/// <summary>
    /// Implements leaving of the customer.
    /// Sets _hasFinished to true.
    /// Sets _wasSatisfied to true or false depending on whether or not the time ran out.
    /// Also see if the player is supposed to be happy if the customer was served correct order and to gift if the time remaining was more than 70%
    /// Lastly invokes CustomerLeft action read by SeatController to which it was referenced.
    /// </summary>
    private void Leave( )
        _customerModel._hasFinished  = true;
        _customerModel._wasSatisfied = _customerModel._time > 0;

        if (_customerModel._wasSatisfied)
            _customerView.LookHappy( );
        if ((_customerModel._time / _originalTime) >= (_percentOfTimeForGifting / 100))

        CustomerLeft.Invoke(_customerModel._wasSatisfied, _customerModel._isAngry, _customerModel._servingPlayer);
        StartCoroutine(StartLeaving( ));