public override void PopulateList() { if (Countries == null) { Countries = new List <CountryModel>(); } Countries.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in _dataTable.Select(null, "Entity_Name", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)) { CountryModel country = new CountryModel() { Code = (int)row.Field <Int64>("Country_Code"), Name = row.Field <string>("Entity_Name"), Deleted = row.Field <bool>("Deleted") }; if (country.Deleted == false || IncludeDeleted == true) { Countries.Add(country); } } _dataTable = null; }
public static void GetCountriesAsGenericListUsingGetFieldValue() { Countries.Clear(); string ResultText = null; using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(Config.ConnectionString)) { cnn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(CountryManager.COUNTRY_SQL, cnn)) { using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { while (dr.Read()) { Countries.Add(new Country { CountryId = dr.GetFieldValue <int>(dr.GetOrdinal("Countryid")), IsDeleted = dr.GetFieldValue <bool>(dr.GetOrdinal("IsDeleted")), CountryAbbreviation = dr.GetFieldValue <string>(dr.GetOrdinal("CountryAbbreviation")), CountryName = dr.GetFieldValue <string>(dr.GetOrdinal("CountryName")), //GetFieldValue<T>() does not work on below nullable type CountryCallingCode = dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("CountryCallingCode")) ? "shound not be null" : dr["CountryCallingCode"].ToString() }); } } } } foreach (var item in Countries) { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item)); } }
public new void Clear() { base.Clear(); Categories.Clear(); Countries.Clear(); Actors.Clear(); }
async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand() { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { Countries.Clear(); var items = App.Database.GetCountries(); foreach (var item in items.Result.OrderBy(c => c.Name)) { Countries.Add(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
public static void GetCountriesAsGenericListUsingCustomGetFieldValue() { Countries.Clear(); string ResultText = null; using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(Config.ConnectionString)) { cnn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(CountryManager.COUNTRY_SQL, cnn)) { using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { while (dr.Read()) { Countries.Add(new Country { CountryId = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <int>("CountryId"), IsDeleted = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <bool>("IsDeleted"), CountryAbbreviation = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <string>("CountryAbbreviation"), CountryName = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <string>("CountryName"), CountryCallingCode = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <string>("CountryCallingCode") }); } } } } foreach (var item in Countries) { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item)); } }
private void CleanLists() { Countries.Clear(); RegionsA.Clear(); RegionsB.Clear(); RegionsC.Clear(); RegionsD.Clear(); }
private void FillCountries() { Countries.Clear(); foreach (var item in db.Countries.ToList()) { Countries.Add(item); } CountryCount = Countries.Count; }
private void ClearCountries() { foreach (var country in Countries) { country.IsSelectedChanged -= IsSelectedChanged; } Countries.Clear(); }
private void ExecuteSearchCountryCommand() { var cultureInfoPtBR = App.AppCultureInfo.Equals("pt"); IEnumerable <Country> countries; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchText)) { ItemTreshold = 1; Countries.Clear(); if (cultureInfoPtBR) { countries = _db.FindAll().OrderBy(p => p.countryPtBR).Take(20); } else { countries = _db.FindAll().OrderBy(p =>; } foreach (var item in _db.FindAll().Take(20)) { Countries.Add(item); } } else { ItemTreshold = -1; Countries.Clear(); try { if (cultureInfoPtBR) { countries = _db.FindAll() .Where(p => p.countryPtBR.ToLower().RemoveAccents().Contains(SearchText.ToLower().RemoveAccents())) .OrderBy(p => p.countryPtBR) .ToList(); } else { countries = _db.FindAll() .Where(p => .ToList(); } foreach (var item in countries) { Countries.Add(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { var error = ex.Message; } } }
private void ContinentFilterSelected() { Countries.Clear(); foreach (var country in CountriesRaw.Where(IsCountryBelongToSelectedContinent)) { Countries.Add(country); } SelectedCountry = Countries[0]; }
private async void UpdateCountries() { var CountriesAPIList = await RapidFutballHelper.GetCountries(); Countries.Clear(); Teams.Clear(); foreach (var Country in CountriesAPIList) { Countries.Add(Country); } }
public void Dispose() { if (Countries != null) { Countries.Clear(); } if (Cities != null) { Cities.Clear(); } }
public async void MakeRequest() { Info info = await CovidHelper.GetInfo(); Global = info.Global; Countries.Clear(); foreach (var item in info.Countries) { Countries.Add(item); } }
private void GetAllCountries() { Countries.Clear(); IEnumerable <Country> countries; countries = App.AppCultureInfo.Equals("pt") ? _db.FindAll().OrderBy(p => p.countryPtBR).Take(20) : _db.FindAll().Take(20); foreach (var item in countries) { Countries.Add(item); } }
public async void Load() { var result = await client.GetCountries(); Countries.Clear(); foreach (var item in result) { Countries.Add(item); } IsBusy = false; }
public void Update() { IEnumerable <string> countryNames = facade.GetAll(); Countries.Clear(); foreach (string countryName in countryNames) { Countries.Add(countryName); } RaisePropertyChangedEvent("SelectedCountry"); }
public async void Load() { var result = await _client.GetCountries(); Countries.Clear(); foreach (var item in result.OrderBy(a => a.Region).ThenBy(a => a.Name)) { Countries.Add(item); } IsBusy = false; }
private async void GetCountries() { var drzave = await _apiCountries.Get <List <Model.Drzava> >(null); Countries.Clear(); foreach (var item in drzave) { Countries.Add(new ComboBoxItem() { Content = item.Naziv }); } CountriesIsEnabled = true; }
public static void GetMultipleResultSets() { Countries.Clear(); string sql = CountryManager.COUNTRY_SQL; sql += ";" + CountryManager.STATE_SQL; Console.WriteLine(sql); using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(Config.ConnectionString)) { cnn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn)) { using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { while (dr.Read()) { Countries.Add(new Country { CountryId = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <int>("CountryId"), IsDeleted = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <bool>("IsDeleted"), CountryAbbreviation = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <string>("CountryAbbreviation"), CountryName = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <string>("CountryName"), CountryCallingCode = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <string>("CountryCallingCode") }); } dr.NextResult();//move to next result set while (dr.Read()) { States.Add(new State { CountryId = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <int>("CountryId"), IsDeleted = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <bool>("IsDeleted"), StateAbbreviation = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <string>("StateAbbreviation"), StateName = dr.CustomGetFieldValue <string>("StateName") }); } } } } foreach (var item in Countries) { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item)); } foreach (var item in States) { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item)); } }
private void UpdateCountries() { Countries.Clear(); var allCountries = from c in dataService.GetAllCountries() orderby c.Name select new CountryListItemViewModel(c, this.dataService, this.validPointValues.Count); foreach (var country in allCountries) { Countries.Add(country); } CountryIssuingVotes = null; UpdateShowResultsButton(); }
void SearchCountry(string text) { Countries.Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { foreach (var item in _tmpCountriesUI) { Countries.Add(item); } } else { IEnumerable <Models.Country> results = _tmpCountries.Where(s =>; foreach (var item in results) { Countries.Add(item); } } }
private void TreeSearch(string search) { Countries.Clear(); LoadCountries(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search)) { return; } ObservableCollection <Region> filteredRegions = new ObservableCollection <Region>(); List <Country> emptyCountries = new List <Country>(); for (int c = 0; c < Countries.Count; c++) { filteredRegions.Clear(); foreach (var region in Countries[c].Regions) { if (region.Name.ToLower() .Contains(search.ToLower())) { filteredRegions.Add(region); } } Countries[c].Regions.Clear(); if (filteredRegions.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in filteredRegions) { Countries[c].Regions.Add(item); } } else { emptyCountries.Add(Countries[c]); } } foreach (var c in emptyCountries) { Countries.Remove(c); } }
private async void LoadCountries() { if (Countries.Any()) { Indicator.IsVisible = false; } LoadButton.Text = "Atualizando"; IsBusy = true; List.IsVisible = true; Response.Text = string.Empty; try { var result = await DataService.GetCountries(); Countries.Clear(); foreach (var item in result) { Countries.Add(new CountryViewModel(item) { FlagSource = ImageSource.FromUri(DataService.GetFlagSource(item.Alpha2Code)), BrowseCommand = new Command <CountryViewModel>(BrowseCountry) }); } Response.Text = string.Empty; StatusPanel.IsVisible = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Text = ex.Message; StatusPanel.IsVisible = true; List.IsVisible = false; } finally { IsBusy = false; LoadButton.Text = "Atualizar"; } }
//[DataMember] private bool? _Favorite; public override void DefaultFilters() { _supressPublish = true; Name = null; Player = null; MinPlayers = 0; MaxPlayers = 0; MaxPing = 0; Mod = null; Continent = null; if (Countries == null) { Countries = new ReactiveList <string>(); Countries.CollectionChanged += Countries_CollectionChanged; } else { Countries.Clear(); } Protection = -1; IncompatibleServers = true; Modded = true; HideEmpty = false; HideFull = false; HideUnofficial = false; HideNeverJoined = false; HidePasswordProtected = true; HideUnresponsive = false; HideWrongGameVersion = true; DefaultMissionFilters(); _supressPublish = false; base.DefaultFilters(); }
private void LoadResources() { Action loadResources = async() => { User user = UnitOfWork.UserRepository.GetUser(); if (user == null) { // App used for the first time. ShowLoader(AppResources.SplashLoaderTextRegistration); CountrySelection = AppResources.SplashButtonTextSelectCountry; try { cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); LoaderText = AppResources.SplashLoaderTextCountries; Countries.Clear(); Countries.AddRange(await BumbleApiService.Countries()); ShowCountrySelector(); } catch (Exception e) { base.ShowPopup(CustomPopupMessageType.Error, e.Message, AppResources.CustomPopupGenericOkMessage, null); ShowRetryResources(); } } else if (user.Country == null) { // Changed country. ShowLoader(AppResources.SplashLoaderTextRegistration); CountrySelection = AppResources.SplashButtonTextSelectCountry; try { LoaderText = AppResources.SplashLoaderTextCountries; Countries.Clear(); Countries.AddRange(await BumbleApiService.Countries()); ShowCountrySelector(); } catch (Exception e) { base.ShowPopup(CustomPopupMessageType.Error, e.Message, AppResources.CustomPopupGenericOkMessage, null); ShowRetryResources(); } } else { ShowLoader(AppResources.SplashLoaderTextCheckingForUpdates); SetUserPopupStates(user); // App loaded, check cache if expired. foreach (CacheSetting cacheSetting in UnitOfWork.CacheSettingRepository.GetAllCacheSettings()) { if (cacheSetting.LastRefreshedDateUtc == null || cacheSetting.LastRefreshedDateUtc.Value.AddSeconds(cacheSetting.CacheValidDurationInSeconds) < DateTime.UtcNow) { switch (cacheSetting.ResourceType) { case ResourceType.Operators: try { await DownloadCountryData(user.Country, cacheSetting.LastRefreshedDateUtc); } catch (Exception e) { base.ShowPopup(CustomPopupMessageType.Error, e.Message, AppResources.CustomPopupGenericOkMessage, null); ShowRetryResources(); return; } break; } } } //LoaderText = AppResources.SplashLoaderTextComplete; TryNavigateToStartPage(); } }; DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(loadResources); }
public static void Load() { //TODO MUST making the xml called data.dat and encryption if (File.Exists("Data.dat")) { using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("Data.dat")) { Countries.Clear(); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (reader.Name == "Data") { FirstRun = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("FirstRun")); CurrentMacAddress = reader.GetAttribute("MacAddress"); CommitteeName = reader.GetAttribute("CommitteeName"); GSLAgenda = reader.GetAttribute("GSLAgenda"); SSLAgenda = reader.GetAttribute("SSLAgenda"); RollCallDone = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("RollCallDone")); ExtraData = reader.GetAttribute("ExtraData"); } else if (reader.Name == "Country") { Country country = new Country(); country.Name = reader.GetAttribute("Name"); country.Flag = reader.GetAttribute("Flag"); switch (reader.GetAttribute("Attendance")) { case "PresentAndVoting": country.Attendance = Attendance.PresentAndVoting; break; case "Present": country.Attendance = Attendance.Present; break; default: case "Absent": country.Attendance = Attendance.Absent; break; } country.GSL = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("GSL")); country.SSL = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("SSL")); if (!Countries.Contains(country)) { Countries.Add(country); } } else if (reader.Name == "Topics") { using (XmlReader topicsReader = reader.ReadSubtree()) { while (topicsReader.Read()) { if (topicsReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && topicsReader.Name == "Topic") { Topic topic = new Topic(); topic.Heading = topicsReader.GetAttribute("Heading"); topic.Passed = bool.Parse(topicsReader.GetAttribute("Passed")); topic.ProposedBy = FindCountry(topicsReader.GetAttribute("ProposedBy")); using (XmlReader speakersReader = topicsReader.ReadSubtree()) { while (speakersReader.Read()) { if (speakersReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && speakersReader.Name == "Country") { topic.SpeakingCountries.Add(FindCountry(speakersReader.ReadElementContentAsString())); } } } if (!topic.ProposedBy.MC.Contains(topic)) { topic.ProposedBy.MC.Add(topic); } } } } } } } } } else { FirstRun = true; CurrentMacAddress = string.Empty; Countries = GetDefaultCountries(); CommitteeName = "Committee"; GSLAgenda = "GSL Agenda"; SSLAgenda = "SSL Agenda"; RollCallDone = false; ExtraData = string.Empty; } }
protected void FillSearchCriterias() { SortAscending = false; Countries.Clear(); Groups.Clear(); Genders.Clear(); CalendarPrivacy.Clear(); MeasurementPrivacy.Clear(); Photos.Clear(); Plans.Clear(); SearchStatus = string.Empty; SortOrders.Clear(); foreach (var test in Country.Countries) { CheckListItem <Country> item = new CheckListItem <Country>(test.DisplayName, test); Countries.Add(item); } foreach (UserSearchGroup test in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UserSearchGroup))) { var item = new CheckListItem <UserSearchGroup>(EnumLocalizer.Default.Translate(test), test); Groups.Add(item); } foreach (Gender test in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gender))) { var item = new CheckListItem <Gender>(EnumLocalizer.Default.Translate(test), test); Genders.Add(item); } foreach (PrivacyCriteria test in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PrivacyCriteria))) { var item = new CheckListItem <PrivacyCriteria>(EnumLocalizer.Default.Translate(test), test); CalendarPrivacy.Add(item); } foreach (PrivacyCriteria test in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PrivacyCriteria))) { var item = new CheckListItem <PrivacyCriteria>(EnumLocalizer.Default.Translate(test), test); MeasurementPrivacy.Add(item); } foreach (UsersSortOrder test in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UsersSortOrder))) { var item = new CheckListItem <UsersSortOrder>(EnumLocalizer.Default.Translate(test), test); SortOrders.Add(item); } foreach (PictureCriteria test in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PictureCriteria))) { var item = new CheckListItem <PictureCriteria>(EnumLocalizer.Default.Translate(test), test); Photos.Add(item); } foreach (UserPlanCriteria test in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UserPlanCriteria))) { var item = new CheckListItem <UserPlanCriteria>(EnumLocalizer.Default.Translate(test), test); Plans.Add(item); } SelectedCalendarPrivacy = PrivacyCriteria.All; SelectedMeasurementPrivacy = PrivacyCriteria.All; SelectedPhoto = PictureCriteria.All; SelectedPlan = UserPlanCriteria.All; SelectedSortOrder = UsersSortOrder.ByLastLoginDate; }
/// <summary> /// retrieve the cases number for all countries /// </summary> public void GetCountries() { if (_html == null) { return; } Countries.Clear(); var rows = _html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table[@id='main_table_countries_today']/tbody/tr"); foreach (var row in rows) { var cells = row.SelectNodes(".//td"); var country = new Country(); // the first cell is country name, it may or may not contain a hyper link var a = cells.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ChildNodes.Count > 1); if (a != null) { country.Name = a.ChildNodes[1].InnerText; } else { country.Name = cells[0].InnerText; } int temp; int.TryParse(cells[1].InnerText.Trim(), NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out temp); country.TotalCases = temp; int.TryParse(cells[2].InnerText.Trim().Trim('+'), NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out temp); country.NewCases = temp; int.TryParse(cells[3].InnerText.Trim(), NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out temp); country.TotalDeaths = temp; int.TryParse(cells[4].InnerText.Trim().Trim('+'), NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out temp); country.NewDeaths = temp; int.TryParse(cells[5].InnerText.Trim(), NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out temp); country.TotalRecovered = temp; int.TryParse(cells[6].InnerText.Trim(), NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out temp); country.ActiveCases = temp; int.TryParse(cells[7].InnerText.Trim(), NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out temp); country.SeriousCritical = temp; int.TryParse(cells[7].InnerText.Trim(), NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out temp); country.TotalCasesPer1MPop = temp; if (row == rows.Last()) { CountryTotal = country; } else { Countries.Add(country); } } }
public void Clear() => Countries.Clear();