Exemple #1
        protected internal override void Write(Datum aggregatedDatum, object batchContext, object typeContext)
            if (!Running)
            if (aggregatedDatum == null)
            if (m_IAmRootHost)

            var t = aggregatedDatum.GetType();

            BySrc bySrc;

            if (!m_ByType.TryGetValue(t, out bySrc))
                bySrc       = new BySrc();
                m_ByType[t] = bySrc;

            Chunk chunk;

            if (!bySrc.TryGetValue(aggregatedDatum.Source, out chunk))
                chunk = new Chunk();
                bySrc[aggregatedDatum.Source] = chunk;

            if (m_Uploading != null)

            var toUpload = new List <Datum>();

            foreach (var kvpT in m_ByType)
                foreach (var kvpS in kvpT.Value)
                    var reaggr = kvpS.Value.Reaggregate();
                    if (reaggr == null)

            m_Uploading = toUpload;
Exemple #2
#pragma warning disable CA1043
        internal TypeHandler this[Type type]
#pragma warning restore CA1043
                if (ByType.TryGetValue(type, out var handler))

                // Try to find the backend type by a simple lookup on the given CLR type, this will handle base types.
                if (_postgresTypes.ByClrType.TryGetValue(type, out var postgresType))

                // Try to see if it is an array type
                var arrayElementType = GetArrayElementType(type);
                if (arrayElementType != null)
                    if (ByType.TryGetValue(arrayElementType, out var elementHandler) &&
                        elementHandler.PostgresType.NpgsqlDbType.HasValue &&
                        ByNpgsqlDbType.TryGetValue(NpgsqlDbType.Array | elementHandler.PostgresType.NpgsqlDbType.Value, out handler))

                    // Enum and composite types go through the special _arrayHandlerByType
                    if (ArrayHandlerByType != null && ArrayHandlerByType.TryGetValue(arrayElementType, out handler))

                    // Unactivated array

                    // Special check for byte[] - bytea not array of int2
                    if (type == typeof(byte[]))
                        if (!_postgresTypes.ByClrType.TryGetValue(typeof(byte[]), out var byteaPostgresType))
                            throw new NpgsqlException("The PostgreSQL 'bytea' type is missing");

                    // Get the elements backend type and activate its array backend type
                    if (!_postgresTypes.ByClrType.TryGetValue(arrayElementType, out var elementPostgresType))
                        if (arrayElementType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                            throw new NotSupportedException($"The CLR enum type {arrayElementType.Name} must be mapped with Npgsql before usage, please refer to the documentation.");
                        throw new NotSupportedException($"The CLR type {arrayElementType} isn't supported by Npgsql or your PostgreSQL. " +
                                                        "If you wish to map it to a PostgreSQL composite type you need to register it before usage, please refer to the documentation.");

                    if (elementPostgresType == null)
                        throw new NotSupportedException($"The PostgreSQL {arrayElementType.Name} does not have an array type in the database");


                // Range type which hasn't yet been set up
                if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType&& type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(NpgsqlRange <>))
                    if (!_postgresTypes.ByClrType.TryGetValue(type.GetGenericArguments()[0], out var subtypePostgresType) ||
                        subtypePostgresType.Range == null)
                        throw new NpgsqlException($"The .NET range type {type.Name} isn't supported in your PostgreSQL, use CREATE TYPE AS RANGE");


                // Nothing worked
                if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"The CLR enum type {type.Name} must be registered with Npgsql before usage, please refer to the documentation.");

                if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Npgsql 3.x removed support for writing a parameter with an IEnumerable value, use .ToList()/.ToArray() instead");

                throw new NotSupportedException($"The CLR type {type} isn't supported by Npgsql or your PostgreSQL. " +
                                                "If you wish to map it to a PostgreSQL composite type you need to register it before usage, please refer to the documentation.");