protected void PlaceActorAtCursor()
        // Place the actor & it's shadow plane at the last detected cursor postion.
        var pos = m_cursorManager.GetCurrentCursorPosition();
        var rot = m_cursorManager.GetCurrentCursorRotation();

        if (m_actorTransform == null)
            m_actorTransform = GameObject.Instantiate(m_actorPrefab, pos, rot).transform;
            m_actorTransform.position = pos;
            m_actorTransform.rotation = rot;
        if (m_shadowPlaneTransform == null)
            m_shadowPlaneTransform = GameObject.Instantiate(m_shadowPlanePrefab, pos, rot).transform;
            m_shadowPlaneTransform.position = pos;
            m_shadowPlaneTransform.rotation = rot;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!m_isObjectPlaced)
            if (Utils.WasTouchStartDetected())
                // Place the actor & it's shadow plane at the last detected cursor postion.
                var pos = m_cursorManager.GetCurrentCursorPosition();
                var rot = m_cursorManager.GetCurrentCursorRotation();

                if (m_actor == null)
                    m_actor            = GameObject.Instantiate(m_actorPrefab, pos, rot);
                    m_materialToUpdate = Utils.FindMaterialOnObject(m_actor, "COLOR BASICO 04");
                    m_actorAnimator    = m_actor.GetComponentInChildren <Animator> ();

                if (m_shadowPlane == null)
                    m_shadowPlane = GameObject.Instantiate(m_shadowPlanePrefab, pos, rot);

                m_isObjectPlaced = true;
        else if (m_isCursorHidden)
            Debug.Log("Capture color and enable cursor");

            m_materialToUpdate.color = m_pixelCapturer.m_lastCapturedColor;

            m_isCursorHidden = false;
        else if (Utils.WasTouchStartDetected())
            Debug.Log("Hide cursor and render a frame before capturing the color.");
            m_pixelCapturer.m_shouldCaptureOnNextFrame = true;
            m_isCursorHidden = true;