private static ColorF MaseyaBlend(ColorF x, ColorF y)
            // Ensure at least a 2.5% change in hue.
            var hue = (y.Red * 0.95f) + 0.025f + x.Hue;

            var chromaShift = y.Green - 0.5f;
            var chroma      = x.Chroma;

            if (chromaShift > 0)
                // Put heavy limitations on oversaturating colors.
                chroma *= 1.0f + ((1.0f - chroma) * chromaShift * 0.5f);
                // Put no limitation on desaturating colors. However, make it
                // more likely that only a little desaturation will occur.
                chroma *= (float)Pow(1 - Pow(chromaShift * 2, 2), 0.5);

            var lumaShift = y.Blue - 0.5f;
            var luma      = x.Luma;

            if (lumaShift > 0)
                // Do not heavily brighten colors. However, if we removed a
                // lot of saturation, then we can allow for some brighter
                // colors.
                var chromaDiff = Max(x.Chroma - chroma, 0);
                luma *= 1.0f + ((1.0f - x.Luma) * lumaShift * (1.0f + chromaDiff));
                // Do not let colors get too dark.
                luma *= 1.0f + (lumaShift / 2.0f);

            var result = ColorF.FromHcy(
