public RoomData CreateRoom(GameClient Session, string Name, string Description, string Model, int Category, int MaxVisitors, int TradeSettings, string wallpaper = "0.0", string floor = "0.0", string landscape = "0.0", int wallthick = 0, int floorthick = 0) { if (!_roomModels.ContainsKey(Model)) { Session.SendNotification(BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetLanguageManager().TryGetValue("room.creation.model.not_found")); return(null); } if (Name.Length < 3) { Session.SendNotification(BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetLanguageManager().TryGetValue("")); return(null); } int RoomId = 0; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO `rooms` (`roomtype`,`caption`,`description`,`owner`,`model_name`,`category`,`users_max`,`trade_settings`,`wallpaper`,`floor`,`landscape`,`floorthick`,`wallthick`) VALUES ('private',@caption,@description,@UserId,@model,@category,@usersmax,@tradesettings,@wallpaper,@floor,@landscape,@floorthick,@wallthick)"); dbClient.AddParameter("caption", Name); dbClient.AddParameter("description", Description); dbClient.AddParameter("UserId", Session.GetHabbo().Id); dbClient.AddParameter("model", Model); dbClient.AddParameter("category", Category); dbClient.AddParameter("usersmax", MaxVisitors); dbClient.AddParameter("tradesettings", TradeSettings); dbClient.AddParameter("wallpaper", wallpaper); dbClient.AddParameter("floor", floor); dbClient.AddParameter("landscape", landscape); dbClient.AddParameter("floorthick", floorthick); dbClient.AddParameter("wallthick", wallthick); RoomId = Convert.ToInt32(dbClient.InsertQuery()); } RoomData newRoomData = GenerateRoomData(RoomId); Session.GetHabbo().UsersRooms.Add(newRoomData); return(newRoomData); }
public void OnTrigger(GameClients.GameClient Session, Item Item, int Request, bool HasRights) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null || Item == null) { return; } Room Room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; if (Room == null) { return; } RoomUser Actor = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (Actor == null) { return; } var tick = int.Parse(Item.ExtraData); if (tick < 1) { if (Gamemap.TileDistance(Actor.X, Actor.Y, Item.GetX, Item.GetY) < 2) { tick++; Item.ExtraData = tick.ToString(); Item.UpdateState(true, true); int X = Item.GetX, Y = Item.GetY, Rot = Item.Rotation; Double Z = Item.GetZ; if (tick == 1) { BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetPinataManager().ReceiveCrackableReward(Actor, Room, Item); BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetAchievementManager().ProgressAchievement(Actor.GetClient(), "ACH_PinataWhacker", 1); BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetAchievementManager().ProgressAchievement(Actor.GetClient(), "ACH_PinataBreaker", 1); } } } }
public override void OnUserEnterRoom(RoomUser User) { if (GetBotData() == null) { return; } RoomUser Bot = GetRoomUser(); if (User.GetClient().GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.OwnerId == User.GetClient().GetHabbo().Id) { DataTable getUsername; using (IQueryAdapter query = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { query.SetQuery("SELECT username FROM room_visits WHERE roomid = @id"); query.AddParameter("id", User.RoomId); getUsername = query.getTable(); } foreach (DataRow Row in getUsername.Rows) { GetRoomUser().Chat("Fico feliz em te ver, Senhor!Diga 'Sim', se você quer saber quem visitou o quarto na sua ausência.", false); return; } GetRoomUser().Chat("Fui muito atento(a) e afirmo que ninguém visitou este quarto enquanto você não estava.", false); } else { GetRoomUser().Chat("Olá " + User.GetClient().GetHabbo().Username + ", Vou contar ao proprietário sobre você.", false); using (IQueryAdapter query = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { query.SetQuery("INSERT INTO room_visits (roomid, username, gone) VALUE (@roomid, @username, @gone)"); query.AddParameter("roomid", User.RoomId); query.AddParameter("username", User.GetClient().GetHabbo().Username); query.AddParameter("gone", "ainda está na sala."); query.RunQuery(); } return; } }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient session, ClientPacket packet) { if (!session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { return; } Room Room = session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; if (Room == null) { return; } string Username = packet.PopString(); Habbo Player = BiosEmuThiago.GetHabboByUsername(Username); if (Player == null) { return; } if (!session.GetHabbo().GetIgnores().TryGet(Player.Id)) { return; } if (session.GetHabbo().GetIgnores().TryRemove(Player.Id)) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("DELETE FROM `user_ignores` WHERE `user_id` = @uid AND `ignore_id` = @ignoreId"); dbClient.AddParameter("uid", session.GetHabbo().Id); dbClient.AddParameter("ignoreId", Player.Id); dbClient.RunQuery(); } session.SendMessage(new IgnoreStatusComposer(3, Player.Username)); } }
public bool TryGetGroup(int id, out Group Group) { Group = null; if (this._groups.ContainsKey(id)) { return(this._groups.TryGetValue(id, out Group)); } lock (this._groupLoadingSync) { if (this._groups.ContainsKey(id)) { return(this._groups.TryGetValue(id, out Group)); } DataRow Row = null; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `id` = @id LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("id", id); Row = dbClient.getRow(); if (Row != null) { int created; try { int.TryParse(Row["created"].ToString(), out created); } catch { created = BiosEmuThiago.GetIUnixTimestamp(); } Group = new Group( Convert.ToInt32(Row["id"]), Convert.ToString(Row["name"]), Convert.ToString(Row["desc"]), Convert.ToString(Row["badge"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["room_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["owner_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["created"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["state"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["colour1"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["colour2"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["admindeco"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["forum_enabled"]) == 1, Convert.ToInt32(Row["has_chat"]) == 1); this._groups.TryAdd(Group.Id, Group); return(true); } } } return(false); }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { RoomUser User = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (User == null || User.GetClient() == null) { return; } string[] headParts; string[] figureParts = Session.GetHabbo().Look.Split('.'); foreach (string Part in figureParts) { if (Part.StartsWith("hd")) { headParts = Part.Split('-'); if (!headParts[1].Equals("99999")) { headParts[1] = "99999"; } else { return; } Session.GetHabbo().Look = Session.GetHabbo().Look.Replace(Part, "hd-" + headParts[1] + "-" + headParts[2]); break; } } Session.GetHabbo().Look = BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetFigureManager().ProcessFigure(Session.GetHabbo().Look, Session.GetHabbo().Gender, Session.GetHabbo().GetClothing().GetClothingParts, true); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `users` SET `look` = @Look WHERE `id` = '" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "' LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("look", Session.GetHabbo().Look); dbClient.RunQuery(); } Session.SendMessage(new UserChangeComposer(User, true)); Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.SendMessage(new UserChangeComposer(User, false)); return; }
public void Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null || !Session.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasRight("mod_tool")) { return; } int Result = Packet.PopInt(); // 1 = useless, 2 = abusive, 3 = resolved int Junk = Packet.PopInt(); int TicketId = Packet.PopInt(); ModerationTicket Ticket = null; if (!BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetModerationManager().TryGetTicket(TicketId, out Ticket)) { return; } if (Ticket.Moderator.Id != Session.GetHabbo().Id) { return; } GameClient Client = BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(Ticket.Sender.Id); if (Client != null) { Client.SendMessage(new ModeratorSupportTicketResponseComposer(Result)); } if (Result == 2) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE `user_info` SET `cfhs_abusive` = `cfhs_abusive` + 1 WHERE `user_id` = '" + Ticket.Sender.Id + "' LIMIT 1"); } } Ticket.Answered = true; BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetClientManager().SendMessage(new ModeratorSupportTicketComposer(Session.GetHabbo().Id, Ticket), "mod_tool"); }
public void Init() { DataTable Table = null; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `questions`"); Table = dbClient.getTable(); } if (Table != null) { foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Rows) { if (!this._questions.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(Row["id"]))) { this._questions.TryAdd(Convert.ToInt32(Row["id"]), new Question()); } } } }
public void Init() { if (_responses.Count > 0) { _responses.Clear(); } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `bot_ai`,`chat_keywords`,`response_text`,`response_mode`,`response_beverage` FROM `bots_responses`"); DataTable BotResponses = dbClient.getTable(); if (BotResponses != null) { foreach (DataRow Response in BotResponses.Rows) { _responses.Add(new BotResponse(Convert.ToString(Response["bot_ai"]), Convert.ToString(Response["chat_keywords"]), Convert.ToString(Response["response_text"]), Response["response_mode"].ToString(), Convert.ToString(Response["response_beverage"]))); } } } }
public RoomRightsListComposer(Room Instance) : base(ServerPacketHeader.RoomRightsListMessageComposer) { WriteInteger(Instance.Id); WriteInteger(Instance.UsersWithRights.Count); foreach (int Id in Instance.UsersWithRights.ToList()) { UserCache Data = BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetCacheManager().GenerateUser(Id); if (Data == null) { WriteInteger(0); WriteString("Unknown Error"); } else { WriteInteger(Data.Id); WriteString(Data.Username); } } }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null || !Session.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasRight("mod_tool")) { return; } int Amount = Packet.PopInt(); for (int i = 0; i < Amount; i++) { ModerationTicket Ticket = null; if (!BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetModerationManager().TryGetTicket(Packet.PopInt(), out Ticket)) { continue; } Ticket.Moderator = null; BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetClientManager().SendMessage(new ModeratorSupportTicketComposer(Session.GetHabbo().Id, Ticket), "mod_tool"); } }
public static Bot CreateBot(ItemData Data, int OwnerId) { DataRow BotData = null; CatalogBot CataBot = null; if (!BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetCatalog().TryGetBot(Data.Id, out CataBot)) { return(null); } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO bots (`user_id`,`name`,`motto`,`look`,`gender`,`ai_type`) VALUES ('" + OwnerId + "', '" + CataBot.Name + "', '" + CataBot.Motto + "', '" + CataBot.Figure + "', '" + CataBot.Gender + "', '" + CataBot.AIType + "')"); int Id = Convert.ToInt32(dbClient.InsertQuery()); dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `id`,`user_id`,`name`,`motto`,`look`,`gender` FROM `bots` WHERE `user_id` = '" + OwnerId + "' AND `id` = '" + Id + "' LIMIT 1"); BotData = dbClient.getRow(); } return(new Bot(Convert.ToInt32(BotData["id"]), Convert.ToInt32(BotData["user_id"]), Convert.ToString(BotData["name"]), Convert.ToString(BotData["motto"]), Convert.ToString(BotData["look"]), Convert.ToString(BotData["gender"]))); }
public bool CheckMute(GameClient Session) { if (MutedUsers.ContainsKey(Session.GetHabbo().Id)) { if (MutedUsers[Session.GetHabbo().Id] < BiosEmuThiago.GetUnixTimestamp()) { MutedUsers.Remove(Session.GetHabbo().Id); } else { return(true); } } if (Session.GetHabbo().TimeMuted > 0 || (RoomMuted && Session.GetHabbo().Username != OwnerName)) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void CountTeamPoints() { this._room.GetGameManager().Reset(); foreach (RoomUser User in this._room.GetRoomUserManager().GetUserList().ToList()) { if (User.IsBot || User.Team == TEAM.NONE || User.GetClient() == null) { continue; } User.banzaiPowerUp = FreezePowerUp.NONE; User.FreezeLives = 3; User.shieldActive = false; User.shieldCounter = 11; _room.GetGameManager().AddPointToTeam(User.Team, 30); User.GetClient().SendMessage(new UpdateFreezeLivesComposer(User.InternalRoomID, User.FreezeLives)); BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetAchievementManager().ProgressAchievement(User.GetClient(), "ACH_FreezePlayer", 1); } }
public void Execute(GameClient Session, Room Room, string[] Params) { TimeSpan Uptime = DateTime.Now - BiosEmuThiago.ServerStarted; int OnlineUsers = BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetClientManager().Count; int RoomCount = BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetRoomManager().Count; Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("BiosEmulador O melhor da tecnologia:", "<font color=\"#0653b4\"><b>Infomações do BiosEmulador:</b></font>\n" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\">BiosEmulador para " + BiosEmuThiago.HotelName + " </font>" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\">BiosEmulador 1.0 contém todas as características necessárias para um hotel estável. A edição 1.0 foi editada com o que há de melhor para este emulador.</font>\n\n" + "<font color=\"#0653b4\" size=\"13\"><b>Informações:</b></font>\n" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\"> <b> · Usuários: </b> " + OnlineUsers + "</font>\n" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\"> <b> · Quartos: </b> " + RoomCount + "</font>\n" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\"> <b> · Tempo On: </b> " + Uptime.Days + " día(s), " + Uptime.Hours + " horas é " + Uptime.Minutes + " minutos.</font>\n" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\"> <b> · Update: </b> " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + "</font>\n" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\"> <b> · Recorde da ultima atualização: </b> " + Game.SessionUserRecord + "</font>\n\n" + "<font color=\"#0653b4\" size=\"13\"><b>Créditos:</b></font>\n" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\"> <b> · Happy - </b> Thiago Araujo (DEVEMU)</font>\n" + "<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\"> <b> · Sain - </b> Messias (DEVSWF) </font>\n\n" + "<font color=\"#0077d2\">Licencia: <b>" + BiosEmuThiago.Licenseto + "</b></font>\n\n", "biostecthiago", "")); }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null || !Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { return; } Room Room; if (!BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetRoomManager().TryGetRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId, out Room)) { return; } if (!Room.CanTradeInRoom) { return; } Room.TryStopTrade(Session.GetHabbo().Id); }
public PostQuizAnswersMessageComposer(GameClient Session) : base(ServerPacketHeader.PostQuizAnswersMessageComposer) { Random rnd = new Random(); int risposta1 = rnd.Next(0, 3); int risposta2 = rnd.Next(0, 3); int risposta3 = rnd.Next(0, 3); int risposta4 = rnd.Next(0, 3); int risposta5 = rnd.Next(0, 3); WriteString("HabboWay1"); WriteInteger(5); WriteInteger(risposta1); WriteInteger(risposta2); WriteInteger(risposta3); WriteInteger(risposta4); WriteInteger(risposta5); if (risposta5 > rnd.Next(0, 3)) { BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetAchievementManager().ProgressAchievement(Session, "ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate", 1, false); } }
public void Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { var pic = HabboCameraManager.GetUserPurchasePic(Session); if (pic == null) { return; } int InsetId; using (var Adap = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { Adap.SetQuery("INSERT INTO server_pictures_publish (picture_id, usuariothiago) VALUES (@pic, @thiago)"); Adap.AddParameter("pic", pic.Id); Adap.AddParameter("thiago", Session.GetHabbo().Username); InsetId = (int)Adap.InsertQuery(); } Session.SendMessage(new CameraFinishPublishComposer(InsetId)); }
public void InitWords() { if (this._filteredWords.Count > 0) { this._filteredWords.Clear(); } DataTable Data = null; using (var dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT word FROM `wordfilter`"); Data = dbClient.getTable(); if (Data != null) { foreach (DataRow Row in Data.Rows) { this._filteredWords.Add(Convert.ToString(Row["word"])); } } } }
public void TryProgressLoginAchievements(GameClient Session) { if (Session.GetHabbo() == null) { return; } UserAchievement loginACH = Session.GetHabbo().GetAchievementData("ACH_Login"); if (loginACH == null) { ProgressAchievement(Session, "ACH_Login", 1, true); return; } Double daysBtwLastLogin = BiosEmuThiago.GetUnixTimestamp() - Session.GetHabbo().LastOnline; if (daysBtwLastLogin >= 51840 && daysBtwLastLogin <= 112320) { ProgressAchievement(Session, "ACH_Login", 1, true); } }
public void Init() { this._bases.Clear(); this._symbols.Clear(); this._baseColours.Clear(); this._symbolColours.Clear(); this._backgroundColours.Clear(); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `id`,`type`,`firstvalue`,`secondvalue` FROM `groups_items` WHERE `enabled` = '1'"); DataTable dItems = dbClient.getTable(); foreach (DataRow dRow in dItems.Rows) { switch (dRow["type"].ToString()) { case "base": this._bases.Add(new GroupBadgeParts(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), dRow["firstvalue"].ToString(), dRow["secondvalue"].ToString())); break; case "symbol": this._symbols.Add(new GroupBadgeParts(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), dRow["firstvalue"].ToString(), dRow["secondvalue"].ToString())); break; case "color": this._baseColours.Add(new GroupColours(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), dRow["firstvalue"].ToString())); break; case "color2": this._symbolColours.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), new GroupColours(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), dRow["firstvalue"].ToString())); break; case "color3": this._backgroundColours.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), new GroupColours(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), dRow["firstvalue"].ToString())); break; } } } }
public void Execute(GameClient Session, Room Room, string[] Params) { if (ExtraSettings.STAFF_EFFECT_ENABLED_ROOM) { if (Session.GetHabbo().isLoggedIn&& Session.GetHabbo().Rank > Convert.ToInt32(BiosEmuThiago.GetConfig().data["MineRankStaff"])) { } else { Session.SendWhisper("Você precisa estar logado como staff para usar este comando."); return; } } Dictionary <Habbo, UInt32> clients = new Dictionary <Habbo, UInt32>(); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.Append("Status da Equipe Iniciada " + BiosEmuThiago.HotelName + ":\r\n"); foreach (var client in BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetClientManager()._clients.Values) { if (client != null && client.GetHabbo() != null && client.GetHabbo().Rank > 3) { clients.Add(client.GetHabbo(), (Convert.ToUInt16(client.GetHabbo().Rank))); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <Habbo, UInt32> client in clients.OrderBy(key => key.Value)) { if (client.Key == null) { continue; } content.Append("¥ " + client.Key.Username + " [Rank: " + client.Key.Rank + "] » Se na sala: " + ((client.Key.CurrentRoom == null) ? "em nenhuma sala." : client.Key.CurrentRoom.RoomData.Name) + "\r\n"); } Session.SendMessage(new MOTDNotificationComposer(content.ToString())); return; }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (ExtraSettings.STAFF_EFFECT_ENABLED_ROOM) { if (Session.GetHabbo().isLoggedIn&& Session.GetHabbo().Rank > Convert.ToInt32(BiosEmuThiago.GetConfig().data["MineRankStaff"])) { } else { Session.SendWhisper("Você precisa estar logado como staff para usar este comando."); return; } } RoomUser User = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (User == null) { return; } if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("Oh, não se esqueça de inserir o nome do bot!"); return; } if (Params.Length == 2) { Session.SendWhisper("Oh, esqueceu-se de introduzir um ID!"); return; } string BotName = CommandManager.MergeParams(Params, 1); string Bubble = CommandManager.MergeParams(Params, 2); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE `bots` SET `chat_bubble` = '" + Params[2] + "' WHERE `name` = '" + Params[1] + "' AND `room_id` = '" + Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId + "'"); Session.LogsNotif("Você mudou a fala do bot: " + Params[1] + "!", "command_notification"); } }
public void Execute(GameClient Session, Room Room, string[] Params) { if (ExtraSettings.STAFF_EFFECT_ENABLED_ROOM) { if (Session.GetHabbo().isLoggedIn&& Session.GetHabbo().Rank > Convert.ToInt32(BiosEmuThiago.GetConfig().data["MineRankStaff"])) { } else { Session.SendWhisper("Você precisa estar logado como staff para usar este comando."); return; } } if (Params.Length != 3) { Session.SendWhisper("Digite um nome de usuário e um código de emblema que você gostaria de tira!"); return; } GameClient client = BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Params[1]); if (client == null || client.GetHabbo() == null) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(Params[2]))) { return; } string badge = Convert.ToString(Params[2]); if (client.GetHabbo().GetBadgeComponent().HasBadge(badge)) { client.GetHabbo().GetBadgeComponent().RemoveBadge(badge); Session.SendMessage(new BroadcastMessageAlertComposer(BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetLanguageManager().TryGetValue("server.console.alert") + "\n\n" + "O emblema <b>" + badge + " foi removido de " + client.GetHabbo().Username + " com exito!")); } return; }
public void OnTrigger(GameClient Session, Item Item, int Request, bool HasRights) { if (Item == null || Item.GetRoom() == null || Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null) { return; } RoomUser User = Item.GetRoom().GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (User == null) { return; } User.LastInteraction = BiosEmuThiago.GetUnixTimestamp(); // Alright. But is this user in the right position? if (User.Coordinate == Item.Coordinate || User.Coordinate == Item.SquareInFront) { // Fine. But is this tele even free? if (Item.InteractingUser != 0) { return; } if (!User.CanWalk || Session.GetHabbo().IsTeleporting || Session.GetHabbo().TeleporterId != 0 || (User.LastInteraction + 2) - BiosEmuThiago.GetUnixTimestamp() < 0) { return; } User.TeleDelay = 2; Item.InteractingUser = User.GetClient().GetHabbo().Id; } else if (User.CanWalk) { User.MoveTo(Item.SquareInFront); } }
public void SendNameColourPacket() { if (IsBot || GetClient() == null || GetClient().GetHabbo() == null) { return; } if (GetClient().GetHabbo().ChatPreference) { return; } string Username; if (GetClient().GetHabbo()._NamePrefix == "off" || GetClient().GetHabbo()._NamePrefix == "") { Username = "******" + GetClient().GetHabbo().chatHTMLColour + "'>" + GetClient().GetHabbo().Username + "</font>"; if (GetRoom() != null) { GetRoom().SendMessage(new UserNameChangeComposer(RoomId, VirtualId, Username)); } } else { if (GetClient().GetHabbo()._NamePrefixColor == "rainbow") { Username = "******" + BiosEmuThiago.RainbowT() + "'>[" + GetClient().GetHabbo()._NamePrefix + "]</font> <font color='" + GetClient().GetHabbo().chatHTMLColour + "'>" + GetClient().GetHabbo().Username + "</font>"; } else { Username = "******" + GetClient().GetHabbo()._NamePrefixColor + "'>[" + GetClient().GetHabbo()._NamePrefix + "]</font> <font color='" + GetClient().GetHabbo().chatHTMLColour + "'>" + GetClient().GetHabbo().Username + "</font>"; } if (GetRoom() != null) { GetRoom().SendMessage(new UserNameChangeComposer(RoomId, VirtualId, Username)); } } }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { if (!Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { return; } Room Room = null; if (!BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetRoomManager().TryGetRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId, out Room)) { return; } int PetId = Packet.PopInt(); RoomUser Pet = null; if (!Room.GetRoomUserManager().TryGetPet(PetId, out Pet)) { return; } if (Pet.PetData.AnyoneCanRide == 1) { Pet.PetData.AnyoneCanRide = 0; } else { Pet.PetData.AnyoneCanRide = 1; } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE `bots_petdata` SET `anyone_ride` = '" + Pet.PetData.AnyoneCanRide + "' WHERE `id` = '" + PetId + "' LIMIT 1"); } Room.SendMessage(new PetInformationComposer(Pet.PetData)); }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (ExtraSettings.STAFF_EFFECT_ENABLED_ROOM) { if (Session.GetHabbo().isLoggedIn&& Session.GetHabbo().Rank > Convert.ToInt32(BiosEmuThiago.GetConfig().data["MineRankStaff"])) { } else { Session.SendWhisper("Você precisa estar logado como staff para usar este comando."); return; } } if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("Digite o nome de usuário que deseja alterar."); return; } GameClient TargetClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Params[1]); if (TargetClient == null) { Session.SendWhisper("Ocorreu um erro ao procurar o usuário, talvez eles não estejam online."); return; } if (TargetClient.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasRight("mod_tool")) { Session.SendWhisper("O usuário não tem permissão para marcá-lo."); return; } else { TargetClient.GetHabbo().LastNameChange = 0; TargetClient.GetHabbo().ChangingName = true; TargetClient.SendNotification("Por favor, note que, se seu nome de usuário for considerado inapropriado, você será banido sem dúvida. \r\rObserve também que a equipe não permitirá que você altere seu nome de usuário novamente caso tenha um problema com o que você tem escolhido.\r\rFeche esta janela e clique em você mesmo para começar a escolher um novo nome de usuário!"); TargetClient.SendMessage(new UserObjectComposer(TargetClient.GetHabbo())); } }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { foreach (GameClient Client in BiosEmuThiago.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClients.ToList()) { if (Client == null || Client.GetHabbo() == null || Client.GetHabbo().Username == Session.GetHabbo().Username) { continue; } Client.SendNotification("¡Acabas de ser atraído por " + Session.GetHabbo().Username + "!"); if (!Client.GetHabbo().InRoom) { Client.SendMessage(new RoomForwardComposer(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId)); } else if (Client.GetHabbo().InRoom) { Client.SendMessage(new RoomForwardComposer(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId)); } } Session.SendWhisper("Acabas de atraer a todo el puto hotel men."); }
public void InitCharacters() { if (this._filterReplacements.Count > 0) { this._filterReplacements.Clear(); } DataTable Data = null; using (var dbClient = BiosEmuThiago.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `wordfilter_characters`"); Data = dbClient.getTable(); if (Data != null) { foreach (DataRow Row in Data.Rows) { this._filterReplacements.Add(new WordFilterReplacements(Convert.ToString(Row["character"]), Convert.ToString(Row["replacement"]))); } } } }