Exemple #1
    private System.Drawing.Color ArbitraryRedshiftBasedColor(CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject dude, CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject reference)
        //Get z from the two objects
        //for information about z, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift
        //z==0 means no shift
        //1+z = wavelength(observed)/wavelength(emitted)
        //so multiply the object's wavelength by (1+z)
        //the shift from pure green to pure red or pure blue to pure green is about z=0.17, so this would not be the most dynamic scale for large z
        double z = CoordinateEngine.calculateRedshiftZ(dude, universe.bro);

        //"Accurate" values
        const double upperlimit = 0.17;
        const double lowerlimit = -0.146;

        //Way to "soften" the quick and hard transition between colors.  The 1/exponent roughly multiplies the visible spectrum window...
        z = -1.0 + Math.Pow(1.0 + z, 1.0 / 1.0);

        if (z > upperlimit)//receding fast
            return(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(127, 5, 10));
        else if (z < lowerlimit)//approaching fast
            return(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(127, 0, 255));
        else if (z > 0.0)
            return(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)(z / upperlimit * 255), (int)(255 * (1 - z / upperlimit)), 0));
        else  //z<0.0
            return(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, (int)(255 * (1 - z / lowerlimit)), (int)(z / lowerlimit * 255)));
Exemple #2
    protected override void OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e)
        Tick tick = new Tick();


        GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);


        List <CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject> ros = universe.GetNPCs();

        lock (ros) {
            foreach (CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject ro in ros)
        lock (universe.bro){
            m_camera.camera_position = CoordinateEngine.toVector3(universe.bro.x);//Loses accuracy in this...
        //DrawRelativisticObject(universe.bro, false);//Don't draw bro if the camera is at bro.


        stats.AddValue(FPS_TAG, tick.Tock());

Exemple #3
 /// <param name="u">A Universe to display.</param>
 public Canvas(Universe u) : base(1920, 1080, new OpenTK.Graphics.GraphicsMode(16, 16))
     universe = u;
     m_camera = new rope.camera(CoordinateEngine.toVector3(universe.bro.x), new Vector3(0, 0, -1), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
     printer  = new OpenTK.Graphics.TextPrinter();
     stats    = Stats.Instance();
     stats.AddValue(FPS_TAG, -1);
Exemple #4
    private void DrawHUD()
        // Switch to orthographic.
        GL.Ortho(0, Width, Height, 0, -5, 1);

        string gfps_str = String.Format("graphics: {0} FPS",
        string pfps_str = String.Format("physics: {0} FPS",

        //Note about printer: mono seems to have a memory leak from this unless it is manually .Dispose() 'd of
        //Or only a finite number of instances are made (1 from constructor seems fine)
        linenumber = 0;
        HUDprintLine(String.Format("Gamma: {0}", universe.bro.gamma));
        HUDprintLine(String.Format("Gamma*Vrms: {0}", universe.bro.gamma * universe.bro.vrms));
        HUDprintLine(String.Format("Vrms: {0}", universe.bro.vrms));
        HUDprintLine(String.Format("Your watch: {0:F3}", universe.bro.t_object));
        HUDprintLine(String.Format("Wall clock: {0:F3}", universe.universe_time));
        HUDprintLine(String.Format("Position: \n{0:F4}\n{1:F4}\n{2:F4}", universe.bro.x[0], universe.bro.x[1], universe.bro.x[2]));
        linenumber += 3;

            double[] rapidity = CoordinateEngine.Rapidity(universe.bro.v);
            //Print next to the position statement
            RectangleF m_rect = new RectangleF(50 + 100, 50 + 25 * (linenumber - 1), 500, 50);
            printer.Print(String.Format("Rapidity: \n{0:F4}\n{1:F4}\n{2:F4}", rapidity[0], rapidity[1], rapidity[2]),
                          font, Color.White, m_rect);

        if (AM_USING_RETICLE)

        // Switch back.
Exemple #5
    //Populates the dudes, as a hard-coded demo
    public void InitDemo()
        for (int i = 0; i < DemoConsts.array_size_x; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < DemoConsts.array_size_y; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < DemoConsts.array_size_z; k++)
                    //This mess of things at 0,0,0 sorts itself out after a few frames using UpdateDudes(), don't worry
                    CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject new_guy = new CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject(0, 0, 0);

                    new_guy.vrms = DemoConsts.speed;
                    double new_gamma = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    if (DemoConsts.speed < 1.0)
                        new_gamma = CoordinateEngine.computeGamma(DemoConsts.speed);
                    new_guy.gamma = new_gamma;

Exemple #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw a single RelativisticObject to the screen.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ro">The RelativisticObject to draw.</param>
    /// <param name="issilver">Whether that object should be silver I guess</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// What? You want to choose a color? Get off my lawn!
    /// </remarks>
    private void DrawRelativisticObject(CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject ro, bool issilver = true)
        double x;
        double y;
        double z;
            double[] apparent_position = CoordinateEngine.ApparentPosition(ro.x,universe.bro.x,universe.bro.v);
            x = apparent_position[_x];
            y = apparent_position[_y];
            z = apparent_position[_z];
            x = ro.x[_x];
            y = ro.x[_y];
            z = ro.x[_z];

        //double size = .01*Math.Sqrt (CoordinateEngine.RMS(universe.bro.x));
        double size = 0.042;//Diameter of the Earth if t=seconds
        size/=2;//Turns size into the side length of the cube

        if (issilver)

        // front
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z + size);

        // right
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z - size);

        // bottom
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z - size);

        // left
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z - size);

        // top
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z - size);

        // back
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z - size);

Exemple #7
    private System.Drawing.Color ArbitraryRedshiftBasedColor(CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject dude, CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject reference)
        //Get z from the two objects
        //for information about z, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift
        //z==0 means no shift
        //1+z = wavelength(observed)/wavelength(emitted)
        //so multiply the object's wavelength by (1+z)
        //the shift from pure green to pure red or pure blue to pure green is about z=0.17, so this would not be the most dynamic scale for large z
        double z = CoordinateEngine.calculateRedshiftZ(dude,universe.bro);

        //"Accurate" values
        const double upperlimit = 0.17;
        const double lowerlimit = -0.146;

        //Way to "soften" the quick and hard transition between colors.  The 1/exponent roughly multiplies the visible spectrum window...
        z = -1.0+Math.Pow(1.0+z,1.0/1.0);

        if(z>upperlimit){//receding fast
            return System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(127,5,10);
        }else if(z<lowerlimit){//approaching fast
            return System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(127,0,255);
        }else if(z>0.0){
            return System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)(z/upperlimit*255),(int)(255*(1-z/upperlimit)),0);
            return System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0,(int)(255*(1-z/lowerlimit)),(int)(z/lowerlimit*255));
Exemple #8
    protected override void OnUpdateFrame(FrameEventArgs e)

        // Handle input.

        //Movement modifier
        float modifier = 1.0f;

        if (Keyboard[Key.LShift]) //for precise positioning
            modifier /= 5;
        if (Keyboard[Key.LControl]) //ENGAGE WARP DRIVE
            modifier *= 5;

        // Camera lateral movement
        if (Keyboard[Key.W])
            universe.bro.v = CoordinateEngine.velocitySum(universe.bro.v,
                                                                                             m_camera.lookat_vector, (float)e.Time * bro_acceleration * modifier)));
        if (Keyboard[Key.A])
            universe.bro.v = CoordinateEngine.velocitySum(universe.bro.v,
                                                                                             m_camera.left_vector, (float)e.Time * bro_acceleration * modifier)));
        if (Keyboard[Key.S])
            universe.bro.v = CoordinateEngine.velocitySum(universe.bro.v,
                                                                                             m_camera.lookat_vector, (float)e.Time * (-bro_acceleration * modifier))));
        if (Keyboard[Key.D])
            universe.bro.v = CoordinateEngine.velocitySum(universe.bro.v,
                                                                                             m_camera.left_vector, (float)e.Time * (-bro_acceleration * modifier))));
        if (Keyboard[Key.E])
            universe.bro.v = CoordinateEngine.velocitySum(universe.bro.v,
                                                                                             m_camera.orientation_vector, (float)e.Time * bro_acceleration * modifier)));
        if (Keyboard[Key.C])
            universe.bro.v = CoordinateEngine.velocitySum(universe.bro.v,
                                                                                             m_camera.orientation_vector, (float)e.Time * (-bro_acceleration * modifier))));

        //Brakes, for convenience
        //Note, this is an instant stop
        if (Keyboard[Key.BackSpace])
            for (int i = 0; i < universe.bro.v.Length; i++)
                universe.bro.v[i] = 0;

        //Camera rotation
        //Will work for small angles, deviating at larger ones
        if (Keyboard[Key.Right] || Keyboard[Key.Keypad6])
            m_camera.ShiftDirection(0, -(float)e.Time * modifier, 0);
        if (Keyboard[Key.Left] || Keyboard[Key.Keypad4])
            m_camera.ShiftDirection(0, (float)e.Time * modifier, 0);
        if (Keyboard[Key.Down] || Keyboard[Key.Keypad2])//up, I wanted inverted controls for testing
            m_camera.ShiftDirection((float)e.Time * modifier, 0, 0);
        if (Keyboard[Key.Up] || Keyboard[Key.Keypad8])//down, I wanted inverted controls for testing
            m_camera.ShiftDirection(-(float)e.Time * modifier, 0, 0);
        if (Keyboard[Key.Home] || Keyboard[Key.Keypad7])//Roll left
            m_camera.ShiftDirection(0, 0, (float)e.Time * modifier);
        if (Keyboard[Key.PageUp] || Keyboard[Key.Keypad9])//Roll right
            m_camera.ShiftDirection(0, 0, -(float)e.Time * modifier);

        m_camera.NormalizeDirection();//Should be called every time direction is messed with

        lock (universe.bro){
            universe.bro.updateGamma();  //Drifting astronaut mode if used alone
            //universe.bro.v = CoordinateEngine.toDoubleArray(Vector3.Multiply(m_camera.lookat_vector,(float)universe.bro.vrms));  //Airplane with no brake mode
        //Console.WriteLine("{0}, ({1},{2},{3})",universe.bro.gamma, universe.bro.v[0],universe.bro.v[1],universe.bro.v[2]);
        if (Keyboard[Key.Escape])
Exemple #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw a single RelativisticObject to the screen.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ro">The RelativisticObject to draw.</param>
    /// <param name="issilver">Whether that object should be silver I guess</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// What? You want to choose a color? Get off my lawn!
    /// </remarks>
    private void DrawRelativisticObject(CoordinateEngine.RelativisticObject ro, bool issilver = true)
        double x;
        double y;
        double z;

            double[] apparent_position = CoordinateEngine.ApparentPosition(ro.x, universe.bro.x, universe.bro.v);
            x = apparent_position[_x];
            y = apparent_position[_y];
            z = apparent_position[_z];
            x = ro.x[_x];
            y = ro.x[_y];
            z = ro.x[_z];

        //double size = .01*Math.Sqrt (CoordinateEngine.RMS(universe.bro.x));
        double size = 0.042; //Diameter of the Earth if t=seconds

        size /= 2;           //Turns size into the side length of the cube

        if (issilver)
            GL.Color3(ArbitraryRedshiftBasedColor(ro, universe.bro));

        // front
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z + size);

        // right
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z - size);

        // bottom
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z - size);

        // left
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z - size);

        // top
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z + size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z - size);

        // back
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y + size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x + size, y - size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y - size, z - size);
        GL.Vertex3(x - size, y + size, z - size);
