public void Test() { var data = new RiteAidData() { BirthDate = "01/01/2000", City = "Downingtown", StateName = "Pennsylvania", Zip = "19335", Condition = ConditionType.WeakendImmuneSystem, Occupation = OccupationType.NoneOfTheAbove }; var cache = new BrowserCache(5, data, Checker.Initializer, Checker.Resetter); var browser1 = cache.Pop(); var browser2 = cache.Pop(); cache.Push(browser1); browser1 = cache.Pop(); }
private void ProcessStoreSlot(Store store, Slots slot) { var activeAlert = Alerts.Find(a => a.AlertStatus == AlertStatusType.Active || a.AlertStatus == AlertStatusType.New); AlertData storeAlert = null; activeAlert?.ActiveStores.TryGetValue(store.storeNumber, out storeAlert); if (slot.Slot1 || slot.Slot2) { // see if there is an active alert, if so we'll add to that, otherwise create a new one if (activeAlert == null) { activeAlert = new Alert() { AlertStatus = AlertStatusType.New, ActiveStores = new Dictionary <int, AlertData>(), }; Alerts.Add(activeAlert); } var hasSlots = true; if (storeAlert == null) { storeAlert = new AlertData() { StoreNumber = store.storeNumber, ZipCode = store.zipcode, Slot1 = slot.Slot1, Slot2 = slot.Slot2, Start = DateTime.Now, Status = StoreStatusType.New }; activeAlert.ActiveStores.Add(store.storeNumber, storeAlert); } var checkInfo = ""; if (BrowserCheck && (storeAlert.Status == StoreStatusType.New || storeAlert.Status == StoreStatusType.Retry)) { //Console.Beep(600, 200); var checkStatus = CheckStore(store); hasSlots = checkStatus.slots; checkInfo =; storeAlert.Browser = checkStatus.browser; storeAlert.LastCheck = DateTime.Now; storeAlert.Tries++; } if (hasSlots && storeAlert.Status != StoreStatusType.Wait) { Console.Beep(600, 800); Console.WriteLine( $"{DateTime.Now:s} : Store {store.storeNumber} ({store.milesFromCenter:0.00} miles) {store.address} {} {store.zipcode} has slots {slot.Slot1} {slot.Slot2} ({storeAlert.Status})"); storeAlert.Status = StoreStatusType.Hold; } else { // try 3 times then wait a bit before retrying if (storeAlert.Tries > 3) { storeAlert.Status = StoreStatusType.Wait; } else { storeAlert.Status = StoreStatusType.Retry; } if (storeAlert.Status == StoreStatusType.Wait) { Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:s} : Store {store.storeNumber} ({store.milesFromCenter:0.00} miles) {store.zipcode} reported slots - waiting"); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(storeAlert.LastCheck.Value).Minutes > 3) { storeAlert.Tries = 0; storeAlert.Status = StoreStatusType.Retry; } } else { Console.WriteLine( $"{DateTime.Now:s} : Store {store.storeNumber} ({store.milesFromCenter:0.00} miles) {store.zipcode} reported slots but none found ({checkInfo}) ({storeAlert.Tries} tries)"); } } } else { if (storeAlert != null) { // if we were holding, see if it's long enough to remove it if (storeAlert.Status == StoreStatusType.Hold && DateTime.Now.Subtract(storeAlert.LastCheck.Value).Minutes > 10) { storeAlert.Status = StoreStatusType.Wait; browserCache.Release(storeAlert.Browser); } var removed = false; // see if this store was active - if so, mark the end date (but not if Hold status) if (storeAlert.End == null && storeAlert.Status != StoreStatusType.Hold) { removed = true; try { browserCache.Push(storeAlert.Browser); } catch (Exception) { } } if (removed) { storeAlert.End = DateTime.Now; storeAlert.Browser = null; Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:s} : Store {store.storeNumber} no longer has slots"); } var activeStores = activeAlert.ActiveStores.Values.ToList().FindAll(a => a.End == null); if (removed && activeStores.Count > 0) { foreach (var activeStore in activeStores) { Console.WriteLine( $"{DateTime.Now:s} : Store {activeStore.StoreNumber} zip {activeStore.ZipCode} still has active slots ({activeStore.Status})"); } } } } }