Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a CA with the specified values. compileDelta() must be run before the CA is usable.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">The number of states of this CA</param>
 /// <param name="d">The default state of this CA. Must be between 0 and
 /// n (will be adjusted otherwise).</param>
 /// <param name="neighbors">Array of points representing the neighborhood set of this CA, if applicable</param>
 /// <param name="delta">A string representing the delta function to be compiled</param>
 public CA(int n, uint d, CPoint[] neighbors, string delta)
     numStates = n;
     defaultState = (d < 0) ? 0 : ((d >= n) ? (uint)n-1 : d);
     neighborhood = neighbors;
     deltaStr = delta;
        void LeftButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
            CShowBatterDlg	dlg;

            dlg.m_pBatter = m_pSlot->m_pBatter;

Exemple #3
 // create a building object of a specific type
 public Building CreateBuilding(BuildingType type, CPoint position)
     if (type > BuildingType.CONVERSION)
         return CreateConversionBuilding(type, position);
     else if (type > BuildingType.PRODUCTION)
         return CreateProductionBuilding(type, position);
         return null;
    public ConstructionHandler(BuildingType type, ResourceType[] costTypes, uint[] costAmounts, float constructionTime, CPoint position)
        this.Location = new ConstructionBuilding(this, costTypes, costAmounts, constructionTime, position);
        this.BuildingType = type;

        // request required resources
        for (int i = 0; i < costTypes.Length; i++)
            BunkaGame.ResourceManager.RequestResource(costTypes[i], costAmounts[i], this.Location);
Exemple #5
        void iMouseHandler.wheel(int x, int y, int delta, eMouseButtonsState bs)
            CPoint point = new CPoint(x, y);

            foreach (var kvp in wheelHandlers)
                kvp.Key.wheel(point, delta, bs);
Exemple #6
 // get the boundary rectangle for each object, this called automatically as an internal function
 // when generate new object from the data.
 private void _CalcRectangle()
     if (list.Count != 0)
         RC = CPoint.GetBoundingRect(this.list);
     RC = new Rectangle();
Exemple #7
        public CMouse(IntPtr hwnd)
            this.hwnd = hwnd;
            this.oldPoint = new CPoint(0, 0);
            this.leave = false;

            this.MAX_X = (Console.WindowWidth << 3) - 1;
            this.MAX_Y = Console.WindowHeight << 4;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 注释
        /// </summary>
        public bool Select()
            if (this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint == null || this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint[0].Y == this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint[1].Y)
                var ls = this.PParser.GetLineString;
                this.DeleteSeelctPuckerLineStringAndY = new List <PuckerLineStringAndID>();
                int indexY       = this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint[0].Y / FontContainer.FontHeight;
                var startIndexY  = indexY;
                int puckerLength = 0;
                int width        = this.PParser.GetLsWidth(this.PParser.PLineString[indexY]);
                var endY         = this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint[1].Y;
                for (var lineY = this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint[0].Y; lineY <= endY; lineY += FontContainer.FontHeight)
                    var ls = this.PParser.PLineString[lineY / FontContainer.FontHeight];
                    this.GetHidePuckerID(ref indexY, ref puckerLength, ls, this.DeleteSeelctPuckerLineStringAndY);
                this.CommentAllLine(startIndexY, indexY - startIndexY);
                if (this.PCommentStartWidth == -1)

                #region 设置选择坐标
                var startLs = this.PParser.PLineString[startIndexY];
                var cpoint  = new CPoint();
                cpoint.X               = this.PParser.GetLeftSpace;
                cpoint.Y               = startIndexY * FontContainer.FontHeight;
                cpoint.LineWidth       = width + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startLs.Text) ? this.PCommentStartWidth : 0);
                cpoint.LineStringIndex = -1;
                var lastLS = this.PParser.PLineString[indexY];
                width                  = this.PParser.GetLsWidth(lastLS);
                cpoint                 = new CPoint();
                cpoint.X               = this.PParser.GetLeftSpace + width;
                cpoint.Y               = indexY * FontContainer.FontHeight;
                cpoint.LineWidth       = width - (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startLs.Text) ? this.PCommentStartWidth : 0);
                cpoint.LineStringIndex = lastLS.Length - 1;

                #region 赋值

Exemple #9
 public void SetDrawBgLocal(CPoint[] points)
     if (points != null)
         var startPoint = points[0];
         var endPoint   = points[1];
         this.PStartForExecuteAfterShowSelectPoint = new CPoint(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.LineWidth, startPoint.LineStringIndex);
         this.PEndForExecuteAfterShowSelectPoint   = new CPoint(endPoint.X, endPoint.Y, endPoint.LineWidth, endPoint.LineStringIndex);
Exemple #10
 protected override void handleSyncro(eSynchroEvent synchroEvent)
     if (synchroEvent != eSynchroEvent.Report || position == prevPosition)
     // ConsoleLogger.logDebug( "RawMouse.handleSyncro, updated" );
     handler.mouseMove(position.x, position.y, buttonsState);
     prevPosition = position;
Exemple #11
 public void SetDrawBg()
     if (this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint != null)
         var startPoint = this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint[0];
         var endPoint   = this.PParser.GetSelectPartPoint[1];
         this.PActionOperation.PStartForExecuteAfterShowSelectPoint = new CPoint(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.LineWidth, startPoint.LineStringIndex);
         this.PActionOperation.PEndForExecuteAfterShowSelectPoint   = new CPoint(endPoint.X, endPoint.Y, endPoint.LineWidth, endPoint.LineStringIndex);
        public CCorrCpts(int intID, CPoint frcpt, CPoint tocpt)
            frcpt.PairCorrCpt = this;
            tocpt.PairCorrCpt = this;

            this.intID = intID;
            this.FrCpt = frcpt;
            this.ToCpt = tocpt;
            //this.pMoveVector = CGeoFunc.CalMoveVector(frcpt, tocpt);
 /// <summary>
 /// VI方法获取对应点,此函数为LI方法的入口函数(仅对一对对应线段处理的时候从此处调用)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CFrPolyline">大比例尺线段</param>
 /// <param name="CToPolyline">小比例尺线段</param>
 /// <param name="ResultPtLt">结果数组</param>
 /// <remarks>应注意这样一种情况:每一对对应线段的第一个点都在上一轮中处理过了</remarks>
 public List<CPoint> CVI(CPolyline CFrPolyline, CPolyline CToPolyline)
     List<CPoint> ResultPtLt = new List<CPoint>();
     CPoint cfrpt0 = CFrPolyline.CptLt[0];
     cfrpt0.CorrespondingPtLt = new List<CPoint>();
     VI(CFrPolyline, CToPolyline, ref ResultPtLt);
     return ResultPtLt;
Exemple #14
 void iButtonHandler.buttonDown(CPoint pos, eMouseButton changedButtons, eMouseButtonsState bs)
     if (changedButtons == eMouseButton.Left)
         prevMouse = pos;
         mouseVelocity.add(pos, timeSource.messageTime);
Exemple #15
 public void SetSelectBgLocal(CPoint startPoint, CPoint endPoint)
     if (startPoint != null)
         this.PStartBgPoint = new CPoint(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.LineWidth, startPoint.LineStringIndex);
     if (endPoint != null)
         this.PEndBgPoint = new CPoint(endPoint.X, endPoint.Y, endPoint.LineWidth, endPoint.LineStringIndex);
    public ConstructionBuilding(ConstructionHandler handler, ResourceType[] costTypes, uint[] costAmounts, float constructionTime, CPoint position)
        : base(BuildingType.Construction, position)
        BunkaGame.MapManager[position] = this;
        this.ConstructionHandler = handler;
        this.ConstructionTime = constructionTime;
        this.costs = new Dictionary<ResourceType, uint>();

        for (int i = 0; i < costTypes.Length; i++)
            this.costs.Add(costTypes[i], costAmounts[i]);
Exemple #17
        public void setBlockProp(CPoint point,
                                 string strMaterial,
                                 double dMeshsize,
                                 string strCircuit,
                                 double dMagnetAngle,
                                 EMMoving emMoving,
                                 int nTurns)
            string strCommand;

                /// mode 변경 없이도 동작은 한다.
                strCommand = "mi_seteditmode(\"blocks\")";

                strCommand = "mi_addblocklabel(" + point.m_dX + "," + point.m_dY + ")";

                strCommand = "mi_selectlabel(" + point.m_dX + "," + point.m_dY + ")";

                int nGroup;

                if (emMoving == EMMoving.MOVING)
                    nGroup = MOVING_GROUP_NUM;
                    nGroup = 0;

                strMaterial = "\"" + strMaterial + "\"";
                strCircuit  = "\"" + strCircuit + "\"";

                strCommand = "mi_setblockprop(" + strMaterial
                             + ",0," + dMeshsize.ToString() + "," + strCircuit
                             + "," + dMagnetAngle.ToString() + ","
                             + nGroup.ToString() + "," + nTurns.ToString() + ")";

                strCommand = "mi_clearselected()";

                // editmode 를 group 으로 바꾸어서 FEMM 마우스 동작을 막는다.
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #18
        public bool Contains(CPoint pt)
            var d1        = sign(pt, this.P1, this.P2);
            var d2        = sign(pt, this.P2, this.P3);
            var d3        = sign(pt, this.P3, this.P1);
            var n         = (d1 < 0) || (d2 < 0) || (d3 < 0);
            var p         = (d1 > 0) || (d2 > 0) || (d3 > 0);
            var aContains = !(n && p);

Exemple #19
        protected virtual Color GetPointColor(CPoint point)
            var rgPoint = point.RGPoint;

            if (rgPoint.G < 0)

Exemple #20
        public static int CmpCptXY(CPoint cpt1, CPoint cpt2, bool blnVerySmall = true)
            IComparer <double> cmp = null;

            if (blnVerySmall == true)
                cmp = CCmpDbl_CoordVerySmall.sComparer;

            return(CmpDual(cpt1, cpt2, cpt => cpt.X, cpt => cpt.Y, cmp, cmp));
Exemple #21
 public void AnimateTo(CPoint to, TimeSpan runtime, Action animationCompletedAction)
     if (Animation != null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Piece animate now");
     Animation = new CPointAnimator <CVirtualPiece>(this, Position, to, runtime);
     Animation.AnimationCompleted += ResetAnimationToDefault;
     Animation.AnimationCompleted += animationCompletedAction;
     AnimationStartTime            = DateTime.UtcNow;
Exemple #22
        void iMouseHandler.mouseMove(int x, int y, eMouseButtonsState bs)
            CPoint point = new CPoint(x, y);

            foreach (var kvp in moveHandlers)
                kvp.Key.mouseMove(point, bs);

            // In addition to user handlers, also update position in the context, to render it.
Exemple #23
        private static void FillPoint(Color clr, CPoint cp1, Graphics gr, int radius = 3)
            var i1 = Correct((cp1.C0 - X) / OnePixelX, Sz);
            var j1 = Correct((cp1.C1 - Y) / OnePixelY, Sz);

            var brush = new SolidBrush(clr);

            lock (gr)
                gr.FillEllipse(brush, (float)(i1 - radius), (float)(j1 - radius), 2 * radius, 2 * radius);
        public CCorrCpts(CPoint frcpt, double dblMoveX, double dblMoveY)
            CPoint tocpt = new CPoint(frcpt.ID, frcpt.X + dblMoveX, frcpt.Y + dblMoveY);

            frcpt.PairCorrCpt = this;
            tocpt.PairCorrCpt = this;

            this.intID       = frcpt.ID;
            this.FrCpt       = frcpt;
            this.ToCpt       = tocpt;
            this.pMoveVector = new CMoveVector(frcpt.ID, dblMoveX, dblMoveY);
        /// <summary>计算距离值(Translation指标值)</summary>
        /// <param name="frcpl">大比例尺线段,可以只有一个顶点</param>
        /// <param name="tocpl">小比例尺线段,可以只有一个顶点</param>
        /// <returns>距离值</returns>
        public double CalTDistance(CPolyline frcpl, CPolyline tocpl, CPoint StandardVetorCpt)
            //List<CPoint> cresultptlt = _LinearInterpolationA.CLI(frcpl, tocpl);  //每次都相当于处理新的线段,因此使用CLI
            ////_Translation = new CTranslation();
            ////double dblTranslation = _Translation.CalTranslation(cresultptlt);
            ////return dblTranslation;

            //double dblDeflection = _Deflection.CalDeflection(cresultptlt, StandardVetorCpt);
            //return dblDeflection;
Exemple #26
        //private CPolyline _FrCPl;
        //private CPolyline _ToCPl;
        //private CPolyline _InterFrCPl;
        //private CPolyline _InterToCPl;
        //private List<CPoint> _CResultPtLt;

        /// <summary>
        /// LI方法获取对应点,此函数为LI方法的入口函数(仅对一对对应线段处理的时候从此处调用,因为该函数顾及了线段的第一个顶点)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CFrPolyline">大比例尺线段,可以只有一个顶点</param>
        /// <param name="CToPolyline">小比例尺线段,可以只有一个顶点</param>
        /// <param name="ResultPtLt">结果数组</param>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public List <CPoint> CLI(CPolyline CFrPolyline, CPolyline CToPolyline)
            List <CPoint> ResultPtLt = new List <CPoint>(CFrPolyline.CptLt.Count + CToPolyline.CptLt.Count - 1);  //please consider the special case: one segment corresponds to one point
            CPoint        cfrpt0     = CFrPolyline.CptLt[0];

            cfrpt0.CorrespondingPtLt = new List <CPoint>();
            //CToPolyline.CptLt[0].isCtrl = true;  //标记为控制点
            LI(CFrPolyline, CToPolyline, ref ResultPtLt);
Exemple #27
        public void emitGlyph(int advance, short lsbDelta, short rsbDelta,
                              short spriteLeft, short spriteTop, ushort sx, ushort sy, uint uvTopLeft, uint uvBottomRight, byte layer)
            glyphLayout.adjustPosition(lsbDelta, rsbDelta);

            if (firstCharacterInWord == int.MinValue)
                firstCharacterInWord = glyphLayout.currentPositionPixels;

            Span <sGlyphVertex> destSpan = buffer.appendGlyph();

            glyphLayout.emitGlyph(destSpan, 0, id | layer,
                                  spriteLeft, spriteTop, sx, sy, uvTopLeft, uvBottomRight);


            var ba = lineBreaker.glyph(glyphLayout.currentPositionPixels);

            switch (ba)
            case eBreakAction.None:

            case eBreakAction.LineFeed:

            case eBreakAction.MoveLastWord:

                throw new ApplicationException();

            CPoint offsetToNextLine = new CPoint();
            int    xMovingFrom      = firstCharacterInWord;
            int    xMovingTo        = lineStartPosition;

            offsetToNextLine.x = lineStartPosition - firstCharacterInWord;              // We want this to be negative number, because moving left.
            offsetToNextLine.y = lineHeight;

            var destSlice = finalDestSpan.Slice(destOffset);

            buffer.copyWithOffset(destSlice, offsetToNextLine);
            destOffset += buffer.length;

            int movedWidth = glyphLayout.currentPositionPixels - firstCharacterInWord;

            glyphLayout.newLine(lineStartPosition + movedWidth, lineHeight, true);                      // True to keep the damn RSB delta
Exemple #28
        public void SinglePoint_Test()
            var decoder = new VectorDecoder();

            var p = new CPoint(
                new Complex(1 / sqrt2, 0),
                new Complex(-1 / sqrt2, 0)

            var r = decoder.Solve(new[] { p.X, p.Y });

            Assert.AreEqual(p, r[0]);
Exemple #29
        public ConsoleBlock(Span <sGlyphVertex> destSpan, CPoint start, ref sScaledMetrics metrics, uint id, int width)
            glyphLayout       = new GlyphLayout(start);
            lineStartPosition = glyphLayout.currentPositionPixels;
            lineHeight        = (ushort)metrics.lineHeight;
            characterWidth    = (ushort)metrics.maxAdvancePixels;
            this.id           = id;

            this.destSpan         = destSpan;
            nextGlyphVertexOffset = 0;
            x          = 0;
            this.width = width;
Exemple #30
        void iButtonHandler.buttonDown(CPoint point, eMouseButton button, eMouseButtonsState bs)
            switch (button)
            case eMouseButton.Left:

            case eMouseButton.Middle:
                mediaEngine.muted = !mediaEngine.muted;
Exemple #31
        public CLine Paralell(double dist)
            var p1 = this.P1;
            var p2 = this.P2;
            var d  = p2 - p1;
            var l  = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.Pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2));
            var ud = new CPoint(d.x / l, d.y / l);
            var p  = new CPoint(-ud.y, ud.x);
            var n  = new CPoint(p1.x - ud.y * dist, p1.y + ud.x * dist);
            var s  = n + d;

            return(new CLine(n, s));
        private double CaInterLSubIntegral(CPoint frfrcpt, CPoint frtocpt, CPoint tofrcpt, CPoint totocpt, CPoint StandardVectorCpt, double dbInterLSmallDis, double dblVerySamll)
            CPoint newfrfrcpt = new CPoint(0, frfrcpt.X + StandardVectorCpt.X, frfrcpt.Y + StandardVectorCpt.Y);
            CPoint newfrtocpt = new CPoint(0, frtocpt.X + StandardVectorCpt.X, frtocpt.Y + StandardVectorCpt.Y);

            CEdge frcedge = new CEdge(newfrfrcpt, newfrtocpt);
            CEdge tocedge = new CEdge(tofrcpt, totocpt);


            if (CCmpMethods.CmpCEdgeCoord(frcedge, tocedge, true) == 0 ||
                (frcedge.dblLength == 0 && tocedge.dblLength == 0))  //为了应付刚开始时有重合的对应点

            double dblLength = frcedge.dblLength;

            if (frcedge.dblLength < tocedge.dblLength)
                dblLength = tocedge.dblLength;

            int    intSegmentNum = Convert.ToInt32(dblLength / dbInterLSmallDis) + 1;
            double frlength      = frcedge.dblLength / intSegmentNum;
            double tolength      = tocedge.dblLength / intSegmentNum;

            double dbledgelength   = 0;
            double dblRatio        = 1 / Convert.ToDouble(intSegmentNum);
            double dblCurrentRatio = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < intSegmentNum; k++)
                double dblfrx = (1 - dblCurrentRatio) * newfrfrcpt.X + dblCurrentRatio * newfrtocpt.X;
                double dblfry = (1 - dblCurrentRatio) * newfrfrcpt.Y + dblCurrentRatio * newfrtocpt.Y;
                double dbltox = (1 - dblCurrentRatio) * tofrcpt.X + dblCurrentRatio * totocpt.X;
                double dbltoy = (1 - dblCurrentRatio) * tofrcpt.Y + dblCurrentRatio * totocpt.Y;

                dbledgelength   += CGeoFunc.CalDis(dblfrx, dblfry, dbltox, dbltoy);
                dblCurrentRatio += dblRatio;

            double dbInterLSubIntegral = dbledgelength * (frlength + tolength) / 2;

Exemple #33
    public static void Main()
        SPoint sp1 = new SPoint(1, 1);
        CPoint cp1 = new CPoint(1, 2);

        SPoint sp2 = sp1; // 객체 2개. 객체 자체를 복사
        CPoint cp2 = cp1; // 참조(주소)복사, 객체 한개

        sp2.x = 10;
        Console.WriteLine(sp1.x); // 1

        cp2.x = 10;
        Console.WriteLine(cp1.x); // 10
Exemple #34
        private CPoint RSComputeEndCpt(CPoint cpt, SortedDictionary <CPoint, CPoint> CptSD)
            CPoint outcpt;
            bool   blnContainsKey = CptSD.TryGetValue(cpt, out outcpt);

            if (blnContainsKey == true)
                return(RSComputeCpt(cpt, CptSD));
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 从Excel中读入数据
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="strPath">文件路径</param>
        ///// <returns>pParameterResult:较大比例尺线状要素上、较小比例尺线状要素、对应点列</returns>
        ///// <remarks >数据格式:第一行为表头,即各列的名称;
        /////                     第一列为数据序号;
        /////                     第二列为时间;
        /////                     第三、四、五列分别为X、Y、Z坐标</remarks>
        //public static CPolyline InputDataXYZT(string strPath)
        //    Excel.Application pExcelAPP = new Excel.Application();
        //    pExcelAPP.Visible = false;
        //    Workbook pWorkBook = pExcelAPP.Workbooks.Open(strPath);
        //    Worksheet pWorksheet = pWorkBook.Worksheets[1] as Worksheet;

        //    int intRow = pWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;
        //    System.Array values = (System.Array)pWorksheet.UsedRange.Formula;
        //    List<CPoint> cptlt = new List<CPoint>();
        //    for (int i = 0; i < intRow - 1; i++)
        //    {
        //        CPoint cpt = new CPoint(i, Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 3)),
        //              Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 4)), Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 5)));
        //        cpt.dblTime = Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 2));
        //        cptlt.Add(cpt);
        //    }
        //    pExcelAPP.Quit();

        //    CPolyline cpl = new CPolyline(0, cptlt);
        //    return cpl;

        /// <summary>
        /// 从Excel中读入数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strPath">文件路径</param>
        /// <returns>pParameterResult:较大比例尺线状要素上、较小比例尺线状要素、对应点列</returns>
        /// <remarks >数据格式:第一行为表头,即各列的名称;
        ///                     第一列为数据序号;
        ///                     第二列为时间;
        ///                     第三、四、五列分别为X、Y、Z坐标</remarks>
        public static List <CPolyline> InputDataLtXYZT(string strPath)
            Excel.Application pExcelAPP = new Excel.Application();
            pExcelAPP.Visible = false;
            Workbook  pWorkBook  = pExcelAPP.Workbooks.Open(strPath);
            Worksheet pWorksheet = pWorkBook.Worksheets[1] as Worksheet;

            int intRow = pWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;

            System.Array  values = (System.Array)pWorksheet.UsedRange.Formula;
            List <CPoint> cptlt  = new List <CPoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < intRow - 1; i++)
                CPoint cpt = new CPoint(i, Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 3)),
                                        Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 4)), Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 5)));
                cpt.intTrajectory = Convert.ToInt32(values.GetValue(i + 2, 1));
                cpt.dblTime       = Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 2));

            List <CPolyline> cpllt          = new List <CPolyline>();
            int           intLastTrajectory = cptlt[0].intTrajectory;
            List <CPoint> subcptlt          = new List <CPoint>();

            for (int i = 1; i < cptlt.Count; i++)
                if (intLastTrajectory == cptlt[i].intTrajectory)
                    cpllt.Add(new CPolyline(intLastTrajectory, subcptlt));
                    intLastTrajectory = cptlt[i].intTrajectory;
                    subcptlt          = new List <CPoint>();

            cpllt.Add(new CPolyline(intLastTrajectory, subcptlt));

Exemple #36
    public static void Main()
        CPoint cp1;                // 객체 생성 아님. 참조 변수 생성
        CPoint cp2 = new CPoint(); // 객체 생성.

        SPoint sp1;                // 객체 생성
        SPoint sp2 = new SPoint(); // 객체 생성, initobj

        sp1.x = 10;
        xp2.x = 10;

Exemple #37
    // create a constructionhandler for a specific building
    public ConstructionHandler CreateConstructionRequest(BuildingType type, CPoint position)
        List<string[]> building = this.buildings[type];

        // offset for buildings that have more lines preceding the construction information
        int offset = type > BuildingType.CONVERSION ? 2 : 0;

        int constructionTime = int.Parse(building[3 + offset][1]);
        string[] iTypes = building[4 + offset][1].Split(',');
        string[] iAmounts = building[5 + offset][1].Split(',');

        // parse construction cost types
        ResourceType[] costTypes = new ResourceType[iTypes.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < iTypes.Length; i++)
            costTypes[i] = (ResourceType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(ResourceType), iTypes[i]));

        // parse construction cost amounts
        uint[] costAmounts = new uint[iAmounts.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < iAmounts.Length; i++)
            costAmounts[i] = uint.Parse(iAmounts[i]);

        // create construction request
        return new ConstructionHandler(type, costTypes, costAmounts, constructionTime, position);
 /// <summary>
 /// Given coordinates relative to a specified center point, return the equivalent absolute coords on the grid.
 /// </summary>
 private CPoint getAbsoluteCoords(CPoint center, CPoint relative)
     int absoluteX = wrap(center.X + relative.X, true);
     int absoluteY = wrap(center.Y + relative.Y, false);
     return new CPoint(absoluteX, absoluteY);
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the specified cell to be in the specified state in the next iteration; this adds the modification to a
 /// set of cells to modify at the end of this iteration.
 /// If a neighborhood set has been specified and optimization is possible, any cell modifications are caught and
 /// handled here. Cells within the reverse neighborhood set of the changed cell are added to the list of cells
 /// to check in the next iteration.
 /// </summary>
 public void setCellState(CPoint cell, uint state)
     if (ca == null) return;
     CPoint modifiedPoint = new CPoint(wrap(cell.X, true), wrap(cell.Y, false));
     toUpdate.Enqueue(new Cell(modifiedPoint, state));
     foreach (CPoint p in ca.RNeighborhood) lock (toCheck) toCheck.Add(getAbsoluteCoords(modifiedPoint, p));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the number of neighbors with the specified state that are neighboring the specified cell. To be used as
        /// a shortcut for CAs in which only the number of neighboring cells of a given state is relevant, and not their
        /// arrangement.
        /// </summary>
        public int getNumNeighbors(CPoint cell, int state)
            if (ca == null) return 0;

            // Iterate through each neighbor and test if it is in the specified state
            int relativeX, relativeY, neighborX, neighborY, count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < ca.Neighborhood.Length; i++) {
                lock (ca) {
                    relativeX = ca.Neighborhood[i].X;
                    relativeY = ca.Neighborhood[i].Y;
                if (!(relativeX == 0 && relativeY == 0)) {
                    neighborX = wrap(cell.X + relativeX, true);
                    neighborY = wrap(cell.Y + relativeY, false);
                    lock (grid) { if (grid[neighborX][neighborY] == state) count++; }

            return count;
Exemple #41
		void getCentroid(CPoint c) {
			int nelts;
			nelts = this.nPoints;
			double sumx, sumy, sumz;
			double norm;
			sumx = sumy = sumz = 0.0;
			for(int i=0; i<nelts; i++){
				sumx += ((CPoint) input[i]).x_in;
				sumy += ((CPoint) input[i]).y_in;
				sumz += ((CPoint) input[i]).z_in;
			norm = sumx * sumx;
			norm += sumy * sumy;
			norm += sumz * sumz;
			norm = Math.Sqrt(norm);
			if (norm > Cartesian.Epsilon){
				sumx /= norm;
				sumy /= norm;
				sumz /= norm;
			} else {
				sumx = sumy = sumz = 0.0;
			c.x_in = sumx;
			c.y_in = sumy;
			c.z_in = sumz;
Exemple #42
 protected Building(BuildingType type, CPoint position)
     BunkaGame.MapManager[position] = this;
     this.BuildingType = type;
     this.Position = position;
Exemple #43
 public void FindPath(CPoint start, CPoint end)
     this.path = Pathfinder.GetPath(start, end);
Exemple #44
		void addPoint(double ax, double ay, double az){
			CPoint p = new CPoint();
			p.keeper = false;
			p.x_in = ax;
			p.y_in = ay;
			p.z_in = az;
Exemple #45
		//  creates a rotation matrix and saves it in the
		//  instance's internal variables
		private void makeRotator(CPoint v) {
			double theta, phi;
			double m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22;
			double n00, n01, n02, n10, n11, n12, n20, n21, n22;
			// WA: theta = acos(v.x_in / sqrt(norm));
			theta = Math.Atan2(v.y_in, v.x_in);
			phi = Math.Acos(v.z_in);
			m00 = m11 = Cartesian.Cos(theta);
			m10 = -(m01 = Math.Sin(theta));
			m02 = m12 = m20 = m21 = 0.0;
			m22 = 1.0;
			n00 = n22 = v.z_in; // cos(phi);
			n02 = -(n20 = Math.Sin(phi));
			n01 = n10 = n21 = n12 = 0.0;
			n11 = 1.0;
			// Multiply n.m for the rotator
			rot00 = n00*m00 + n01*m10 + n02*m20;
			rot01 = n00*m01 + n01*m11 + n02*m21;
			rot02 = n00*m02 + n01*m12 + n02*m22;
			rot10 = n10*m00 + n11*m10 + n12*m20;
			rot11 = n10*m01 + n11*m11 + n12*m21;
			rot12 = n10*m02 + n11*m12 + n12*m22;
			rot20 = n20*m00 + n21*m10 + n22*m20;
			rot21 = n20*m01 + n21*m11 + n22*m21;
			rot22 = n20*m02 + n21*m12 + n22*m22;
			//   use this code if you need to check the determinant
			//   it should be 1 for a rigid rotation
			//   {
			//     double det;
			//     det = rot00 * (rot11 * rot22 - rot21 * rot12);
			//     det -= rot01 * (rot10 * rot22 - rot20 * rot12);
			//     det += rot02 * (rot10 * rot21 - rot11 * rot20);
			//     write the determinant
			//   }
Exemple #46
 public Building this[CPoint index]
     get { return this[index.X, index.Y]; }
     set { this[index.X, index.Y] = value; }
Exemple #47
 public List<CPoint> Neighbours(CPoint cell)
     List<CPoint> result = new List<CPoint>();
     CPoint[] possibles = { new CPoint(cell.X - 1, cell.Y), new CPoint(cell.X + 1, cell.Y), new CPoint(cell.X, cell.Y - 1), new CPoint(cell.X, cell.Y + 1) };
     foreach (CPoint p in possibles)
         if (IsValidIndex(p))
     return result;
Exemple #48
 public int ManhattanDistance(CPoint from, CPoint to)
     return Math.Abs(from.X - to.X) + Math.Abs(from.Y - to.Y);
Exemple #49
 public bool IsValidIndex(CPoint p)
     return IsValidIndex(p.X, p.Y);
Exemple #50
 public Vector2 IndexToCellCentre(CPoint p)
     return IndexToCellCentre(p.X, p.Y);
Exemple #51
 public List<CPoint> FreeNeighbours(CPoint cell)
     List<CPoint> possibles = Neighbours(cell);
     List<CPoint> result = new List<CPoint>();
     foreach (CPoint p in possibles)
         if (this[p] == null)
     return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the state of the specified cell
 /// </summary>
 public uint getCellState(CPoint cell)
     lock (grid) { return grid[wrap(cell.X, true)][wrap(cell.Y, false)]; }
 public ConstructionRequest(BuildingType type, CPoint position)
     : this()
     this.BuildingType = type;
     this.Position = position;
Exemple #54
		public bool addConvex(double[] x, double[] y, double[] z, int len){
			// All the input points are in x,y,z...
			// To make a convex hull, follow these steps:
			// 1. add all the points to the internal array
			// 2. compute the centroid
			// 3. make the rotation matrix, that rotates the centroid to (x,y,0)
			// 4. rotate the points (call xform, returns error if more than hemisphere)
			// 5. sort (by x,y)
			// 6. compute the convex hull, result is a polygon
			// 7. Call the polygoner to make the convex
			// todo: encapsulate Polygon into Chull, or use inheritance?
			if (_reg == null)
				return true;
			CPoint centroid = new CPoint();
			for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
				addPoint(x[i], y[i], z[i]);
			this.nPoints = len;
			this.getCentroid( centroid);
			if (this.xform()){
				nrKept = this.chainHull_2D(); 
				// output has it all
				// allmost like Polygon, except first point is included at end
				// We can now make a polygon out of it. Luckily it takes
				// care of the winding error
				// First, move over the x,y,z points to double arrays;
				double[] xa, ya, za;
				CPoint p;
				xa = new double[nrKept];
				ya = new double[nrKept];
				za = new double[nrKept];
				for(int i=0; i<nrKept; i++){
					p = (CPoint) output[i];
					xa[i] = p.x_in;
					ya[i] = p.y_in;
					za[i] = p.z_in;
				Polygon poly = new Polygon(this._reg);
				poly.add(xa, ya, za, nrKept-1); // because first connects to last
			} else {
				// Error, points were more than a hemisphere
				return false;
			return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to compile delta function code entered. Any compiler
        /// messages are displayed.
        /// </summary>
        private void compile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Gather information entered
            string deltaStr = deltaInputBox.Text;
            int numStates = (numStatesInputBox.Text == "") ? 1 : int.Parse(numStatesInputBox.Text);
            uint defaultState = (defaultStateInputBox.Text == "") ? 0 : uint.Parse(defaultStateInputBox.Text);
            CPoint[] neighbors = new CPoint[Neighborhood.Count];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (OPoint p in Neighborhood) {
                neighbors[i] = new CPoint(p.X, p.Y);

            // Attempt to compile a new CA with the entered information
            ca = new CA(numStates, defaultState, neighbors, deltaStr);
            compileMesseageOutputBox.Text = ca.compileDelta();
Exemple #56
        double CalculatePathingCostMultiplyer(CLayerPart pActor, CPoint StartPoint, CPoint EndPoint, CCollideProcessingState pCollideProcessingState)
            CFPoint PolyDelta, NormalPos, CenterPos;
            PolyDelta.Minus(CenterPos, NormalPos);
            CFPoint FPolyStartPoint, FPolyEndPoint;
            FPolyStartPoint -= PolyDelta;
            FPolyEndPoint -= PolyDelta;

            CCollideInputs CollideInputs(&FPolyStartPoint, &FPolyEndPoint);

            uint IsTempExcluded = pActor.GetFlag(CLayerPart::IsTemporarilyExcluded);

            // <WIP> pEntityMovable should not require a const cast here (many changes would have to be made)
            bool Collision = pActor.GetLayer().SaveData.CheckCollide(pActor.GetpPolygon(0), &FPolyStartPoint, &CollideInputs, pCollideProcessingState, null, null, const_cast<CLayerPart*>(pActor), 0, 0);


            if (Collision)
                return CCollideOutputs::MIN_COST_RATIO_TO_TREAT_AS_IMPASSABLE;
                return pCollideProcessingState.GetAndResetPathingCostMultiplyer();
Exemple #57
		public int getHull(double[] x, double[] y, double[] z, int len,
			double[] ox, double[] oy, double[] oz){
			// All the input points are in x,y,z...
			// To make a convex hull, follow these steps:
			// 1. add all the points to the internal array
			// 2. compute the centroid
			// 3. make the rotation matrix, that rotates the centroid to (x,y,0)
			// 4. rotate the points (call xform, returns error if more than hemisphere)
			// 5. sort (by x,y)
			// 6. compute the convex hull, result is a polygon
			// 7. Call the polygoner to make the convex
			// todo: encapsulate Polygon into Chull, or use inheritance?
			CPoint centroid = new CPoint();
			for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
				addPoint(x[i], y[i], z[i]);
			this.nPoints = len;
			this.getCentroid( centroid);
			if (this.xform()){
				nrKept = this.chainHull_2D(); 
				CPoint p;
				for(int i=0; i<nrKept; i++){
					p = (CPoint) output[i];
					ox[i] = p.x_in;
					oy[i] = p.y_in;
					oz[i] = p.z_in;
			} else {
				// Error, points were more than a hemisphere
				nrKept = 0;
			return nPoints;
 //   METHODS    //
 public void ConstructBuilding(BuildingType type, CPoint position)
     if (BunkaGame.MapManager.IsValidIndex(position) && BunkaGame.MapManager[position] == null)
         this.collect.Add(BunkaGame.BuildingManager.BuildingLoader.CreateConstructionRequest(type, position));
Exemple #59
		void rotate(CPoint p){
			p.x = rot00 * p.x_in + rot01 * p.y_in + rot02 * p.z_in;
			p.y = rot10 * p.x_in + rot11 * p.y_in + rot12 * p.z_in;
			p.z = rot20 * p.x_in + rot21 * p.y_in + rot22 * p.z_in;
Exemple #60
        /// <summary>  
        /// 获取鼠标坐标  
        /// </summary>  
        /// <returns></returns>  
        private CPoint GetMousePoint()
            CPoint point;
            if (GetCursorPos(out point))
                if (hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                    ScreenToClient(hwnd, out point);

                    if ((point.X >= 0 && point.Y <= MAX_X)
                        && point.Y >= 0 && point.Y <= MAX_Y)
                        this.oldPoint = point;
                        this.leave = false;
                        leave = true;
            return oldPoint;