Exemple #1
    public double[] run(double[] input)
        var res = network.Run(input);

        performance = network.mse;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        double[] CYNN_Input  = new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
        double[] CYNN_Output = new double[] { -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 };

        // scaling:
        double min = CYNN_Output.Min();

        for (int i = 0; i < CYNN_Output.Length; i++)
            CYNN_Output[i] = CYNN_Output[i] - min;
        double max = CYNN_Output.Max();

        for (int i = 0; i < CYNN_Output.Length; i++)
            CYNN_Output[i] = CYNN_Output[i] / max;
        CY_NN_Dataset set = new CY_NN_Dataset();

        for (int i = 0; i < CYNN_Input.Count(); i++)
            set.trainingSamples.Add(new CY_NN_Dataset_Entry(new double[] { CYNN_Input[i] }, new double[] { CYNN_Output[i] }));

        int variant = 2;

        // Variant 1:
        if (variant == 1)
            // Train:
            CY_NN_Backprop     network;
            CY_NeuronLayerLin  inputLayer   = new CY_NeuronLayerLin(1);
            CY_NeuronLayerTanh hiddenLayer  = new CY_NeuronLayerTanh(10);
            CY_NeuronLayerTanh hiddenLayer2 = new CY_NeuronLayerTanh(10);
            CY_NeuronLayerTanh hiddenLayer3 = new CY_NeuronLayerTanh(10);
            CY_NeuronLayerLin  outputLayer  = new CY_NeuronLayerLin(1);
            new CY_NeuronToNeuronBackprop(inputLayer, hiddenLayer).initFunction    = new CY_Init_RND(0d, 0.3d);
            new CY_NeuronToNeuronBackprop(hiddenLayer, hiddenLayer2).initFunction  = new CY_Init_RND(0d, 0.3d);
            new CY_NeuronToNeuronBackprop(hiddenLayer2, hiddenLayer3).initFunction = new CY_Init_RND(0d, 0.3d);
            new CY_NeuronToNeuronBackprop(hiddenLayer3, outputLayer).initFunction  = new CY_Init_RND(0d, 0.3d);
            network = new CY_NN_Backprop(inputLayer, outputLayer);

            network.Learn(set, 1000);

            // Test:
            for (double xVal = 1; xVal < 8; xVal++)
                var res = (network.Run(new double[] { xVal })[0]);

                res = res * max;
                res = res + min;
                Debug.Log(xVal + ": " + res);
            Debug.Log("error: " + network.mse);

        // -------------------------------------------------------------

        // Variant 2 (Node has to be configured in the current Unity scene)
        // Click on the "CY_ Neural Network Node" prefab once it is in the scene, then "Open in CY-Editor"
        // Try e.g. a 1-10-1 network for the input data above
        if (variant == 2)
            // Train:
            CY_NeuralNetworkNode NNNode = GameObject.Find("CY_ Neural Network Node").GetComponent <CY_NeuralNetworkNode>();

            // Test:
            for (double xVal = 1; xVal < 8; xVal++)
                var res = (NNNode.run(new double[] { xVal })[0]);

                res = res * max;
                res = res + min;
                Debug.Log(xVal + ": " + res);
            Debug.Log("error: " + NNNode.getPerformance());

            // Statistics like error/performance, the number of calls or trainings etc are also displayed in the "CY-Editor".