public static void DownloadFilesFromDepot(DepotProcessor.ManifestJob job, DepotManifest depotManifest) { var files = depotManifest.Files.Where(x => IsFileNameMatching(job.DepotID, x.FileName)).ToList(); var filesUpdated = false; Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "Will download {0} files from depot {1}", files.Count(), job.DepotID); foreach (var file in files) { string directory = Path.Combine(Application.Path, FILES_DIRECTORY, job.DepotID.ToString(), Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FileName)); string finalPath = Path.Combine(directory, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); string downloadPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } else if (File.Exists(finalPath)) { using (var fs = File.Open(finalPath, FileMode.Open)) { using (var sha = new SHA1Managed()) { if (file.FileHash.SequenceEqual(sha.ComputeHash(fs))) { Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "{0} already matches the file we have", file.FileName); continue; } } } } Log.WriteInfo("FileDownloader", "Downloading {0} ({1} bytes, {2} chunks)", file.FileName, file.TotalSize, file.Chunks.Count); uint count = 0; byte[] checksum; string lastError = "or checksum failed"; using (var fs = File.Open(downloadPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { fs.SetLength((long)file.TotalSize); var lockObject = new object(); // TODO: We *could* verify each chunk and only download needed ones Parallel.ForEach(file.Chunks, (chunk, state) => { var downloaded = false; for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { try { var chunkData = CDNClient.DownloadDepotChunk(job.DepotID, chunk, job.Server, job.CDNToken, job.DepotKey); lock (lockObject) { fs.Seek((long)chunk.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(chunkData.Data, 0, chunkData.Data.Length); Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "Downloaded {0} ({1}/{2})", file.FileName, ++count, file.Chunks.Count); } downloaded = true; break; } catch (Exception e) { lastError = e.Message; } } if (!downloaded) { state.Stop(); } }); fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (var sha = new SHA1Managed()) { checksum = sha.ComputeHash(fs); } } if (file.Chunks.Count == 0 || file.FileHash.SequenceEqual(checksum)) { Log.WriteInfo("FileDownloader", "Downloaded {0} from {1}", file.FileName, Steam.GetAppName(job.ParentAppID)); if (File.Exists(finalPath)) { File.Delete(finalPath); } File.Move(downloadPath, finalPath); filesUpdated = true; } else { IRC.Instance.SendOps("{0}[{1}]{2} Failed to download {3}: Only {4} out of {5} chunks downloaded ({6})", Colors.OLIVE, Steam.GetAppName(job.ParentAppID), Colors.NORMAL, file.FileName, count, file.Chunks.Count, lastError); Log.WriteError("FileDownloader", "Failed to download {0}: Only {1} out of {2} chunks downloaded from {3} ({4})", file.FileName, count, file.Chunks.Count, job.Server, lastError); File.Delete(downloadPath); } } if (filesUpdated) { var updateScript = Path.Combine(Application.Path, "files", ""); if (File.Exists(updateScript)) { // YOLO Process.Start(updateScript, job.DepotID.ToString()); } } }
/* * Here be dragons. */ public static EResult DownloadFilesFromDepot(uint appID, DepotProcessor.ManifestJob job, DepotManifest depotManifest) { var files = depotManifest.Files.Where(x => IsFileNameMatching(job.DepotID, x.FileName)).ToList(); var filesUpdated = false; var filesAnyFailed = false; var hashesFile = Path.Combine(Application.Path, "files", ".support", "hashes", string.Format("{0}.json", job.DepotID)); var hashes = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>(); if (File.Exists(hashesFile)) { hashes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, byte[]> >(File.ReadAllText(hashesFile)); } Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "Will download {0} files from depot {1}", files.Count, job.DepotID); Parallel.ForEach(files, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2 }, (file, state2) => { string directory = Path.Combine(Application.Path, "files", DownloadFolders[job.DepotID], Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FileName)); string finalPath = Path.Combine(directory, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); string downloadPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), ".steamdb_tmp")); if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } else if (file.TotalSize == 0) { if (File.Exists(finalPath)) { var f = new FileInfo(finalPath); if (f.Length == 0) { #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "{0} is already empty", file.FileName); #endif return; } } else { File.Create(finalPath); Log.WriteInfo("FileDownloader", "{0} created an empty file", file.FileName); return; } } else if (hashes.ContainsKey(file.FileName) && file.FileHash.SequenceEqual(hashes[file.FileName])) { #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "{0} already matches the file we have", file.FileName); #endif return; } var chunks = file.Chunks.OrderBy(x => x.Offset).ToList(); Log.WriteInfo("FileDownloader", "Downloading {0} ({1} bytes, {2} chunks)", file.FileName, file.TotalSize, chunks.Count); uint count = 0; byte[] checksum; string lastError = "or checksum failed"; string oldChunksFile; using (var sha = new SHA1Managed()) { oldChunksFile = Path.Combine(Application.Path, "files", ".support", "chunks", string.Format("{0}-{1}.json", job.DepotID, BitConverter.ToString(sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(file.FileName)))) ); } using (var fs = File.Open(downloadPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { fs.SetLength((long)file.TotalSize); var lockObject = new object(); var neededChunks = new List <DepotManifest.ChunkData>(); if (File.Exists(oldChunksFile) && File.Exists(finalPath)) { var oldChunks = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DepotManifest.ChunkData> >( File.ReadAllText(oldChunksFile), new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.All } ); using (var fsOld = File.Open(finalPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { foreach (var chunk in chunks) { var oldChunk = oldChunks.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ChunkID.SequenceEqual(chunk.ChunkID)); if (oldChunk != null) { var oldData = new byte[oldChunk.UncompressedLength]; fsOld.Seek((long)oldChunk.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fsOld.Read(oldData, 0, oldData.Length); var existingChecksum = Utils.AdlerHash(oldData); if (existingChecksum.SequenceEqual(chunk.Checksum)) { fs.Seek((long)chunk.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(oldData, 0, oldData.Length); #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "{0} Found chunk ({1}), not downloading ({2}/{3})", file.FileName, chunk.Offset, ++count, chunks.Count); #endif } else { neededChunks.Add(chunk); #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "{0} Found chunk ({1}), but checksum differs", file.FileName, chunk.Offset); #endif } } else { neededChunks.Add(chunk); } } } } else { neededChunks = chunks; } Parallel.ForEach(neededChunks, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3 }, (chunk, state) => { var downloaded = false; for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { try { var chunkData = CDNClient.DownloadDepotChunk(job.DepotID, chunk, job.Server, job.CDNToken, job.DepotKey); lock (lockObject) { fs.Seek((long)chunk.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(chunkData.Data, 0, chunkData.Data.Length); Log.WriteDebug("FileDownloader", "Downloaded {0} ({1}/{2})", file.FileName, ++count, chunks.Count); } downloaded = true; break; } catch (Exception e) { lastError = e.Message; } Task.Delay(Utils.ExponentionalBackoff(i)).Wait(); } if (!downloaded) { state.Stop(); } }); fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (var sha = new SHA1Managed()) { checksum = sha.ComputeHash(fs); } } if (file.FileHash.SequenceEqual(checksum)) { Log.WriteInfo("FileDownloader", "Downloaded {0} from {1}", file.FileName, Steam.GetAppName(appID)); hashes[file.FileName] = checksum; if (File.Exists(finalPath)) { File.Delete(finalPath); } File.Move(downloadPath, finalPath); if (chunks.Count > 1) { File.WriteAllText(oldChunksFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject( chunks, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.All } ) ); } else if (File.Exists(oldChunksFile)) { File.Delete(oldChunksFile); } filesUpdated = true; } else { filesAnyFailed = true; IRC.Instance.SendOps("{0}[{1}]{2} Failed to download {3}: Only {4} out of {5} chunks downloaded ({6})", Colors.OLIVE, Steam.GetAppName(appID), Colors.NORMAL, file.FileName, count, chunks.Count, lastError); Log.WriteError("FileDownloader", "Failed to download {0}: Only {1} out of {2} chunks downloaded from {3} ({4})", file.FileName, count, chunks.Count, job.Server, lastError); File.Delete(downloadPath); } }); if (filesAnyFailed) { using (var db = Database.GetConnection()) { // Mark this depot for redownload db.Execute("UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = 0 WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { job.DepotID }); } IRC.Instance.SendOps("{0}[{1}]{2} Failed to download some files, not running update script to prevent broken diffs.", Colors.OLIVE, Steam.GetAppName(appID), Colors.NORMAL); } else if (filesUpdated) { File.WriteAllText(hashesFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hashes)); job.Result = EResult.OK; } else { job.Result = EResult.Ignored; } return(job.Result); }
async private void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex < 0) { return; } try { ConfigItem item = datagridConfigs.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem as ConfigItem; if (item != null) { if (item.URL == "") { var callback = await steamWorkshop.RequestInfo(241100, item.Details.publishedfileid); var itemInfo = callback.Items.FirstOrDefault(); var ticket = await steamClient.GetHandler <SteamApps>().GetAppOwnershipTicket(241100); var decryptKey = await steamClient.GetHandler <SteamApps>().GetDepotDecryptionKey(241100, 241100); var cdn = new CDNClient(steamClient, ticket.Ticket); var servers = cdn.FetchServerList(); cdn.Connect(servers.First()); cdn.AuthenticateDepot(241100, decryptKey.DepotKey); var manifest = cdn.DownloadManifest(241100, itemInfo.ManifestID); manifest.DecryptFilenames(decryptKey.DepotKey); if (manifest.Files.First().TotalSize == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Steam Refused Download Request"); return; } var chunk = cdn.DownloadDepotChunk(241100, manifest.Files.First().Chunks.First()); if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (var wc = new WebClient()) { using (var io = saveFileDialog1.OpenFile()) { io.Write(chunk.Data, 0, chunk.Data.Length); MessageBox.Show("Download Done!"); } } } } else { if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (var wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadFile(new Uri(item.URL), saveFileDialog1.FileName); MessageBox.Show("Download Done!"); } } } } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { MessageBox.Show("Timeout! This can happen if you're using anonymous account and trying to download."); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Error Downloading Config: {ex.ToString()}"); } }
private static void DownloadSteam3(int depotId, ulong depot_manifest, byte[] depotKey, string installDir) { Console.Write("Finding content servers..."); List <IPEndPoint> serverList = steam3.steamClient.GetServersOfType(EServerType.CS); List <CDNClient.ClientEndPoint> cdnServers = null; int tries = 0, counterDeferred = 0; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { IPEndPoint endpoint = serverList[i % serverList.Count]; cdnServers = CDNClient.FetchServerList(new CDNClient.ClientEndPoint(endpoint.Address.ToString(), endpoint.Port), Config.CellID); if (cdnServers == null) { counterDeferred++; } if (cdnServers != null && cdnServers.Count((ep) => { return(ep.Type == "CS"); }) > 0) { break; } if (((i + 1) % serverList.Count) == 0) { if (++tries > MAX_CONNECT_RETRIES) { Console.WriteLine("\nGiving up finding Steam3 content server."); return; } Console.Write("\nSearching for content servers... (deferred: {0})", counterDeferred); counterDeferred = 0; Thread.Sleep(1000); } } if (cdnServers == null || cdnServers.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to find any Steam3 content servers"); return; } Console.WriteLine(" Done!"); Console.Write("Downloading depot manifest..."); List <CDNClient.ClientEndPoint> cdnEndpoints = cdnServers.Where((ep) => { return(ep.Type == "CDN"); }).ToList(); List <CDNClient.ClientEndPoint> csEndpoints = cdnServers.Where((ep) => { return(ep.Type == "CS"); }).ToList(); CDNClient cdnClient = null; foreach (var server in csEndpoints) { CDNClient client = new CDNClient(server, steam3.AppTickets[(uint)depotId]); if (client.Connect()) { cdnClient = client; break; } } if (cdnClient == null) { Console.WriteLine("\nCould not initialize connection with CDN."); return; } DepotManifest depotManifest = cdnClient.DownloadDepotManifest(depotId, depot_manifest); if (depotManifest == null) { Console.WriteLine("\nUnable to download manifest {0} for depot {1}", depot_manifest, depotId); return; } if (!depotManifest.DecryptFilenames(depotKey)) { Console.WriteLine("\nUnable to decrypt manifest for depot {0}", depotId); return; } Console.WriteLine(" Done!"); ulong complete_download_size = 0; ulong size_downloaded = 0; depotManifest.Files.RemoveAll((x) => !TestIsFileIncluded(x.FileName)); depotManifest.Files.Sort((x, y) => { return(x.FileName.CompareTo(y.FileName)); }); foreach (var file in depotManifest.Files) { complete_download_size += file.TotalSize; } foreach (var file in depotManifest.Files) { string download_path = Path.Combine(installDir, file.FileName); if (file.Flags.HasFlag(EDepotFileFlag.Directory)) { if (!Directory.Exists(download_path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(download_path); } continue; } string dir_path = Path.GetDirectoryName(download_path); if (!Directory.Exists(dir_path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir_path); } // TODO: non-checksum validation FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(download_path); if (fi.Exists && (ulong)fi.Length == file.TotalSize) { size_downloaded += file.TotalSize; Console.WriteLine("{0,6:#00.00}% {1}", ((float)size_downloaded / (float)complete_download_size) * 100.0f, download_path); continue; } Console.Write("{0,6:#00.00}% {1}", ((float)size_downloaded / (float)complete_download_size) * 100.0f, download_path); FileStream fs = File.Create(download_path); fs.SetLength((long)file.TotalSize); foreach (var chunk in file.Chunks) { string chunkID = EncodeHexString(chunk.ChunkID); byte[] encrypted_chunk = cdnClient.DownloadDepotChunk(depotId, chunkID); byte[] chunk_data = CDNClient.ProcessChunk(encrypted_chunk, depotKey); fs.Seek((long)chunk.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(chunk_data, 0, chunk_data.Length); size_downloaded += chunk.UncompressedLength; Console.CursorLeft = 0; Console.Write("{0,6:#00.00}%", ((float)size_downloaded / (float)complete_download_size) * 100.0f); } Console.WriteLine(); } }