internal ByArgument(Identifier arg) : base(arg) { CtorBody(arg); SetArgType(arg); if (chainException == null) { // identifier should consist of alias and column. if (arg.NumberOfParts != 2) { chainException = new QueryTalkException(this, QueryTalkExceptionType.InvalidByIdentifier, String.Format("identifier = {0}", arg), Text.Method.Identifier); return; } _alias = arg.Part1; _column = arg.Part2; if (_column != null) { JoinType = Wall.ByType.NonMappedColumn; } else { JoinType = Wall.ByType.Alias; } } }
public void DeselectBy(ByType type, object toDeselect) { Log.Info($"{Name}: DeselectBy(): {type}, {(toDeselect is int ? Convert.ToInt32(toDeselect).ToString() : toDeselect.ToString())}"); if (WebDriverSettings.ApplyOutline) { Outline(true); } switch (type) { case ByType.Index: Control.DeselectByIndex((Convert.ToInt32(toDeselect) - 1)); //Zero-Based index break; case ByType.Text: Control.DeselectByText(toDeselect.ToString()); break; case ByType.Value: Control.DeselectByValue(toDeselect.ToString()); break; default: var msg = $"{Name}: Unsupported Selection Type={type} used for DeselectBy"; Log.Error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } if (OutlineApplied) { Outline(false); } }
internal ByArgument(System.String arg) : base(arg) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(arg)) { arg = null; } if (CheckNull(Arg(() => arg, arg))) { if (arg.Split(new char[] { Text.DotChar }).Length > 2) { chainException = new QueryTalkException(this, QueryTalkExceptionType.InvalidColumnIdentifier, String.Format("identifier = {0}", arg), Text.Method.Identifier); return; } var pair = new AliasColumnPair(arg); _alias = pair.Alias; _column = pair.Column; if (_column != null) { JoinType = Wall.ByType.NonMappedColumn; } else { JoinType = Wall.ByType.Alias; } } SetArgType(arg); }
private static void SafeClick(IWebDriver driver, ByType bt, string searchStr) { bool success = false; IWebElement elem; while (!success) { elem = FindByType(driver, bt, searchStr); try { elem.Click(); success = true; } catch (StaleElementReferenceException) { Console.WriteLine("Stale: " + searchStr); } catch (ElementClickInterceptedException) { Console.WriteLine("Intercepted: " + searchStr); } catch (ElementNotInteractableException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(searchStr); Console.WriteLine(); } } }
public static Locator GetVariableLocator(string locatorFormat, ByType locatorType, string variableName, string variableValue) { return(GetVariableLocator(locatorFormat, locatorType, new Hashtable() { { variableName, variableValue } })); }
public IEnumerable <ByStatusInfo> GetByStatus(ByType type, int id) { var t = _context.JiraTasks.Include(e => e.State).ToList(); var t2 = new List <int>(); switch (type) { case ByType.Sprint: t2 = _context.JiraSprintTasks.Where(e => e.SprintId == id).Select(e => e.TaskId).ToList(); break; case ByType.Epic: t2 = _context.JiraEpicTasks.Where(e => e.EpicId == id).Select(e => e.TaskId).ToList(); break; case ByType.Release: t2 = _context.JiraReleaseTasks.Where(e => e.ReleaseId == id).Select(e => e.TaskId).ToList(); break; default: return(Enumerable.Empty <ByStatusInfo>()); } return(t.Where(e => t2.Contains(e.Id)) .GroupBy(e => e.State) .Select(e => new ByStatusInfo { State = e.Key.Name, Count = e.Count() })); }
internal ByArgument(System.Int32 arg) : base(arg) { _alias = arg.ToString(); JoinType = Wall.ByType.Alias; SetArgType(arg); }
public IEnumerable <ByTypeInfo> GetByType(ByType type) { var retVal = new List <ByTypeInfo>(); for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++) { retVal.Add(GetByType(type, i)); } return(retVal); }
protected override void DoWaitForCompleteStop() { m_WaitEvent.Set(); m_Thread.Join(); m_Thread = null; m_WaitEvent.Close(); m_WaitEvent = null; m_ByType = new ByType(); }
internal ByArgument(OfChainer arg) : base(arg) { if (CheckNull(Arg(() => arg, arg))) { Build = arg.Build; _dbColumn = arg.Column; _column = arg.Column.ColumnName; _alias = arg.Column.OfAlias; JoinType = Wall.ByType.MappedColumn; } SetArgType(arg); }
public static Locator GetVariableLocator(string locatorFormat, ByType locatorType, Hashtable variables) { string locatorValue = locatorFormat; string finalLocatorValue = locatorFormat; foreach (var variableName in variables.Keys) { locatorValue = locatorValue.Replace(Project.VariablePrefix + variableName.ToString(), variables[variableName].ToString()); finalLocatorValue = LanguageResourceRepository.ReplaceLanguageVariables(String.Format(locatorValue, variables[variableName].ToString())); } return(new Locator(finalLocatorValue, locatorType)); //return new Locator(locatorValue, locatorType); }
private static IWebElement FindByType(IWebDriver driver, ByType bt, string searchStr) { switch (bt) { case ByType.Id: return(driver.FindElement(By.Id(searchStr))); case ByType.XPath: return(driver.FindElement(By.XPath(searchStr))); case ByType.ClassName: return(driver.FindElement(By.ClassName(searchStr))); } return(null); }
public static OpenQA.Selenium.By Get(ByType locatorType, string expression, params string[] placeholders) { expression = string.Format(expression, placeholders); switch (locatorType.Name) { case "xpath": return(OpenQA.Selenium.By.XPath(expression)); case "id": return(OpenQA.Selenium.By.Id(expression)); case "name": return(OpenQA.Selenium.By.Name(expression)); default: return(null); } }
public static IWebElement GetElement(IWebDriver _driver, ByType byType, string element) { By selector = null; IWebElement query = null; switch (byType) { case ByType.Css: selector = By.CssSelector(element); break; case ByType.Id: selector = By.Id(element); break; case ByType.Xml: selector = By.XPath(element); break; case ByType.ClassName: selector = By.ClassName(element); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(byType), byType, null); } try { query = _driver.FindElement(selector); } catch (NoSuchElementException nsex) { Console.WriteLine("Element couldn't be found: " + nsex); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } return(query ?? throw new Exception("GetElement returned a null value.")); }
public void FindElementBy(ByType byType, string locator) { switch (byType) { case ByType.Id: Driver.FindElement(By.Id(locator)).Click(); break; case ByType.LinkText: Driver.FindElement(By.LinkText(locator)).SendKeys(Keys.Enter); break; case ByType.PartialLinkText: Driver.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText(locator)).SendKeys(Keys.Enter); break; case ByType.XPath: Driver.FindElement(By.XPath(locator)).Click(); break; } }
public void SelectBy(ByType type, object toSelect) { Log.Info($"{Name}: SelectBy(): {type}, {(toSelect is int ? Convert.ToInt32(toSelect).ToString() : toSelect.ToString())}"); if (WebDriverSettings.ApplyOutline) { Outline(true); } switch (type) { case ByType.Index: var index = Convert.ToInt32(toSelect); if (index <= 0) { var invalid = $"Invalid Index Value: {index} (Must be Greater than 0)"; Log.Error(invalid); throw new Exception(invalid); } Control.SelectByIndex((Convert.ToInt32(toSelect) - 1)); //Zero-Based index break; case ByType.Text: Control.SelectByText(toSelect.ToString()); break; case ByType.Value: Control.SelectByValue(toSelect.ToString()); break; default: var msg = $"{Name}: Unsupported Selection Type={type} used for SelectBy"; Log.Error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } if (OutlineApplied) { Outline(false); } }
public ByTypeInfo GetByType(ByType type, int id) { var t = _context.JiraTasks.Include(e => e.State).ToList(); var t2 = new List <int>(); switch (type) { case ByType.Sprint: t2 = _context.JiraSprintTasks.Where(e => e.SprintId == id).Select(e => e.TaskId).ToList(); break; case ByType.Release: t2 = _context.JiraReleaseTasks.Where(e => e.ReleaseId == id).Select(e => e.TaskId).ToList(); break; default: return(new ByTypeInfo()); } var retVal = t.Where(e => t2.Contains(e.Id)).Select(e => new { IsDefect = e.DefectSeverity > 0 ? true : false, e.OriginalEstimation }) .GroupBy(e => e.IsDefect) .Select(e => new { IsDefect = e.Key, DefectInCount = e.Count(), DefectsInStoryPoint = e.Sum(t => t.OriginalEstimation) }); var total = retVal.Sum(e => e.DefectInCount); try { return(new ByTypeInfo { DefectInPercent = (int)(retVal.Single(e => e.IsDefect).DefectInCount / (double)total * 100), DefectsInStoryPoint = retVal.Single(e => e.IsDefect).DefectsInStoryPoint }); } catch { return(new ByTypeInfo()); } }
private static void SafeMenuClick(IWebDriver driver, WebDriverWait wait, ByType bt, string searchStr) { bool success = false; IWebElement elem; while (!success) { elem = FindByType(driver, bt, searchStr); try { wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(elem)); elem.Click(); success = true; } catch (StaleElementReferenceException) { Console.WriteLine("Stale Menu: " + searchStr); } catch (WebDriverTimeoutException) { Console.WriteLine("WebDriverTimeoutException: " + searchStr); } } }
private MainPageElement(ByType byType, string expression) : base(byType, expression) { }
private ResultsPageElement(ByType byType, string expression) : base(byType, expression) { }
public Parent(ByType byType, string byParam) : base(byType, byParam) { }
#pragma warning disable CA1043 internal TypeHandler this[Type type] #pragma warning restore CA1043 { get { if (ByType.TryGetValue(type, out var handler)) { return(handler); } // Try to find the backend type by a simple lookup on the given CLR type, this will handle base types. if (_postgresTypes.ByClrType.TryGetValue(type, out var postgresType)) { return(postgresType.Activate(this)); } // Try to see if it is an array type var arrayElementType = GetArrayElementType(type); if (arrayElementType != null) { if (ByType.TryGetValue(arrayElementType, out var elementHandler) && elementHandler.PostgresType.NpgsqlDbType.HasValue && ByNpgsqlDbType.TryGetValue(NpgsqlDbType.Array | elementHandler.PostgresType.NpgsqlDbType.Value, out handler)) { return(handler); } // Enum and composite types go through the special _arrayHandlerByType if (ArrayHandlerByType != null && ArrayHandlerByType.TryGetValue(arrayElementType, out handler)) { return(handler); } // Unactivated array // Special check for byte[] - bytea not array of int2 if (type == typeof(byte[])) { if (!_postgresTypes.ByClrType.TryGetValue(typeof(byte[]), out var byteaPostgresType)) { throw new NpgsqlException("The PostgreSQL 'bytea' type is missing"); } return(byteaPostgresType.Activate(this)); } // Get the elements backend type and activate its array backend type if (!_postgresTypes.ByClrType.TryGetValue(arrayElementType, out var elementPostgresType)) { if (arrayElementType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { throw new NotSupportedException($"The CLR enum type {arrayElementType.Name} must be mapped with Npgsql before usage, please refer to the documentation."); } throw new NotSupportedException($"The CLR type {arrayElementType} isn't supported by Npgsql or your PostgreSQL. " + "If you wish to map it to a PostgreSQL composite type you need to register it before usage, please refer to the documentation."); } if (elementPostgresType == null) { throw new NotSupportedException($"The PostgreSQL {arrayElementType.Name} does not have an array type in the database"); } return(elementPostgresType.Array.Activate(this)); } // Range type which hasn't yet been set up if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType&& type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(NpgsqlRange <>)) { if (!_postgresTypes.ByClrType.TryGetValue(type.GetGenericArguments()[0], out var subtypePostgresType) || subtypePostgresType.Range == null) { throw new NpgsqlException($"The .NET range type {type.Name} isn't supported in your PostgreSQL, use CREATE TYPE AS RANGE"); } return(subtypePostgresType.Range.Activate(this)); } // Nothing worked if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { throw new NotSupportedException($"The CLR enum type {type.Name} must be registered with Npgsql before usage, please refer to the documentation."); } if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { throw new NotSupportedException("Npgsql 3.x removed support for writing a parameter with an IEnumerable value, use .ToList()/.ToArray() instead"); } throw new NotSupportedException($"The CLR type {type} isn't supported by Npgsql or your PostgreSQL. " + "If you wish to map it to a PostgreSQL composite type you need to register it before usage, please refer to the documentation."); } }
/// <summary> /// Another consturctor which initialize the 2 values /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Element locator string</param> /// <param name="byType">Element location type</param> public Locator(string value, ByType byType) { Value = value; Type = byType; }
protected PageElement(ByType byType, string expression) { this.byType = byType; this.expression = expression; }
public async Task <List <Stats> > GetStats(string startDate, string endDate = null, AggregatedBy aggregatedBy = null, ByType byType = null) { var endpoint = $"/stats?start_date={startDate}"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate)) { endpoint = $"{endpoint}&end_date={endDate}"; } if (aggregatedBy != null) { endpoint = $"/stats?aggregated_by={aggregatedBy.Value}&start_date={startDate}"; } if (aggregatedBy != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate)) { endpoint = $"/stats?aggregated_by={aggregatedBy.Value}&start_date={startDate}&end_date={endDate}"; } if (byType != null) { endpoint = $"/{byType.Value}{endpoint}"; } var(result, statusCode, message) = await _consumingApiHelper .AddBearerAuthentication(_apiKey) .GetAssync <List <Stats> >(endpoint); return(result); }
public Control(ByType byType, string byParam) : this(byType.ToString(), byParam) { }