static void _decode_uavcan_protocol_file_Write_res(CanardRxTransfer transfer, ref uint32_t bit_ofs, uavcan_protocol_file_Write_res msg, bool tao)
     _decode_uavcan_protocol_file_Error(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg.error, tao);
        static void _decode_uavcan_equipment_ice_reciprocating_Status(CanardRxTransfer transfer, ref uint32_t bit_ofs, uavcan_equipment_ice_reciprocating_Status msg, bool tao)
            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 2, false, ref msg.state);
            bit_ofs += 2;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 30, false, ref msg.flags);
            bit_ofs += 30;

            bit_ofs += 16;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 7, false, ref msg.engine_load_percent);
            bit_ofs += 7;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 17, false, ref msg.engine_speed_rpm);
            bit_ofs += 17;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.spark_dwell_time_ms = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.atmospheric_pressure_kpa = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.intake_manifold_pressure_kpa = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.intake_manifold_temperature = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.coolant_temperature = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.oil_pressure = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.oil_temperature = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.fuel_pressure = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.fuel_consumption_rate_cm3pm);
            bit_ofs += 32;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.estimated_consumed_fuel_volume_cm3);
            bit_ofs += 32;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 7, false, ref msg.throttle_position_percent);
            bit_ofs += 7;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 6, false, ref msg.ecu_index);
            bit_ofs += 6;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 3, false, ref msg.spark_plug_usage);
            bit_ofs += 3;

            if (!tao)
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 5, false, ref msg.cylinder_status_len);
                bit_ofs += 5;

            if (tao)
                msg.cylinder_status_len = 0;
                while (((transfer.payload_len * 8) - bit_ofs) > 0)
                    _decode_uavcan_equipment_ice_reciprocating_CylinderStatus(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg.cylinder_status[msg.cylinder_status_len], false);
                msg.cylinder_status = new uavcan_equipment_ice_reciprocating_CylinderStatus[msg.cylinder_status_len];
                for (int i = 0; i < msg.cylinder_status_len; i++)
                    _decode_uavcan_equipment_ice_reciprocating_CylinderStatus(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg.cylinder_status[i], false);
 static uint32_t decode_uavcan_equipment_camera_gimbal_Mode(CanardRxTransfer transfer, uavcan_equipment_camera_gimbal_Mode msg) {
     uint32_t bit_ofs = 0;
     _decode_uavcan_equipment_camera_gimbal_Mode(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg, true);
     return (bit_ofs+7)/8;
        static void _decode_uavcan_equipment_gnss_Fix2(CanardRxTransfer transfer, ref uint32_t bit_ofs, uavcan_equipment_gnss_Fix2 msg, bool tao)
            _decode_uavcan_Timestamp(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg.timestamp, false);

            _decode_uavcan_Timestamp(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg.gnss_timestamp, false);

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 3, false, ref msg.gnss_time_standard);
            bit_ofs += 3;

            bit_ofs += 13;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 8, false, ref msg.num_leap_seconds);
            bit_ofs += 8;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 37, true, ref msg.longitude_deg_1e8);
            bit_ofs += 37;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 37, true, ref msg.latitude_deg_1e8);
            bit_ofs += 37;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 27, true, ref msg.height_ellipsoid_mm);
            bit_ofs += 27;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 27, true, ref msg.height_msl_mm);
            bit_ofs += 27;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.ned_velocity[i]);
                bit_ofs += 32;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 6, false, ref msg.sats_used);
            bit_ofs += 6;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 2, false, ref msg.status);
            bit_ofs += 2;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 4, false, ref msg.mode);
            bit_ofs += 4;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 6, false, ref msg.sub_mode);
            bit_ofs += 6;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 6, false, ref msg.covariance_len);
            bit_ofs       += 6;
            msg.covariance = new Single[msg.covariance_len];
            for (int i = 0; i < msg.covariance_len; i++)
                    uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                    canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                    msg.covariance[i] = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
                bit_ofs += 16;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.pdop = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);
            bit_ofs += 16;

            if (!tao)
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 1, false, ref msg.ecef_position_velocity_len);
                bit_ofs += 1;

            if (tao)
                msg.ecef_position_velocity_len = 0;
                var temp = new List <uavcan_equipment_gnss_ECEFPositionVelocity>();
                while (((transfer.payload_len * 8) - bit_ofs) > 0)
                    temp.Add(new uavcan_equipment_gnss_ECEFPositionVelocity());
                    _decode_uavcan_equipment_gnss_ECEFPositionVelocity(transfer, ref bit_ofs, temp[msg.ecef_position_velocity_len - 1], false);
                msg.ecef_position_velocity = temp.ToArray();
                msg.ecef_position_velocity = new uavcan_equipment_gnss_ECEFPositionVelocity[msg.ecef_position_velocity_len];
                for (int i = 0; i < msg.ecef_position_velocity_len; i++)
                    _decode_uavcan_equipment_gnss_ECEFPositionVelocity(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg.ecef_position_velocity[i], false);
        static uint32_t decode_uavcan_protocol_dynamic_node_id_server_AppendEntries_req(CanardRxTransfer transfer, uavcan_protocol_dynamic_node_id_server_AppendEntries_req msg)
            uint32_t bit_ofs = 0;

            _decode_uavcan_protocol_dynamic_node_id_server_AppendEntries_req(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg, true);
            return((bit_ofs + 7) / 8);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_ahrs_MagneticFieldStrength(transfer, this);
Exemple #7
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_ahrs_Solution(transfer, this);
        static void _decode_uavcan_navigation_GlobalNavigationSolution(CanardRxTransfer transfer, ref uint32_t bit_ofs, uavcan_navigation_GlobalNavigationSolution msg, bool tao)
            _decode_uavcan_Timestamp(transfer, ref bit_ofs, msg.timestamp, false);

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 64, true, ref msg.longitude);

            bit_ofs += 64;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 64, true, ref msg.latitude);

            bit_ofs += 64;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.height_ellipsoid);

            bit_ofs += 32;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.height_msl);

            bit_ofs += 32;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.height_agl);

            bit_ofs += 32;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.height_baro);

            bit_ofs += 32;

                uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                msg.qnh_hpa = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);

            bit_ofs += 16;

/*['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', '__str__', 'get_normalized_definition', 'name', 'type']*/
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.orientation_xyzw[i]);

                bit_ofs += 32;

            canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 6, false, ref msg.pose_covariance_len);
            bit_ofs += 6;

            for (int i = 0; i < msg.pose_covariance_len; i++)
                    uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                    canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                    msg.pose_covariance[i] = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);

                bit_ofs += 16;

/*['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', '__str__', 'get_normalized_definition', 'name', 'type']*/
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.linear_velocity_body[i]);

                bit_ofs += 32;

/*['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', '__str__', 'get_normalized_definition', 'name', 'type']*/
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 32, true, ref msg.angular_velocity_body[i]);

                bit_ofs += 32;

/*['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', '__str__', 'get_normalized_definition', 'name', 'type']*/
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                    canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                    msg.linear_acceleration_body[i] = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);

                bit_ofs += 16;

            if (!tao)
                canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 6, false, ref msg.velocity_covariance_len);
                bit_ofs += 6;
                msg.velocity_covariance_len = (uint8_t)(((transfer.payload_len * 8) - bit_ofs) / 16);

            for (int i = 0; i < msg.velocity_covariance_len; i++)
                    uint16_t float16_val = 0;
                    canardDecodeScalar(transfer, bit_ofs, 16, true, ref float16_val);
                    msg.velocity_covariance[i] = canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(float16_val);

                bit_ofs += 16;
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_file_Error(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_Panic(transfer, this);
Exemple #11
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_GetNodeInfo_req(transfer, this);
Exemple #12
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_safety_ArmingStatus(transfer, this);
Exemple #13
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_ardupilot_gnss_Status(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_ice_reciprocating_Status(transfer, this);
Exemple #15
        public static int canardDecodeScalar <T>(CanardRxTransfer transfer,
                                                 uint bit_offset,
                                                 byte bit_length,
                                                 bool value_is_signed,
                                                 ref T out_value)
            union storage = new union(false);

            memset(storage.bytes.ToArray(), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(storage)); // This is important

            int result = descatterTransferPayload(transfer, bit_offset, bit_length, ref storage);

            if (result <= 0)

            CANARD_ASSERT((result > 0) && (result <= 64) && (result <= bit_length));

             * The bit copy algorithm assumes that more significant bits have lower index, so we need to shift some.
             * Extra most significant bits will be filled with zeroes, which is fine.
             * Coverity Scan mistakenly believes that the array may be overrun if bit_length == 64; however, this branch will
             * not be taken if bit_length == 64, because 64 % 8 == 0.
            if ((bit_length % 8) != 0)
                // coverity[overrun-local]
                storage[bit_length / 8] = (byte)(storage.bytes[bit_length / 8] >> ((8 - (bit_length % 8)) & 7));

             * Determining the closest standard byte length - this will be needed for byte reordering and sign bit extension.
            Byte std_byte_length = 0;

            if (bit_length == 1)
                std_byte_length = sizeof(bool);
            else if (bit_length <= 8)
                std_byte_length = 1;
            else if (bit_length <= 16)
                std_byte_length = 2;
            else if (bit_length <= 32)
                std_byte_length = 4;
            else if (bit_length <= 64)
                std_byte_length = 8;

            CANARD_ASSERT((std_byte_length > 0) && (std_byte_length <= 8));

             * Flipping the byte order if needed.
            /*if (isBigEndian())
             * {
             *  swapByteOrder(&storage.bytes[0], std_byte_length);
             * }*/

             * Extending the sign bit if needed. I miss templates.
            if (value_is_signed && (std_byte_length * 8 != bit_length))
                if (bit_length <= 8)
                    if ((storage.s8 & (1U << (bit_length - 1))) != 0) // If the sign bit is set...
                        storage.u8 |=
                            (byte)((Byte)0xFFU & (Byte) ~((1 << bit_length) - 1U));   // ...set all bits above it.
                else if (bit_length <= 16)
                    if ((storage.s16 & (1U << (bit_length - 1))) != 0)
                        storage.u16 |= (UInt16)((UInt16)0xFFFFU & (UInt16) ~((1 << bit_length) - 1U));
                else if (bit_length <= 32)
                    if ((storage.s32 & (((UInt32)1) << (bit_length - 1))) != 0)
                        storage.u32 |= (UInt32)0xFFFFFFFFU & (UInt32) ~((((UInt32)1U) << bit_length) - 1U);
                else if (bit_length < 64) // Strictly less, this is not a typo
                    if ((storage.u64 & (((UInt64)1) << (bit_length - 1))) != 0)
                        storage.u64 |= (UInt64)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU & (UInt64) ~((((UInt64)1) << bit_length) - 1U);

             * Copying the result out.
            if (value_is_signed)
                if (bit_length <= 8)
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.s8;
                else if (bit_length <= 16)
                    out_value = (T)(dynamic)storage.s16;
                else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.f32;
                else if (bit_length <= 32)
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.s32;
                else if (bit_length <= 64)
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.s64;
                if (bit_length == 1)
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.boolean;
                else if (bit_length <= 8)
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.u8;
                else if (bit_length <= 16)
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.u16;
                else if (bit_length <= 32)
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.u32;
                else if (bit_length <= 64)
                    out_value = (T)(IConvertible)storage.u64;

            CANARD_ASSERT(result <= bit_length);
            CANARD_ASSERT(result > 0);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_GetTransportStats_req(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_CANIfaceStats(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_actuator_Command(transfer, this);
Exemple #19
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_hardpoint_Status(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_indication_RGB565(transfer, this);
Exemple #21
 static void _decode_uavcan_protocol_GetNodeInfo_req(CanardRxTransfer transfer, ref uint32_t bit_ofs, uavcan_protocol_GetNodeInfo_req msg, bool tao)
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_param_ExecuteOpcode_res(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_com_hex_equipment_gpio_GetInputStates_req(transfer, this);
Exemple #24
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_dynamic_node_id_server_Entry(transfer, this);
Exemple #25
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_file_Write_res(transfer, this);
Exemple #26
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_protocol_file_BeginFirmwareUpdate_req(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_power_BatteryInfo(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_equipment_air_data_StaticTemperature(transfer, this);
Exemple #29
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_uavcan_olliw_storm32_Control(transfer, this);
 public void decode(CanardRxTransfer transfer)
     decode_ardupilot_equipment_trafficmonitor_TrafficReport(transfer, this);