public void endGame() { userCount = 0; characterCount = 0; observer = new ConcreteSubject(); givenWord = ""; xpRate = 1; abilityXpRate = 1; lastAbilityUser = ""; playerList = new List <Player>(); lastWord = new WordPrototype("empty"); usedClone = false; target = new Adapter(); pointsColorAbstraction = new PointsColorRefinedAbstraction(); skinAbstraction = new SkinAbstraction(); facade = new Facade(); collection = new Collection(); iterator = collection.CreateIterator(); firstLevel = new FirstLevelWord(); secondLevel = new SecondLevelWord(); thirdLevel = new ThirdLevelWord(); h1 = new ReverseWordHandler(); h2 = new FullWordHandler(); h3 = new PartWordHandler(); h4 = new LengthWordHandler(); _stateContext = new StateContext(new WinterState()); chatroom = new Chatroom(); originator = new Originator(); caretaker = new Caretaker(); parametersGroup = new ParametersGroup(); }
public TaskCompletionSource <object> PutParameters <T>(Guid batchId, string entitySet, string entitySetType, string functionName, QueryResultSettings settings, ICollection <string> expandProperties, params OperationParameter[] operationParameters) { if (!this.IsThreadRegistered(batchId)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The calling thread is trying to cache tasks for batch operation, but the thread has not been registered on this cache."); } else { ParametersGroup prametersGroup = new ParametersGroup(entitySet, entitySetType, functionName, typeof(T), settings, expandProperties, operationParameters); this.requestsCache[batchId.ToString()].Add(prametersGroup); TaskCompletionSource <object> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(); this.tasksCache[batchId.ToString()].Add(taskCompletionSource); return(taskCompletionSource); } }