// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (instance != null)
            Debug.LogError("Error: Cannot have two GameCubeManagers");

        instance = this;

        this.grid = new ConceptualGrid();

        //Either spawn the cudes here with code

        //Or place by hand and find the cubes
        foreach (GameCube gc in transform.Find("GameCubes").GetComponentsInChildren <GameCube>())
            this.grid.AddCube(gc.transform.position, gc);
Exemple #2
    public AStarPath(GameCube start, GameCube end)
        ConceptualGrid  grid     = GameCubeManager.Instance.Grid;
        List <GameCube> allCubes = grid.AllCubes;

        List <GameCube> closedSet = new List <GameCube> ();

        PriorityQueue <float, GameCube> openSet = new PriorityQueue <float, GameCube> ();

        openSet.Enqueue(0, start);

        //Essentially a linked list
        Dictionary <GameCube, GameCube> path = new Dictionary <GameCube, GameCube> ();

        Dictionary <GameCube, float> g_score = new Dictionary <GameCube, float> ();

        foreach (GameCube h in allCubes)
            g_score [h] = Mathf.Infinity;

        g_score [start] = 0;

        Dictionary <GameCube, float> f_score = new Dictionary <GameCube, float> ();

        foreach (GameCube h in allCubes)
            f_score [h] = Mathf.Infinity;

        f_score [start] = heuristicCostEstimate(start, end);

        while (!openSet.IsEmpty)
            GameCube current = openSet.Dequeue().Value;

            if (current == end)
                RecontructPath(path, current);


            List <GameCube> neighbours = grid.GetNeighbours(current);

            foreach (GameCube neighbour in neighbours)
                if (neighbour.MoveCost == Mathf.Infinity)

                if (closedSet.Contains(neighbour))

                float tentative_g_score = g_score [current] + current.MoveCost;

                if (openSet.Contains(neighbour) && tentative_g_score >= g_score [neighbour])

                path [neighbour]    = current;
                g_score [neighbour] = tentative_g_score;
                f_score[neighbour]  = g_score [neighbour] + heuristicCostEstimate(neighbour, end);

                if (openSet.Contains(neighbour) == false)
                    openSet.Enqueue(f_score [neighbour], neighbour);

        //if we reach this case, it means all nodes have been closed by final destination wasn't found
        Debug.Log("Path failed");