Exemple #1
 public Menu(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, int xLeftScissorRectanglePadding = 0, int xRightScissorRectanglePadding = 0, int yTopScissorRectanglePadding = 0, int yBottomScissorRectanglePadding = 0, string dataAsset = "Sprites\\UI\\Menus\\default", BaseObject parent = null)
     : base(position, size, dataAsset, parent)
     UIManager      = new BaseObjectManager <UIObject>();
     xPaddingVector = new Vector2(xLeftScissorRectanglePadding, xRightScissorRectanglePadding);
     yPaddingVector = new Vector2(yTopScissorRectanglePadding, yBottomScissorRectanglePadding);
Exemple #2
        public HUD(UnderSiegeGameplayScreen gameplayScreen)
            : base("", null)
            GameplayScreen = gameplayScreen;
            UIManager      = new BaseObjectManager <UIObject>();

Exemple #3
 public Turret(Vector2 hardPointOffset, float orientation, string dataAsset, GameObject parent, bool addRigidBody = true)
     : base(dataAsset, parent, addRigidBody)
     HardPointOffset = hardPointOffset;
     Orientation     = orientation;
     LocalRotation   = orientation;
     BulletManager   = new BaseObjectManager <Bullet>();
Exemple #4
 public Turret(Vector2 position, float orientation, string dataAsset, bool addRigidBody = true)
     : base(position, dataAsset, null, addRigidBody)
     LocalPosition = position;
     Parent        = null;
     Orientation   = orientation;
     LocalRotation = orientation;
     BulletManager = new BaseObjectManager <Bullet>();
Exemple #5
        public CharacterEntity(FileInfo characterFile)
            : base(null)
            MyObjectBuilder_Character character = BaseObjectManager.LoadContentFile <MyObjectBuilder_Character>(characterFile);

            ObjectBuilder = character;

            m_inventory = new InventoryEntity(character.Inventory);
Exemple #6
        public BaseScreen(ScreenManager screenManager, string dataAsset)
            ScreenManager = screenManager;
            DataAsset     = dataAsset;
            Tag           = this;

            ScriptManager     = new ScriptManager(this);
            GameObjectManager = new BaseObjectManager <GameObject>();
            UIManager         = new BaseObjectManager <ScreenUIObject>();
            InGameUIManager   = new BaseObjectManager <InGameUIObject>();


            SceneRoot = new GameObject("", null, false);
        public SectorEntity(MyObjectBuilder_Sector definition)
            : base(definition)
            m_eventManager = new BaseObjectManager();
            m_cubeGridManager = new BaseObjectManager();
            m_voxelMapManager = new BaseObjectManager();
            m_floatingObjectManager = new BaseObjectManager();
            m_meteorManager = new BaseObjectManager();

            List<Event> events = new List<Event>();
            foreach (var sectorEvent in definition.SectorEvents.Events)
                events.Add(new Event(sectorEvent));

            List<CubeGridEntity> cubeGrids = new List<CubeGridEntity>();
            List<VoxelMap> voxelMaps = new List<VoxelMap>();
            List<FloatingObject> floatingObjects = new List<FloatingObject>();
            List<Meteor> meteors = new List<Meteor>();
            foreach (var sectorObject in definition.SectorObjects)
                if (sectorObject.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid))
                    cubeGrids.Add(new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)sectorObject));
                else if (sectorObject.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_VoxelMap))
                    voxelMaps.Add(new VoxelMap((MyObjectBuilder_VoxelMap)sectorObject));
                else if (sectorObject.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_FloatingObject))
                    floatingObjects.Add(new FloatingObject((MyObjectBuilder_FloatingObject)sectorObject));
                else if (sectorObject.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Meteor))
                    meteors.Add(new Meteor((MyObjectBuilder_Meteor)sectorObject));

            //Build the managers from the lists
Exemple #8
        public CubeGridEntity(FileInfo prefabFile)
            : base(BaseObjectManager.LoadContentFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(prefabFile))
            EntityId = 0;
            ObjectBuilder.EntityId = 0;
            if (ObjectBuilder.PositionAndOrientation != null)
                PositionAndOrientation = ObjectBuilder.PositionAndOrientation.GetValueOrDefault( );

            _cubeBlockManager = new CubeBlockManager(this);
            List <CubeBlockEntity> cubeBlockList = new List <CubeBlockEntity>( );

            foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock cubeBlock in ObjectBuilder.CubeBlocks)
                cubeBlock.EntityId = 0;
                cubeBlockList.Add(new CubeBlockEntity(this, cubeBlock));

            _lastNameRefresh = DateTime.Now;
            _name            = "Cube Grid";
Exemple #9
        public override void Export(FileInfo fileInfo)
            RefreshBaseCubeBlocks( );

            BaseObjectManager.SaveContentFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(ObjectBuilder, fileInfo);
Exemple #10
 public override void Export(FileInfo fileInfo)
     BaseObjectManager.SaveContentFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock, MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlockSerializer>(ObjectBuilder, fileInfo);
Exemple #11
 public ShipKineticTurret(Vector2 hardPointOffset, string dataAsset, Ship parent, bool addRigidBody = true)
     : base(hardPointOffset, dataAsset, parent, addRigidBody)
     BulletManager = new BaseObjectManager <Bullet>();
Exemple #12
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            if (words.Count() == 0)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());

            if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).Count < 1 && userId != 0)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, "Error occurred while processing this command. (1)");

            Regex  rgx      = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]");
            string userName = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerNameFromSteamId(userId);

            if (userId == 0)
                userName = "******";

            if (userName == "")

            string cleanUserName = rgx.Replace(userName, "").ToLower();

            string modPath = MyFileSystem.ModsPath;

            if (!Directory.Exists(modPath))
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, "Error occurred while processing this command. (2)");

            string exportPath = Path.Combine(modPath, "Exports");

            if (!Directory.Exists(exportPath))

            string userExportPath = Path.Combine(exportPath, cleanUserName);

            if (!Directory.Exists(userExportPath))

            string shipName = string.Join(" ", words);
            HashSet <IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet <IMyEntity>();

            Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
                MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, x => x is IMyCubeGrid);

            long playerId = 0;

            if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).Count > 0 && userId != 0)
                playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).First();

            bool found = false;
            int  count = 0;

            foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities)
                IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;

                if (grid.DisplayName.ToLower().Contains(shipName.ToLower()))
                    if (grid.BigOwners.Contains(playerId) || PlayerManager.Instance.IsUserAdmin(userId) || userId == 0)

            if (count > 1)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("More than one ship was detected to have the name '{0}'.  Only the first one found will be exported.  Please name your ships uniquely before exporting.", shipName));

            found = false;
            foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities)
                IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;

                if (grid.DisplayName.ToLower().Contains(shipName.ToLower()))
                    if (grid.BigOwners.Contains(playerId) || PlayerManager.Instance.IsUserAdmin(userId) || userId == 0)
                        string cleanShipName = rgx.Replace(shipName, "");
                        BaseObjectManager.SaveContentFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), new FileInfo(string.Format("{0}\\{1}.sbc", userExportPath, cleanShipName)));
                        Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Exported the ship '{0}' to a file on the server.", shipName));
                        found = true;

            if (!found)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to find a ship by the name '{0}' that exists or belongs to you!", shipName));

 public override void Export(FileInfo fileInfo)
     BaseObjectManager.SaveContentFile(ObjectBuilder, fileInfo);
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            lock (Docking.Instance)
                foreach (DockingItem dockingItem in Docking.Instance.DockingItems)
                    string dockedShipFileName = Essentials.PluginPath + String.Format("\\Docking\\docked_{0}_{1}_{2}.sbc", dockingItem.PlayerId, dockingItem.TargetEntityId, dockingItem.DockedEntityId);

                    DockingItem dockedShip = dockingItem;
                    IMyEntity   entity     = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntity(x => x.EntityId == dockedShip.TargetEntityId && x is IMyCubeGrid);
                    if (entity == null)
                        //Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to undock ship due to error."));
                        Log.Info(string.Format("Unable to find parent '{0}' for '{1}' - '{2}'", dockingItem.TargetEntityId, dockingItem.DockedEntityId, dockingItem.DockedName));

                    if (!File.Exists(dockedShipFileName))
                        Log.Info(string.Format("Unable to find ship file: {0}", dockedShipFileName));

//					FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(dockedShipFileName);
                    MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid cubeGrid = BaseObjectManager.ReadSpaceEngineersFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(dockedShipFileName);

                    if (entity != null)
                        // Rotate our ship relative to our saved rotation and the new carrier rotation
                        cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(entity.Physics.GetWorldMatrix().GetOrientation()) * dockingItem.SaveQuat).GetOrientation());
                        // Move our ship relative to the new carrier position and orientation
                        Quaternion newQuat    = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(entity.Physics.GetWorldMatrix().GetOrientation());
                        Vector3D   rotatedPos = Vector3D.Transform(dockingItem.SavePos, newQuat);
                        //cubeGrid.Position = rotatedPos + parent.GetPosition();
                        cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(MathUtility.RandomPositionFromPoint(entity.GetPosition(), 250f), cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Forward, cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Up);
                        cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(MathUtility.RandomPositionFromPoint(cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position, 500f), cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Forward, cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Up);

                    // Add object to world
                    cubeGrid.EntityId        = BaseEntity.GenerateEntityId();
                    cubeGrid.LinearVelocity  = Vector3.Zero;
                    cubeGrid.AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

                    bool undock = false;
                    Wrapper.GameAction(() =>

                            List <MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase> addList = new List <MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase>();
                            undock = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.Info(string.Format("Error undocking ship: {0}", ex.ToString()));
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to undock ship due to error."));

                    if (!undock)

                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' has been undocked from docking zone", dockingItem.DockedName));


 public ShipMissileTurret(Vector2 hardPointOffset, string dataAsset, Ship parent, bool addRigidBody = true)
     : base(hardPointOffset, dataAsset, parent, addRigidBody)
     MissileManager = new BaseObjectManager <Missile>();
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string command)
            string[] words = command.Split(' ');
            if (!PluginSettings.Instance.DockingEnabled)

            if (words.Length < 1)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());

            if (m_docking)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, "Server is busy");

            m_docking = true;
                String pylonName = String.Join(" ", words);

                 * int timeLeft;
                 * if (Entity.CheckCoolDown(pylonName, out timeLeft))
                 * {
                 *      Communication.Message(String.Format("The docking zone '{0}' is on cooldown.  Please wait a {1} seconds before trying to dock/undock again.", pylonName, Math.Max(0, timeLeft)));
                 *      return;
                 * }

                if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).Count < 1)
                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to find player Id: {0}", userId));

                long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).First();

                Dictionary <String, List <IMyCubeBlock> > testList;
                List <IMyCubeBlock> beaconList;
                DockingZone.FindByName(pylonName, out testList, out beaconList, playerId);
                if (beaconList.Count == 4)
                    // Check ownership
                    foreach (IMyCubeBlock entityBlock in beaconList)
                        IMyTerminalBlock terminal = (IMyTerminalBlock)entityBlock;
                        if (!terminal.HasPlayerAccess(playerId))
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("You do not have permission to use '{0}'.  You must either own all the beacons or they must be shared with faction.", pylonName));

                    // Check for bounding box intsection of other docking zones
                    int intersectElement = 0;
                    if (Entity.CheckForIntersection(testList, beaconList, out intersectElement))
                        Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The docking zone '{0}' intersects with docking zone '{1}'.  Make sure you place your docking zones so they don't overlap.", pylonName, testList.ElementAt(intersectElement).Key));

                    // Check if ship already docked in this zone
                    IMyCubeBlock       e             = beaconList[0];
                    IMyCubeGrid        parent        = (IMyCubeGrid)e.Parent;
                    long[]             beaconListIds = beaconList.Select(b => b.EntityId).ToArray();
                    long               ownerId       = beaconList.First().OwnerId;
                    List <DockingItem> checkItems    = Docking.Instance.Find(d => d.PlayerId == ownerId && d.TargetEntityId == parent.EntityId && d.DockingBeaconIds.Intersect(beaconListIds).Count() == 4);
                    if (checkItems.Count >= PluginSettings.Instance.DockingShipsPerZone)
                        Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Docking zone already '{0}' already contains the maximum capacity of ships.", pylonName));

                    // Figure out center of docking area, and other distance information
                    double   maxDistance = 99;
                    Vector3D vPos        = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);

                    foreach (IMyCubeBlock b in beaconList)
                        Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(b);
                        vPos += beaconPos;

                    vPos = vPos / 4;
                    foreach (IMyCubeBlock b in beaconList)
                        Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(b);
                        maxDistance = Math.Min(maxDistance, Vector3D.Distance(vPos, beaconPos));

                    // Find ship in docking area
                    IMyCubeGrid         dockingEntity = null;
                    HashSet <IMyEntity> cubeGrids     = new HashSet <IMyEntity>();
                    MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(cubeGrids, f => f is IMyCubeGrid);
                    foreach (IMyCubeGrid gridCheck in cubeGrids)
                        if (gridCheck.IsStatic || gridCheck == parent)

                        double distance = Vector3D.Distance(gridCheck.GetPosition(), vPos);
                        if (distance < maxDistance)
                            dockingEntity = gridCheck;

                    // Figure out if the ship fits in docking area, and then save ship
                    if (dockingEntity != null)
                        // Get bounding box of both the docking zone and docking ship
                        OrientedBoundingBoxD targetBounding  = Entity.GetBoundingBox(beaconList);
                        OrientedBoundingBoxD dockingBounding = Entity.GetBoundingBox(dockingEntity);

                        // Make sure the docking zone contains the docking ship.  If they intersect or are disjointed, then fail
                        if (!Entity.GreaterThan(dockingBounding.HalfExtent * 2, targetBounding.HalfExtent * 2))
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' is too large for it's carrier.  The ship's bounding box must fit inside the docking zone bounding box!", dockingEntity.DisplayName));

                        if (targetBounding.Contains(ref dockingBounding) != ContainmentType.Contains)
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' is not fully inside the docking zone '{1}'.  Make sure the ship is fully contained inside the docking zone", dockingEntity.DisplayName, pylonName));

                        // Calculate the mass and ensure the docking ship is less than half the mass of the dock
                        float parentMass  = Entity.CalculateMass(parent);
                        float dockingMass = Entity.CalculateMass(dockingEntity);
                        if (dockingMass > parentMass)
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship you're trying to dock is too heavy for it's carrier.  The ship mass must be less than half the large ship / stations mass! (DM={0}kg CM={1}kg)", dockingMass, parentMass));

                        // Check to see if the ship is piloted, if it is, error out.
                        // TODO: Check to see if we can get a real time copy of this entity?
                        List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();
                        dockingEntity.GetBlocks(blocks, x => x.FatBlock != null && x.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit));
                        foreach (IMySlimBlock slim_cbe in blocks)
                            MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit c = (MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit)slim_cbe.FatBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock();
                            if (c.Pilot != null)
                                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Ship in docking zone '{0}' has a pilot!  Please exit the ship before trying to dock.  (Sometimes this can lag a bit.  Wait 10 seconds and try again)", pylonName));

                        // Save position and rotation information.  Some fun stuff here.
                        // Get our dock rotation as a quaternion
                        Quaternion saveQuat = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation());
                        // Transform docked ship's local position by inverse of the the parent (unwinds parent) and save it for when we undock
                        Vector3D savePos = Vector3D.Transform(dockingEntity.GetPosition() - parent.GetPosition(), Quaternion.Inverse(saveQuat));
                        // Get local rotation of dock ship, and save it for when we undock
                        saveQuat = Quaternion.Inverse(saveQuat) * Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(dockingEntity.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation());

                        // Save ship to file and remove
                        FileInfo info = new FileInfo(Essentials.PluginPath + String.Format("\\Docking\\docked_{0}_{1}_{2}.sbc", ownerId, parent.EntityId, dockingEntity.EntityId));
                        //CubeGridEntity dockingGrid = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)dockingEntity.GetObjectBuilder(), dockingEntity);
                        MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBuilder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder(dockingEntity);
                        if (gridBuilder == null)
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Failed to load entity for export: {0}", dockingEntity.DisplayName));

                        // Save item
                        DockingItem dockItem = new DockingItem();
                        dockItem.DockedEntityId   = dockingEntity.EntityId;
                        dockItem.TargetEntityId   = parent.EntityId;
                        dockItem.PlayerId         = ownerId;
                        dockItem.DockingBeaconIds = beaconList.Select(s => s.EntityId).ToArray();
                        dockItem.DockedName       = dockingEntity.DisplayName;
                        dockItem.SavePos          = savePos;
                        dockItem.SaveQuat         = saveQuat;

                        // Serialize and save ship to file
                        BaseObjectManager.WriteSpaceEngineersFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(gridBuilder, info.FullName);
                        //BaseObjectManager.SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(gridBuilder, info);

                        Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Docked ship '{0}' in docking zone '{1}'.", dockItem.DockedName, pylonName));

                         * // Add a cool down
                         * DockingCooldownItem cItem = new DockingCooldownItem();
                         * cItem.name = pylonName;
                         * cItem.startTime = DateTime.Now;
                         * PluginDocking.CooldownList.Add(cItem);
                        Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("No ships in docking zone '{0}'.", pylonName));
                else if (beaconList.Count > 4)
                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Too many beacons with the name or another zone with the name '{0}'.  Place only 4 beacons to create a zone or try a different zone name.", pylonName));
                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Can not locate docking zone '{0}'.  There must be 4 beacons with the name '{0}' to create a docking zone.  Beacons must be fully built!", pylonName));

                m_docking = false;
Exemple #17
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            if (!PluginSettings.Instance.DockingEnabled)

            if (words.Length < 1)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());

            if (m_undocking)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Server is busy, try again"));

            m_undocking = true;
                String pylonName = String.Join(" ", words);
                if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).Count < 1)
                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to find player Id: {0}", userId));

                long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).First( );

                Dictionary <String, List <IMyCubeBlock> > testList;
                List <IMyCubeBlock> beaconList;
                DockingZone.FindByName(pylonName, out testList, out beaconList, playerId);

                if (beaconList.Count == 4)
                    foreach (IMyCubeBlock entity in beaconList)
                        if (!Entity.CheckOwnership(entity, playerId))
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("You do not have permission to use '{0}'.  You must either own all the beacons or they must be shared with faction.", pylonName));

                    IMyCubeBlock e      = beaconList.First( );
                    IMyCubeGrid  parent = (IMyCubeGrid)e.Parent;

                    long[]             beaconListIds = beaconList.Select(p => p.EntityId).ToArray( );
                    long               ownerId       = beaconList.First( ).OwnerId;
                    List <DockingItem> dockingItems  = Docking.Instance.Find(d => d.PlayerId == ownerId && d.TargetEntityId == parent.EntityId && d.DockingBeaconIds.Intersect(beaconListIds).Count( ) == 4);
                    if (dockingItems.Count < 1)
                        Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("You have no ships docked in docking zone '{0}'.", pylonName));

                    DockingItem dockingItem = dockingItems.First( );

                    // Figure out center of docking area, and other distance information
                    double   maxDistance = 99;
                    Vector3D vPos        = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
                    foreach (IMyCubeBlock b in beaconList)
                        Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(b);
                        vPos += beaconPos;

                    vPos = vPos / 4;
                    foreach (IMyCubeBlock b in beaconList)
                        Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(b);
                        maxDistance = Math.Min(maxDistance, Vector3D.Distance(vPos, beaconPos));

                    List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>( );
                    foreach (IMySlimBlock slim_cbe in blocks)
                        if (slim_cbe is IMyCubeBlock)
                            IMyCubeBlock cbe = slim_cbe.FatBlock;
                            if (cbe.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock( ) is MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit)
                                MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit c = (MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit)cbe.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock( );
                                if (c.Pilot != null)
                                                                             "Carrier ship has a pilot.  The carrier should be unpiloted and fully stopped before undocking.  (Sometimes this can lag a bit.  Wait 10 seconds and try again)",

                    String dockedShipFileName = Essentials.PluginPath + String.Format("\\Docking\\docked_{0}_{1}_{2}.sbc", ownerId, dockingItem.TargetEntityId, dockingItem.DockedEntityId);

                    // Load Entity From File and add to game
                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(dockedShipFileName);
                    //CubeGridEntity cubeGrid = new CubeGridEntity(fileInfo);

                    MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid cubeGrid = BaseObjectManager.ReadSpaceEngineersFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(dockedShipFileName);

                    // Rotate our ship relative to our saved rotation and the new carrier rotation
                    cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation =
                        new MyPositionAndOrientation(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.Physics.GetWorldMatrix( ).GetOrientation( )) * dockingItem.SaveQuat).GetOrientation( ));
                    // Move our ship relative to the new carrier position and orientation
                    Quaternion newQuat    = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.Physics.GetWorldMatrix( ).GetOrientation( ));
                    Vector3D   rotatedPos = Vector3D.Transform(dockingItem.SavePos, newQuat);
                    //cubeGrid.Position = rotatedPos + parent.GetPosition();
                    cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(rotatedPos + parent.GetPosition( ), cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Forward, cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Up);

                    // Add object to world
                    cubeGrid.EntityId        = BaseEntity.GenerateEntityId( );
                    cubeGrid.LinearVelocity  = Vector3.Zero;
                    cubeGrid.AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

                    bool undock = false;
                    Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
                            List <MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase> addList = new List <MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase>( );
                            undock = true;
                        catch (Exception Ex)
                            Log.Info(string.Format("Error undocking ship: {0}", Ex.ToString( )));
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to undock ship due to error."));

                    if (!undock)


                    // Remove the docking file

                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' has been undocked from docking zone '{1}'", dockingItem.DockedName, pylonName));

                     * // Queue for cooldown
                     * DockingCooldownItem cItem = new DockingCooldownItem();
                     * cItem.Name = pylonName;
                     * cItem.startTime = DateTime.Now;
                     * lock (m_cooldownList)
                     *      m_cooldownList.Add(cItem);
                     * IMyEntity gridEntity = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(dockingItem.DockedEntityId);
                     * IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid = (IMyCubeGrid)gridEntity;
                     * Quaternion q = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation()) * dockingItem.SaveQuat;
                     * Quaternion newQuat = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation());
                     * Vector3 parentPosition = parent.GetPosition();
                     * Vector3 rotatedPos = Vector3.Transform(dockingItem.savePos, newQuat);
                     * Vector3 position = rotatedPos + parentPosition;
                     * Matrix positionMatrix = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(q);
                     * cubeGrid.ChangeGridOwnership(playerId, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None);
                     * gridEntity.SetPosition(dockingItem.savePos);
                     * gridEntity.WorldMatrix = positionMatrix;
                     * gridEntity.SetPosition(position);
                     * // We need to update again, as this doesn't seem to sync properly?  I set world matrix, and setposition, and it doesn't go where it should, and I
                     * // have to bump into it for it to show up, it's mega weird.
                     * if (PluginDocking.Settings.DockingItems == null)
                     *      throw new Exception("DockingItems is null");
                     * // Remove from docked items
                     * PluginDocking.Settings.DockingItems.Remove(dockingItem);
                     * // Notify user
                     * Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' has been undocked from docking zone '{1}'", gridEntity.DisplayName, pylonName));
                    // Queue for cooldown

                     * DockingCooldownItem cItem = new DockingCooldownItem();
                     * cItem.name = pylonName;
                     * cItem.startTime = DateTime.Now;
                     * PluginDocking.CooldownList.Add(cItem);
                else if (beaconList.Count > 4)                   // Too many beacons, must be 4
                                                         string.Format("Too many beacons with the name or another zone with the name '{0}'.  Place only 4 beacons to create a zone or try a different zone name.",
                else                 // Can't find docking zone
                                                         string.Format("Can not locate docking zone '{0}'.  There must be 4 beacons with the name '{0}' to create a docking zone.  Beacons must be fully built!",
            catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                m_undocking = false;

Exemple #18
        public override void Export(FileInfo fileInfo)
            RefreshBaseCubeBlocks( );

            BaseObjectManager.SaveContentFile(ObjectBuilder, fileInfo);