/* End of  Static void main*/

        /* TImer Event Calling Function Start */
        private static void UpdateVediosOfAllCameras(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs elapsedEventArg)
                if (!IsProcessing)
                    /*Main Loop Start */
                    IsProcessing = true;
                    foreach (Camera CameraObj in AllCameras)
                        if (DateTime.Compare(CameraObj.getProcessedVedioDate(), DateTime.Now.Date) == 0) /* If Processed Video Date is today only */
                            bool IsVideo_Created = CameraObj.MakeVedioOfProcessVedioDate();
                            if (IsVideo_Created)
                        else if (DateTime.Compare(CameraObj.getProcessedVedioDate(), DateTime.Now.Date) < 0) /* Probably Yesterday  */
                            bool IsVideo_Created = CameraObj.MakeVedioOfProcessVedioDate();
                            if (IsVideo_Created)
                            CameraObj.DeleteVideoOfDayBeforeProcessVideoDateInTempFolder(); // Because on day change video will be there in Temp FOlder
                    /* Main Loop End */
                    IsProcessing = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Application is Running !.............");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Global.AppendTexttoFile(Constants.ExceptionFilePath, "Exception Occured In Method UpdateVediosOfAllCameras()   " + ex.Message + "            " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
                IsProcessing = false;