Exemple #1
        public void Assemble_with_a_folder_name_creates_a_build_when_solution_is_a_different_name_and_in_different_location(
            CraneRunner craneRunner,
            RunResult result,
            CraneTestContext craneTestContext,
            SolutionBuilderContext solutionBuilderContext)
            "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console"
            ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>());

            "And I have a run context"
            ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner());

            "And I have a project called SolutionInDirectoryProject with no build"
            ._(() =>
                solutionBuilderContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <SolutionBuilderContext>();
                .WithSolution(solution => solution.Path = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "SolutionInDirectoryProject", "src", "solutions", "MySolution.sln"))
                .WithFile(file => file.AddSolutionPackagesConfigWithXUnitRunner(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "SolutionInDirectoryProject", "src", "solutions", ".nuGet", "packages.config")))
                .WithProject(project =>
                    project.Name = "ServiceStack";
                    project.Path = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "SolutionInDirectoryProject", "src", "ServiceStack", "ServiceStack.csproj");

            "When I run crane assemble SolutionInDirectoryProject"
            ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane Assemble SolutionInDirectoryProject"));

            "It should say 'Assemble success.'"
            ._(() =>
                result.StandardOutput.Should().Be("Assemble success.");

            "It should create a build.ps1 in the top level folder"
                () => new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "SolutionInDirectoryProject")).GetFiles()
                .Count(f => f.Name.ToLower() == "build.ps1")

            "It should be able to be built successfully with all tests passing"
            ._(() =>
                var buildResult = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "SolutionInDirectoryProject"));

            "It should create a build for the project with a reference to the solution file"
            ._(() => File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "SolutionInDirectoryProject", "build", "default.ps1")).Should().Contain("MySolution.sln"))
            .Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown());
Exemple #2
        public void can_publish_build_to_nuget(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext,
                                               ISolutionContext solutionContext, string projectDir, ICraneApi craneApi, NuGetServerContext nuGetServer)
            "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console"
            ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>());

            "And I have a nuGet server running"
            ._(() =>
                nuGetServer = new NuGetServerContext(craneTestContext);

            "And I have a run context"
            ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner());

            "And I have run crane init ServiceStack"
            ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack"));

            "And I have build the project"
            ._(() =>
                result = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"));

            "And I have the solution context using the api"
            ._(() =>
                projectDir      = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack");
                craneApi        = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>();
                solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(projectDir);

            "And I have packaged the nuget spec"
            ._(() =>
                var buildOutputPath = Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build-output");
                craneApi.NugetPack(solutionContext, buildOutputPath, Path.Combine(buildOutputPath, "nuGet"), "").First().Should().BeErrorFree();

            "When I publish to nuGet using the api"
                () =>
                                      Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build-output", "nuGet"), "",
                                      nuGetServer.Source.ToString(), nuGetServer.ApiKey).First().Should().BeErrorFree());

            "It should push the package to the nuGet server"
            ._(() => nuGetServer.PackageExists("ServiceStack", "").Should().BeTrue())
            .Teardown(() =>
Exemple #3
        public void can_create_a_nuget_package(
            CraneRunner craneRunner,
            RunResult result,
            CraneTestContext craneTestContext,
            ISolutionContext solutionContext,
            string projectDir,
            ICraneApi craneApi,
            string buildOutputFolder,
            string nugetOutputFolder,
            IEnumerable <RunResult> runResults)
            "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console"
            ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>());

            "And I have a run context"
            ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner());

            "And I have run crane init ServiceStack"
            ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack"));

            "And I have build the project"
            ._(() =>
                result = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"));

            "And I have the solution context using the api"
            ._(() =>
                projectDir        = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack");
                craneApi          = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>();
                solutionContext   = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(projectDir);
                buildOutputFolder = Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build-output");

            "When I create nuGet packages using the api"
                () =>
                nugetOutputFolder = Path.Combine(buildOutputFolder, "nuGet");
                runResults        = craneApi.NugetPack(solutionContext, buildOutputFolder, nugetOutputFolder, "");
                runResults.ForEach(item => _log.Debug(result));

            "It should create nuGet packages for all the projects in the built solution"
            ._(() => File.Exists(Path.Combine(nugetOutputFolder, "ServiceStack.")).Should().BeTrue("could not find nuget file {0}, it should have been created.", Path.Combine(nugetOutputFolder, "ServiceStack.")))
            .Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown());
        public void invoking_command_packages_nuget_spec_file_correctly(
            CraneRunner craneRunner,
            RunResult buildResult,
            RunResult commandResult,
            CraneTestContext craneTestContext,
            string projectDir,
            ICraneApi craneApi,
            PowerShellApiRunner apiRunner)
            "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console"
            ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>());

            "And I have a run context"
            ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner());

            "And I have run crane init ServiceStack"
            ._(() => buildResult = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack"));

            "And I have build the project"
            ._(() =>
                buildResult = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"));
                projectDir = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack");

            "And I have my powershell api runner"
            ._(() => apiRunner = new PowerShellApiRunner(craneTestContext, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)));

            "When I call invoke all nuget pack"
            ._(() => commandResult =
                       @"$context = Get-CraneSolutionContext -Path '{0}'; " +
                       "Invoke-CraneNugetPackAllProjects -SolutionContext $context -BuildOutputPath '{1}' -NugetOutputPath '{2}' -Version {3}" +
                       "| % {{ $_.StandardOutput }}",
                       projectDir, Path.Combine(projectDir, "build-output"), Path.Combine(projectDir, "build-output", "nuGet"), ""));

            "Then there should be no error"
            ._(() => commandResult.Should().BeErrorFree());

            "And the nuget package should have been created"
            ._(() =>
               File.Exists(Path.Combine(projectDir, "build-output", "nuGet",

            .Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown());
Exemple #5
        public void build_a_project_and_publish_to_nuget(
            NuGetServerContext nuGetServer,
            ICraneTestContext craneTestContext,
            CraneRunner craneRunner,
            RunResult result)
            // .\src\packages\xunit.runners.1.9.2\tools\xunit.console.clr4.exe .\build-output\Crane.Integration.Tests.dll /trait "Debug=nuGet"
            "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console"
            ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>());

            "And I have a run context"
            ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner());

            "And I have a nuGet server running"
            ._(() =>
                nuGetServer = new NuGetServerContext(craneTestContext);

            "And I have a project with a nuGet spec file (which is the default behaviour of crane init)"
            ._(() => craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init SallyFx").ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty());

            "When I build the project supplying the nuGet details"
            ._(() =>
                result = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "SallyFx"),
                                                     "@('BuildSolution', 'NugetPublish')",
                                                     "-nuget_api_key", nuGetServer.ApiKey,
                                                     "-nuget_api_url", nuGetServer.Source.ToString());

            "It should push the package to the nuGet server"
            ._(() => nuGetServer.PackageExists("SallyFx", "").Should().BeTrue())
            .Teardown(() =>