// claims the land once called - removes defender and places attacker // NOTE: do not change order of commands below public void ClaimLand(GameObject attackingCountry, GameObject defendingCountry) { victoryCry.Play(); controlTaken = true; defendingCountry.gameObject.tag = "SelectedCountry"; addSoldier = defendingCountry.GetComponent <AddSoldier> (); // Adds a new soldier to defending country (attacker colour) addSoldier.PlaceSoldier(); // causes a troop to be added to defender and removed from attacker in UpdateTroopCounter; countryManagement.ChangeArmySize(defendingCountry, 1); // Removes a soldier from attacker (moved to defender land - now claimed) armyManagement.RemoveDead("AttackingCountry", 1); // default transfers all attackers over to claimed land soldierTransfer.DefaultTransfer(attackingCountry, defendingCountry); // update the number of territories dictionary territoryCount.UpdateTerritoryBank(attackingCountry, defendingCountry); // update continent bonus continentBonus.UpdateContBonus(); // set button colours buttonColour.BattleBattleColour(attackingCountry, defendingCountry); buttonColour.BattleAttackColour(false); buttonColour.BattlePlusMinusColour(false); // update instructions gameInstructions.BattleClaim(defendingCountry); }
// Set up all the game statistics lists public void SetUpGameStats(int numberOfPlayers) { //BuildGameStats (); // set up number of territories list territoryCount.BuildTerritoryBank(numberOfPlayers); // set up number of troops list troopCount.BuildTroopBank(numberOfPlayers); // set up territory bonus list territoryBonus.BuildTerritoryBonus(numberOfPlayers); // set up continent bonus list continentBonus.BuildContBonus(numberOfPlayers); //Do i need this line of code? continentBonus.UpdateContBonus(); // set up soldier bonus list soldierBonus.UpdateSoldierBonus(numberOfPlayers); // build rank table playerRank.BuildRankTable(boardSetUp.numberOfPlayers); }
void UpdateStats() { // calculate bonus from continent bonus continentBonus.UpdateContBonus(); // give player bonus soldiers deploySoldiers.BonusStore(); // displays the players turn, game turn numbers & game instructions displayTurn.UpdateTurnText(CurrentPlayer(), turn); gameInstructions.PlaceTroops(); // prevents player adding multiple players during openingPhase if (phases.openingPhase) { allocateSoldiers.dropCounter = turn; } // update rank display before player 1's turn - 3 rotations brings it back to original category if (!phases.openingPhase & CurrentPlayer() == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { changeCategory.RotateCategory(); } } }