/// <summary>
        /// Uses TOM TDSE and not Core Service.
        /// TOM XML Method is fastest 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comp">Component</param>
        /// <param name="fieldname">Metadata fieldname</param>
        /// <returns>Value of Metadata field</returns>
        private string GetMetadataValue(Component comp, string fieldname)
            // TOM API - slow 12 seconds
            //if (comp.MetadataFields.Count > 0)
            //    if (comp.MetadataFields[fieldname] != null)
            //    {
            //        attrValue = comp.MetadataFields[fieldname].value[1];
            //    }

            // TOM XML - Fastest, only 2 seconds
            string value = "";
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = GetXmlDoc();
            string xPath = String.Format("//*[local-name()='{0}']", fieldname);
            if (xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPath) != null)
                value = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPath).InnerText;

            return value;