Exemple #1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        if (customPacejka == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("You need to assign a Pacejka. Using a default one");

            GameObject pacObj = new GameObject("Pacejka");
            pacObj.AddComponent <CWPacejka>();
            customPacejka = pacObj.GetComponent <CWPacejka>();

        if (carRigidbody == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("No Rigidbody was assigned. Chose one in parent");

            carRigidbody = GetComponentInParent <Rigidbody>();
            if (carRigidbody == null)
                Debug.LogError("No Rigidbody was found. You need a rigidbody in one of the parent objects");

        if (wheelMesh == null)
            //Debug.LogWarning("No wheel mesh was found");

        cwWheel             = new CWWheel(this, transform, carRigidbody, customPacejka, wheelMesh, restLength, springTravel, springStiffness, springDamping, wheelRadius, wheelMass);
        cwWheelTorqueDistr  = new CWWheelTorqueDistr(this, cwWheel, carRigidbody, customPacejka, hasMotor);
        cwWheel.torqueDistr = cwWheelTorqueDistr;

        cwWheel.debugMessages = debugMessages;
Exemple #2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        GameObject skidObj = new GameObject("Skidmarks");

        skidmarksController = skidObj.AddComponent <Skidmarks>();
        skidmarksController.skidmarksMaterial = skidMaterial;

        if (skidmarksController == null)
            Debug.LogError("No Skidmarks found in scene");

        wheel = GetComponent <WheelColliderAdv>().CWWheel;
Exemple #3
    public CWWheelTorqueDistr(WheelColliderAdv _wheelColliderAdv, CWWheel _wheel, Rigidbody rigidbody, CWPacejka cWPacejka, bool _hasMotor)
        wheelColliderAdv = _wheelColliderAdv;
        wheel            = _wheel;
        rb       = rigidbody;
        pacejka  = cWPacejka;
        hasMotor = _hasMotor;

        wheelMass   = wheel.WheelMass;
        wheelRadius = wheel.Radius;
        J           = wheelMass * wheelRadius * wheelRadius * 0.5f;

        slowdownFac       *= (wheelMass / 15f);
        slowdownFacDamper *= (wheelMass / 15f);