public void CreateBounds() { DebugOutput.Shout("Starting BoundsOctrees test"); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); Stopwatch stopWatch2 = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch2.Start(); bounds = new BoundsOctree(null, 0, BoundsName, boundsSize, transform.position, maxLevels, null); bounds.CheckBounds(ObstacleMask); stopWatch2.Stop(); DebugOutput.Shout("created bounds in " + (stopWatch2.ElapsedMilliseconds) + ", a total of " + bounds.relatedOctrees.Count + " octrees were created"); Stopwatch stopWatch3 = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch3.Start(); foreach (var relatedOctree in bounds.relatedOctrees) { relatedOctree.RefreshNeighbors(); } int oldCnt = bounds.relatedOctrees.Count; stopWatch3.Stop(); DebugOutput.Shout("established neighbors in " + (stopWatch3.ElapsedMilliseconds)); Stopwatch stopWatch4 = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch4.Start(); Stopwatch stopWatch41 = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch41.Start(); BoundsOctree origoBound = bounds.GetBound(true,transform.position + startingPoint); if (origoBound != null) { origoBound.EstablishRelations(); } else { DebugOutput.Shout("Origopoint is unreachable."); } stopWatch41.Stop(); DebugOutput.Shout("Established Relations in" + (stopWatch41.ElapsedMilliseconds)); if (CleanUpBounds) { Stopwatch stopWatch42 = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch42.Start(); bounds.CleanOutUnrelated(); foreach (var relatedOctree in bounds.relatedOctrees) { relatedOctree.RefreshNeighbors(); } stopWatch42.Stop(); DebugOutput.Shout("cleanedoutUnrelated in" + (stopWatch42.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } stopWatch4.Stop(); DebugOutput.Shout("cleaned up octrees in" + (stopWatch4.ElapsedMilliseconds) + ", a total of " + (oldCnt - bounds.relatedOctrees.Count) + "were eliminated"); int cnt = 0; foreach (var relatedBounds in bounds.relatedOctrees) { if (relatedBounds.Empty && relatedBounds.Related) { cnt++; } } stopWatch.Stop(); DebugOutput.Shout("finished bounds in " + (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) + ", a total of " + bounds.relatedOctrees.Count + " octrees remains, of which " + cnt + " is traversable"); }
public void LoadBounds() { DebugOutput.Shout("Starting BoundsOctrees test"); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); DebugOutput.Shout("Testing LoadingBounds"); string fileName = "OctreeData/" + BoundsName; TextAsset ta = (TextAsset)Resources.Load(fileName); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(ta.bytes)); DebugOutput.Shout("bounds were created: " +br.ReadString()); bounds = new BoundsOctree(null, 0, BoundsName, boundsSize, transform.position, br.ReadInt32(), null); bounds.CreateFromStream(br); foreach (var relatedOctree in bounds.relatedOctrees) { relatedOctree.RefreshNeighbors(); } BoundsOctree origoBound = bounds.GetBound(true, transform.position + startingPoint); if (origoBound != null) { origoBound.EstablishRelations(); } else { DebugOutput.Shout("Origopoint is unreachable."); } stopWatch.Stop(); DebugOutput.Shout("Finished Loading bounds in "+stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds +" milliseconds."); int cnt = 0; foreach (var relatedBounds in bounds.relatedOctrees) { if (relatedBounds.Empty && relatedBounds.Related) { cnt++; } } DebugOutput.Shout("finished bounds in " + (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) + ", a total of " + bounds.relatedOctrees.Count + " octrees remains, of which " + cnt + " is traversable"); }