public static bool ValidCountry(String country) { if ("|us|ut|ca|".IndexOf("|" + country.ToLower() + "|") > -1) { return(true); } return(Countries.Contains(country.ToLower())); }
public void UpdateInfos(IList <Country> countries, string officialUrl, DateTime lastUpdate, Reviewer reviewer, IList <string> similarArtists) { #region parameters validation if (reviewer == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Artist update : 'reviewer' cannot be null nor empty"); } if (lastUpdate == DateTime.MinValue) { throw new ArgumentException("Artist update : 'lastUpdate' must be a valid date"); } #endregion //if older version than the current one, return without doing anything if (lastUpdate < LastUpdate) { return; } foreach (var country in countries) { if (!Countries.Contains(country)) { Countries.Add(country); } } LastUpdate = lastUpdate; Reviewer = reviewer; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(officialUrl)) { OfficialUrl = officialUrl; } //Add new similar artists, avoiding duplicates foreach (var similarArtist in similarArtists) { if (!RawSimilarArtists.Contains(similarArtist) && similarArtist != Name) { RawSimilarArtists.Add(similarArtist); } } }
private async Task <bool> CheckCountry(IServiceProvider services) { if (Countries != null && Countries.Any()) { var locationInfo = await GetGeoLocation(services); if (locationInfo == null) { return(Countries.Contains("unknown")); } else { return(Countries.Contains(locationInfo.CountryCode)); } } return(true); }
public new void Add(Movie item) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Category) && !Categories.Contains(item.Category)) { Categories.Add(item.Category); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Country) && !Countries.Contains(item.Country)) { Countries.Add(item.Country); } if (item.Actors != null) { foreach (string actor in item.Actors) { if (!Actors.Contains(actor.Trim())) { Actors.Add(actor.Trim()); } } } if (item.ID == 0 || usedIds.Contains(item.ID)) { item.ID = idCounter; idCounter++; } else { usedIds.Add(item.ID); idCounter = item.ID + 1; } base.Add(item); }
public static void Load() { //TODO MUST making the xml called data.dat and encryption if (File.Exists("Data.dat")) { using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("Data.dat")) { Countries.Clear(); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (reader.Name == "Data") { FirstRun = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("FirstRun")); CurrentMacAddress = reader.GetAttribute("MacAddress"); CommitteeName = reader.GetAttribute("CommitteeName"); GSLAgenda = reader.GetAttribute("GSLAgenda"); SSLAgenda = reader.GetAttribute("SSLAgenda"); RollCallDone = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("RollCallDone")); ExtraData = reader.GetAttribute("ExtraData"); } else if (reader.Name == "Country") { Country country = new Country(); country.Name = reader.GetAttribute("Name"); country.Flag = reader.GetAttribute("Flag"); switch (reader.GetAttribute("Attendance")) { case "PresentAndVoting": country.Attendance = Attendance.PresentAndVoting; break; case "Present": country.Attendance = Attendance.Present; break; default: case "Absent": country.Attendance = Attendance.Absent; break; } country.GSL = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("GSL")); country.SSL = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("SSL")); if (!Countries.Contains(country)) { Countries.Add(country); } } else if (reader.Name == "Topics") { using (XmlReader topicsReader = reader.ReadSubtree()) { while (topicsReader.Read()) { if (topicsReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && topicsReader.Name == "Topic") { Topic topic = new Topic(); topic.Heading = topicsReader.GetAttribute("Heading"); topic.Passed = bool.Parse(topicsReader.GetAttribute("Passed")); topic.ProposedBy = FindCountry(topicsReader.GetAttribute("ProposedBy")); using (XmlReader speakersReader = topicsReader.ReadSubtree()) { while (speakersReader.Read()) { if (speakersReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && speakersReader.Name == "Country") { topic.SpeakingCountries.Add(FindCountry(speakersReader.ReadElementContentAsString())); } } } if (!topic.ProposedBy.MC.Contains(topic)) { topic.ProposedBy.MC.Add(topic); } } } } } } } } } else { FirstRun = true; CurrentMacAddress = string.Empty; Countries = GetDefaultCountries(); CommitteeName = "Committee"; GSLAgenda = "GSL Agenda"; SSLAgenda = "SSL Agenda"; RollCallDone = false; ExtraData = string.Empty; } }
public bool Contains(Country item) => Countries.Contains(item);