public PatchGridViewRow(XenServerPatchAlert alert) { _alert = alert; _nameCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); _descriptionCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); _dateCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); _webPageCell = new DataGridViewLinkCell(); Cells.Add(_nameCell); Cells.Add(_descriptionCell); Cells.Add(_dateCell); Cells.Add(_webPageCell); _nameCell.Value = String.Format(alert.Name); _descriptionCell.Value = String.Format(alert.Description); _dateCell.Value = HelpersGUI.DateTimeToString(alert.Timestamp.ToLocalTime(), Messages.DATEFORMAT_DMY, true); _webPageCell.Value = Messages.PATCHING_WIZARD_WEBPAGE_CELL; }
public void CreateTextOnColumn() { if (Rows == 1) { while (oldColumns < Columns) { var textCell = new TextCellVM() { Content = "123", Height = Cells[0].Height, Width = Cells[0].Width, CellRow = Rows - 1, CellColumn = oldColumns, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, NameColor = System.Windows.Media.Colors.White.ToString() }; Width += Cells[0].Width; Cells.Add(textCell); selectCell = textCell; oldColumns++; } } for (; oldColumns < Columns; oldColumns++) { Width += Cells[0].Width; for (var i = 0; i <= Rows - 1; i++) { var textCell = new TextCellVM() { Content = "123", Height = Cells[0].Height, Width = Cells[0].Width, CellRow = i, CellColumn = oldColumns, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, NameColor = System.Windows.Media.Colors.White.ToString() }; Cells.Add(textCell); selectCell = textCell; } } }
public GridRow(WebSearchResult webSearchResult, int count) : this() { HeaderCell.Value = $"{count + 1}"; Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); Cells[0].Style.BackColor = webSearchResult.IsVIPad ? Color.DarkOrange : Color.White; DataGridViewTextBoxCell dateCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell() { Value = webSearchResult.Date.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture) }; Cells.Add(dateCell); dateCell.Style.BackColor = webSearchResult.IsHighlighted ? Color.Lavender : Color.White; if (webSearchResult.ImageBinary == null && webSearchResult.ImageBase64 != null) { webSearchResult.ImageBinary = ImageUtil.Base64StringToImage(webSearchResult.ImageBase64); } Cells.Add(new DataGridViewImageCell() { Value = (Image)webSearchResult.ImageBinary }); DataGridViewLinkCell linkCell = new DataGridViewLinkCell { Value = webSearchResult.Title.Text, Tag = webSearchResult.Title.Url }; Cells.Add(linkCell); Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell() { Value = $"{webSearchResult.Price:C}" }); Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell() { Value = webSearchResult.Category }); Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell() { Value = webSearchResult.Address }); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="Content">Content of the row</param> /// <param name="Delimiter">Delimiter to parse the individual cells</param> public Row(string Content, string Delimiter) { Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(Content != null, "Content"); Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Delimiter), "Delimiter"); this.Cells = new List <Cell>(); this.Delimiter = Delimiter; var TempSplitter = new Regex(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "(?<Value>\"(?:[^\"]|\"\")*\"|[^{0}\r\n]*?)(?<Delimiter>{0}|\r\n|\n|$)", Regex.Escape(Delimiter))); MatchCollection Matches = TempSplitter.Matches(Content); bool Finished = false; foreach (Match Match in Matches) { if (!Finished) { Cells.Add(new Cell(Match.Groups["Value"].Value)); } Finished = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Match.Groups["Delimiter"].Value) || Match.Groups["Delimiter"].Value == "\r\n" || Match.Groups["Delimiter"].Value == "\n"; } }
protected override void InitField() { for (int i = 0; i < LevelData.Row; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < LevelData.Col; ++j) { var go = Instantiate(PrefabCell, transform); go.transform.position = new Vector3(i, 0f, j); Cells.Add(go); go.NumberCell = Cells.Count - 1; } } LevelData.Box.ForEach(t => Cells[t].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = _box); LevelData.Wall.ForEach(t => Cells[t].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = _wall); Cells[LevelData.FinalPoint].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = _point; }
public void SetButtonGridUp() { // If there is a size change. if (Cells.Count == 0 || Cells.Count != _model.ActiveTableSize * _model.ActiveTableSize) { Cells.Clear(); for (Int32 i = 0; i < _model.ActiveTableSize; ++i) { for (Int32 j = 0; j < _model.ActiveTableSize; ++j) { //TODO: Only create the new ones? It seams even harder then in WFA. Cells.Add(new ReversiCell(new DelegateCommand(param => MakePutDown(Convert.ToInt32(param))), i, j, ((i * _model.ActiveTableSize) + j))); } } } _tableSizeOfCells = _model.ActiveTableSize; OnPropertyChanged("TableSizeOfCells"); }
public bool AddWord(CustomCell cell) { if (Left == 0 && Right == 0) { Cells.Add(cell); Left = cell.Left; Right = cell.Right; return(true); } else if ((cell.Left >= Left && cell.Left <= Right) || (cell.Right <= Right && cell.Right >= Left)) { Cells.Add(cell); Left = Math.Min(Left, cell.Left); Right = Math.Max(Right, cell.Right); return(true); } return(false); }
public bool AddCell(LevelObject.Cell cell) { var existingCell = GetCellAt(cell.Location.x, cell.Location.y); if (existingCell != null) { return(false); } try { Cells.Add(cell.Location.x, cell.Location.y, cell); return(true); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { return(false); } }
public BaseCell this[int x, int y] { //var cell = Maze[1,2]; get { return(Cells.SingleOrDefault(cell => cell.Coordinates.X == x && cell.Coordinates.Y == y)); } //Maze[1,2] = new Wall(1,2); set { var oldCell = this[value.Coordinates.X, value.Coordinates.Y]; if (oldCell != null) { Cells.Remove(oldCell); } Cells.Add(value); } }
private void Model_CellChanged(Object sender, CellChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.CellState == Cell.Dead) { CellField cellToRemove = Cells.Single(cell => Math.Abs(cell.Row - e.PosX * CellSizeY) < 0.0001 && Math.Abs(cell.Column - e.PosY * CellSizeX) < 0.0001); Cells.Remove(cellToRemove); } else { Cells.Add(new CellField { CellState = (int)Cell.Alive, Row = e.PosX * CellSizeY, Column = e.PosY * CellSizeX }); } OnPropertyChanged("Generation"); }
private void InitializeColor() { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { Cells.Add(new Cell("#d0c6bd")); Cells.Add(new Cell("#2d2d30")); } else { Cells.Add(new Cell("#2d2d30")); Cells.Add(new Cell("#d0c6bd")); } } } }
private void SetCells() { var list = new List <char>(); foreach (var item in Words) { list.AddRange(item.GetOneCharacter()); } while (list.Count > 0) { var randomNumber = RandomNumber(list.Count); Cells.Add(new CellEntity() { Value = list[randomNumber] }); list.Remove(list[randomNumber]); } }
private void OmrådekartFraXml(XDocument gridLayerXml) { var mapElements = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(gridLayerXml.Root, "kartElementer", TillatAntall.EnEllerFlere); foreach (var mapElement in mapElements) { var gridMapElement = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(mapElement, "OmraadeKartElement", TillatAntall.AkkuratEn); var gridLayerCell = new GridLayerCellCustom(); var gridLayerItemIds = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(gridMapElement[0], "id", TillatAntall.AkkuratEn); gridLayerCell.CellId = gridLayerItemIds[0].Value; var gridLayerCellGeometries = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(gridMapElement[0], "geometri", TillatAntall.AkkuratEn); int epsgCode; var geometry = NinXmlParser.ParseGeometry(gridLayerCellGeometries[0], out epsgCode); gridLayerCell.CustomCell = SqlGeometry.STGeomFromText(new SqlChars(geometry), epsgCode); var gridLayerItemValues = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(gridMapElement[0], "trinnVerdi", TillatAntall.AkkuratEn); gridLayerCell.Value = gridLayerItemValues[0].Value; if (Cells.Count == 0) { MinValue = gridLayerCell.Value; MaxValue = gridLayerCell.Value; } else { string minValue; string maxValue; AreaLayerImpl.GuessMinAndMaxValues(true, gridLayerCell.Value, MinValue, MaxValue, out minValue, out maxValue); MinValue = minValue; MaxValue = maxValue; } Cells.Add(gridLayerCell); } }
protected override void CreateControlHierarchy() { CreateIndentCells(); if (RenderHelper.AddFilterRowTemplateControl(this, LeafColumns.Count)) { return; } for (var leafIndex = 0; leafIndex < LeafColumns.Count; ++leafIndex) { Cells.Add( CreateFilterCell( LeafColumns[leafIndex].Column, RenderHelper.ShouldRemoveRightBorder(leafIndex) ) ); } }
// Methods internal void Init(IDataReader Reader, int MapVersion) { if (MapVersion >= 9) { LayerId = Reader.ReadSByte(); } else { LayerId = Reader.ReadInt(); } CellsCount = Reader.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < CellsCount; i++) { Cell item = new Cell(); item.Init(Reader, MapVersion); Cells.Add(item); } }
public void AddCells(IEnumerable <SeaCell> cells) { lock (Cells) { foreach (var cell in cells) { if (Cells.Count < Size) { Cells.Add(cell); cell.BindShip(this); cell.OnCellStateChanged += Cell_OnCellStateChanged; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Ship already has enough cells."); } } } }
private void RutenettkartFraXml(XDocument gridLayerXml) { bool numberCompare = true; Collection <XElement> gridNets = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(gridLayerXml.Root, "ruteNett", TillatAntall.AkkuratEn); Type = TilGridType(gridNets[0].Value); var mapElements = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(gridLayerXml.Root, "kartElementer", TillatAntall.EnEllerFlere); foreach (var mapElement in mapElements) { var gridMapElement = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(mapElement, "RuteNettKartElement", TillatAntall.AkkuratEn); var layer = new GridLayerCell(); var gridLayerCellIds = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(gridMapElement[0], "id", TillatAntall.AkkuratEn); layer.CellId = gridLayerCellIds[0].Value; var gridLayerCellValues = NinXmlParser.GetChildElements(gridMapElement[0], "trinnVerdi", TillatAntall.AkkuratEn); layer.Value = gridLayerCellValues[0].Value; if (Cells.Count == 0) { MinValue = layer.Value; MaxValue = layer.Value; } else { string minValue; string maxValue; numberCompare = AreaLayerImpl.GuessMinAndMaxValues(numberCompare, layer.Value, MinValue, MaxValue, out minValue, out maxValue); MinValue = minValue; MaxValue = maxValue; } Cells.Add(layer); } }
public PlayerTableRow(Map map, Player ply) { _player = ply; _map = map; // player is currently visible? Cells.Add(VillageTableRow.GetVisibleImageCell(_map, _player)); Cells.Add(ColumnDisplay.CreatePlayerCell(ply)); string tribe = ply.HasTribe ? ply.Tribe.Tag : string.Empty; if (ply.TribeChange && ply.PreviousPlayerDetails.Tribe != null) { Cells.Add(ColumnDisplay.CreateDifferenceCell(ply.PreviousPlayerDetails.Tribe.Tag)); } else { Cells.Add(new Cell()); } Cells.Add(new Cell(tribe) { ToolTipText = ply.HasTribe ? ply.Tribe.Tooltip : "" }); Cells.Add(new Cell(ply.Points)); if (ply.PreviousPlayerDetails != null) { Cells.Add(ColumnDisplay.CreateDifferenceCell(ply.Points - ply.PreviousPlayerDetails.Points)); } else { Cells.Add(new Cell()); } Cells.Add(new Cell(ply.Villages.Count)); if (ply.PreviousPlayerDetails != null) { Cells.Add(new Cell(ply.ConquerString)); } else { Cells.Add(new Cell()); } }
public VMRestoreRow(VM vm) { // The image cell, shows the current state of the VM DataGridViewImageCell iconCell = new DataGridViewImageCell(); iconCell.Value = Images.GetImage16For(vm); Cells.Add(iconCell); // The VM name cell DataGridViewTextBoxCell nameCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); nameCell.Value = Helpers.GetName(vm); Cells.Add(nameCell); // The current location cell DataGridViewTextBoxCell locationCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); locationCell.Value = Helpers.GetName(vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on)); Cells.Add(locationCell); }
public void CreateCells(DataGridView dataGridView) { if (dataGridView == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DataGridView is null."); } if (dataGridView.Rows.Contains(this)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The row already exists in the DataGridView."); } Cells.Clear(); foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in dataGridView.Columns) { if (column.CellTemplate == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cell template not set in column: " + column.Index.ToString() + "."); } Cells.Add((DataGridViewCell)column.CellTemplate.Clone()); } }
private void SetTableCells() { System.Console.WriteLine(@"Enter cell values"); for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < RowCount; rowIndex++) { var values = GetValueFromConsoleByTab(); ThrowIfIncorrectInputSize(values, ColumnCount); for (var columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < values.Length; columnIndex++) { ICellProperties cellProperties = new CellProperties(values[columnIndex]); cellProperties.SetupProperties(); ICell cell = new Cell(columnIndex, rowIndex, cellProperties); cell.SetupProperties(); Cells.Add(cell); } } }
public void Add(HCell cell) { int level; AABB aabb = cell.Collider.ComputeAABB(); float size = 10, width = (float)(aabb.Max.X - aabb.Min.X); for (level = 0; size * 1 < width; level++) { size *= 2; } Debug.Assert(level >= MAX_LEVEL, "The collider is too big. It cannot be contain in this hgrid"); if (Cells.TryGetValue(level, out LinkedList <HCell> value)) { value.AddLast(cell); Cells.Add(level, value); OccupiedLevelMask |= (1 << level); } }
/// <summary> /// Create Cells /// </summary> public bool CreateCells() { try { Cells.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < CellCount; ++i) { Cells.Add(new Cell("Line" + i, new List <TimeFrame>(), 0, 0, new List <TimeFrame>(), 0, new Dictionary <double, int>())); } #if DEBUG Debug.Print("Cell size is " + Cells.Count); #endif return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public void SetCellValue(int i, string newValue) { while (Cells.Count <= i) { Cells.Add(""); Instance.UpdatedFields.Add(ID); } if (newValue.Length > MAX_CELL_CHARS) { newValue = newValue.Substring(0, MAX_CELL_CHARS) + "..."; } if (Cells[i] != newValue) { Instance.UpdatedFields.Add(ID); } Cells[i] = newValue; }
void RemoveWalls(Cell a, Cell b) { int x = (a.X != b.X) ? (a.X > b.X ? a.X - 1 : a.X + 1) : a.X; int y = (a.Y != b.Y) ? (a.Y > b.Y ? a.Y - 1 : a.Y + 1) : a.Y; foreach (Cell wall in Walls) { if (wall.X == x && wall.Y == y) { CreateVertex(wall); Cell cell = CreateCell(wall.X, wall.Y); CreateEdge(1, sa.FindVertex(a.X, a.Y), sa.FindVertex(wall.X, wall.Y)); Cells.Add(cell); DisplayCell(cell); Walls.Remove(wall); break; } } if (a.X - b.X == 2) { a.walls[(int)Direction.Top] = false; b.walls[(int)Direction.Bottom] = false; } else if (a.X - b.X == -2) { a.walls[(int)Direction.Bottom] = false; b.walls[(int)Direction.Top] = false; } if (a.Y - b.Y == 2) { a.walls[(int)Direction.Left] = false; b.walls[(int)Direction.Right] = false; } else if (a.Y - b.Y == -2) { a.walls[(int)Direction.Right] = false; b.walls[(int)Direction.Left] = false; } }
private void SetupCells() { _poolCheckBoxCell = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell { ThreeState = true, TrueValue = CheckState.Checked, FalseValue = CheckState.Unchecked, IndeterminateValue = CheckState.Indeterminate, }; _expansionCell = new DataGridViewImageCell(); _nameCell = new DataGridViewNameCell(); Cells.Add(_expansionCell); Cells.Add(_poolCheckBoxCell); Cells.Add(_nameCell); SetupAdditionalDetailsColumns(); UpdateDetails(); }
private void InitializeGrid(List <Cell> liveCells = null) { if (liveCells == null) { liveCells = RandomizeLiveCells(); } for (int c = 1; c <= Columns; c++) { for (int r = 1; r <= Rows; r++) { var cell = new Cell(c, r); if (liveCells.Contains(cell)) { cell.Alive = true; } Cells.Add(cell); } } }
public Labyrinth(int width, int height) { Width = width; Height = height; for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++) { if (x == 0 || x == Width - 1 || y == 0 || y == Height - 1) { var cell = new Cell(x, y, CellType.GreatWall); // border made from greatWall blocks Cells.Add(cell); } else { var cell = new Cell(x, y, CellType.Wall); // all cells are walls Cells.Add(cell); } } } }
public static string getAllDataToExcle() { int code = 1; string message = "返回数据成功"; List <StudentsUser> ListUser = new List <StudentsUser>(); using (StudentsUserBLL bll = new StudentsUserBLL()) { ListUser = bll.getStudentUser(); } XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();//建立excle工作表 if (ListUser.Count != 0) { xls.FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("u").Replace(":", "-").Replace("Z", ""); Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("考生数据"); Cells cells = sheet.Cells; cells.Add(1, 1, "身份证号"); cells.Add(1, 2, "姓名"); cells.Add(1, 3, "准考证号"); cells.Add(1, 4, "手机号"); for (int i = 1; i <= ListUser.Count; i++) { cells.Add(i + 1, 1, ListUser[i - 1].Sfzh); cells.Add(i + 1, 2, ListUser[i - 1].StuName); cells.Add(i + 1, 3, ListUser[i - 1].Zkzh); cells.Add(i + 1, 4, ListUser[i - 1].Mobile); } xls.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/uploads") + "//"); } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { code = code, message = message, filePath = "uploads/" + xls.FileName, })); }
public void RefreshCells() { Cells.Clear(); List <Coordinates> aliveCells = _model.AliveCells; foreach (Coordinates coord in aliveCells) { Cells.Add(new CellField { CellState = (int)Cell.Alive, Row = coord.x * CellSizeY, Column = coord.y * CellSizeX }); } OnPropertyChanged("Generation"); OnPropertyChanged("Size"); OnPropertyChanged("Paused"); OnPropertyChanged("Playing"); }