Exemple #1
        public MarioClearPipe(EntityData data, Vector2 offset) : base(data.Position + offset)
            Depth = -5;

            nodes = data.NodesWithPosition(offset);


            texturePath  = data.Attr("texture", "glass");
            surfaceSound = data.Int("surfaceSound", -1);

            HasPipeSolids  = data.Bool("hasPipeSolids", true);
            TransportSpeed = data.Float("transportSpeed", 175f);

            pipeWidth         = data.Int("pipeWidth", 32);
            pipeColliderWidth = pipeWidth - pipeWidthColliderValue;

            startDirection = GetPipeExitDirection(nodes[0], nodes[1]);
            endDirection   = GetPipeExitDirection(nodes[nodes.Length - 1], nodes[nodes.Length - 2]);

            startDirectionVector = GetPipeExitDirectionVector(nodes[0], nodes[1]);
            endDirectionVector   = GetPipeExitDirectionVector(nodes[nodes.Length - 1], nodes[nodes.Length - 2]);

            startCollider = getPipeCollider(Vector2.Zero, startDirection, pipeWidth, pipeColliderWidth, pipeColliderDepth);
            endCollider   = getPipeCollider(new Vector2(nodes.Last().X - nodes.First().X, nodes.Last().Y - nodes.First().Y), endDirection, pipeWidth, pipeColliderWidth, pipeColliderDepth);

            Collider = new ColliderList(startCollider, endCollider);

            pipeSolids = new List <MarioClearPipeSolid>();
        public static ColliderList GenerateSemiEfficientColliderGrid(VirtualMap <char> tileMap, int cellWidth, int cellHeight)
            ColliderList colliders = new ColliderList();

            for (int x = 0; x < tileMap.Columns; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < tileMap.Rows; y++)
                    if (tileMap.AnyInSegmentAtTile(x, y) && tileMap[x, y] != '0')
                        int    width  = 1;
                        int    height = 1;
                        Hitbox h      = new Hitbox(cellWidth, cellHeight, x, y);
                        while (tileMap.AnyInSegmentAtTile(x, y) && tileMap[x, y] != '0')
                        h.Width  *= width;
                        h.Height *= height;
            return(colliders.colliders.Length > 0 ? colliders : null);
Exemple #3
        public void Remove(Collider collider)
            if (!ColliderList.Contains(collider))

             * foreach (Cell cell in GetCells(collider.WorldTransform))
             * {
             *  if (cell.Colliders.Contains(collider))
             *  {
             *      cell.Colliders.Remove(collider);
             *  }
             * }
            // OR
            ForEach((cell) => { if (cell.Colliders.Contains(collider))


Exemple #4
        public override void start(BehaviourContext context)

            _colliders = FindColliderWithLayer(context._settings._hideLayer);
 public static void AddLightOcclude(Entity entity, ColliderList colliders, float alpha = 1f)
     foreach (Hitbox hitbox in colliders.colliders)
         entity.Add(new LightOcclude(new Rectangle((int)hitbox.Position.X, (int)hitbox.Position.Y, (int)hitbox.Width, (int)hitbox.Height), alpha));
        public RetractSpinner(EntityData data, Vector2 offset) : base(data.Position + offset)
            // pulled straight from vanilla spinners.
            this.offset = Calc.Random.NextFloat();
            Tag         = Tags.TransitionUpdate;
            Collider    = new ColliderList(new Circle(6f), new Hitbox(16f, 4f, -8f, -3f));
            Visible     = false;
            Add(new PlayerCollider(OnPlayer));
            Add(new HoldableCollider(OnHoldable));
            Add(new LedgeBlocker());
            Depth = 1; // just below Madeline, since the default state is retracted
            if (data.Bool("attachToSolid"))
                Add(new StaticMover {
                    OnShake      = OnShake,
                    SolidChecker = IsRiding,
                    OnDestroy    = RemoveSelf
            int randomSeed = Calc.Random.Next();

            // load the retracted and expanded sprites.
            List <MTexture> expandedVariations  = GFX.Game.GetAtlasSubtextures("danger/SpringCollab2020/retractspinner/urchin_harm");
            List <MTexture> retractedVariations = GFX.Game.GetAtlasSubtextures("danger/SpringCollab2020/retractspinner/urchin_safe");
            MTexture        expandedTexture     = Calc.Random.Choose(expandedVariations);
            MTexture        retractedTexture    = Calc.Random.Choose(retractedVariations);

            expandedSprite  = new Image(expandedTexture).SetOrigin(12f, 12f);
            retractedSprite = new Image(retractedTexture).SetOrigin(12f, 12f);

            // the default state is "retracted". add the matching sprite
Exemple #7
        public FancyFallingBlock(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data.Position + offset, '3', data.Width, data.Height, data.Bool("finalBoss", false), data.Bool("behind", false), data.Bool("climbFall", true))
            baseData = new DynData <FallingBlock>(this);
            Remove(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("tiles"));
            Remove(Get <TileInterceptor>());
            badLightOcclude = Get <LightOcclude>();

            int newSeed = Calc.Random.Next();

            tileMap = GenerateTileMap(data.Attr("tileData", ""));
            Autotiler.Generated generated = GFX.FGAutotiler.GenerateMap(tileMap, default(Autotiler.Behaviour));
            baseData["tiles"] = generated.TileGrid;
            Add(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("tiles"));
            Add(animatedTiles = generated.SpriteOverlay);

            if (data.Bool("finalBoss", false))
                VirtualMap <char> tileMapHighlighted = GenerateTileMap(data.Attr("tileDataHighlight", ""));
                TileGrid highlight = GFX.FGAutotiler.GenerateMap(tileMapHighlighted, default(Autotiler.Behaviour)).TileGrid;
                highlight.Alpha       = 0f;
                baseData["highlight"] = highlight;
                Add(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("highlight"));

            ColliderList colliders = GenerateBetterColliderGrid(tileMap, 8, 8);

            AddLightOcclude(this, colliders);
            Collider = colliders;
            Add(new TileInterceptor(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("tiles"), false));
Exemple #8
        public FancyFinalBossMovingBlock(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data.NodesWithPosition(offset), data.Width, data.Height, data.Int("nodeIndex", 0))
            baseData = new DynData <FinalBossMovingBlock>(this);
            Remove(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("sprite"));
            Remove(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("highlight"));
            Remove(Get <TileInterceptor>());
            badLightOcclude = Get <LightOcclude>();

            tileMap            = GenerateTileMap(data.Attr("tileData", ""));
            tileMapHighlighted = GenerateTileMap(data.Attr("tileDataHighlight", ""));

            int newSeed = Calc.Random.Next();

            baseData["sprite"] = GFX.FGAutotiler.GenerateMap(tileMap, default(Autotiler.Behaviour)).TileGrid;
            Add(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("sprite"));
            TileGrid highlight = GFX.FGAutotiler.GenerateMap(tileMapHighlighted, default(Autotiler.Behaviour)).TileGrid;

            highlight.Alpha       = 0f;
            baseData["highlight"] = highlight;
            Add(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("highlight"));

            Add(new TileInterceptor(baseData.Get <TileGrid>("sprite"), false));

            highlightCollider = GenerateBetterColliderGrid(tileMapHighlighted, 8, 8);
            collider          = GenerateBetterColliderGrid(tileMap, 8, 8);
            AddLightOcclude(this, collider);
            Collider = collider;
        public static ColliderList GenerateBetterColliderGrid(VirtualMap <char> tileMap, int cellWidth, int cellHeight)
            ColliderList  colliders        = new ColliderList();
            List <Hitbox> prevCollidersOnX = new List <Hitbox>();
            Hitbox        prevCollider     = null;

            void ExtendOrAdd()
                bool extendedOnX = false;

                foreach (Hitbox hitbox in prevCollidersOnX)
                    if (hitbox.Position.X + hitbox.Width == prevCollider.Position.X &&
                        hitbox.Position.Y == prevCollider.Position.Y &&
                        hitbox.Height == prevCollider.Height)
                        // Weird check, but hey.
                        extendedOnX   = true;
                        hitbox.Width += cellWidth;
                        prevCollider  = null;
                if (!extendedOnX)
                    prevCollider = null;

            for (int x = 0; x < tileMap.Columns; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < tileMap.Rows; y++)
                    if (tileMap.AnyInSegmentAtTile(x, y) && tileMap[x, y] != '0')
                        if (prevCollider == null)
                            prevCollider = new Hitbox(cellWidth, cellHeight, x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight);
                            prevCollider.Height += cellHeight;
                    else if (prevCollider != null)

                if (prevCollider != null)
            return(colliders.colliders.Length > 0 ? colliders : null);
Exemple #10
        public void Reset()
            ForEach((cell) => cell.Colliders.Clear());


        public override void Awake(Scene scene)
            List <SolidExtension> extensions = new List <SolidExtension>();


            GroupOffset  = new Vector2(GroupBoundsMin.X, GroupBoundsMin.Y) - Position;
            Colliders    = new Hitbox[extensions.Count(ext => ext.HasHitbox) + 1];
            AllColliders = new Hitbox[extensions.Count + 1];

            int j = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < extensions.Count; i++)
                SolidExtension e      = extensions[i];
                Vector2        offset = e.Position - Position;
                Hitbox         hitbox = new Hitbox(e.Width, e.Height, offset.X, offset.Y);
                if (e.HasHitbox)
                    Colliders[j] = hitbox;
                AllColliders[i] = hitbox;
                // You don't want disabled Solids hanging around in the level, so you remove them.

            int tWidth  = (int)((GroupBoundsMax.X - GroupBoundsMin.X) / 8);
            int tHeight = (int)((GroupBoundsMax.Y - GroupBoundsMin.Y) / 8);

            GroupTiles    = new bool[tWidth + 2, tHeight + 2];
            AllGroupTiles = new bool[tWidth + 2, tHeight + 2];

            Colliders[Colliders.Length - 1]       = (Hitbox)Collider;
            AllColliders[AllColliders.Length - 1] = (Hitbox)Collider;

            Collider = new ColliderList(AllColliders);
            for (int x = 0; x < tWidth + 2; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < tHeight + 2; y++)
                    AllGroupTiles[x, y] = TileCollideWithGroup(x - 1, y - 1);

            Collider = new ColliderList(Colliders);
            for (int x = 0; x < tWidth + 2; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < tHeight + 2; y++)
                    GroupTiles[x, y] = TileCollideWithGroup(x - 1, y - 1);

            scene.Add(BGRenderer = new BGTilesRenderer(this));

        public FancyCrumbleWallOnRumble(EntityData data, Vector2 offset, EntityID id)
            : base(data.Position + offset, data.Char("tiletype", 'm'), data.Width, data.Height, data.Bool("blendin", false), data.Bool("persistent", false), id)
            tileMap = GenerateTileMap(data.Attr("tileData", ""));
            ColliderList colliders = GenerateBetterColliderGrid(tileMap, 8, 8);

            AddLightOcclude(this, colliders);
            Collider = colliders;
        public FancyFloatySpaceBlock(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data.Position + offset, data.Width, data.Height, data.Char("connectsTo", '3'), data.Bool("disableSpawnOffset", false))
            badLightOcclude = Get <LightOcclude>();

            tileMap = GenerateTileMap(data.Attr("tileData", ""));
            ColliderList colliders = GenerateBetterColliderGrid(tileMap, 8, 8);

            Collider = colliders;
            AddLightOcclude(this, colliders);
    public void PickUpFellow()
        FellowRobot.transform.parent        = transform;
        FellowRobot.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1.25f, 0);
        FellowRobot.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        FellowRobot.PickedUp = true;
        PickedUpObject       = FellowRobot;

        public static void SetLaserLength(Scene scene, Laserbeam beam)
            Level level = scene as Level;

            beam.Length = MaxBeamLength(level, beam);
            float shortestWidth = MaxBeamLength(level, beam);

            foreach (Solid s in scene.Tracker.GetEntities <Solid>())
                if (beam.CollideCheck(s))
                    if (s.Collider is Grid)
                        shortestWidth = Math.Min(shortestWidth, GetLaserLengthDACOnGrid(beam, s.Collider as Grid, shortestWidth));
                        shortestWidth = Math.Min(shortestWidth, LengthCalculatingFunctions[beam.Direction](beam, s.Collider));

            foreach (LaserDetectorActor entity in scene.Tracker.GetEntities <LaserDetectorActor>())
                Collider origCollider = entity.Collider;

                Collider     collider     = entity.GetLaserBlockingCollider(beam);
                ColliderList colliderList = collider as ColliderList;

                if (colliderList == null)
                    entity.Collider = collider;
                    if (beam.CollideCheck(entity))
                        shortestWidth = Math.Min(shortestWidth, LengthCalculatingFunctions[beam.Direction](beam, collider));
                    foreach (Collider c in colliderList.colliders)
                        entity.Collider = c;
                        if (beam.CollideCheck(entity))
                            shortestWidth = Math.Min(shortestWidth, LengthCalculatingFunctions[beam.Direction](beam, c));

                entity.Collider = origCollider;

            beam.Length = shortestWidth;
    public void PickUpHeavyTrash()
        Debug.Log(name + ": PickUpHeavyTrash");

        formation = new FormationBehaviour(CurrentTrash, this);

        CurrentTrash.PickedUp = true;
        PickedUpObject        = CurrentTrash;

        public OutroCar(EntityData data, Vector2 offset) : base(data, offset)
            origData = new DynData <IntroCar>(this);
            Image bodySprite = origData.Get <Image>("bodySprite");

            bodySprite.FlipX = true;
            Hitbox hitbox  = new Hitbox(25f, 4f, -7f, -17f);
            Hitbox hitbox2 = new Hitbox(19f, 4f, -24f, -11f);

            Collider = new ColliderList(hitbox, hitbox2);
    // pickable-up objects stuff

    public void PickUpLightTrash()
        Debug.Log(name + ": PickUpLightTrash");

        CurrentTrash.transform.parent        = transform;
        CurrentTrash.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1.25f, 0);
        CurrentTrash.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        CurrentTrash.PickedUp = true;
        PickedUpObject        = CurrentTrash;

Exemple #19
        public void Add(Collider collider)
            if (ColliderList.Contains(collider))

            foreach (Cell cell in GetCells(collider.WorldTransform))

            ComputedCollision[collider] = new HashSet <Collider>();

        public static ColliderList GenerateInefficientColliderGrid(VirtualMap <char> tileMap, int cellWidth, int cellHeight)
            ColliderList colliders = new ColliderList();

            for (int x = 0; x < tileMap.Columns; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < tileMap.Rows; y++)
                    if (tileMap.AnyInSegmentAtTile(x, y) && tileMap[x, y] != '0')
                        colliders.Add(new Hitbox(cellWidth, cellHeight, x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight));
            return(colliders.colliders.Length > 0 ? colliders : null);
 public KillerDebris(Vector2 position, bool attachToSolid, string color)
     : base(position)
     Enum.TryParse(color, out _color);
     Tag      = Tags.TransitionUpdate;
     Collider = new ColliderList(new Circle(6f), new Hitbox(16f, 4f, -8f, -3f));
     Visible  = false;
     Add(new PlayerCollider(OnPlayer));
     Add(new HoldableCollider(OnHoldable));
     Add(new LedgeBlocker());
     Depth         = -8500;
     AttachToSolid = attachToSolid;
     if (attachToSolid)
         Add(new StaticMover
             OnShake      = OnShake,
             SolidChecker = IsRiding,
             OnDestroy    = RemoveSelf
     _randomSeed = Calc.Random.Next();
Exemple #22
        public CustomSandwichLava(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            startX    = data.Position.X + offset.X;
            Direction = data.Enum("direction", DirectionMode.CoreModeBased);
            Speed     = data.Float("speed", 20f);

            // vanilla is 160. so, setting sandwichGap to 120 requires each side to be shifted by 20 pixels towards the other ((160 - 120) / 2).
            sandwichDisplacement = (160f - data.Float("sandwichGap", 160f)) / 2;

            Depth    = -1000000;
            Collider = new ColliderList(new Hitbox(340f, 120f, 0f, -sandwichDisplacement), new Hitbox(340f, 120f, 0f, -280f + sandwichDisplacement));
            Visible  = false;

            Add(loopSfx = new SoundSource());
            Add(new PlayerCollider(OnPlayer));
            Add(new CoreModeListener(OnChangeMode));

            Add(bottomRect                = new LavaRect(400f, 200f, 4));
            bottomRect.Position           = new Vector2(-40f, 0f);
            bottomRect.OnlyMode           = LavaRect.OnlyModes.OnlyTop;
            bottomRect.SmallWaveAmplitude = 2f;

            Add(topRect                = new LavaRect(400f, 200f, 4));
            topRect.Position           = new Vector2(-40f, -360f);
            topRect.OnlyMode           = LavaRect.OnlyModes.OnlyBottom;
            topRect.SmallWaveAmplitude = 2f;
            topRect.BigWaveAmplitude   = (bottomRect.BigWaveAmplitude = 2f);
            topRect.CurveAmplitude     = (bottomRect.CurveAmplitude = 4f);

            Add(new TransitionListener {
                OnOutBegin = () => {
                    // save the Y positions
                    transitionStartY           = Y;
                    transitionStartTopRectY    = topRect.Position.Y;
                    transitionStartBottomRectY = bottomRect.Position.Y;

                    if (persistent && Scene != null && Scene.Entities.FindAll <CustomSandwichLava>().Count <= 1)
                        // no lava in the next room: leave
                        // look up for all lava blocker triggers in the next room.
                        lavaBlockerTriggers = Scene.Entities.OfType <LavaBlockerTrigger>().ToList();
                OnOut = progress => {
                    if (Scene != null)
                        X = (Scene as Level).Camera.X;
                        if (!leaving)
                            // make the lava elements transition smoothly to their expected positions.
                            Y = MathHelper.Lerp(transitionStartY, centerY, progress);
                            topRect.Position.Y    = MathHelper.Lerp(transitionStartTopRectY, TopOffset - topRect.Height + sandwichDisplacement, progress);
                            bottomRect.Position.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(transitionStartBottomRectY, -sandwichDisplacement, progress);

                    if ((progress > 0.95f) && leaving)
                        // lava is leaving, transition is over soon => remove it
                OnInEnd = () => {
                    if (entering)
                        // transition is over. grab the camera position now since it's done moving.
                        Y        = centerY;
                        entering = false;
Exemple #23
     * @brief 衝突(すり抜けあり)を検出する
     * @param other 衝突したオブジェクト
    void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        // 衝突リストがnullでないとき
        if (colliders != null)
            // 4方向の壁に衝突したとき
            if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Wall_Left") ||
                other.gameObject.CompareTag("Wall_Foreground") ||
                other.gameObject.CompareTag("Wall_Right") ||
                ColliderList list = new ColliderList();
                list.colliderObj = other;
                list.direct      = inputDirect;
                list.priority    = 1;     // 優先度中に設定
                list.rotated     = false; // 4方向の壁は回転後でもステージ内に移動したいのでfalseとする

                foreach (ColliderList colliderList in colliders)
                    if (colliderList.colliderObj)
                        // 同じ方向の壁と衝突済みの時
                        if (list.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag(colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.tag))
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                        // 同じ方向の入力でブロックに衝突済みの時
                        else if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Block") &&
                                 colliderList.direct == list.direct)
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                colliders.Add(list); // 新しい衝突として検出する
                isCollide = true;    // 衝突した状態にする
            // ステージの床に衝突したとき
            else if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Stage"))
                ColliderList list = new ColliderList();
                list.colliderObj = other;
                list.direct      = InputDirection.no; // 床と衝突するので入力なしを格納
                list.priority    = 0;                 // 優先度低に設定
                list.rotated     = false;             // 床は回転後でもステージ内に移動したいのでfalseとする

                foreach (ColliderList colliderList in colliders)
                    if (colliderList.colliderObj != null)
                        // ステージの床と衝突済みの時
                        if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Stage"))
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                        // 入力なしでブロックと衝突済みの時
                        else if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Block") &&
                                 colliderList.direct == InputDirection.no)
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                colliders.Add(list); // 新しい衝突として検出する
                isCollide = true;    // 衝突した状態にする
            // ブロックと衝突したとき
            else if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Block"))
                ColliderList list = new ColliderList();
                list.colliderObj = other;
                list.direct      = inputDirect;
                list.rotated     = false;

                // 回転をして衝突したとき
                if (!beforeQuaternion.Equals(blockQuaternion))
                    canRotate     = false; // 回転不可能にする
                    list.rotated  = true;  // 衝突リストに回転して衝突
                    list.priority = 2;     // 優先度高に設定
                // 入力なしでブロックと衝突したとき
                else if (list.direct == InputDirection.no)
                    list.priority = 0;// 優先度低に設定
                // 入力ありでブロックと衝突したとき
                    list.priority = 1;// 優先度中に設定
                // 同じものと衝突していないかのチェック
                foreach (ColliderList colliderList in colliders)
                    if (colliderList.colliderObj != null)
                        // ステージの床と衝突済みのとき
                        if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Stage") &&
                            colliderList.direct == list.direct)
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                        // 左側の壁と衝突済みのとき
                        else if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Wall_Left") &&
                                 colliderList.direct == list.direct)
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                        // 手前側の壁と衝突済みのとき
                        else if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Wall_Foreground") &&
                                 colliderList.direct == list.direct)
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                        // 右側の壁と衝突済みのとき
                        else if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Wall_Right") &&
                                 colliderList.direct == list.direct)
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                        // 奥側の壁と衝突済みのとき
                        else if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Wall_Back") &&
                                 colliderList.direct == list.direct)
                            return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                        // ブロックと衝突済みのとき
                            // 回転して衝突したとき
                            if (list.rotated)
                                // 別のブロックと回転して衝突済みのとき
                                if (colliderList.rotated == list.rotated)
                                    return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                                // 別のブロックと回転なし(落下して)衝突済みのとき
                                else if (colliderList.direct == InputDirection.no)
                                    return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                            // 回転なしで同じ入力方向でブロックと衝突済みのとき
                            else if (colliderList.direct == list.direct)
                                // 入力なしで衝突したとき
                                if (list.direct == InputDirection.no)
                                    // 回転して衝突済みのとき
                                    if (colliderList.rotated)
                                        return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                                // 入力ありで衝突したとき
                                    return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                            else if (colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.transform.parent != null)
                                // 同じブロックと落下して衝突済みのとき
                                if (!list.rotated && list.colliderObj.gameObject.transform.parent.name.Equals(colliderList.colliderObj.gameObject.transform.parent.name))
                                    return;// 衝突リストに追加しない
                colliders.Add(list); // 新しい衝突として検出する
                isCollide = true;    // 衝突した状態にする
                canSet    = false;   // 設置未完了
        public CustomSpinner(EntityData data, Vector2 position, bool attachToSolid, string directory, string destroyColor, bool isCore, string tint) : base(data.Position + position)
            ID             = data.ID;
            DashThrough    = data.Bool("dashThrough", false);
            this.tint      = tint;
            Tint           = ColorHelper.GetColor(tint);
            this.directory = directory;

            // for VivHelper compatibility
            SpritePathSuffix = data.Attr("spritePathSuffix", "");

            moveWithWind = data.Bool("moveWithWind", false);

            // funny story time: this used to exist in older versions of Frost Helper as a leftover.
            // I tried removing it in 1.20.3, but this broke some TASes due to spinner cycles.
            // So now this needs to stay here forever D:
            // List<MTexture> atlasSubtextures = GFX.Game.GetAtlasSubtextures(this.bgDirectory);
            // MTexture mtexture = Calc.Random.Choose(atlasSubtextures);
            // Actually, just calling Random.Next() is enough, so that's nice

            coldDirectory     = directory;
            this.destroyColor = destroyColor;
            this.isCore       = isCore;
            offset            = Calc.Random.NextFloat();
            Tag      = Tags.TransitionUpdate;
            Collider = new ColliderList(new Collider[]
                new Circle(6f, 0f, 0f),
                new Hitbox(16f, 4f, -8f, -3f)
            Visible = false;
            Add(new PlayerCollider(new Action <Player>(OnPlayer), null, null));
            Add(new HoldableCollider(new Action <Holdable>(OnHoldable), null));
            Add(new LedgeBlocker(null));
            Depth = -8500;

            AttachToSolid = attachToSolid;
            if (AttachToSolid)
                Add(new StaticMover
                    OnShake      = new Action <Vector2>(OnShake),
                    SolidChecker = new Func <Solid, bool>(IsRiding),
                    OnDestroy    = new Action(RemoveSelf)

            randomSeed = Calc.Random.Next();
            if (isCore)
                Add(new CoreModeListener(new Action <Session.CoreModes>(OnChangeMode)));
            float bloomAlpha = data.Float("bloomAlpha", 0.0f);

            if (bloomAlpha != 0.0f)
                Add(new BloomPoint(Collider.Center, bloomAlpha, data.Float("bloomRadius", 0f)));
Exemple #25
 public ComponentCollision() : base("collision")
     _boundingBox = new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        public SidewaysLava(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            intro           = data.Bool("intro", false);
            lavaMode        = data.Enum("lavaMode", LavaMode.LeftToRight);
            speedMultiplier = data.Float("speedMultiplier", 1f);

            Depth = -1000000;

            if (lavaMode == LavaMode.LeftToRight)
                // one hitbox on the left.
                Collider = new Hitbox(340f, 200f, -340f);
            else if (lavaMode == LavaMode.RightToLeft)
                // one hitbox on the right.
                Collider = new Hitbox(340f, 200f, 320f);
                // hitboxes on both sides, 280px apart.
                Collider = new ColliderList(new Hitbox(340f, 200f, -340f), new Hitbox(340f, 200f, 280f));

            Visible = false;
            Add(new PlayerCollider(OnPlayer));
            Add(new CoreModeListener(OnChangeMode));
            Add(loopSfx = new SoundSource());

            if (lavaMode != LavaMode.RightToLeft)
                // add the left lava rect, just off-screen (it is 340px wide)
                Add(leftRect                = new SidewaysLavaRect(340f, 200f, 4, SidewaysLavaRect.OnlyModes.OnlyLeft));
                leftRect.Position           = new Vector2(-340f, 0f);
                leftRect.SmallWaveAmplitude = 2f;
            if (lavaMode != LavaMode.LeftToRight)
                // add the right lava rect, just off-screen (the screen is 320px wide)
                Add(rightRect                = new SidewaysLavaRect(340f, 200f, 4, SidewaysLavaRect.OnlyModes.OnlyRight));
                rightRect.Position           = new Vector2(lavaMode == LavaMode.Sandwich ? 280f : 320f, 0f);
                rightRect.SmallWaveAmplitude = 2f;

            if (lavaMode == LavaMode.Sandwich)
                // listen to transitions since we need the sandwich lava to deal smoothly with them.
                Add(new TransitionListener {
                    OnOutBegin = () => {
                        sandwichTransitionStartX = X;
                        if (!sandwichTransferred)
                            // the next screen has no sideways sandwich lava. so, just leave.
                            sandwichLeaving = true;
                            Collidable      = false;
                            Alarm.Set(this, 2f, () => RemoveSelf());
                            sandwichTransferred = false;

                            // look up for all lava blocker triggers in the next room.
                            lavaBlockerTriggers = Scene.Entities.OfType <LavaBlockerTrigger>().ToList();
                    OnOut = progress => {
                        if (Scene != null)
                            Level level = Scene as Level;

                            // make sure the sandwich lava is following the transition.
                            Y = level.Camera.Y - 10f;

                            if (!sandwichLeaving)
                                // make the lava smoothly go back to 20px on each side.
                                X = MathHelper.Lerp(sandwichTransitionStartX, level.Camera.Left + 20f, progress);
                        if (progress > 0.95f && sandwichLeaving)
                            // destroy the lava, since transition is almost done.