Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the transverse reinforcement, according to the transverse reinforcement location
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">location of rebar which need to be created</param>
        /// <returns>the created reinforcement, return null if the creation is unsuccessful</returns>
        public RebarContainerItem FillTransverseItem(RebarContainer cont, TransverseRebarLocation location)
            // Get the geometry information which support reinforcement creation
            RebarGeometry geomInfo = new RebarGeometry();
            RebarBarType  barType  = null;

            switch (location)
            case TransverseRebarLocation.Start: // start transverse reinforcement
            case TransverseRebarLocation.End:   // end transverse reinforcement
                geomInfo = m_geometry.GetTransverseRebar(location, m_transverseEndSpacing);
                barType  = m_transverseEndType;

            case TransverseRebarLocation.Center:// center transverse reinforcement
                geomInfo = m_geometry.GetTransverseRebar(location, m_transverseCenterSpacing);
                barType  = m_transverseCenterType;


            // create the container item
            return(PlaceContainerItem(cont, barType, m_transverseHookType, m_transverseHookType, geomInfo, RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Left));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the reinforcement at the top of beam, according to the top reinforcement location
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">location of rebar which need to be created</param>
        /// <returns>the created reinforcement, return null if the creation is unsuccessful</returns>
        private RebarContainerItem FillTopItem(RebarContainer cont, TopRebarLocation location)
            //get the geometry information of the reinforcement
            RebarGeometry geomInfo = m_geometry.GetTopRebar(location);

            RebarHookType        startHookType = null;                       //the start hook type of the reinforcement
            RebarHookType        endHookType   = null;                       // the end hook type of the reinforcement
            RebarBarType         rebarType     = null;                       // the reinforcement type
            RebarHookOrientation startOrient   = RebarHookOrientation.Right; // the start hook orient
            RebarHookOrientation endOrient     = RebarHookOrientation.Left;  // the end hook orient

            // decide the reinforcement type, hook type and hook orient according to location
            switch (location)
            case TopRebarLocation.Start:
                startHookType = m_topHookType;                        // start hook type
                rebarType     = m_topEndType;                         // reinforcement type
                startOrient   = GetTopHookOrient(geomInfo, location); // start hook orient

            case TopRebarLocation.Center:
                rebarType = m_topCenterType;   // reinforcement type

            case TopRebarLocation.End:
                endHookType = m_topHookType;                        // end hook type
                rebarType   = m_topEndType;                         // reinforcement type
                endOrient   = GetTopHookOrient(geomInfo, location); // end hook orient

            // create the container item
            return(PlaceContainerItem(cont, rebarType, startHookType, endHookType, geomInfo, startOrient, endOrient));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the transverse reinforcement, according to the location of transverse bars
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">location of rebar which need to be created</param>
        /// <returns>the created container item, return null if the creation is unsuccessful</returns>
        public RebarContainerItem FillTransverseItem(RebarContainer cont, TransverseRebarLocation location)
            // Get the geometry information which support reinforcement creation
            RebarGeometry geomInfo = new RebarGeometry();

            switch (location)
            case TransverseRebarLocation.Start: // start transverse reinforcement
            case TransverseRebarLocation.End:   // end transverse reinforcement
                geomInfo = m_geometry.GetTransverseRebar(location, m_transverseEndSpacing);

            case TransverseRebarLocation.Center:// center transverse reinforcement
                geomInfo = m_geometry.GetTransverseRebar(location, m_transverseCenterSpacing);

            RebarHookOrientation startHook = RebarHookOrientation.Left;
            RebarHookOrientation endHook   = RebarHookOrientation.Left;

            if (!GeomUtil.IsInRightDir(geomInfo.Normal))
                startHook = RebarHookOrientation.Right;
                endHook   = RebarHookOrientation.Right;

            // create the container item
            return(PlaceContainerItem(cont, m_transverseType, m_transverseHookType, m_transverseHookType, geomInfo, startHook, endHook));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the reinforcement at the bottom of beam
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the creation is successful, otherwise false</returns>
        public bool FillBottomItems(RebarContainer cont)
            // get the geometry information of the bottom reinforcement
            RebarGeometry geomInfo = m_geometry.GetBottomRebar();

            // create the container item
            RebarContainerItem item = PlaceContainerItem(cont, m_bottomType, null, null, geomInfo, RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Left);

            return(null != item);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the reinforcement at the top of beam
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the creation is successful, otherwise false</returns>
        private bool FillTopItems(RebarContainer cont)
            // create all kinds of top reinforcement according to the TopRebarLocation
            foreach (TopRebarLocation location in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TopRebarLocation)))
                RebarContainerItem item = FillTopItem(cont, location);
                //judge whether the top reinforcement creation is successful
                if (null == item)

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// A wrap function which used to create the reinforcement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rebarType">The element of RebarBarType</param>
        /// <param name="startHook">The element of start RebarHookType</param>
        /// <param name="endHook">The element of end RebarHookType</param>
        /// <param name="geomInfo">The goemetry information of the rebar</param>
        /// <param name="startOrient">An Integer defines the orientation of the start hook</param>
        /// <param name="endOrient">An Integer defines the orientation of the end hook</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected RebarContainerItem PlaceContainerItem(RebarContainer cont, RebarBarType rebarType, RebarHookType startHook, RebarHookType endHook,
                                                        RebarGeometry geomInfo, RebarHookOrientation startOrient, RebarHookOrientation endOrient)
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ normal = geomInfo.Normal; // the direction of reinforcement distribution
            IList <Curve>         curves = geomInfo.Curves; // the shape of the reinforcement curves

            RebarContainerItem item = cont.AppendItemFromCurves(RebarStyle.Standard, rebarType, startHook, endHook, normal, curves, startOrient, endOrient, false, true);

            if (2 < geomInfo.RebarNumber && 0 < geomInfo.RebarSpacing)
                item.SetLayoutAsNumberWithSpacing(geomInfo.RebarNumber, geomInfo.RebarSpacing, true, true, true);

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Override method to create reinforcement on the selected column
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the creation is successful, otherwise false.</returns>
        protected override bool FillWithBars()
            //create Rebar Container
            ElementId conTypeId = RebarContainerType.CreateDefaultRebarContainerType(m_revitDoc);
            ElementId hostId    = m_hostObject.Id;
            Element   host      = m_revitDoc.GetElement(hostId);

            if (null != host)
                RebarContainer cont = RebarContainer.Create(m_revitDoc, host, conTypeId);
                bool           flag = FillTransverseItems(cont);
                flag = flag && FillVerticalItems(cont);

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Override method to create rebar on the selected beam
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the creation is successful, otherwise false</returns>
        protected override bool FillWithBars()
            //create Rebar Container
            ElementId      conTypeId = RebarContainerType.CreateDefaultRebarContainerType(m_revitDoc);
            RebarContainer cont      = RebarContainer.Create(m_revitDoc, m_hostObject, conTypeId);

            // create the top items
            bool flag = FillTopItems(cont);

            // create the bottom items
            flag = flag && FillBottomItems(cont);

            // create the transverse items
            flag = flag && FillTransverseItems(cont);

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the vertical reinforcement according the location
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">location of rebar which need to be created</param>
        /// <returns>the created reinforcement, return null if the creation is unsuccessful</returns>
        public RebarContainerItem FillVerticalItem(RebarContainer cont, VerticalRebarLocation location)
            //calculate the reinforcement number in different location
            int rebarNubmer = m_verticalRebarNumber / 4;

            switch (location)
            case VerticalRebarLocation.East:    // the east vertical reinforcement
                if (0 < m_verticalRebarNumber % 4)

            case VerticalRebarLocation.North:   // the north vertical reinforcement
                if (2 < m_verticalRebarNumber % 4)

            case VerticalRebarLocation.West:    // the west vertical reinforcement
                if (1 < m_verticalRebarNumber % 4)

            case VerticalRebarLocation.South:   // the south vertical reinforcement

            // get the geometry information for reinforcement creation
            RebarGeometry geomInfo = m_geometry.GetVerticalRebar(location, rebarNubmer);

            // create the container item
            return(PlaceContainerItem(cont, m_verticalType, null, null, geomInfo, RebarHookOrientation.Right, RebarHookOrientation.Right));
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports a Rebar, AreaReinforcement or PathReinforcement to IFC ReinforcingBar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The exporter.</param>
        /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The product wrapper.</param>
        public static void Export(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element element, ProductWrapper productWrapper)
            ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> createdRebars = new HashSet <DelayedProductWrapper>();

            if (element is Rebar)
                createdRebars = ExportRebar(exporterIFC, element, productWrapper);
            else if (element is AreaReinforcement)
                AreaReinforcement areaReinforcement = element as AreaReinforcement;
                IList <ElementId> rebarIds          = areaReinforcement.GetRebarInSystemIds();

                Document doc = areaReinforcement.Document;
                foreach (ElementId id in rebarIds)
                    Element rebarInSystem = doc.GetElement(id);
                    ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> newlyCreatedRebars = ExportRebar(exporterIFC, rebarInSystem, productWrapper);
                    if (newlyCreatedRebars != null)
            else if (element is PathReinforcement)
                PathReinforcement pathReinforcement = element as PathReinforcement;
                IList <ElementId> rebarIds          = pathReinforcement.GetRebarInSystemIds();

                Document doc = pathReinforcement.Document;
                foreach (ElementId id in rebarIds)
                    Element rebarInSystem = doc.GetElement(id);
                    ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> newlyCreatedRebars = ExportRebar(exporterIFC, rebarInSystem, productWrapper);
                    if (newlyCreatedRebars != null)
            else if (element is RebarContainer)
                int            itemIndex      = 1;
                RebarContainer rebarContainer = element as RebarContainer;
                foreach (RebarContainerItem rebarContainerItem in rebarContainer)
                    ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> newlyCreatedRebars = ExportRebar(exporterIFC, rebarContainerItem, rebarContainer, itemIndex, productWrapper);
                    if (newlyCreatedRebars != null)
                        itemIndex += createdRebars.Count;

            if (createdRebars != null && createdRebars.Count != 0)
                string guid = GUIDUtil.CreateGUID(element);

                // Create a group to hold all of the created IFC entities, if the rebars aren't already in an assembly or a group.
                // We want to avoid nested groups of groups of rebars.
                bool relateToLevel     = true;
                bool groupRebarHandles = (createdRebars.Count != 1);
                foreach (DelayedProductWrapper delayedProductWrapper in createdRebars)
                    if (ElementIsContainedInAssembly(delayedProductWrapper.RebarElement))
                        groupRebarHandles = false;
                        relateToLevel     = false;

                ISet <IFCAnyHandle> createdRebarHandles = new HashSet <IFCAnyHandle>();
                foreach (DelayedProductWrapper delayedProductWrapper in createdRebars)
                    IFCAnyHandle currentRebarHandle = delayedProductWrapper.ElementHandle;
                    productWrapper.AddElement(delayedProductWrapper.RebarElement, currentRebarHandle, delayedProductWrapper.LevelInfo, null, relateToLevel);

                if (createdRebars.Count > 1)
                    if (groupRebarHandles)
                        // Check the intended IFC entity or type name is in the exclude list specified in the UI
                        Common.Enums.IFCEntityType elementClassTypeEnum;
                        if (Enum.TryParse <Common.Enums.IFCEntityType>("IfcGroup", out elementClassTypeEnum))
                            if (!ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.IsElementInExcludeList(elementClassTypeEnum))
                                IFCFile file = exporterIFC.GetFile();
                                using (IFCTransaction tr = new IFCTransaction(file))
                                    IFCAnyHandle ownerHistory    = ExporterCacheManager.OwnerHistoryHandle;
                                    string       revitObjectType = exporterIFC.GetFamilyName();
                                    string       name            = NamingUtil.GetNameOverride(element, revitObjectType);
                                    string       description     = NamingUtil.GetDescriptionOverride(element, null);
                                    string       objectType      = NamingUtil.GetObjectTypeOverride(element, revitObjectType);

                                    IFCAnyHandle rebarGroup = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateGroup(file, guid,
                                                                                              ownerHistory, name, description, objectType);

                                    productWrapper.AddElement(element, rebarGroup);

                                    IFCInstanceExporter.CreateRelAssignsToGroup(file, GUIDUtil.CreateGUID(), ownerHistory,
                                                                                null, null, createdRebarHandles, null, rebarGroup);

                    // We will update the GUID of the one created IfcReinforcingElement to be the element GUID.
                    // This will allow the IfcGUID parameter to be use/set if appropriate.
                    ExporterUtil.SetGlobalId(createdRebarHandles.ElementAt(0), guid);
        private void Stream( ArrayList data, RebarContainer rebarContainer )
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator( typeof( RebarContainer ) ) );

              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "", rebarContainer.GetHostId(), rebarContainer.Document ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( "Reinforcement Rounding Manager", rebarContainer.GetReinforcementRoundingManager() ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Int( "Items Count", rebarContainer.ItemsCount ) );
              IEnumerator<RebarContainerItem> iter = rebarContainer.GetEnumerator();
              while( iter.MoveNext() )
            RebarContainerItem item = iter.Current as RebarContainerItem;
            if( item == null )
            String objectName = "Rebar Container Item [" + item.ItemIndex.ToString() + "]";
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( objectName, item ) );
            catch( System.Exception ex )
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Exception( objectName, ex ) );
              data.Add( new Snoop.Data.String( "Schedule Mark", rebarContainer.ScheduleMark ) );
 private void Stream( ArrayList data, RebarContainer rebarCont )
     data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator( typeof( RebarContainer ) ) );
       data.Add( new Snoop.Data.String( "Schedule Mark", rebarCont.ScheduleMark ) );
       data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ElementId( "Host", rebarCont.GetHostId(), m_app.ActiveUIDocument.Document ) );
       data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Int( "Number of Items", rebarCont.ItemsCount ) );
       data.Add( new Snoop.Data.Object( "Reinforcement Rounding Manager", rebarCont.GetReinforcementRoundingManager() ) );
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports a Rebar, AreaReinforcement or PathReinforcement to IFC ReinforcingBar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The exporter.</param>
        /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The product wrapper.</param>
        public static void Export(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element element, ProductWrapper productWrapper)
            ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> createdRebars = new HashSet <DelayedProductWrapper>();

            // First, we will create individual rebars based on the Revit element.
            if (element is Rebar)
                createdRebars = ExportRebar(exporterIFC, element, productWrapper);
            else if (element is AreaReinforcement)
                AreaReinforcement areaReinforcement = element as AreaReinforcement;
                IList <ElementId> rebarIds          = areaReinforcement.GetRebarInSystemIds();

                Document doc = areaReinforcement.Document;
                foreach (ElementId id in rebarIds)
                    Element rebarInSystem = doc.GetElement(id);
                    ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> newlyCreatedRebars = ExportRebar(exporterIFC, rebarInSystem, productWrapper);
                    if (newlyCreatedRebars != null)
            else if (element is PathReinforcement)
                PathReinforcement pathReinforcement = element as PathReinforcement;
                IList <ElementId> rebarIds          = pathReinforcement.GetRebarInSystemIds();

                Document doc = pathReinforcement.Document;
                foreach (ElementId id in rebarIds)
                    Element rebarInSystem = doc.GetElement(id);
                    ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> newlyCreatedRebars = ExportRebar(exporterIFC, rebarInSystem, productWrapper);
                    if (newlyCreatedRebars != null)
            else if (element is RebarContainer)
                int            itemIndex      = 1;
                RebarContainer rebarContainer = element as RebarContainer;
                foreach (RebarContainerItem rebarContainerItem in rebarContainer)
                    ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> newlyCreatedRebars = ExportRebar(exporterIFC, rebarContainerItem, rebarContainer, itemIndex, productWrapper);
                    if (newlyCreatedRebars != null)
                        itemIndex += createdRebars.Count;

            // If we've created any rebar, we will group them below into three conceptual groups:
            // 1. One rebar that shouldn't be grouped or be in an assembly,
            //    but be directly contained in a building story.
            // 2. Rebar that are in assemblies, where the assembly is contained in a building story.
            // 3. Multiple rebar that aren't in assembles, which should both be in a group and
            //    directly contained in a building story.
            // The reason for the cases above:
            // 1. Nested groups/assemblies aren't allow in IFC.  So we can only have one level.
            // 2. IfcGroups don't have level assignment.  So the individual components inside have
            //    to be directly contained in a building story.
            // 3. IfcAssemblies do have level assignment, so individual components can't be directly
            //    contained in a building story.   This does mean that rebars in assemblies may
            //    be associated with the wrong level, but that is an IFC limitation.
            if (createdRebars != null && createdRebars.Count != 0)
                // Only one created element can have the consistent GUID of the main element.
                // This will be either the first created assembly or the first rebar element.
                string guid = GUIDUtil.CreateGUID(element);

                // While it seems likely that all of the rebar would have the same assembly id,
                // there's no need to assume this.  Make a map of assembly id to created rebar.
                IDictionary <ElementId, ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> > relatedRebar =
                    new Dictionary <ElementId, ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> >();
                relatedRebar[ElementId.InvalidElementId] = new HashSet <DelayedProductWrapper>();

                // Go through the created rebar and sort into buckets by assembly id.
                foreach (DelayedProductWrapper delayedProductWrapper in createdRebars)
                    Element rebarElement = delayedProductWrapper.RebarElement;
                    if (rebarElement == null)

                    ElementId rebarAssemblyInstanceId            = rebarElement.AssemblyInstanceId;
                    ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> currentRebarSet = null;
                    if (!relatedRebar.TryGetValue(rebarAssemblyInstanceId, out currentRebarSet))
                        currentRebarSet = new HashSet <DelayedProductWrapper>();
                        relatedRebar[rebarAssemblyInstanceId] = currentRebarSet;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <ElementId, ISet <DelayedProductWrapper> > relatedToAssembly in relatedRebar)
                    // Ignore buckets with no items in them.
                    if (relatedToAssembly.Value.Count == 0)

                    // We will attach rebar to an assembly for rebar belonging to an assembly;
                    // otherwise we will create a group, assuming there are at least 2 rebar to group.
                    ElementId assemblyId    = relatedToAssembly.Key;
                    bool      hasAssemblyId = (assemblyId != ElementId.InvalidElementId);
                    bool      attachToLevel = !hasAssemblyId;

                    ISet <IFCAnyHandle> createdRebarHandles = new HashSet <IFCAnyHandle>();
                    foreach (DelayedProductWrapper delayedProductWrapper in relatedToAssembly.Value)
                        IFCAnyHandle currentRebarHandle = delayedProductWrapper.ElementHandle;
                        productWrapper.AddElement(delayedProductWrapper.RebarElement, currentRebarHandle,
                                                  delayedProductWrapper.LevelInfo, null, attachToLevel, delayedProductWrapper.ExportInfo);

                    if (hasAssemblyId)
                        ExporterCacheManager.AssemblyInstanceCache.RegisterElements(assemblyId, productWrapper);
                    else if (createdRebarHandles.Count > 1)
                        // Check the intended IFC entity or type name is in the exclude list specified in the UI
                        string rebarGUID = (guid != null) ? guid : GUIDUtil.CreateGUID();
                        CreateRebarGroup(exporterIFC, element, rebarGUID, productWrapper, createdRebarHandles);
                        guid = null;

                // We will update the GUID of the one created IfcReinforcingElement to be the element GUID.
                // This will allow the IfcGUID parameter to be use/set if appropriate.
                if (createdRebars.Count == 1 && guid != null)
                    ExporterUtil.SetGlobalId(createdRebars.ElementAt(0).ElementHandle, guid);