Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will initialize the Insert prepared statement.
        /// <param name="poBucketConfiguration">The configuration for the logical bucket (i.e., a table and a subset of its columns)</param>
        /// <returns>Prepared statement that inserts a row to the logical Bucket</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private SqlCommand InitInsertCommand(AceAPIBucket poBucketConfiguration)
            StringBuilder InsertStatement = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder ValuesClause    = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string sTmpColumn in poBucketConfiguration.SoughtColumns.Keys)
                if (InsertStatement.Length > 0)
                    InsertStatement.Append(", ");
                    InsertStatement.Append("INSERT INTO " + poBucketConfiguration.TableName + "(");
                    ValuesClause.Append(" VALUES(");

                ValuesClause.Append("@" + sTmpColumn);

            InsertStatement.Append(")" + ValuesClause.ToString());

            SqlCommand NewInsertCommand = new SqlCommand(InsertStatement.ToString(), DbConn);

            PrepareParemeters(NewInsertCommand, poBucketConfiguration);

Exemple #2
        } // method()

        /// <summary>
        /// Using the metadata for the configured Process, this method will determinen whether or not any values
        /// for a designated Bucket are present in the current record parsed from the raw data payload.
        /// <param name="poProcess">The structure that represents the Process being currently run</param>
        /// <param name="psBucketName">The logical Bucket currently being targeted by the running instance of the Process</param>
        /// <param name="poRecord">The current record parsed from the raw data payload and which will be applied to the Bucket's target table/columns</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean indicating whether or not the record has any relevant values that belong to the logical Bucket</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private bool AreBucketValuesPresent(AceProcess poProcess, string psBucketName, Hashtable poRecord)
            bool          bValuesPresent = false;
            List <string> oKeys          = null;
            AceAPIBucket  oBucket        = null;

            if (!poProcess.DataAPIConfiguration.ApplyBuckets.ContainsKey(psBucketName))

            oBucket = poProcess.DataAPIConfiguration.ApplyBuckets[psBucketName];

            foreach (string sTmpAttrName in oBucket.SoughtColumns.Keys)
                if (!oBucket.ColKeys.Contains(sTmpAttrName))
                    string sTmpVal = (string)poRecord[sTmpAttrName];

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTmpVal))
                        bValuesPresent = true;

        } // method()
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will extract the detailed information (like the payload's tags mapping to which
        /// columns of a staging table) needed in order to drive the retrieval of data through the API.
        /// <param name="poProcessDetailsReader">The reader that pulls metadata from the configuration tables</param>
        /// <param name="poTmpConfig">The structure that will hold all of the extract config metadata</param>
        /// <returns>None.</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private void SetAPIDetails(SqlDataReader poAPIDetailsReader, AceAPIConfiguration poTmpConfig)
            while (poAPIDetailsReader.Read())
                string sBucketName = poAPIDetailsReader["bucket_nm"].ToString();
                string sTableName  = poAPIDetailsReader["target_table_nm"].ToString();

                if (!poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets.Keys.Contains(sBucketName))
                    poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets[sBucketName] = new AceAPIBucket(sBucketName, sTableName);

                AceAPIBucket oTmpBucket = poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets[sBucketName];

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oTmpBucket.BucketName))
                    oTmpBucket.BucketName = sBucketName;
                    oTmpBucket.TableName  = sTableName;

                // Add new row to bucket here
                if (!poAPIDetailsReader.IsDBNull(2))
                    string sAttrName      = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_nm"].ToString();
                    string sAttrType      = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_ora_type"].ToString();
                    string sAttrLen       = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_ora_type_len"].ToString();
                    string sAttrIsKey     = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_is_key"].ToString();
                    string sAttrXPath     = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_xpath"].ToString();
                    string sAttrIsXmlBody = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_is_xml_body"].ToString();

                    int nAttrLen = -1;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrLen))
                        nAttrLen = Convert.ToInt32(sAttrLen);

                    SqlDbType oOraDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrType))
                        oOraDbType = GetMappedOraDbType(sAttrType);

                    bool bIsKey = false;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrIsKey))
                        bIsKey = (sAttrIsKey == "Y") ? true : false;

                    bool bIsXmlBody = false;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrIsXmlBody))
                        bIsXmlBody = (sAttrIsXmlBody == "Y") ? true : false;

                    oTmpBucket.AddTargetColumn(sAttrName, oOraDbType, bIsKey, nAttrLen, sAttrXPath, bIsXmlBody);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will populate a provided Hashtable with data retrieved through the provided SqlDataReader.
        /// After obtaining the data payload of the target record, it will use the metadata's XPath values to
        /// parse the payload and pull out values of interest.
        /// <param name="poNewProductReader">The Reader that is enumerating through the dataset of payloads (which were pulled via the REST API)</param>
        /// <param name="poTmpConfig">The configuration for the currently running Process</param>
        /// <param name="poNewProductRecord">The container that will hold the values parsed from the raw data payload for our record (i.e. product)</param>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        /// </summary>
        static public void PopulateProductData(SqlDataReader poNewProductReader, AceAPIConfiguration poTmpConfig, Hashtable poNewProductRecord)
            string    sDataRecord = poNewProductReader[0].ToString();
            string    sXPath      = null;
            XDocument oDataDoc    = null;

            if (!sDataRecord.Contains("<errors>") && !sDataRecord.Contains("<error>"))
                using (StringReader oDataReader = new StringReader(sDataRecord))
                    oDataDoc = XDocument.Load(oDataReader, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);

                foreach (string sTmpBucketName in poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets.Keys)
                    AceAPIBucket oTempBucket = poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets[sTmpBucketName];

                    foreach (string sTmpAttrName in oTempBucket.SoughtColXPaths.Keys)
                        sXPath = oTempBucket.SoughtColXPaths[sTmpAttrName];

                            if (oTempBucket.SoughtColXmlBodies.Keys.Contains(sTmpAttrName) && oTempBucket.SoughtColXmlBodies[sTmpAttrName])
                                if (oDataDoc.XPathSelectElement(sXPath) != null)
                                    poNewProductRecord[sTmpAttrName] = oDataDoc.XPathSelectElement(sXPath).ToString();
                            else if (oDataDoc.XPathSelectElement(sXPath) != null)
                                poNewProductRecord[sTmpAttrName] = oDataDoc.XPathSelectElement(sXPath).Value;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // Any logging should occur here
                            throw ex;
                // Any logging should occur here
                poNewProductRecord["error"] = sDataRecord;
Exemple #5
        } // method()

        /// <summary>
        /// Using the metadata of the designated process, this method will create a mapping between the logical buckets
        /// of a raw data payload (like a composite XML body of a document) to a table and its various columns.
        /// <param name="poProcess">The structure that represents the Process being currently run</param>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private Dictionary <string, IApplicable> CreateApplyManagers(AceProcess poProcess)
            Dictionary <string, IApplicable> ApplyManagers = new Dictionary <string, IApplicable>();

            foreach (string sBucketName in poProcess.DataAPIConfiguration.ApplyBuckets.Keys)
                AceAPIBucket TempBucket = poProcess.DataAPIConfiguration.ApplyBuckets[sBucketName];

                AceApplyManager TempApplyManager = new AceApplyManager(moStgConnectionMetadata, TempBucket);

                ApplyManagers[sBucketName] = TempApplyManager;

Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will create the parameters for the prepared statement.
 /// <param name="poCommand">The preparement statement to which we will add the needed parameters</param>
 /// <param name="poBucketConfiguration">The configuration for the logical bucket (i.e., a table and a subset of its columns)</param>
 /// <returns>None</returns>
 /// </summary>
 private void PrepareParemeters(SqlCommand poCommand, AceAPIBucket poBucketConfiguration)
     foreach (string sTmpColumn in poBucketConfiguration.SoughtColumns.Keys)
         SqlDbType TargetType = poBucketConfiguration.SoughtColumns[sTmpColumn];
         if (poBucketConfiguration.SoughtColLengths.Keys.Contains(sTmpColumn))
             int TargetLen = poBucketConfiguration.SoughtColLengths[sTmpColumn];
             poCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(sTmpColumn, TargetType, TargetLen));
             poCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(sTmpColumn, TargetType));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will set the parameters' values for the prepared statement.
        /// <param name="poCommand">The preparement statement to which we will set the needed parameters</param>
        /// <param name="poBucketConfiguration">The configuration for the logical bucket (i.e., a table and a subset of its columns)</param>
        /// <param name="poRecord">The record whose values will be used to set the prepared statement</param>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private void SetParemeters(SqlCommand poCommand, AceAPIBucket poBucketConfiguration, Hashtable poRecord)
            foreach (string sTmpColumn in poBucketConfiguration.SoughtColumns.Keys)
                if (poRecord.ContainsKey(sTmpColumn))
                    string sValue = (string)poRecord[sTmpColumn];

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sValue))
                        poCommand.Parameters[sTmpColumn].Value = sValue;
                        poCommand.Parameters[sTmpColumn].Value = DBNull.Value;
Exemple #8
        public AceApplyManager(AceConnectionMetadata poConnMetadata, AceAPIBucket poBucketConfiguration)
            DbConn = new SqlConnection(poConnMetadata.DBConnectionString);

            CountCommand = InsertCommand = UpdateCommand = RetrieveCommand = null;

            BucketConfiguration = poBucketConfiguration;


            lock (ListsLock)
                if (DateTypeList == null)
                    DateTypeList =
                        new List <SqlDbType> {
                        SqlDbType.Date, SqlDbType.DateTime, SqlDbType.DateTime2,
                        SqlDbType.SmallDateTime, SqlDbType.Time, SqlDbType.Time

                if (NumericTypeList == null)
                    NumericTypeList =
                        new List <SqlDbType> {
                        SqlDbType.BigInt, SqlDbType.Bit, SqlDbType.Int,
                        SqlDbType.SmallInt, SqlDbType.TinyInt

                if (DoubleTypeList == null)
                    DoubleTypeList =
                        new List <SqlDbType> {
                        SqlDbType.Decimal, SqlDbType.Float, SqlDbType.Money,
                        SqlDbType.Real, SqlDbType.SmallMoney
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will initialize the Select prepared statement.
        /// <param name="poBucketConfiguration">The configuration for the logical bucket (i.e., a table and a subset of its columns)</param>
        /// <returns>Prepared statement that returns a particular row based on the provided key</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private SqlCommand InitSelectCommand(AceAPIBucket poBucketConfiguration)
            StringBuilder SelectStatement = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
            StringBuilder ClauseStatement = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string sTmpColumn in poBucketConfiguration.SoughtColumns.Keys)
                if (SelectStatement.Length > 0)
                    SelectStatement.Append(", ");


                if (poBucketConfiguration.ColKeys.Contains(sTmpColumn))
                    if (ClauseStatement.Length > 0)
                        ClauseStatement.Append(" AND ");
                        ClauseStatement.Append(" WHERE ");

                    ClauseStatement.Append(sTmpColumn + " = @" + sTmpColumn);

            SelectStatement.Append(" FROM " + poBucketConfiguration.TableName);

            SqlCommand RetrieveCommand = new SqlCommand(SelectStatement.ToString(), DbConn);

            PrepareParemeters(RetrieveCommand, poBucketConfiguration);

Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will initialize the Insert prepared statement.
        /// <param name="poBucketConfiguration">The configuration for the logical bucket (i.e., a table and a subset of its columns)</param>
        /// <returns>Prepared statement that inserts a row to the logical Bucket</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private SqlCommand InitUpdateCommand(AceAPIBucket poBucketConfiguration)
            StringBuilder UpdateStatement = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder UpdateClause    = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string sTmpColumn in poBucketConfiguration.SoughtColumns.Keys)
                if (UpdateStatement.Length > 0)
                    UpdateStatement.Append(", ");
                    UpdateClause.Append(" AND ");
                    UpdateStatement.Append("UPDATE " + poBucketConfiguration.TableName + " SET ");
                    UpdateClause.Append(" WHERE ");

                if (!poBucketConfiguration.ColKeys.Contains(sTmpColumn))
                    UpdateStatement.Append(sTmpColumn + " = @" + sTmpColumn);
                    UpdateClause.Append(sTmpColumn + " = @" + sTmpColumn);

            UpdateStatement.Append(")" + UpdateClause.ToString());

            SqlCommand NewUpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(UpdateStatement.ToString(), DbConn);

            PrepareParemeters(NewUpdateCommand, poBucketConfiguration);

            return(new SqlCommand(UpdateStatement.ToString(), DbConn));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will initialize the Count prepared statement.
        /// <param name="poBucketConfiguration">The configuration for the logical bucket (i.e., a table and a subset of its columns)</param>
        /// <returns>Prepared statement that returns the Count of rows in the target table</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private SqlCommand InitCountCommand(AceAPIBucket poBucketConfiguration)
            StringBuilder CountStatement = new StringBuilder("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + poBucketConfiguration.TableName);

            return(new SqlCommand(CountStatement.ToString(), DbConn));