Image <Gray, byte>(imageOriginal.Cols, imageOriginal.Rows);
            float[,] sharpMask = new float[, ]
                { 0, -sharpFactor, 0 },
                { -sharpFactor, 1 + 4 * sharpFactor, -sharpFactor },
                { 0, -sharpFactor, 0 }

            for (int row = 1; row < imageOriginal.Rows - 1; row++)
                for (int col = 1; col < imageOriginal.Cols - 1; col++)
                    //for sharpening Mask 3x3
                    int pixelConverted = 0;
                    for (int rowm = 0; rowm < 3; rowm++)
                        for (int colm = 0; colm < 3; colm++)
                            pixelConverted += (int)(imageZoomed.Data[row - 1 + rowm, col - 1 + colm, 0] * sharpMask[rowm, colm]);
                            //  pixelConverted += (int)(imageOriginal.Data[row - 1 + rowm, col - 1 + colm, 0] *(1/sharpFactor));
                    if (pixelConverted > 255)
                        pixelConverted = 255;
                    else if (pixelConverted < 0)
                        pixelConverted = 0;

                    imageConverted.Data[row, col, 0] = (byte)pixelConverted;
            }//Sharpening Done

            imageBoxShapen.Image = imageConverted;
            textBoxErrors.AppendText("Sharpening Done at factor " + Convert.ToString(sharpFactor) + "\n");
            textBoxSharpFactor.Text = Convert.ToString(sharpFactor);

                var imageConverted2 = new Image <Gray, byte>(imageOriginal.Cols, imageOriginal.Rows);
                CvInvoke.Add(imageConverted, imageDifference, imageConverted2, null, DepthType.Default);
                imageBox2.Image = imageConverted2;
            catch (Exception) {}
Exemple #13
        //输入图像为单通道,预估的透射率图 引导图像为单通道,原图像的灰度图 输出图像为单通道,导向滤波后的透射图
        private static Image <Gray, byte> GuidedFilter(Image <Gray, Byte> p, Image <Gray, Byte> I, int r, double e)
            //int r,  r;
            //w = h = 2 * r + 1;

            Image <Gray, byte> mean_p = new Image <Gray, byte>(p.Width, p.Height);
            Image <Gray, byte> mean_I = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);

            Image <Gray, byte> II = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);
            Image <Gray, byte> Ip = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);

            Image <Gray, byte> corr_II = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);
            Image <Gray, byte> corr_Ip = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);

            Image <Gray, byte> var_II = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);
            Image <Gray, byte> cov_Ip = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);

            Image <Gray, byte> a = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);
            Image <Gray, byte> b = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);

            Image <Gray, byte> mean_a = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);
            Image <Gray, byte> mean_b = new Image <Gray, byte>(I.Width, I.Height);

            Image <Gray, byte> q = new Image <Gray, byte>(p.Width, p.Height);

            //利用 boxFilter 计算均值  原始均值 导向均值  自相关均值  互相关均值
            CvInvoke.BoxFilter(p, mean_p, DepthType.Cv8U, new Size(r, r), new Point(-1, -1), true, BorderType.Reflect101);
            CvInvoke.BoxFilter(I, mean_I, DepthType.Cv8U, new Size(r, r), new Point(-1, -1), true, BorderType.Reflect101);

            CvInvoke.Multiply(I, I, II);
            CvInvoke.Multiply(I, p, Ip);

            CvInvoke.BoxFilter(II, corr_II, DepthType.Cv8U, new Size(r, r), new Point(-1, -1), true, BorderType.Reflect101);
            CvInvoke.BoxFilter(Ip, corr_Ip, DepthType.Cv8U, new Size(r, r), new Point(-1, -1), true, BorderType.Reflect101);

            CvInvoke.Multiply(mean_I, mean_I, var_II);
            CvInvoke.Subtract(corr_II, var_II, var_II);

            CvInvoke.Multiply(mean_I, mean_p, cov_Ip);
            CvInvoke.Subtract(corr_Ip, cov_Ip, cov_Ip);

            CvInvoke.Divide(cov_Ip, var_II + e, a);
            CvInvoke.Multiply(a, mean_I, b);
            CvInvoke.Subtract(mean_p, b, b);

            CvInvoke.BoxFilter(a, mean_a, DepthType.Cv8U, new Size(r, r), new Point(-1, -1), true, BorderType.Reflect101);
            CvInvoke.BoxFilter(b, mean_b, DepthType.Cv8U, new Size(r, r), new Point(-1, -1), true, BorderType.Reflect101);

            CvInvoke.Multiply(mean_a, I, q);
            CvInvoke.Add(mean_b, q, q);

        public static Bitmap SuperPositionedImage(Bitmap Mask, Bitmap StandardImage)
            Image <Hsv, Byte>  GrayOrigin = new Image <Gray, Byte>(StandardImage).Convert <Hsv, Byte>();
            Image <Hsv, Byte>  HSVOrigin  = new Image <Hsv, Byte>(StandardImage);
            Image <Gray, Byte> MaskImage  = new Image <Gray, Byte>(Mask);
            Mat ResultHolder = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(GrayOrigin, HSVOrigin, ResultHolder, MaskImage);
            Mat TrueResultHolder = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.Add(GrayOrigin, ResultHolder, TrueResultHolder, MaskImage);

        private void btnRefesh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Image <Gray, byte> image = new Image <Gray, byte>(_actionBrightCorrect.imageBright.Width, _actionBrightCorrect.imageBright.Height, new Gray(_actionBrightCorrectData.iInputScale));

            if (_actionBrightCorrectData.bBrightDirect)
                CvInvoke.Subtract(_actionBrightCorrect.imageBright, image, _actionBrightCorrect.imageBright);
                CvInvoke.Add(_actionBrightCorrect.imageBright, image, _actionBrightCorrect.imageBright);
            imageBox3.Image = _actionBrightCorrect.imageBright;
Exemple #16
        public Image <Bgr, byte> GetDiagramImage()
            this.ProcessingGerberImage.ROI = this.ROI;
            Image <Bgr, byte> Img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(this.ProcessingGerberImage.Size);

            using (Image <Gray, byte> imgTemp = this.ProcessingGerberImage.Copy())
                using (Image <Bgr, byte> imgAdd = new Image <Bgr, byte>(Img.Size.Width, Img.Size.Height, new Bgr(0, 50, 0)))
                    CvInvoke.BitwiseNot(imgTemp, imgTemp);
                    CvInvoke.CvtColor(this.ProcessingGerberImage, Img, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr);
                    CvInvoke.Add(Img, imgAdd, Img, mask: imgTemp);
Exemple #17
        public Mat OverlayImageMats(Mat paramObscuredImgMat, Mat paramOverlayedImgMat)
            var obscuredImgMat = paramObscuredImgMat.CreateNewHardCopyFromMat();
            var overlayImgMat  = paramOverlayedImgMat.CreateNewHardCopyFromMat();
            var matToReturn    = new Mat();

                //Valami azt súgja, hogy
                //Ez kell majd
                var tempImgMat = new Mat();
                var alpha      = new Mat();
                //Amúgy is fekete fehér nem? - most már biztos, mert már csak 1 csatornája van

                if (overlayImgMat.NumberOfChannels > 1)
                    CvInvoke.CvtColor(overlayImgMat, tempImgMat, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray);
                    tempImgMat = overlayImgMat.CreateNewHardCopyFromMat();
                CvInvoke.Threshold(tempImgMat, alpha, 100, 255, ThresholdType.Binary);
                matToReturn = Mat.Zeros(overlayImgMat.Size.Width, overlayImgMat.Size.Height, overlayImgMat.Depth, overlayImgMat.NumberOfChannels);
                // Multiply the foreground with the alpha matte
                CvInvoke.Multiply(alpha, tempImgMat, tempImgMat);
                //new PopupImage(tempImgMat, "tempImgMat_2").Show();
                // Multiply the background with ( 1 - alpha )
                var tempScalarAlphaMat = new MCvScalar(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - alpha;
                //var tempScalarAlphaMat = new MCvScalar(1.0) - alpha;
                var tempScalarAlphaScalar = tempScalarAlphaMat;

                //CvInvoke.Multiply(tempScalarAlphaScalar, obscuredImgMat, obscuredImgMat);
                CvInvoke.Multiply(obscuredImgMat, tempScalarAlphaScalar, obscuredImgMat);
                CvInvoke.Add(tempImgMat, obscuredImgMat, matToReturn);
            catch (Exception e)
Exemple #18
        public static Mat maximizeContrast(Mat imgGrayscale)
            Mat imgTopHat              = new Mat();
            Mat imgBlackHat            = new Mat();
            Mat imgGrayscalePlusTopHat = new Mat();
            Mat imgGrayscalePlusTopHatMinusBlackHat = new Mat();

            Mat structuringElement = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Rectangle, new Size(3, 3), new Point(-1, -1));

            CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(imgGrayscale, imgTopHat, MorphOp.Tophat, structuringElement, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar());
            CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(imgGrayscale, imgBlackHat, MorphOp.Blackhat, structuringElement, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar());

            CvInvoke.Add(imgGrayscale, imgTopHat, imgGrayscalePlusTopHat);
            CvInvoke.Subtract(imgGrayscalePlusTopHat, imgBlackHat, imgGrayscalePlusTopHatMinusBlackHat);

        private void Color_FrameArrived(object sender, ColorFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            using (ColorFrame colorFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                if (colorFrame != null)
                    if ((colorFrameDesc.Width == colorBitmap.PixelWidth) && (colorFrameDesc.Height == colorBitmap.PixelHeight))
                        using (KinectBuffer colorBuffer = colorFrame.LockRawImageBuffer())
                            Mat img = new Mat(colorFrameDesc.Height, colorFrameDesc.Width, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.DepthType.Cv8U, 4);
                            colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToIntPtr(img.DataPointer, (uint)(colorFrameDesc.Width * colorFrameDesc.Height * 4), ColorImageFormat.Bgra);
                            CvInvoke.CvtColor(img, img, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Bgra2Gray);

                            if (priorFrame != null)
                                CvInvoke.Subtract(priorFrame, img, priorFrame);
                                CvInvoke.Threshold(priorFrame, priorFrame, 20, 255, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ThresholdType.Binary);
                                CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(priorFrame, priorFrame, new System.Drawing.Size(3, 3), 5);
                            if (subtractedMats.Count > 4)

                                Mat[] subtractedMatsArray = subtractedMats.ToArray();
                                culmativeFrame = subtractedMatsArray[0];

                                for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                                    CvInvoke.Add(culmativeFrame, subtractedMatsArray[i], culmativeFrame);

                                CopyMemory(colorBitmap.BackBuffer, culmativeFrame.DataPointer, (uint)(colorFrameDesc.Width * colorFrameDesc.Height));
                                colorBitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, colorBitmap.PixelWidth, colorBitmap.PixelHeight));

                            priorFrame = img.Clone();
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算小球之间的两两距离,输入为N X dim的位置信息矩阵,返回N X N的距离矩阵
        ///     注:该方法对于4000个二维小球仅需800ms,如果采用for循环的话,需要100s左右
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void ComputeMatDist(Matrix <double> pos, ref Matrix <double> dists)
            int             num        = pos.Rows;
            Matrix <double> xsquare    = new Matrix <double>(num, pos.Cols);
            Matrix <double> xsquareSum = new Matrix <double>(num, 1);

            CvInvoke.Multiply(pos, pos, xsquare);

            for (int i = 0; i < pos.Cols; i++)
                CvInvoke.Add(xsquare.GetCol(i), xsquareSum, xsquareSum);
            CvInvoke.Repeat(xsquareSum, 1, num, dists);
            dists  = dists + dists.Transpose();
            dists -= 2 * pos.Mul(pos.Transpose());
            CvInvoke.Sqrt(dists, dists);
Exemple #21
        private Mat MagnitudeInverse(Mat fftData)
            Mat Real = new Mat(fftData.Size, DepthType.Cv32F, 1);

            Mat         Imaginary = new Mat(fftData.Size, DepthType.Cv32F, 1);
            VectorOfMat channels  = new VectorOfMat();

            CvInvoke.Split(fftData, channels);
            Real      = channels.GetOutputArray().GetMat(0);
            Imaginary = channels.GetOutputArray().GetMat(1);

            CvInvoke.Pow(Real, 2.0, Real);
            CvInvoke.Pow(Imaginary, 2.0, Imaginary);
            CvInvoke.Add(Real, Imaginary, Real);
            CvInvoke.Pow(Real, 0.5, Real);

Exemple #22
        private Mat Magnitude(Mat fftData)
            Mat Real = new Mat(fftData.Size, DepthType.Cv32F, 1);

            Mat         Imaginary = new Mat(fftData.Size, DepthType.Cv32F, 1);
            VectorOfMat channels  = new VectorOfMat();

            CvInvoke.Split(fftData, channels); //将多通道mat分离成几个单通道mat
            Real      = channels.GetOutputArray().GetMat(0);
            Imaginary = channels.GetOutputArray().GetMat(1);
            CvInvoke.Pow(Real, 2.0, Real);
            CvInvoke.Pow(Imaginary, 2.0, Imaginary);
            CvInvoke.Add(Real, Imaginary, Real);
            CvInvoke.Pow(Real, 0.5, Real);
            Mat onesMat = Mat.Ones(Real.Rows, Real.Cols, DepthType.Cv32F, 1);

            CvInvoke.Add(Real, onesMat, Real);
            CvInvoke.Log(Real, Real); //求自然对数
        private Image <Gray, float> Mag_FFT2D(Image <Gray, float> SourceGrayDoubleImage)
            //This function returnss the Magnitude image of the discrete Fourier Transform of the input image
            Image <Gray, float> FFTImage = new Image <Gray, float>(SourceGrayDoubleImage.Width, SourceGrayDoubleImage.Height);
            Matrix <float>      dft      = new Matrix <float>(SourceGrayDoubleImage.Rows, SourceGrayDoubleImage.Cols, 1);

            CvInvoke.Dft(SourceGrayDoubleImage, dft, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.DxtType.Forward, 0);
            Matrix <float> shiftDft = new Matrix <float>(dft.Size);

            cvShiftDFT(dft, shiftDft);
            shiftDft.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, dft.Size)).CopyTo(FFTImage);

            Image <Gray, float> realDft = FFTImage.Rotate(180, new Gray(255), false);
            Image <Gray, float> q1      = realDft.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, FFTImage.Width / 2, FFTImage.Height / 2));
            Image <Gray, float> q2      = realDft.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(0, FFTImage.Height / 2, (FFTImage.Width / 2), FFTImage.Height / 2));
            Image <Gray, float> d1      = FFTImage.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, FFTImage.Width / 2, FFTImage.Height / 2));
            Image <Gray, float> d2      = FFTImage.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(0, FFTImage.Height / 2, (FFTImage.Width / 2), FFTImage.Height / 2));

            q1.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, q1.Size)).CopyTo(d1);
            q2.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, q2.Size)).CopyTo(d2);

            Image <Gray, float> imDft = FFTImage.Rotate(180, new Gray(255), false);
            Image <Gray, float> q3    = imDft.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, FFTImage.Width / 2, FFTImage.Height / 2));
            Image <Gray, float> q4    = imDft.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(0, FFTImage.Height / 2, (FFTImage.Width / 2), FFTImage.Height / 2));
            Image <Gray, float> d3    = FFTImage.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, FFTImage.Width / 2, FFTImage.Height / 2));
            Image <Gray, float> d4    = FFTImage.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(0, FFTImage.Height / 2, (FFTImage.Width / 2), FFTImage.Height / 2));

            q3.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, q3.Size)).CopyTo(d3);
            q4.GetSubRect(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, q4.Size)).CopyTo(d4);

            //imDisplay("Real", realDft);
            //imDisplay("Img", imDft);

            CvInvoke.Pow(realDft, 2, realDft);
            CvInvoke.Pow(imDft, 2, imDft);
            CvInvoke.Add(realDft, imDft, FFTImage);
            CvInvoke.Pow(FFTImage, 0.5, FFTImage);

        public static Bitmap SuperPositionedImage(Bitmap Mask, Bitmap StandardImage, bool ColorOnly)
            Image <Hsv, Byte>  GrayOrigin = new Image <Gray, Byte>(StandardImage).Convert <Hsv, Byte>(); //Gray Copy
            Image <Hsv, Byte>  HSVOrigin  = new Image <Hsv, Byte>(StandardImage);                        //HSV Copy
            Image <Gray, Byte> MaskImageT = new Image <Gray, Byte>(Mask);                                //Mask
            Image <Hsv, Byte>  MaskImage  = new Image <Hsv, Byte>(Mask);                                 //HSV Mask
            Image <Hsv, Byte>  TrueImage  = HSVOrigin.Copy(MaskImageT);                                  //HSV through mask

            if (ColorOnly == false)
                CvInvoke.Multiply(TrueImage, MaskImage, TrueImage);
                CvInvoke.Multiply(1 - MaskImage, GrayOrigin, GrayOrigin);
                CvInvoke.Add(TrueImage, GrayOrigin, TrueImage);
                Image <Hsv, Byte> DeathImage = new Image <Hsv, Byte>(StandardImage);
                CvInvoke.Add(TrueImage, HSVOrigin.Copy(MaskImageT), DeathImage);                     //Adding color and gray copy
Exemple #25
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (srcImg == null)
            Image <Bgr, Byte> dstImg  = srcImg.CopyBlank();
            Image <Bgr, Byte> dstImg2 = srcImg.CopyBlank();

            CvInvoke.Sobel(srcImg, dstImg, DepthType.Default, 1, 0);
            imageBox2.Image = dstImg;
            dstImg2         = srcImg.Add(dstImg);
            imageBox3.Image = dstImg2;

            Image <Bgr, Byte> grad_x  = srcImg.CopyBlank();
            Image <Bgr, Byte> grad_y  = srcImg.CopyBlank();
            Image <Bgr, Byte> abs_x   = srcImg.CopyBlank();
            Image <Bgr, Byte> abs_y   = srcImg.CopyBlank();
            Image <Bgr, Byte> gradImg = srcImg.CopyBlank();

            CvInvoke.Sobel(srcImg, grad_x, DepthType.Default, 1, 0);
            CvInvoke.Sobel(srcImg, grad_y, DepthType.Default, 0, 1);

            CvInvoke.ConvertScaleAbs(grad_x, abs_x, 1, 0);
            CvInvoke.ConvertScaleAbs(grad_y, abs_y, 1, 0);


            CvInvoke.Add(abs_x, abs_y, gradImg);

            imageBox4.Image = gradImg;
        private static Mat ExtractTables(Mat image)
            Mat horizontal = image.Clone();
            Mat vertical   = image.Clone();

            int scale = 10;

            int horizontalSize      = horizontal.Cols / scale;
            Mat horizontalStructure = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Rectangle, new Size(horizontalSize, 1), new Point(-1, -1));

            CvInvoke.Erode(horizontal, horizontal, horizontalStructure, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, default(MCvScalar));
            CvInvoke.Dilate(horizontal, horizontal, horizontalStructure, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, default(MCvScalar));

            int verticalSize      = vertical.Rows / scale;
            Mat verticalStructure = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Rectangle, new Size(1, verticalSize), new Point(-1, -1));

            CvInvoke.Erode(vertical, vertical, verticalStructure, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, default(MCvScalar));
            CvInvoke.Dilate(vertical, vertical, verticalStructure, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, default(MCvScalar));

            var mask = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.Add(horizontal, vertical, mask);

            var joints = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(horizontal, vertical, joints);

            var res = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.AbsDiff(image, mask, res);
            CvInvoke.AbsDiff(res, joints, res);

            var element = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Cross, new Size(3, 3), new Point(-1, -1));

            CvInvoke.Erode(res, res, element, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, default(MCvScalar));
            CvInvoke.Dilate(res, res, element, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Default, default(MCvScalar));

Exemple #27
        public void DFTFromMat(Bitmap Image)
            Image <Bgr, Single> imageCV_spl = new Image <Bgr, Single>(Image); //приняли RGB

            Image <Gray, Single>[] imageCV = imageCV_spl.Split();             //разделили на 3 канала

            var image = new Mat(imageCV[0].Mat, ROI);

            var extended = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.CopyMakeBorder(image, extended, 0, optRows - image.Rows, 0, optCols - image.Cols, BorderType.Constant);

            extended.ConvertTo(extended, DepthType.Cv32F);
            var vec     = new VectorOfMat(extended, new Mat(extended.Size, DepthType.Cv32F, 1));
            var complex = new Mat();

            CvInvoke.Merge(vec, complex);

            CvInvoke.Dft(complex, complex, DxtType.Forward, 0); //dft
            CvInvoke.Split(complex, vec);                       //разделение реальной и комплексной матрицы
            var outReal = vec[0];
            var outIm   = vec[1];

            CvInvoke.Pow(outReal, 2.0, outReal);    //Re^2
            CvInvoke.Pow(outIm, 2.0, outIm);        //Im^2
            CvInvoke.Add(outReal, outIm, outReal);  //Re^2+Im^2
            CvInvoke.Sqrt(outReal, outReal);        //sqrt(Re^2+Im^2)
            CvInvoke.Log(outReal, outReal);         //для нормального отображения

            finalmatrix = finalmatrix.Clone();
            SwitchQuadrants(ref finalmatrix);

            CvInvoke.Normalize(finalmatrix, finalmatrix, 0.0, 255.0, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.NormType.MinMax);

Exemple #28
 public void Norm4Disp(UMat i, UMat o, bool log = false)
     if (log)              //we add 1 to the image with only positive values to
     //prevent 0s being turned into -infinities by logging
     //set temporary variable to a 1 array
         this.img32f1c.Create(i.Rows, i.Cols, i.Depth, i.NumberOfChannels);
         this.img32f1c.SetTo(new MCvScalar(1));
         //elementwise add 1 to the input and store it in tmp
         //not in input because we don't wanna change the input,
         //not in output because output is 8-bit depth, we don't want
         //conversion as it takes too long.
         CvInvoke.Add(i, this.img32f1c, this.img32f1c);
         //log the tmp
         CvInvoke.Log(this.img32f1c, this.img32f1c);
         //normalise tmp and store in output.
         CvInvoke.Normalize(this.img32f1c, o, 0, 255, normType: NormType.MinMax, dType: DepthType.Cv8U);
         CvInvoke.Normalize(i, o, 0, 255, normType: NormType.MinMax, dType: DepthType.Cv8U);
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// 对数组进行限幅
        /// 每一行作为一个向量,对其幅值进行限幅
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">矩阵</param>
        /// <param name="max">最大值</param>
        private void ApplySaturation(ref Matrix <double> data, double max)
            Matrix <double> square = new Matrix <double>(data.Rows, 3); //平方
            Matrix <double> norm   = new Matrix <double>(data.Rows, 1); //平方和
            Matrix <double> res    = new Matrix <double>(data.Rows, 1); //平方和的开方

            CvInvoke.AccumulateSquare(data, square);

            CvInvoke.Add(square.GetCol(0), square.GetCol(1), norm);
            CvInvoke.Add(square.GetCol(2), norm, norm);
            CvInvoke.Sqrt(norm, res);

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Rows; i++)
                if (res[i, 0] > max)
                    for (int j = 0; j < data.Cols; j++)
                        data[i, j] = data[i, j] * max / res[i, 0];
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// 对速度限幅
        /// 奈何ref参数不能放在lambda表达式中。。
        /// </summary>
        private void ApplySaturationVel()
            Matrix <double> square = new Matrix <double>(rtVel.Rows, 3); //平方
            Matrix <double> norm   = new Matrix <double>(rtVel.Rows, 1); //平方和
            Matrix <double> res    = new Matrix <double>(rtVel.Rows, 1); //平方和的开方

            CvInvoke.AccumulateSquare(rtVel, square);

            CvInvoke.Add(square.GetCol(0), square.GetCol(1), norm);
            CvInvoke.Add(square.GetCol(2), norm, norm);
            CvInvoke.Sqrt(norm, res);

            Parallel.For(0, rtVel.Rows, (i) =>
                if (res[i, 0] > MaxVel)
                    for (int j = 0; j < rtVel.Cols; j++)
                        rtVel[i, j] = rtVel[i, j] * MaxVel / res[i, 0];