Exemple #1
        public DMesh3 CreateMesh(List <Vector3d> path,
                                 List <Polygon2d> polys,
                                 VectorArray3d seam)
            // Ignore first and last path/polys for mesh generation.
            // We just need the extra path positions to calculate a
            // continuous tangent at the seams.
            List <Vector3d> pathXZ = new List <Vector3d>();

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                pathXZ.Add(new Vector3d(path[i].x, 0, path[i].z));

            int nVerts = path.Count - 2;
            int nPolys = polys.Count - 2;
            // Same VertexCount for all Polygons.
            int nSlices   = polys[0].VertexCount;
            int nPolySize = nSlices + 1;
            int nVecs     = nVerts * nPolySize;

            vertices = new VectorArray3d(nVecs);
            normals  = new VectorArray3f(nVecs);
            uv       = new VectorArray2f(nVecs);

            int quad_strips = nVerts - 1;
            int nSpanTris   = quad_strips * (2 * nSlices);

            triangles = new IndexArray3i(nSpanTris);

            Frame3f fCur         = new Frame3f(frame);
            double  pathLength   = CurveUtils.ArcLength(path.GetRange(1, nVerts));
            double  accum_path_u = 0;

            for (int ri = 0; ri < nPolys; ++ri)
                int      si      = ri + 1; // actual path/polys index for mesh
                Vector3d tangent = CurveUtils.GetTangent(pathXZ, si);
                fCur.Origin = (Vector3f)path[si];
                fCur.AlignAxis(2, (Vector3f)tangent);

                int    nStartR      = ri * nPolySize;
                double accum_ring_v = 0;
                bool   copy         = ri == nPolys - 1;
                bool   paste        = ri == 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < nPolySize; ++j)
                    int      k      = nStartR + j;
                    Vector2d pv     = polys[si].Vertices[j % nSlices];
                    Vector2d pvNext = polys[si].Vertices[(j + 1) % nSlices];
                    Vector3d v      = fCur.FromPlaneUV((Vector2f)pv, 2);
                    vertices[k] = v;
                    Vector3f n = (Vector3f)(v - fCur.Origin).Normalized;
                    normals[k]    = n;
                    uv[k]         = new Vector2f(accum_path_u, accum_ring_v);
                    accum_ring_v += (pv.Distance(pvNext) / polys[si].ArcLength);
                    if (copy)
                        Seam[j] = vertices[k];
                    else if (paste)
                        vertices[k] = seam[j];
                double d = path[si].Distance(path[si + 1]);
                accum_path_u += d / pathLength;

            int nStop = nVerts - 1;
            int ti    = 0;

            for (int ri = 0; ri < nStop; ++ri)
                int r0 = ri * nPolySize;
                int r1 = r0 + nPolySize;
                for (int k = 0; k < nPolySize - 1; ++k)
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r0 + k, r0 + k + 1, r1 + k + 1, Clockwise);
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r0 + k, r1 + k + 1, r1 + k, Clockwise);
Exemple #2
        override public void Generate()
            if (Polygon == null)
                Polygon = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(1.0f, 8);

            int Slices       = Polygon.VertexCount;
            int nRings       = Vertices.Count;
            int nRingSize    = (NoSharedVertices) ? Slices + 1 : Slices;
            int nCapVertices = (NoSharedVertices) ? Slices + 1 : 1;

            if (Capped == false)
                nCapVertices = 0;

            vertices = new VectorArray3d(nRings * nRingSize + 2 * nCapVertices);
            uv       = new VectorArray2f(vertices.Count);
            normals  = new VectorArray3f(vertices.Count);

            int nSpanTris = (Vertices.Count - 1) * (2 * Slices);
            int nCapTris  = (Capped) ? 2 * Slices : 0;

            triangles = new IndexArray3i(nSpanTris + nCapTris);

            Frame3f  fCur = new Frame3f(Frame);
            Vector3D dv   = CurveUtils.GetTangent(Vertices, 0);;

            fCur.Origin = (Vector3F)Vertices[0];
            fCur.AlignAxis(2, (Vector3F)dv);
            Frame3f fStart = new Frame3f(fCur);

            // generate tube
            for (int ri = 0; ri < nRings; ++ri)
                // propagate frame
                if (ri != 0)
                    Vector3D tan = CurveUtils.GetTangent(Vertices, ri);
                    fCur.Origin = (Vector3F)Vertices[ri];
                    if (ri == 11)
                        dv = tan;
                    fCur.AlignAxis(2, (Vector3F)tan);

                float uv_along = (float)ri / (float)(nRings - 1);

                // generate vertices
                int nStartR = ri * nRingSize;
                for (int j = 0; j < nRingSize; ++j)
                    float uv_around = (float)j / (float)(nRings);

                    int      k  = nStartR + j;
                    Vector2D pv = Polygon.Vertices[j % Slices];
                    Vector3D v  = fCur.FromFrameP((Vector2F)pv, 2);
                    vertices[k] = v;
                    uv[k]       = new Vector2F(uv_along, uv_around);
                    Vector3F n = (Vector3F)(v - fCur.Origin).Normalized;
                    normals[k] = n;

            // generate triangles
            int ti = 0;

            for (int ri = 0; ri < nRings - 1; ++ri)
                int r0 = ri * nRingSize;
                int r1 = r0 + nRingSize;
                for (int k = 0; k < nRingSize - 1; ++k)
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r0 + k, r0 + k + 1, r1 + k + 1, Clockwise);
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r0 + k, r1 + k + 1, r1 + k, Clockwise);
                if (NoSharedVertices == false)        // close disc if we went all the way
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r1 - 1, r0, r1, Clockwise);
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r1 - 1, r1, r1 + nRingSize - 1, Clockwise);

            if (Capped)
                // add endcap verts
                int nBottomC = nRings * nRingSize;
                vertices[nBottomC]  = fStart.Origin;
                uv[nBottomC]        = new Vector2F(0.5f, 0.5f);
                normals[nBottomC]   = -fStart.Z;
                startCapCenterIndex = nBottomC;

                int nTopC = nBottomC + 1;
                vertices[nTopC]   = fCur.Origin;
                uv[nTopC]         = new Vector2F(0.5f, 0.5f);
                normals[nTopC]    = fCur.Z;
                endCapCenterIndex = nTopC;

                if (NoSharedVertices)
                    // duplicate first loop and make a fan w/ bottom-center
                    int nExistingB = 0;
                    int nStartB    = nTopC + 1;
                    for (int k = 0; k < Slices; ++k)
                        vertices[nStartB + k] = vertices[nExistingB + k];
                        uv[nStartB + k]       = (Vector2F)Polygon.Vertices[k].Normalized;
                        normals[nStartB + k]  = normals[nBottomC];
                    append_disc(Slices, nBottomC, nStartB, true, Clockwise, ref ti);

                    // duplicate second loop and make fan
                    int nExistingT = nRingSize * (nRings - 1);
                    int nStartT    = nStartB + Slices;
                    for (int k = 0; k < Slices; ++k)
                        vertices[nStartT + k] = vertices[nExistingT + k];
                        uv[nStartT + k]       = (Vector2F)Polygon.Vertices[k].Normalized;
                        normals[nStartT + k]  = normals[nTopC];
                    append_disc(Slices, nTopC, nStartT, true, !Clockwise, ref ti);
                    append_disc(Slices, nBottomC, 0, true, Clockwise, ref ti);
                    append_disc(Slices, nTopC, nRingSize * (nRings - 1), true, !Clockwise, ref ti);