Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Differences the current image with the previous one and computes the number of pixels
        /// above the set difference threshold in the selected ROI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imCurrent">The current frame to difference with the previous</param>
        /// <param name="roi">The ROI in which to perform the compuation</param>
        /// <returns>Number of pixels above threshold in the delta frame</returns>
        public int ComputeNumDeltaPixels(Image8 imCurrent, IppiROI roi)
            double nPixels = 0;

            if (!_isFirst)
                //form difference image
                cv.ippiAbsDiff_8u_C1R(imCurrent[roi.TopLeft], imCurrent.Stride, _imPrevious[roi.TopLeft], _imPrevious.Stride, _imDelta[roi.TopLeft], _imDelta.Stride, roi.Size);
                //threshold image
                BWImageProcessor.Im2Bw(_imDelta, _imThresh, roi, _threshold);
                //count pixels
                ip.ippiSum_8u_C1R(_imThresh[roi.TopLeft], _imThresh.Stride, roi.Size, &nPixels);
                _isFirst = false;
            //copy current image to previous image buffer
            ip.ippiCopy_8u_C1R(imCurrent[roi.TopLeft], imCurrent.Stride, _imPrevious[roi.TopLeft], _imPrevious.Stride, roi.Size);
            //return pixel count - divide sum by 255 since threshold sets al values to 255
            return((int)nPixels / 255);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tracks the tailsegments on the supplied image and returns
        /// the angles and distances of each segment from the tailstart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image on which to id the tail</param>
        /// <returns>NSegments number of TailPoints</returns>
        public TailSegment[] TrackTail(Image8 image)
            lock (_regionLock)
                //Generate background by morphology operation - 10 times a second or whenever our coordinates changed
                //in the default case where the tail is darker than the background, using closing operation otherwise opening
                if (_frameNumber % (_frameRate / 10) == 0 || !_bgValid)
                    if (!_bgValid)
                        //if our regions changed, reblank our images!
                        ip.ippiSet_8u_C1R(0, _background.Image, _background.Stride, _background.Size);
                        ip.ippiSet_8u_C1R(0, _foreground.Image, _foreground.Stride, _foreground.Size);
                        ip.ippiSet_8u_C1R(0, _thresholded.Image, _thresholded.Stride, _thresholded.Size);
                    if (_lightOnDark)
                        BWImageProcessor.Open(image, _background, _calc1, _strel, _trackRegionOuter);
                        BWImageProcessor.Close(image, _background, _calc1, _strel, _trackRegionOuter);
                    _bgValid = true;
                //Compute foreground
                IppHelper.IppCheckCall(cv.ippiAbsDiff_8u_C1R(_background[_trackRegionInner.TopLeft], _background.Stride, image[_trackRegionInner.TopLeft], image.Stride, _foreground[_trackRegionInner.TopLeft], _foreground.Stride, _trackRegionInner.Size));
                BWImageProcessor.Im2Bw(_foreground, _thresholded, _trackRegionInner, _threshold);
                //Fill small holes
                BWImageProcessor.Close3x3(_thresholded, _thresholded, _calc1, _trackRegionOuter);
            //Tracking concept: We track the angle of each segment end (TailStart+SegmentLength:TailEnd)
            //as the angular displacement from the previous segment end
            //To do this we define one full-circle with radius SegmentLength and an angle step corresponding
            //to ~1 Pixel. Then for each angle we pre-compute in InitializeScanPoints the corresponding x
            //and y offsets. From the full circle set we track -90 to +90 degrees around the angle of the
            //previous segment - for the initial segment that angle will be 0. For each segment we will return
            //the segment angle and its associated end-point coordinate
            var retval = new TailSegment[_nSegments];

            lock (_scanPointLock)
                //The index of the absolute angle of the previous segment in our angle sweep array
                //determines which angles we sweep over for the next segment
                int prevAngleIndex   = _scanAngles.Length / 2;
                int nAnglesPerHalfPi = prevAngleIndex / 2;//this is the number of entries in the array that we have to walk to cover 90 degrees
                //we scan beginning with one segment length away from tail start and then walk
                //down the tail rather than using circles fixed arount the tailstart
                IppiPoint prevSegmentEnd = TailStart;

                //loop over tail segments
                for (int i = 0; i < _nSegments; i++)
                    //loop over scan-points from -pi/2 to +pi/2 (i.e. nAnglesPerHalfPi) around previous segment angle
                    //interpreting the scan points as offsets around the previous tail segment
                    //end point
                    //then find tail angle of this segment
                    int pointsFound = 0;//the number of non-zero pixels identified
                    for (int j = -1 * nAnglesPerHalfPi; j < nAnglesPerHalfPi + 1; j++)
                        //Determine the index to scan - usually this will simply be "prevAngleIndex+j" however we
                        //have to loop around our angle array properly in case we screen more extreme angles
                        int currIndex = prevAngleIndex + j;
                        if (currIndex >= _scanAngles.Length)
                            currIndex = currIndex % _scanAngles.Length;
                        else if (currIndex < 0)
                            currIndex = currIndex + _scanAngles.Length;

                        //If current point is outside of the image, ignore it
                        IppiPoint pt = new IppiPoint(_coordinateOffsets[currIndex].x + prevSegmentEnd.x, _coordinateOffsets[currIndex].y + prevSegmentEnd.y);
                        if (pt.x < 0 || pt.y < 0 || pt.x >= _imageSize.width || pt.y >= _imageSize.height)
                        //if the value at the current point >0 we mark that angle as valid
                        //by storing the index in our anglestore
                        if (*_thresholded[pt] > 0)
                            _angleStore[pointsFound] = currIndex;
                    //find the median point in our angle store if we have more than 2 points stored
                    //the value in our angle store will directly give us the absolute screen angle of the segment
                    //as well as the coordinate offset which we can used together with the previous segment endpoint
                    //to compute the tail segment end coordinate - to get the delta angle we need to get the difference
                    //between the stored index and the previously stored index, prevAngleIndex
                    //after computing the appropriate return values we update prevAngleIndex with the index from the angle store
                    //and prevSegmentEnd with the returned coordinate of the current tail segment
                    double    deltaTailAngle;
                    IppiPoint coordinate;
                    int       pos;        //the index in the angle store that we determine to be the tail-center

                    if (pointsFound == 0) //we have lost the tail - no reason to keep tracking - fill remaining positions in array with NaNs for their angle
                        for (int k = i; k < _nSegments; k++)
                            deltaTailAngle = double.NaN;
                            coordinate     = new IppiPoint();
                            retval[k]      = new TailSegment(deltaTailAngle, coordinate);
                    else if (pointsFound < 3)
                        pos = _angleStore[0];
                        //we want the angle at the median position of valid points
                        //we don't compute intermediate positions however (we should be able to afford this since our angle step is so small), so in case
                        //of an even number of points, the top of the lower half currently
                        //wins - since array indexing is zero based, we have to subtract 1
                        //from the computed median position
                        pos = _angleStore[(int)(Math.Ceiling(pointsFound / 2.0) - 1)];
                    coordinate     = new IppiPoint(prevSegmentEnd.x + _coordinateOffsets[pos].x, prevSegmentEnd.y + _coordinateOffsets[pos].y);
                    deltaTailAngle = (pos - prevAngleIndex) * _angleStep;
                    //the condition above of wrapping around the "angle circle":if (currIndex >= _scanAngles.Length)....
                    //results in one very large (close to +360 or -360) angle of opposite sign at the switch point
                    //however, since we usually only scan over offsets from +90 to -90 this case is easy to spot
                    //and remedy:
                    if (deltaTailAngle > 90)
                        deltaTailAngle = deltaTailAngle - 360;//this should create the appropriate tail angle btw. 0 and -90
                    else if (deltaTailAngle < -90)
                        deltaTailAngle = 360 + deltaTailAngle;//this should create the appropriate tail angle btw. 0 and +90
                    prevAngleIndex = pos;
                    prevSegmentEnd = coordinate;
                    retval[i]      = new TailSegment(deltaTailAngle, coordinate);
                }//loop over tail segments