public MoleculeSpecies Create() { // find a name if not specified findName(); // create main object of the species GameObject mol = new GameObject(name); mol.transform.position =; float colliderRadius = 0; // // Find center of all gameObjects // Vector3 center =; foreach (var obj in gameObjects) { // set main object as parent obj.transform.parent = mol.transform; center += obj.transform.position; // remove collider for performance boost if (obj.collider != null) { obj.collider.enabled = false; CellUnity.Utility.ScriptManager.RemoveComponent(obj.collider); } } center = center / gameObjects.Length; // // locate object to (0,0,0) by setting center to (0,0,0) // and calculate the colliderRadius by making sure every atom is inside this radius // foreach (var obj in gameObjects) { obj.transform.position -= center; colliderRadius = Math.Max(colliderRadius, Math.Abs(obj.renderer.bounds.min.x)); colliderRadius = Math.Max(colliderRadius, Math.Abs(obj.renderer.bounds.min.y)); colliderRadius = Math.Max(colliderRadius, Math.Abs(obj.renderer.bounds.min.z)); colliderRadius = Math.Max(colliderRadius, Math.Abs(obj.renderer.bounds.max.x)); colliderRadius = Math.Max(colliderRadius, Math.Abs(obj.renderer.bounds.max.y)); colliderRadius = Math.Max(colliderRadius, Math.Abs(obj.renderer.bounds.max.z)); } // Create a new species and add it to the CUE CUE cue = CUE.GetInstance(); MoleculeSpecies species = cue.CreateMoleculeSpecies(); species.Name = name; cue.AddSpecies(species); // Add the molecule script to the main object CellUnity.Molecule script = mol.AddComponent <CellUnity.Molecule>(); script.Species = species; species.Mass = mass; species.Size = colliderRadius * 2; // Add a sphere collider to the main object SphereCollider sphereCollider = mol.AddComponent <SphereCollider> (); Rigidbody rigidbody = mol.AddComponent <Rigidbody> (); rigidbody.useGravity = false; rigidbody.mass = mass; sphereCollider.radius = colliderRadius; // Add a diffusion script to the main object View.Diffusion diffusion = mol.AddComponent <View.Diffusion> (); diffusion.Intensity = Diffusion; // create the prefab used as template for the species string assetPath = "Assets/Molecules/" + name + ".prefab"; UnityEngine.Object prefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(assetPath); PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(mol, prefab); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); species.PrefabPath = assetPath; EditorUtility.SetDirty(cue); // Delete game objects foreach (var obj in gameObjects) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(obj); } GameObject.DestroyImmediate(mol); return(species); }