Exemple #1
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string   ServerIP       = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            string   journydate     = JournyOut.InnerText;
            DateTime CancelReq      = DateTime.Now;
            string   journydate_Inb = JournyInb.InnerText;
            string   LastName       = string.Empty;
            if (Request.QueryString["Ref"] != "")
                refid = Request.QueryString["Ref"].ToString();
            for (int i = 0; i < paxOut.Items.Count; i++)
                if (paxOut.Items[i].Selected)
                    string UpdateQuery = "update PassengreDetails set lastname='" + paxOut.Items[i].Text.Split('/')[1].Split('(')[0] + "',status_out='Requested',Cancel_Requested='" + CancelReq + "' where reservationid='" + refid + "' and sid='" + paxOut.Items[i].Value + "'";
            if (paxIn.Items.Count > 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < paxIn.Items.Count; j++)
                    if (paxIn.Items[j].Selected)
                        string UpdateQuery = "update PassengreDetails set lastname='" + paxIn.Items[j].Text.Split('/')[1].Split('(')[0] + "',status_Inb='Requested',Cancel_Requested='" + CancelReq + "' where reservationid='" + refid + "' and sid='" + paxIn.Items[j].Value + "'";
            string Cancle_mode = string.Empty;
            if (radio1.Checked)
                Cancle_mode = "Normal Cancellation";
            else if (radio2.Checked)
                Cancle_mode = "Full Refund";
            DateTime Update_Date = DateTime.Now;

            //Update reservation table with remarks and update date time and server Ip
            string Update_Resn = "update reservationtable set update_id='" + Session["userid"] + "',Cancel_Mode='" + Cancle_mode + "',UpdateDate='" + Update_Date + "',Remarks='" + Remarks.Text + "',Server_Ip='" + ServerIP + "' where reservationid='" + refid + "'";
            //Update completed
            string aab = FlightDetails;
            string popupScript = "<script language='javascript'>" + "window.close();" + "if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed)" + "{" + "window.opener.location.reload();" + "}" + "</script>";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "DatePickerScript", popupScript, true);
Exemple #2
 protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         string UpdQuery_Inb = string.Empty; string Insert_CancRes = string.Empty; int totalpax = 0;
         totalpax = PaxOut.Count;
         for (int i = 0; i < PaxOut.Count; i++)
             string UpdQuery = "update PassengreDetails set status_out='Cancelled' where sid='" + PaxOut[i].Split('`')[1] + "'";
         if (PaxInb.Count >= 1)
             totalpax = totalpax + PaxInb.Count;
             for (int j = 0; j < PaxInb.Count; j++)
                 UpdQuery_Inb = "update PassengreDetails set status_Inb='Cancelled' where sid='" + PaxInb[j].Split('`')[1] + "' ";
         DateTime Canclled_Date = DateTime.Now;
         Insert_CancRes  = "insert into  CancelReservation(Reservationid,agentid,AgentCode,CancelDatetime,Airline_Pnr,Gds_Pnr,Cancellation_Charge,Refunded_Charge,Paxcout,ExecutiveName)";
         Insert_CancRes += " values('" + refid + "','" + Session["userid"] + "','" + Session["usertype"] + "','" + Canclled_Date + "','" + PNR_Details.Split(',')[0] + "','" + PNR_Details.Split(',')[1] + "','" + Cnc_cnx.Text + "','" + cnc_Refund.Text + "','" + totalpax + "','" + Executive.Text + "')";
         //update balance
         decimal refund = 0;
         if (cnc_Refund.Text != "")
             refund = Convert.ToDecimal(cnc_Refund);
         CF.CommonFunction.FlightUpdateBalances(refid, "Cancel_Booking", "Online", refund, 0, 0, 0, Session["userid"].ToString(), Session["userid"].ToString(), "0", "", PNR_Details.Split('`')[1], "", Session["usertype"].ToString(), Session["usertype"].ToString(), "C", "1", "Cancellation", "", 0);
    protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sSQL12 = "Insert Into OfflineCreditLog (Uid,AgentCode,Description,CreditNeeded,PhoneMobile,LastDepositDate,LastDepositAmount,CreditAvailable,LastUpdateDate,RefAgency,ValidationCode,Remarks,DepositUpdateflag) values(" +
                            "'" + txtagentID.Value + "'" + "," + "'" + Session["Agentcode"].ToString() + "'" + "," + "'" + Session["AgencyName"].ToString() + "'" + "," + "'" + txtcramount.Value + "'" + "," + "'" + txtmobile.Value + "'" + "," + "'" + txtdepdate.Value + "'" + "," + "'" + txtlstdepdate.Value + "'" + "," + "'" + txtpending.Value + "'" + "," + "'" + DateTime.Now + "'" + "," + "'" + Session["RefAgency"].ToString() + "'" + "," + "'" + Session["usertype"].ToString() + "'" + "," + "'" + txtRemarks.Value + "'" + "," + "0" + ")";
            Boolean res = CommonDb.RunQuery(sSQL12);
        catch (Exception ex)

        string        FromMail         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DepositEmail");
        String        ConnectionServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ConnectionServer");
        String        sConn            = "Server=" + ConnectionServer + ";" + ((ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ConnectionString")));
        SqlConnection MyConnection     = new SqlConnection(sConn);

        MyConnection.Open(); string sql = ""; string distemailid = string.Empty;
        sql = "Select * from tblcitycountry where  description = '" + Session["RefAgency"].ToString() + "'";
        SqlCommand    command = new SqlCommand(sql, MyConnection);
        SqlDataReader adoDR   = command.ExecuteReader();

        if (adoDR.HasRows)
            distemailid = adoDR["Emailid"].ToString();

        string CcMail = Session["Email"].ToString();
        string sBody  = "";

        sBody = "<table width='500px' align='center' style='BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #000000 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #000000 1px solid'>";
        sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='center' colspan='2'><font size='4' color='#000000' style='font-family:arial'><u>Credit Request</u></font>";
        sBody = sBody + "</td>";
        sBody = sBody + "</tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "</tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='right' width='250px'><font size='2' color='#000000' style='font-family:arial; font-weight:bold'>Agent ID :&nbsp;</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='left' width='250px'><font size='2' color='red' style='font-family:arial'>&nbsp;" + txtagentID.Value + "</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "</tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='right' width='250px'><font size='2' color='#000000' style='font-family:arial; font-weight:bold'>Credit Amount Needed :&nbsp;</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='left' width='250px'><font size='2' color='black' style='font-family:arial'>&nbsp;&#8377;&nbsp;" + txtcramount.Value + "</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "</tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='right' width='250px'><font size='2' color='#000000' style='font-family:arial; font-weight:bold'>Mobile Number :&nbsp;</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='left' width='250px'><font size='2' color='black' style='font-family:arial'>&nbsp;" + txtmobile.Value + "</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "</tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='right' width='250px'><font size='2' color='#000000' style='font-family:arial; font-weight:bold'>Last Deposit Date :&nbsp;</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='left' width='250px'><font size='2' color='black' style='font-family:arial'>&nbsp;" + txtdepdate.Value + "</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "</tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='right' width='250px'><font size='2' color='#000000' style='font-family:arial; font-weight:bold'>Last Deposit Amount :&nbsp;</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='left' width='250px'><font size='2' color='black' style='font-family:arial'>&nbsp;&#8377;&nbsp;" + txtlstdepdate.Value + "</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "</tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='right' width='250px'><font size='2' color='#000000' style='font-family:arial; font-weight:bold'>Credit Already Pending :&nbsp;</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "<td align='left' width='250px'><font size='2' color='black' style='font-family:arial'>&nbsp;&#8377;&nbsp;" + txtpending.Value + "</font></td>";
        sBody = sBody + "</tr>";
        sBody = sBody + "</table>";

        string accmail = "*****@*****.**";

        MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"], "" + accmail + "");

        mm.Body       = string.Format(sBody);
        mm.IsBodyHtml = true;
        SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();

        smtp.Host      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"];
        smtp.EnableSsl = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnableSsl"]);

        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate(object s, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return(true); };
        NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new NetworkCredential();

        NetworkCred.UserName       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"];
        NetworkCred.Password       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"];
        smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
        smtp.Credentials           = NetworkCred;
        smtp.Port = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"]);
