public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); int?score_to_unlock_next_level = this.GetScoreToUnlockNextLevel(); if (score_to_unlock_next_level != null) { var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentSnake); const float scale = 0.3125f; for (int i = 0; i < LevelRequirementsLogo.BaseTextLocations.Length; i++) { var pos = LevelRequirementsLogo.BaseTextLocations[i]; sprite_batch.Draw(texture, pos, null, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } string score_string = score_to_unlock_next_level.ToString(); const int start_x = 240 + 32 - 10 - 11 - 6; const int start_y = 480 - 60 + 5; const int spread_x = 23; for (int i = 0; i < score_string.Length; i++) { int integer = int.Parse(score_string[i].ToString()); var base_pos = new Vector2(start_x + spread_x * i, start_y); foreach (var pos in LogoDrawData.ScoreNumberLocations[integer]) { sprite_batch.Draw(texture, base_pos + pos, null, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } } } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); var scale = new Vector2(2 / 3f); sprite_batch.Draw(ContentHolder.Get(AvailableTextures.splash), Vector2.Zero, null, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); }
private FallingEntity spawnEntity(Vector2 position) { Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AvailableTextures)); AvailableTextures random_texture = (AvailableTextures)values.GetValue(Utilities.Random.Next(values.Length)); var texture = ContentHolder.Get(random_texture); return(new FallingEntity(texture, new Vector2(position.X, position.Y))); }
internal SnakeTail() { var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentSnake); var region = new Region(texture, 0, 0, Snake.Size, Snake.Size, Snake.Size / 2, Snake.Size / 2); var sprite = new Sprite(region); this.AddSprite("main", sprite); this.AddColliderRectangle("main", -Snake.Size / 2, -Snake.Size / 2, Snake.Size, Snake.Size); }
public Food(int x, int y) { this.Position = new Vector2(x, y); var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentFood); var region = new Region(texture, 0, 0, Food.Size, Food.Size, Food.Size / 2, Food.Size / 2); var sprite = new Sprite(region); this.AddSprite("main", sprite); this.AddColliderRectangle("main", -Food.Size / 2, -Food.Size / 2, Food.Size, Food.Size); }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); // Set up variables for drawing selector float x = this.Position.X; float y = this.Position.Y; float width = this.Size.X; float height = this.Size.Y; var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentSnake); var scale = new Vector2(0.3125f); float draw_width = texture.Width * scale.X; float draw_height = texture.Height * scale.Y; // Draw vertical selector parts float draw_start_y = y - draw_height; float draw_y = draw_start_y; float total_height = draw_start_y + height + draw_height * 2; while (draw_y < total_height) { Rectangle?source_rectangle = null; if (draw_y + draw_height > total_height) { float remaining_space = total_height - draw_y; float draw_percent = remaining_space / draw_height; source_rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, (int)(texture.Height * draw_percent)); } sprite_batch.Draw(texture, new Vector2(x - draw_width, draw_y), source_rectangle, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1); sprite_batch.Draw(texture, new Vector2(x + width, draw_y), source_rectangle, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1); draw_y += draw_height; } // Draw horizontal selector parts float draw_start_x = x - draw_width; float draw_x = draw_start_x; float total_width = draw_start_x + width + draw_width * 2; while (draw_x < total_width) { Rectangle?source_rectangle = null; if (draw_x + draw_width > total_width) { float remaining_space = total_width - draw_x; float draw_percent = remaining_space / draw_width; source_rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(texture.Width * draw_percent), texture.Height); } sprite_batch.Draw(texture, new Vector2(draw_x, y - draw_height), source_rectangle, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1); sprite_batch.Draw(texture, new Vector2(draw_x, y + height), source_rectangle, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1); draw_x += draw_width; } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentWall); foreach (var position in this.DrawPositions) { sprite_batch.Draw(texture, position, Color.White); } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); int spread = (int)(22 * this.Scale); for (int i = 0; i < this.ButtonText.Length; i++) { string text = this.ButtonText[i]; var offset = new Vector2(0, spread * (i == 0 ? -1 : 1)); sprite_batch.DrawString(ContentHolder.Get(AvailableFonts.blippo), text, this.Position + offset, Color.White, 0, DrawFrom.Center, this.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentSnake); for (int i = 0; i < TitleLogo.SnakeLogoLocations.Length; i++) { var pos = TitleLogo.SnakeLogoLocations[i]; sprite_batch.Draw(texture, this.Position + pos, Color.White); } }
public override void onKeyDown(KeyboardEventArgs e) { base.onKeyDown(e); if (e.Key == Keys.Back || e.Key == Keys.Escape) { if (this.ShouldPlaySoundOnClick) { ContentHolder.Get(; } this.OnClick?.Invoke(); } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentFood); var scale = new Vector2(5 / (float)texture.Width); for (int i = 0; i < DeveloperLogo.DeveloperLogoLocations.Length; i++) { var pos = DeveloperLogo.DeveloperLogoLocations[i]; sprite_batch.Draw(texture, this.Position + pos, null, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); if (Engine.IsPaused()) { var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentFood); for (int i = 0; i < ControlPause.PausedLogoLocations.Length; i++) { var pos = ControlPause.PausedLogoLocations[i]; sprite_batch.Draw(texture, pos, Color.White); } } }
public Wall(int x, int y, float scale = 1) { this.Depth = 1; this.Position = new Vector2(x, y); var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentWall); var region = new Region(texture, 0, 0, Wall.Size, Wall.Size, 0, 0); var sprite = new Sprite(region) { Scale = new Vector2(scale) }; this.AddSprite("main", sprite); this.AddColliderRectangle("main", 0, 0, (int)(Wall.Size * scale), (int)(Wall.Size * scale)); }
public Scoreboard() { this.Depth = -100; this.Position = new Vector2(Engine.Game.CanvasWidth / 2 - Scoreboard.Width / 2, 30 + 30 + 20); this.BackgroundRegion = new Region(ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentBackground), (int)this.Position.X, (int)this.Position.Y, Scoreboard.Width, Scoreboard.Height, 0, 0); this.SnakeRegion = new Region(ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentSnake)); string data = SaveDataHandler.LoadData(Settings.CurrentSaveFilePath); bool success = (data != null && int.TryParse(data, out this.HighScore)); if (!success) { this.SaveHighscore(); } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { var font = ContentHolder.Get(AvailableFonts.blippo); base.onDraw(sprite_batch); int spread = (int)(22 * this.Scale); for (int i = 0; i < this.ButtonText.Length; i++) { string text = this.ButtonText[i]; float line_scale = 1.0f; var text_size = font.MeasureString(text); if (text_size.X > ButtonRokuIP.MaxFontWidth) { line_scale = ButtonRokuIP.MaxFontWidth / text_size.X; } var offset = new Vector2(0, spread * (i == 0 ? -1 : 1)); sprite_batch.DrawString(font, text, this.Position + offset, Color.White, 0, DrawFrom.Center, this.Scale * line_scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } }
public void onTouchPressed(TouchLocation touch) { if (this.IsClickOnSelf(touch.Position.ToPoint())) { if (this.ShouldVibrateOnClick) { VibrationHelper.Vibrate(); } if (this.ShouldPlaySoundOnClick) { ContentHolder.Get(; } this.OnClick?.Invoke(); this.LastClickWasOnSelf = true; this.LastClickTouchID = touch.Id; } else { this.LastClickWasOnSelf = false; } }
public Portal(int x, int y, int id, int goto_up, int goto_down, int goto_left, int goto_right, ReadOnlyDictionary <Directions, bool> reverse_direction = null) { this.Depth = 100; this.Position = new Vector2(x, y); this.ID = id; this.DestinationIDs = new ReadOnlyDictionary <Directions, int>(new Dictionary <Directions, int> { [Directions.Up] = goto_up, [Directions.Down] = goto_down, [Directions.Left] = goto_left, [Directions.Right] = goto_right }); this.ReverseDirection = reverse_direction; var regions = new Region[] { new Region(ContentHolder.Get(AvailableTextures.portal_0), 0, 0, Portal.Size, Portal.Size, 0, 0), new Region(ContentHolder.Get(AvailableTextures.portal_1), 0, 0, Portal.Size, Portal.Size, 0, 0), }; this.MainSprite = new AnimatedSprite(regions); this.AddSprite("main", this.MainSprite); this.MainCollider = this.AddColliderRectangle("main", 0, 0, Portal.Size, Portal.Size); }
public Snake(int start_delay, Point position) { this.InitialWaitDelay = start_delay; this.CurrentLocation = position; this.DirectionChangeLocation = this.CurrentLocation; this.InternalLocation = position.ToVector2(); this.Position = this.InternalLocation; this.Direction = Directions.Right; this.State = (this.InitialWaitDelay == 0) ? States.Alive : States.Waiting; var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentSnake); var region = new Region(texture, 0, 0, Snake.Size, Snake.Size, Snake.Size / 2, Snake.Size / 2); var sprite = new Sprite(region); this.AddSprite("main", sprite); this.AddColliderRectangle(Directions.Up.ToString(), -Snake.Size / 2, -Snake.Size / 2, Snake.Size, 1, false); this.AddColliderRectangle(Directions.Down.ToString(), -Snake.Size / 2, Snake.Size / 2 - 1, Snake.Size, 1, false); this.AddColliderRectangle(Directions.Left.ToString(), -Snake.Size / 2, -Snake.Size / 2, 1, Snake.Size, false); this.AddColliderRectangle(Directions.Right.ToString(), Snake.Size / 2 - 1, -Snake.Size / 2, 1, Snake.Size, true); this.AddColliderRectangle(this.MouthColliderName, -Snake.Size / 2, -Snake.Size / 2, Snake.Size, Snake.Size, true); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var tail = new SnakeTail { Position = new Vector2(this.Position.X - (i + 1) * Snake.Size, this.Position.Y), Depth = this.Depth + 1 + i }; Engine.SpawnInstance(tail); this.Tail.Add(tail); } for (int i = 0; i < this.Tail.Count * Snake.Size; i++) { this.SnakeLocations["x"].Add(this.CurrentLocation.X - i); this.SnakeLocations["y"].Add(this.CurrentLocation.Y); } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); // This animation processing is locked to the on screen movement of the the snake position (updated through posting of game events). // So where tweening would normally be done with time and duration, here it is done with movement ticks related to the snake part size. var texture = ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentSnake); float t = this.AnimationTick; const float d = Snake.Size - 1; float in_x = Tweening.LinearTween(this.InSnakePos.X, this.InPortalPos.X, t, d); float in_y = Tweening.LinearTween(this.InSnakePos.Y, this.InPortalPos.Y, t, d); float out_x = Tweening.LinearTween(this.OutPortalPos.X, this.OutSnakePos.X, t, d); float out_y = Tweening.LinearTween(this.OutPortalPos.Y, this.OutSnakePos.Y, t, d); float shrink_scale = Tweening.LinearTween(1, 0, t, d); float grow_scale = Tweening.LinearTween(0, 1, t, d); sprite_batch.Draw(texture, new Vector2(in_x, in_y), null, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(Snake.Size / 2f), new Vector2(shrink_scale), SpriteEffects.None, 1); if (this.TailIndex < this.SnakeLength) { sprite_batch.Draw(texture, new Vector2(out_x, out_y), null, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(Snake.Size / 2f), new Vector2(grow_scale), SpriteEffects.None, 1); } }
public override void onMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { base.onMouseDown(e); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.LeftButton) { if (this.IsClickOnSelf(e.Position)) { if (this.ShouldVibrateOnClick) { VibrationHelper.Vibrate(); } if (this.ShouldPlaySoundOnClick) { ContentHolder.Get(; } this.OnClick?.Invoke(); this.LastClickWasOnSelf = true; } else { this.LastClickWasOnSelf = false; } } }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); var scaled_pos = new Vector2( this.Position.X - (this.BaseWidth / 2f) * this.Scale, this.Position.Y - (this.BaseHeight / 2f) * this.Scale); float scaled_width = this.BaseWidth * this.Scale; float scaled_height = this.BaseHeight * this.Scale; var vector_zero = Vector2.Zero; var textures = new Dictionary <DrawDataTextures, Texture2D> { [DrawDataTextures.Snake] = this.SnakeTexture, [DrawDataTextures.Food] = this.FoodTexture, [DrawDataTextures.Wall] = this.WallTexture, [DrawDataTextures.Portal] = ContentHolder.Get(AvailableTextures.portal_0) }; // Cut out the base position from background and redraw (applicable for user imported themes) var background = new Region(this.BackgroundTexture, this.BaseX - this.BaseWidth / 2, this.BaseY - this.BaseHeight / 2, this.BaseWidth, this.BaseHeight, 0, 0); sprite_batch.Draw(background, scaled_pos, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(this.Scale)); // Draw transparent overlay and borders float edge = 2 * this.Scale; const float alpha = (28 / 255f); RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X, scaled_pos.Y, scaled_width, scaled_height, Color.Black * alpha); if (this.ShouldDrawBorder) { RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X, scaled_pos.Y, scaled_width, edge, Color.Black * alpha); RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X, scaled_pos.Y + scaled_height - edge, scaled_width, edge, Color.Black * alpha); RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X, scaled_pos.Y + edge, edge, scaled_height - edge * 2, Color.Black * alpha); RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X + scaled_width - edge, scaled_pos.Y + edge, edge, scaled_height - edge * 2, Color.Black * alpha); } this.ExtraDrawingBegin?.Invoke(sprite_batch); for (int i = 0; i < this.DrawData.Length; i++) { var data = this.DrawData[i]; var texture = textures[data.DrawDataTexture]; for (int j = 0; j < data.Locations.Length; j++) { var pos = data.Locations[j]; var source_rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height);; // Cut off left and top if necessary if (pos.X < 0) { source_rectangle.X = (int)(-pos.X / data.Scale); source_rectangle.Width -= source_rectangle.X; pos.X += source_rectangle.X * data.Scale; } if (pos.Y < 0) { source_rectangle.Y = (int)(-pos.Y / data.Scale); source_rectangle.Height -= source_rectangle.Y; pos.Y += source_rectangle.Y * data.Scale; } // Cut off right and bottom if necessary float right_x = pos.X + source_rectangle.Width * data.Scale; if (right_x > this.BaseWidth) { source_rectangle.Width -= (int)((right_x - this.BaseWidth) / data.Scale); } float bottom_y = pos.Y + source_rectangle.Height * data.Scale; if (bottom_y > this.BaseHeight) { source_rectangle.Height -= (int)((bottom_y - this.BaseHeight) / data.Scale); } sprite_batch.Draw(texture, scaled_pos + pos * this.Scale, source_rectangle, Color.White, 0, vector_zero, data.Scale * this.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } } this.ExtraDrawingEnd?.Invoke(sprite_batch); }
public override void onSwitchTo(Room previous_room, Dictionary <string, object> args) { Engine.SpawnInstance <ControlPause>(); Engine.SpawnInstance <ControlPortalAnimation>(); // Set start delay if passed in through args int start_delay = 0; if (args != null && args.ContainsKey("start_delay")) { start_delay = (int)args["start_delay"]; } // Load level data if called for by current game mode LevelData level_data = null; if (Settings.CurrentGameRoom == GameRooms.Classic) { level_data = new ClassicLevelData(); } else if (Settings.CurrentGameRoom != GameRooms.Open) { level_data = Levels.Load((int)Settings.CurrentGameRoom); } // If level data exists either build level instantly if replaying room or spawn constructor if first entering room if (level_data != null) { if (previous_room is RoomPlay) { if (level_data.WallSpawns != null) { foreach (var spawn in level_data.WallSpawns) { Engine.SpawnInstance(new Wall(spawn.X, spawn.Y, spawn.Scale)); } } if (level_data.PortalSpawns != null) { foreach (var spawn in level_data.PortalSpawns) { Engine.SpawnInstance(new Portal(spawn)); } } } else { start_delay += ControlLevelConstructor.TotalTimeToSpawnLevel(level_data); Engine.SpawnInstance(new ControlLevelConstructor(level_data)); } } // Spawn first food piece if (level_data?.FoodSpawn != null) { var spawn = level_data.FoodSpawn.Value; Engine.SpawnInstance(new ControlFoodSpawner(spawn.X, spawn.Y)); } else { Engine.SpawnInstance <ControlFoodSpawner>(); } // Spawn snake if (level_data?.SnakeSpawn != null) { var spawn = level_data.SnakeSpawn.Value; Engine.SpawnInstance(new Entities.Snake(start_delay, spawn)); } else { Engine.SpawnInstance(new Entities.Snake(start_delay)); } // Spawn timed execution to start music at snake movement start Engine.SpawnInstance(new TimedExecution(start_delay, () => { MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; MediaPlayer.Play(ContentHolder.Get(AvailableMusic.background_music)); })); }
public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch) { base.onDraw(sprite_batch); sprite_batch.Draw(ContentHolder.Get(Settings.CurrentBackground), this.Position, Color.White); }