public ActionResult Index(string id, bool useShell = true) { var check = (from e in CurrentDatabase.Contents where e.Name == "SGF-" + id + ".xml" select e).SingleOrDefault(); if (check == null) { return(new HttpNotFoundResult("Page not found!")); } var sgfm = BuildSmallGroupFinderModel(id, useShell); // Process shell here if (sgfm.hasShell()) { var template = sgfm.createFromShell(); ViewBag.Shell = template; return(View("MapShell", sgfm)); } if (CurrentDatabase.Setting("SGF-UseEmbeddedMap")) { var template = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ShellDefaultSGF", "<!-- CONTAINER -->"); ViewBag.Shell = template; return(View("MapShell", sgfm)); } return(View("Index", sgfm)); }
public User CreateAccount() { //var Db = Db; if (!person.EmailAddress.HasValue()) { CannotCreateAccount = true; } else if (person.Users.Any()) // already have account { if (org == null || org.IsMissionTrip == true) { return(null); } SawExistingAccount = true; var user = person.Users.OrderByDescending(uu => uu.LastActivityDate).First(); var message = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ExistingUserConfirmation", Resource1.CreateAccount_ExistingUser); message = message .Replace("{name}", person.Name) .Replace("{host}", CurrentDatabase.CmsHost); Log("AlreadyHaveAccount"); CurrentDatabase.Email(DbUtil.AdminMail, person, "Account information for " + CurrentDatabase.Host, message); } else { CreatedAccount = true; var user = MembershipService.CreateUser(CurrentDatabase, person.PeopleId); Log("SendNewUserEmail"); AccountModel.SendNewUserEmail(CurrentDatabase, user.Username); return(user); } return(null); }
public void ProcessReply(string ans) { var dt = new DateTime(ticks); var i = (from rr in CurrentDatabase.SubRequests where rr.AttendId == attend.AttendId where rr.RequestorId == person.PeopleId where rr.Requested == dt where rr.SubstituteId == sid select rr).Single(); if (attend.Commitment == AttendCommitmentCode.SubFound || attend.SubRequests.Any(ss => ss.CanSub == true)) { DisplayMessage = "This substitute request has already been covered. Thank you so much for responding."; Log("Covered", i.Requested, i.SubstituteId); return; } i.Responded = DateTime.Now; if (ans != "yes") { DisplayMessage = "Thank you for responding"; i.CanSub = false; Log("Regrets", i.Requested, i.SubstituteId); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); return; } i.CanSub = true; Attend.MarkRegistered(CurrentDatabase, i.Substitute.PeopleId, attend.MeetingId, AttendCommitmentCode.Substitute); attend.Commitment = AttendCommitmentCode.SubFound; Log("Claimed", i.Requested, i.SubstituteId); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); message = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("VolunteerSubConfirm", Resource1.VolSubModel_VolunteerSubConfirm); var body = message .Replace("{substitute}", i.Substitute.Name) .Replace("{requestor}", i.Requestor.Name) .Replace("{org}", org.OrganizationName) .Replace("{meetingdate}", $"{attend.MeetingDate:MMM d, yyyy}") .Replace("{meetingtime}", $"{attend.MeetingDate:h:mm tt}"); // on screen message DisplayMessage = $"<p>You have been sent the following email at {Util.ObscureEmail(i.Substitute.EmailAddress)}.</p>\n" + body; // email confirmation CurrentDatabase.Email(i.Requestor.FromEmail, i.Substitute, "Volunteer Substitute Commitment for " + org.OrganizationName, body); // notify requestor and org notifyids var list = CurrentDatabase.PeopleFromPidString(org.NotifyIds).ToList(); list.Insert(0, i.Requestor); CurrentDatabase.Email(i.Substitute.FromEmail, list, "Volunteer Substitute Commitment for " + org.OrganizationName, $@" <p>The following email was sent to {i.Substitute.Name}.</p> <blockquote> {body} </blockquote>"); }
public ActionResult Index(int id, int?pid) { var o = OrgContentInfo.Get(id); if (o == null) { return(Content("<h2>Not an Organization</h2>")); } if (!Util.UserPeopleId.HasValue) { return(Redirect("/OrgContent/Login/" + id)); } if (o.TryRunPython(pid ?? Util.UserPeopleId.Value)) { return(View("ScriptResults", o)); } var org = CurrentDatabase.LoadOrganizationById(o.OrgId); // Try to load a template specific to this org type var template = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml($"OrgContent-{org.OrganizationType?.Description}", null); // Try to fall back on a standard template if (template == null) { template = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("OrgContent", null); } if (template != null) { template = template.Replace("{content}", o.Html ?? string.Empty) .Replace("{location}", org.Location ?? string.Empty) .Replace("{type}", org.OrganizationType?.Description ?? string.Empty) .Replace("{division}", org.Division?.Name ?? string.Empty) .Replace("{campus}", org.Campu?.Description ?? string.Empty) .Replace("{orgid}", org.OrganizationId.ToString()) .Replace("{name}", org.OrganizationName ?? string.Empty); org.GetOrganizationExtras() .ForEach( ev => { template = template.Replace($"{{{ev.Field}}}", ev.Data ?? ev.StrValue ?? string.Empty); }); if (template.Contains("{directory}")) { ViewBag.qid = CurrentDatabase.NewOrgFilter(id).QueryId; } ViewBag.template = template; return(View(o)); } return(View(o)); }
public void ConfirmReregister() { var p = List[0]; var message = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ReregisterLinkEmail", @"Hi {name}, <p>Here is your <a href=""{url}"">MANAGE REGISTRATION</a> link to manage {orgname}. This link will work only once. Creating an account will allow you to do this again without having to email the link.</p>"); message = message.Replace("{orgname}", Header).Replace("{org}", Header); var Staff = CurrentDatabase.StaffPeopleForOrg(Orgid.Value); p.SendOneTimeLink(Staff.First().FromEmail, CurrentDatabase.ServerLink("/OnlineReg/RegisterLink/"), "Manage Your Registration for " + Header, message); Log("SendReRegisterLink"); }
public ActionResult ForgotUsername(string email) { TryLoadAlternateShell(); if (Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "GET") { return(View()); } if (!Util.ValidEmail(email)) { ModelState.AddModelError("email", "valid email required"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } email = email?.Trim(); var q = from u in CurrentDatabase.Users where u.Person.EmailAddress == email || u.Person.EmailAddress2 == email where email != "" && email != null select u; foreach (var user in q) { var message = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ForgotUsername", Resource1.AccountController_ForgotUsername); message = message.Replace("{name}", user.Name); message = message.Replace("{username}", user.Username); CurrentDatabase.EmailRedacted(CmsData.DbUtil.AdminMail, user.Person, "touchpoint forgot username", message); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); CurrentDatabase.EmailRedacted(CmsData.DbUtil.AdminMail, CMSRoleProvider.provider.GetAdmins(), $"touchpoint user: {user.Name} forgot username", "no content"); } if (!q.Any()) { CurrentDatabase.EmailRedacted(CmsData.DbUtil.AdminMail, CMSRoleProvider.provider.GetAdmins(), $"touchpoint unknown email: {email} forgot username", "no content"); } return(RedirectToAction("RequestUsername")); }
public ActionResult ConfirmSubscriptions(ManageSubsModel m) { m.UpdateSubscriptions(); var Staff = CurrentDatabase.StaffPeopleForOrg(m.masterorgid); var msg = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ConfirmSubscriptions", Resource1.ConfirmSubscriptions); var orgname = m.Description(); msg = msg.Replace("{org}", orgname).Replace("{details}", m.Summary); CurrentDatabase.Email(Staff.First().FromEmail, m.person, "Subscription Confirmation", msg); CurrentDatabase.Email(m.person.FromEmail, Staff, "Subscriptions managed", $@"{m.person.Name} managed subscriptions to {m.Description()}<br/>{m.Summary}"); SetHeaders(m.masterorgid); m.Log("Confirm"); return(View("ManageSubscriptions/Confirm", m)); }
public void ComposeMessage() { var dt = DateTime.Now; ticks = dt.Ticks; var yeslink = $@"<a href=""http://volsublink"" aid=""{attend.AttendId}"" pid=""{person.PeopleId}"" ticks=""{ticks}"" ans=""yes""> Yes, I can sub for you.</a>"; var nolink = $@"<a href=""http://volsublink"" aid=""{attend.AttendId}"" pid=""{person.PeopleId}"" ticks=""{ticks}"" ans=""no""> Sorry, I cannot sub for you.</a>"; subject = $"Volunteer substitute request for {org.OrganizationName}"; message = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("VolunteerSubRequest", Resource1.VolSubModel_ComposeMessage_Body); message = message.Replace("{org}", org.OrganizationName) .Replace("{meetingdate}", attend.MeetingDate.ToString("dddd, MMM d")) .Replace("{meetingtime}", attend.MeetingDate.ToString("h:mm tt")) .Replace("{yeslink}", yeslink) .Replace("{nolink}", nolink) .Replace("{sendername}", person.Name); }
public ActionResult SaveProgress(OnlineRegModel m) { m.HistoryAdd("saveprogress"); if (m.UserPeopleId == null) { m.UserPeopleId = Util.UserPeopleId; } m.UpdateDatum(); var p = m.UserPeopleId.HasValue ? CurrentDatabase.LoadPersonById(m.UserPeopleId.Value) : m.List[0].person; if (p == null) { return(Content("We have not found your record yet, cannot save progress, sorry")); } if (m.masterorgid == null && m.Orgid == null) { return(Content("Registration is not far enough along to save, sorry.")); } var msg = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ContinueRegistrationLink", @" <p>Hi {first},</p> <p>Here is the link to continue your registration:</p> Resume [registration for {orgname}] ").Replace("{orgname}", m.Header); var linktext = Regex.Match(msg, @"(\[(.*)\])", RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups[2].Value; var registerlink = EmailReplacements.CreateRegisterLink(m.masterorgid ?? m.Orgid, linktext); msg = Regex.Replace(msg, @"(\[.*\])", registerlink, RegexOptions.Singleline); var notifyids = CurrentDatabase.NotifyIds((m.masterorg ??; CurrentDatabase.Email(notifyids[0].FromEmail, p, $"Continue your registration for {m.Header}", msg); /* We use Content as an ActionResult instead of Message because we want plain text sent back * This is an HttpPost ajax call and will have a SiteLayout wrapping this. */ return(Content(@" We have saved your progress. An email with a link to finish this registration will come to you shortly. <input type='hidden' id='SavedProgress' value='true'/> ")); }
public string GetThankYouMessage() { var def = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("OnlineRegThanks", Resource1.OnlineRegModel_ThankYouMessage); string msg = null; if (masterorg != null) { var setting1 = new Settings(); if (settings.ContainsKey(masterorg.OrganizationId)) { setting1 = settings[masterorg.OrganizationId]; } var setting2 = setting1; if (last != null && != null && settings.ContainsKey( { setting1 = settings[]; } msg = Util.PickFirst(setting1.ThankYouMessage, setting2.ThankYouMessage, def); } else { var setting = new Settings(); if (settings.ContainsKey(org.OrganizationId)) { setting = settings[org.OrganizationId]; } msg = Util.PickFirst(setting.ThankYouMessage, def); } msg = msg.Replace("{org}", Header) .Replace("{email}", Util.ObscureEmail(email)) .Replace("{url}", URL) .Replace(WebUtility.UrlEncode("{url}"), URL); return(msg); }
public ActionResult Index(string id, bool useShell = true) { if (id != Request.QueryString["id"]) { var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.QueryString.ToQueryString()); query["id"] = id; var urlFormat = "/SmallGroupFinder/Index?" + query.ToQueryString(); return(Redirect(urlFormat)); } var check = (from e in CurrentDatabase.Contents where e.Name == $"SGF-{id}.xml" select e).Any(); if (!check) { return(new HttpNotFoundResult()); } var sgfm = BuildSmallGroupFinderModel(id, useShell); // Process shell here if (sgfm.hasShell()) { var template = sgfm.createFromShell(); ViewBag.Shell = template; return(View("MapShell", sgfm)); } if (sgfm.UseNewUi) { var template = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ShellDefaultSGF", "<!-- CONTAINER -->"); ViewBag.Shell = template; return(View("MapShell", sgfm)); } return(View("Index", sgfm)); }