public ActionResult QueueEmails(MassEmailer m) { m.Body = GetBody(m.Body); if (UsesGrammarly(m)) { return Json(new { error = GrammarlyNotAllowed }); } if (TooLarge(m)) { return Json(new { error = TooLargeError }); } if (!m.Subject.HasValue() || !m.Body.HasValue()) { return Json(new { id = 0, error = "Both subject and body need some text." }); } if (!User.IsInRole("Admin") && m.Body.Contains("{createaccount}", ignoreCase: true)) { return Json(new { id = 0, error = "Only Admin can use {createaccount}." }); } if (Util.SessionTimedOut()) { Session["massemailer"] = m; return Content("timeout"); } DbUtil.LogActivity("Emailing people"); if (m.EmailFroms().Count(ef => ef.Value == m.FromAddress) == 0) { return Json(new { id = 0, error = "No email address to send from." }); } m.FromName = m.EmailFroms().First(ef => ef.Value == m.FromAddress).Text; int id; try { var eq = m.CreateQueue(); if (eq == null) { throw new Exception("No Emails to send (tag does not exist)"); } id = eq.Id; // If there are additional recipients, add them to the queue if (m.AdditionalRecipients != null) { foreach (var pid in m.AdditionalRecipients) { // Protect against duplicate PeopleIDs ending up in the queue var q3 = from eqt in CurrentDatabase.EmailQueueTos where eqt.Id == eq.Id where eqt.PeopleId == pid select eqt; if (q3.Any()) { continue; } CurrentDatabase.EmailQueueTos.InsertOnSubmit(new EmailQueueTo { Id = eq.Id, PeopleId = pid, OrgId = eq.SendFromOrgId, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), }); } CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); } if (m.RecipientIds != null) { foreach (var pid in m.RecipientIds) { // Protect against duplicate PeopleIDs ending up in the queue var q3 = from eqt in CurrentDatabase.EmailQueueTos where eqt.Id == eq.Id where eqt.PeopleId == pid select eqt; if (q3.Any()) { continue; } CurrentDatabase.EmailQueueTos.InsertOnSubmit(new EmailQueueTo { Id = eq.Id, PeopleId = pid, OrgId = eq.SendFromOrgId, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), }); } CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); } if (eq.SendWhen.HasValue) { return Json(new { id = 0, content = "Emails queued to be sent." }); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); return Json(new { id = 0, error = ex.Message }); } var host = CurrentDatabase.Host; var currorgid = CurrentDatabase.CurrentSessionOrgId; // save these from HttpContext to set again inside thread local storage var userEmail = Util.UserEmail; var isInRoleEmailTest = User.IsInRole("EmailTest"); var isMyDataUser = User.IsInRole("Access") == false; try { ValidateEmailReplacementCodes(CurrentDatabase, m.Body, new MailAddress(m.FromAddress)); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(new { error = ex.Message }); } var onlyProspects = m.OnlyProspects; HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem(ct => { try { var db = CurrentDatabase.Copy(); var cul = CurrentDatabase.Setting("Culture", "en-US"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(cul); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(cul); // set these again inside thread local storage db.SetCurrentOrgId(currorgid); Util.UserEmail = userEmail; Util.IsInRoleEmailTest = isInRoleEmailTest; Util.IsMyDataUser = isMyDataUser; db.SendPeopleEmail(id, onlyProspects); } catch (Exception ex) { var ex2 = new Exception($"Emailing error for queueid {id} on {host}\n{ex.Message}", ex); var cb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(Util.ConnectionString) { InitialCatalog = "ELMAH" }; var errorLog = new SqlErrorLog(cb.ConnectionString) { ApplicationName = "BVCMS" }; errorLog.Log(new Error(ex2)); var db = CMSDataContext.Create(host); var equeue = db.EmailQueues.Single(ee => ee.Id == id); equeue.Error = ex.Message.Truncate(200); db.SubmitChanges(); } }); return Json(new { id = id }); }
public ActionResult EditPerson(string data) { // Authenticate first if (!Auth()) { return(Message.createErrorReturn("Authentication failed, please try again", Message.API_ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)); } Message message = Message.createFromString(data); Models.CheckInAPIv2.Person person = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.CheckInAPIv2.Person>(; // new data person.clean(); var NewContext = CurrentDatabase.Copy(); CmsData.Person p = NewContext.LoadPersonById(; // existing data if (p == null) { return(Message.createErrorReturn("Person not found", Message.API_ERROR_PERSON_NOT_FOUND)); } person.fillPerson(p); BasicPersonInfo m = new BasicPersonInfo() { Id = }; p.CopyProperties2(m); m.CellPhone = new CellPhoneInfo() { Number = person.mobilePhone, ReceiveText = p.ReceiveSMS }; m.Gender = new Code.CodeInfo(p.GenderId, p.Gender.Description); m.MaritalStatus = new Code.CodeInfo(p.MaritalStatusId, p.MaritalStatus.Description); m.EmailAddress = new EmailInfo() { Address = p.EmailAddress, Send = p.SendEmailAddress1.GetValueOrDefault(true) }; m.EmailAddress2 = new EmailInfo() { Address = p.EmailAddress2, Send = p.SendEmailAddress2.GetValueOrDefault(true) }; m.UpdatePerson(CurrentDatabase); DbUtil.LogPersonActivity($"Update Basic Info for: {m.person.Name}", m.Id, m.person.Name); CmsData.Family f = NewContext.Families.First(fam => fam.FamilyId == p.FamilyId); p.SetRecReg().MedicalDescription = person.allergies; p.SetRecReg().Emcontact = person.emergencyName; p.SetRecReg().Emphone = person.emergencyPhone.Truncate(50); var fsb = new List <ChangeDetail>(); f.UpdateValue(fsb, "AddressLineOne", person.address); f.UpdateValue(fsb, "AddressLineTwo", person.address2); f.UpdateValue(fsb, "CityName",; f.UpdateValue(fsb, "StateCode", person.state); f.UpdateValue(fsb, "ZipCode", person.zipCode); f.UpdateValue(fsb, "CountryName",; f.LogChanges(NewContext, fsb, p.PeopleId, CurrentDatabase.UserPeopleId ?? 0); person.fillFamily(f); NewContext.SubmitChanges(); AddEditPersonResults results = new AddEditPersonResults { familyID = f.FamilyId, peopleID = p.PeopleId, positionID = p.PositionInFamilyId, barcodeID = CmsData.Person.Barcode(CurrentDatabase, p.PeopleId) }; Message response = new Message(); response.setNoError(); response.count = 1; = SerializeJSON(results); return(response); }