/// <summary>
        /// Sets the Controls to the Current State of the Properties
        /// </summary>
        public void setConfigurationControls()
            //Sets controls to the current properties values in the program
            TxtDashboardDirectory.Text = directory;
            TxtExcelFile.Text          = excelFile;
            TxtPrefix.Text             = prefix;
            CboToProgram.SelectedIndex = CboToProgram.FindString(lastProgram.getProgram());
            CbGenerateExcels.Checked   = isGenerateExcels;
            CbSaveInDB.Checked         = isSaveInDB;
            CbDeleteExcels.Checked     = isDeleteExcels;
            CbGenerateOne.Checked      = isGenerateOne;
            CbAcumulatedExcel.Checked  = isAcumulatedExcel;
            if (isAutomaticProgram)
                RbAutomaticProgram.Checked = true;
                RbToProgram.Checked = true;
            PaToProgram.Enabled = RbToProgram.Checked;

            foreach (Program program in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Program)))
                if (!ignoredPrograms.Contains(program))
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the Properties to the Current State of the Controls
 /// </summary>
 public void setConfigurationProperties()
     //Sets properties to the current configuration controls in the program
     directory          = TxtDashboardDirectory.Text;
     excelFile          = TxtExcelFile.Text;
     prefix             = TxtPrefix.Text;
     lastProgram        = CboToProgram.GetItemText(CboToProgram.SelectedItem).getProgram();
     isGenerateExcels   = CbGenerateExcels.Checked;
     isSaveInDB         = CbSaveInDB.Checked;
     isDeleteExcels     = CbDeleteExcels.Checked;
     isGenerateOne      = CbGenerateOne.Checked;
     isAcumulatedExcel  = CbAcumulatedExcel.Checked;
     isAutomaticProgram = RbAutomaticProgram.Checked;