public void StakeSegwitBlock_UsingOnlySegwitUTXOs() { using (NodeBuilder builder = NodeBuilder.Create(this)) { // Even though we are mining, we still want to use PoS consensus rules. Network network = KnownNetworks.StraxRegTest; CoreNode node = builder.CreateStratisPosNode(network).WithWallet().Start(); var address = BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress.Create(node.FullNode.WalletManager().GetUnusedAddress().Bech32Address, network); // A P2WPKH scriptPubKey - so that funds get mined into the node's wallet as segwit UTXOs var script = address.ScriptPubKey; // Need the premine to be past coinbase maturity so that we can stake with it. var miner = node.FullNode.NodeService <IPowMining>() as PowMining; int minStakeConfirmations = ((PosConsensusOptions)network.Consensus.Options).GetStakeMinConfirmations(0, network); List <uint256> res = miner.GenerateBlocks(new ReserveScript(script), (ulong)minStakeConfirmations + 2, int.MaxValue); var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)).Token; TestBase.WaitLoop(() => node.CreateRPCClient().GetBlockCount() >= (minStakeConfirmations + 2), cancellationToken: cancellationToken); TestBase.WaitLoop(() => node.FullNode.WalletManager().WalletTipHeight >= (minStakeConfirmations + 2), cancellationToken: cancellationToken); var scriptPubKeys = node.FullNode.WalletManager().GetAccounts(node.WalletName).SelectMany(a => a.GetCombinedAddresses()).SelectMany(b => b.Transactions).Select(c => c.ScriptPubKey); // The wallet must have correctly determined that the block rewards have been mined into addresses it is aware of. Assert.NotEmpty(scriptPubKeys); // Check that every UTXO in the wallet has a Segwit scriptPubKey. foreach (Script scriptPubKey in scriptPubKeys) { Assert.True(scriptPubKey.IsScriptType(ScriptType.P2WPKH)); } // Now need to start staking. var staker = node.FullNode.NodeService <IPosMinting>() as PosMinting; staker.Stake(new List <WalletSecret>() { new WalletSecret() { WalletName = node.WalletName, WalletPassword = node.WalletPassword } }); // Wait for the chain height to increase. TestBase.WaitLoop(() => node.CreateRPCClient().GetBlockCount() >= (minStakeConfirmations + 3), cancellationToken: cancellationToken); // Get the last staked block. Block block = node.FullNode.ChainIndexer.Tip.Block; // Confirm that the staked block is Segwit-ted. Script commitment = WitnessCommitmentsRule.GetWitnessCommitment(node.FullNode.Network, block); // We presume that the consensus rules are checking the actual validity of the commitment, we just ensure that it exists here. Assert.NotNull(commitment); } }
public static Transaction SetupValidSegwitTransaction(Features.Wallet.Wallet wallet, string password, HdAddress spendingAddress, HdAddress destinationAddress, HdAddress changeAddress, Money amount, Money fee) { Script scriptPubKey = BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress.Create(destinationAddress.Bech32Address, wallet.Network).ScriptPubKey; return(SetupValidTransaction(wallet, password, spendingAddress, scriptPubKey, changeAddress, amount, fee)); }