// try not to target an already attacked enemy
    // if all enemies are attacked, target nearest attacked enemy
    // if there are no enemies at all, return null
    public CombatFlow findGroundTargetByType(CombatFlow.Type type)
        CombatFlow maybeAttackedEnemy = findGroundTargetByType(type, true);
        CombatFlow uniqueEnemy        = findGroundTargetByType(type, false);

        if (uniqueEnemy == null)
    public CombatFlow findGroundTargetByType(CombatFlow.Type type, bool includeAttackedEnemies)
        // start by just finding closest ground target
        //  if any units are within closeRange, use nose angle
        //    --> select the smallest angle unit that is ALSO within closeRange
        //  otherwise, just simply select the closest unit

        CombatFlow groundUnit = null;

        bool useNoseAngle = false;

        bool firstSet = false;

        float smallestAngle      = 0;
        int   smallestAngleIndex = -1;

        float shortestDist      = 0;
        int   shortestDistIndex = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < enemyGroundUnitsContainer.Count; i++)
            CombatFlow currUnit = enemyGroundUnitsContainer[i];

            if (currUnit != null && currUnit.type == type && (includeAttackedEnemies || !aiTgtComp.maxMissilesOnTarget(currUnit)))
                float currDist  = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, currUnit.transform.position);
                float currAngle = Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, currUnit.transform.position - transform.position);

                if (!firstSet)
                    smallestAngle      = currAngle;
                    smallestAngleIndex = i;

                    shortestDist      = currDist;
                    shortestDistIndex = i;

                    firstSet = true;

                if (currDist < shortestDist)
                    shortestDist      = currDist;
                    shortestDistIndex = i;

                if (currAngle < smallestAngle && currDist < closeRange)
                    smallestAngle      = currAngle;
                    smallestAngleIndex = i;

                    useNoseAngle = true;

        if (firstSet) // return unit will remain null if none are found
            if (useNoseAngle)
                groundUnit = enemyGroundUnitsContainer[smallestAngleIndex];
                groundUnit = enemyGroundUnitsContainer[shortestDistIndex];

        Debug.Log("Attacking ground unit: " + groundUnit + ", useNoseAngle: " + useNoseAngle);
