private Cell MultipleLineFieldToCell(Cell cell, Boolean forCompile, dtoSubmissionValueField item, String emptyItem, String maxCharInfo) { Chunk chunk = new Chunk((forCompile ? "" : (item.Value == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.Text) ? emptyItem : item.Value.Text)), GetFont(ItemType.Paragraph)); if (forCompile) { Table tInput = GetTable(1, 1); Cell cInput = new Cell(); if (item.Field.MaxLength > 4000) { cInput.Rowspan = 15; } else if (item.Field.MaxLength > 2000) { cInput.Rowspan = 10; } else { cInput.Rowspan = 5; } tInput.AddCell(cInput); cell.Add(tInput); } else { cell.Add(chunk); } if (item.Field.MaxLength > 0) { cell.Add(GetParagraph(String.Format(maxCharInfo, item.Field.MaxLength), GetFont(ItemType.Caption))); } return(cell); }
private void ManipulatePdf(string dest) { PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest)); Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc, new PageSize(300, 160)); Table table = new Table(UnitValue.CreatePercentArray(2)).UseAllAvailableWidth(); table.SetMarginTop(10); Cell cell = new Cell(); cell.Add(new Paragraph("G")); cell.Add(new Paragraph("R")); cell.Add(new Paragraph("O")); cell.Add(new Paragraph("U")); cell.Add(new Paragraph("P")); table.AddCell(cell); Table inner = new Table(UnitValue.CreatePercentArray(1)).UseAllAvailableWidth(); inner.SetKeepTogether(true); inner.AddCell("row 1"); inner.AddCell("row 2"); inner.AddCell("row 3"); inner.AddCell("row 4"); inner.AddCell("row 5"); cell = new Cell().Add(inner); cell.SetPadding(0); table.AddCell(cell); doc.Add(table); doc.Close(); }
private void AddCompanyInfo() { if (companyName == null && companyInfo == null) { return; } Table table = new Table(1); table.Offset = 5; table.WidthPercentage = 100; table.Cellpadding = 2; table.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; Cell cell = new Cell(); if (companyName != null) { cell.Add(new Phrase(defaultLeading + 2, companyName + "\n", companyFontBold)); } if (companyInfo != null) { cell.Add(new Paragraph(defaultLeading, companyInfo + "\n", companyFont)); } cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; cell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; table.AddCell(cell); document.Add(table); }
private void ProcessSnapshotWithArrays(short snap) { DebugOut.PrintLine("PROCESSING SNAPSHOT WITH ARRAYS" + snap); // using this only if needed HsmlReader hsmlReader = new HsmlReader(); // and make the directory, just to be safe try { Directory.CreateDirectory(GetSnapDir(outPath, snap)); } catch (IOException e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } int curFile = firstSnapshotFile; // index of current read/write file int numFile = 0; if (useHsml) hsmlReader = new HsmlReader(GetHsmlPath(inPath, snap)); if (lastSnapshotFile < firstSnapshotFile) { lastSnapshotFile = firstSnapshotFile; numFile = -1; } while (curFile <= lastSnapshotFile) { DebugOut.PrintLine("..file " + curFile + "/" + lastSnapshotFile); string filename = ""; try { filename = GetSnapFile(inPath, snap, snapshotFilePrefix, curFile); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); return; } // now load the file SnapFile curSnap = new SnapFile(filename, samplingRate); // and open the stream for writing using (SqlBinaryWriter binwriter = new SqlBinaryWriter(new FileStream(GetSnapDefault(outPath, snap, snapshotFilePrefix, curFile), FileMode.Create))) { Structs[] parts = new Structs[curSnap.numSample]; // now write each particle into the array for (int i = 0; i < curSnap.numSample; i++) { parts[i].x = curSnap.pos[i, 0]; parts[i].y = curSnap.pos[i, 1]; parts[i].z = curSnap.pos[i, 2]; parts[i].vx = curSnap.vel[i, 0]; parts[i].vy = curSnap.vel[i, 1]; parts[i].vz = curSnap.vel[i, 2]; parts[i].snapnum = snap; parts[i].id =[i]; // add in highest-order bit parts[i].id |= ((UInt64)curSnap.nLargeSims[1]) << 32; // make ph-key parts[i].phkey = GetPHKey(parts[i].x, parts[i].y, parts[i].z); // read hsml, if desired if (useHsml) // TODO fix this part for random sampling { parts[i].hsml = hsmlReader.GetHsml(); parts[i].veldisp = hsmlReader.GetVelDisp(); parts[i].density = hsmlReader.GetDensity(); // and advance read pointer hsmlReader.Next(); } } // now sort before writing files // TBD this may not be necessary if the particles // are sorted in the files already. Array.Sort<Structs>(parts, new ParticleComparator()); Cell cell = new Cell(snap); int currentPHkey = -1; for (int i = 0; i < curSnap.numSample; i++) { if (parts[i].phkey != currentPHkey) { if(cell.Count > 0) binwriter.Write(cell); currentPHkey = parts[i].phkey; cell.Init(currentPHkey); } cell.Add(parts[i]); } if (cell.Count > 0) binwriter.Write(cell); // and add a bulk insert DebugOut.AddCommand(GetSnapDefault(outPath, snap, snapshotFilePrefix, curFile), snapshotTable); DebugOut.PrintLine("..wrote " + curSnap.numSample + "/" + curSnap.numTotals[1] + " points"); } // and set numFiles if (numFile == -1) { numFile = (int)curSnap.numSubfiles - firstSnapshotFile + 1; lastSnapshotFile = numFile - 1; } curFile++; // avoid outofmemory errors GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }