public void HandleAck(ArraySegment <byte> payload)
            // Read the sequence number
            ushort sequence = (ushort)(payload.Array[payload.Offset] | (ushort)(payload.Array[payload.Offset + 1] << 8));

            lock (_sendLock)
                if (_lastOutgoingPacket != null && _lastOutgoingPacket.Value.Sequence == sequence)
                    // Notify the user that we got an ack
                    ChannelRouter.HandlePacketAckedByRemote(connection, channelId, _lastOutgoingPacket.Value.NotificationKey);

                    // Dealloc the memory held by the last packet

                    // TODO: Remove roundtripping from channeled packets and make specific ping-pong packets

                    // Get the roundtrp
                    ulong roundtrip = (ulong)Math.Round((NetTime.Now - _lastOutgoingPacket.Value.FirstSent).TotalMilliseconds);

                    // Report to the connection

                    // Kill the packet
                    _lastOutgoingPacket = null;
Exemple #2
        private void HandleAck(ushort sequence)
            lock (_sendLock)
                if (_sendSequencer.TryGet(sequence, out PendingOutgoingPacket value))
                    // Notify the user about the ack
                    ChannelRouter.HandlePacketAckedByRemote(connection, channelId, value.NotificationKey);

                    // Dealloc the memory held by the sequencer

                    // TODO: Remove roundtripping from channeled packets and make specific ping-pong packets

                    // Get the roundtrp
                    ulong roundtrip = (ulong)Math.Round((NetTime.Now - value.FirstSent).TotalMilliseconds);

                    // Report to the connection

                    // Kill the packet

                    if (sequence == (ushort)(_outgoingLowestAckedSequence + 1))
                        // This was the next one.

                // Loop from the lowest ack we got
                for (ushort i = _outgoingLowestAckedSequence; !_sendSequencer.Contains(i) && SequencingUtils.Distance(i, _lastOutgoingSequence, sizeof(ushort)) <= 0; i++)
                    _outgoingLowestAckedSequence = i;

                // Check if we can start draining pending pool
                while (_pendingSends.Count > 0 && _sendSequencer.CanSet((ushort)(_lastOutgoingSequence + 1)))
                    // Dequeue the pending
                    PendingSend pending = _pendingSends.Dequeue();

                    // Sequence it
                    CreateOutgoingMessageInternal(new ArraySegment <byte>(pending.Memory.Buffer, (int)pending.Memory.VirtualOffset, (int)pending.Memory.VirtualCount), pending.NoMerge, pending.NotificationKey);

                    // Dealloc
Exemple #3
        public void HandleAck(ArraySegment <byte> payload)
            // Read the sequence number
            ushort sequence = (ushort)(payload.Array[payload.Offset] | (ushort)(payload.Array[payload.Offset + 1] << 8));
            // Read the raw fragment data
            ushort encodedFragment = (ushort)(payload.Array[payload.Offset + 2] | (ushort)(payload.Array[payload.Offset + 3] << 8));
            // The fragmentId is the last 15 least significant bits
            ushort fragment = (ushort)(encodedFragment & 32767);
            // IsFinal is the most significant bit
            bool isFinal = (ushort)((encodedFragment & 32768) >> 15) == 1;

            lock (_sendLock)
                if (_sendSequencer.TryGet(sequence, out PendingOutgoingPacketFragmented value) && value.Fragments.VirtualCount > fragment && value.Fragments.Pointers[fragment] != null)
                    // Dealloc the memory held by the sequencer for the packet

                    // TODO: Remove roundtripping from channeled packets and make specific ping-pong packets

                    // Get the roundtrp
                    ulong roundtrip = (ulong)Math.Round((NetTime.Now - ((PendingOutgoingFragment)value.Fragments.Pointers[fragment]).FirstSent).TotalMilliseconds);

                    // Report to the connection

                    // Kill the fragment packet
                    value.Fragments.Pointers[fragment] = null;

                    bool hasAllocatedAndAliveFragments = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < value.Fragments.VirtualCount; i++)
                        if (value.Fragments.Pointers[i] != null)
                            hasAllocatedAndAliveFragments = true;

                    if (!hasAllocatedAndAliveFragments)
                        // Notify user that the packet was acked
                        ChannelRouter.HandlePacketAckedByRemote(connection, channelId, value.NotificationKey);

                        // Dealloc the wrapper packet

                        // Kill the wrapper packet

                        if (sequence == (ushort)(_outgoingLowestAckedSequence + 1))
                            // This was the next one.

                // Loop from the lowest ack we got
                for (ushort i = _outgoingLowestAckedSequence; !_sendSequencer.TryGet(i, out value) && SequencingUtils.Distance(i, _lastOutgoingSequence, sizeof(ushort)) <= 0; i++)
                    _outgoingLowestAckedSequence = i;

                // Check if we can start draining pending pool
                while (_pendingSends.Count > 0 && _sendSequencer.CanSet((ushort)(_lastOutgoingSequence + 1)))
                    // Dequeue the pending
                    PendingSend pending = _pendingSends.Dequeue();

                    // Sequence it
                    CreateOutgoingMessageInternal(new ArraySegment <byte>(pending.Memory.Buffer, (int)pending.Memory.VirtualOffset, (int)pending.Memory.VirtualCount), pending.NoMerge, pending.NotificationKey);

                    // Dealloc