Exemple #1
     * Returns true if a heat source is under the block

    public bool IsHeated()
        if (!this.CanTick())

        if (!this.requiresHeat)
            return(this.hasHeat = true);

        World world = GameManager.Instance.World;

        // If TE is on very bottom of world this will prevent out of boundary shenanigans.
        if (this.ToWorldPos() == this.heatedBlockCoords[0])
            return(this.hasHeat = false);

        Dictionary <Vector3i, TileEntity> tileEntitiesUnderneath = CoordinateHelper.GetTileEntitiesInCoordinatesWithType(world, this.heatedBlockCoords, TileEntityType.Workstation);

        if (tileEntitiesUnderneath.Count == 0)
            return(this.hasHeat = false);

        foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector3i, TileEntity> entry in tileEntitiesUnderneath)
            TileEntityWorkstation otherTileEntity = entry.Value as TileEntityWorkstation;
            Vector3i otherTileEntityPos           = entry.Key;

            foreach (string heatSource in this.heatSources)
                if (!CoordinateHelper.BlockAtCoordinateIs(world, otherTileEntityPos, heatSource))

                // Checks that there is fuel being used for the workstation as well as if it's burning.
                foreach (ItemStack itemStack in otherTileEntity.Fuel)
                    if (itemStack != null & !itemStack.Equals(ItemStack.Empty.Clone()))
                        if (otherTileEntity.IsActive(world))
                            return(this.hasHeat = true);
        return(this.hasHeat = false);
Exemple #2
     * Checks if block is powered. It is required to be next to a TileEntityPowered type of block in any cardinal direction.

    public bool IsPowered()
        if (!this.CanTick())

        if (!this.requiresPower)
            return(this.hasPower = true);

        if (this.poweredBlockCoords.Count == 0)
            return(this.hasPower = false);

        World world = GameManager.Instance.World;
        Dictionary <Vector3i, TileEntity> tileEntitiesNearby = CoordinateHelper.GetTileEntitiesInCoordinatesWithType(world, this.poweredBlockCoords, TileEntityType.Powered);

        if (tileEntitiesNearby.Count == 0)
            return(this.hasPower = false);

        foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector3i, TileEntity> entry in tileEntitiesNearby)
            TileEntityPowered otherTileEntity    = entry.Value as TileEntityPowered;
            Vector3i          otherTileEntityPos = entry.Key;

            foreach (string powerSource in this.powerSources)
                string name = CoordinateHelper.GetBlockNameAtCoordinate(world, otherTileEntityPos);
                if (!CoordinateHelper.BlockAtCoordinateIs(world, otherTileEntityPos, powerSource))

                if (otherTileEntity.IsPowered)
                    return(this.hasPower = true);
        return(this.hasPower = false);