public BMGlyph GetGlyph(int index, bool createIfMissing) { BMGlyph glyph = null; if (this.mDict.Count == 0) { int num = 0; int count = this.mSaved.Count; while (num < count) { BMGlyph glyph2 = this.mSaved[num]; this.mDict.Add(glyph2.index, glyph2); num++; } } if (!this.mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph) && createIfMissing) { glyph = new BMGlyph { index = index }; this.mSaved.Add(glyph); this.mDict.Add(index, glyph); } return(glyph); }
public string GetEndOfLineThatFits(string text, float maxWidth, bool encoding, SymbolStyle symbolStyle) { if (this.mReplacement != null) { return(this.mReplacement.GetEndOfLineThatFits(text, maxWidth, encoding, symbolStyle)); } int num = Mathf.RoundToInt(maxWidth * this.size); if (num < 1) { return(text); } int length = text.Length; int num3 = num; BMGlyph glyph = null; int offset = length; bool flag = (encoding && (symbolStyle != SymbolStyle.None)) && this.hasSymbols; bool isDynamic = this.isDynamic; if (isDynamic) { this.mDynamicFont.textureRebuildCallback = new Font.FontTextureRebuildCallback(this.OnFontChanged); this.mDynamicFont.RequestCharactersInTexture(text, this.mDynamicFontSize, this.mDynamicFontStyle); this.mDynamicFont.textureRebuildCallback = null; } while ((offset > 0) && (num3 > 0)) { char index = text[--offset]; BMSymbol symbol = !flag ? null : this.MatchSymbol(text, offset, length); int mSpacingX = this.mSpacingX; if (!isDynamic) { if (symbol != null) { mSpacingX += symbol.advance; goto Label_017F; } BMGlyph glyph2 = this.mFont.GetGlyph(index); if (glyph2 != null) { mSpacingX += glyph2.advance + ((glyph != null) ? glyph.GetKerning(index) : 0); glyph = glyph2; goto Label_017F; } glyph = null; continue; } if (this.mDynamicFont.GetCharacterInfo(index, out mChar, this.mDynamicFontSize, this.mDynamicFontStyle)) { mSpacingX += (int)mChar.width; } Label_017F: num3 -= mSpacingX; } if (num3 < 0) { offset++; } return(text.Substring(offset, length - offset)); }
void CreateFont() { BMFontReader.Load(mbFont,, textFnt.bytes); // 借用NGUI封装的读取类 CharacterInfo[] characterInfo = new CharacterInfo[mbFont.glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < mbFont.glyphs.Count; i++) { BMGlyph bmInfo = mbFont.glyphs[i]; CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index = bmInfo.index; info.uv.x = (float)bmInfo.x / (float)mbFont.texWidth; info.uv.y = 1 - (float)bmInfo.y / (float)mbFont.texHeight; info.uv.width = (float)bmInfo.width / (float)mbFont.texWidth; info.uv.height = -1f * (float)bmInfo.height / (float)mbFont.texHeight; info.vert.x = (float)bmInfo.offsetX; //info.vert.y = (float)bmInfo.offsetY; info.vert.y = 0f;//自定义字库UV从下往上,所以这里不需要偏移,填0即可。 info.vert.width = (float)bmInfo.width; info.vert.height = (float)bmInfo.height; info.width = (float)bmInfo.advance; characterInfo[i] = info; } bmFont.characterInfo = characterInfo; //AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(bmFont)); EditorUtility.SetDirty(bmFont); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); Debug.Log(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(bmFont)); //AssetDatabase.WriteImportSettingsIfDirty(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(bmFont)); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
// Token: 0x06000338 RID: 824 RVA: 0x000258A4 File Offset: 0x00023AA4 public string GetEndOfLineThatFits(string text, float maxWidth, bool encoding, UIFont.SymbolStyle symbolStyle) { if (this.mReplacement != null) { return(this.mReplacement.GetEndOfLineThatFits(text, maxWidth, encoding, symbolStyle)); } int num = Mathf.RoundToInt(maxWidth * (float)this.size); if (num < 1) { return(text); } int length = text.Length; int num2 = num; BMGlyph bmglyph = null; int num3 = length; bool flag = encoding && symbolStyle != UIFont.SymbolStyle.None && this.hasSymbols; bool isDynamic = this.isDynamic; if (isDynamic) { this.mDynamicFont.textureRebuildCallback = new Font.FontTextureRebuildCallback(this.OnFontChanged); this.mDynamicFont.RequestCharactersInTexture(text, this.mDynamicFontSize, this.mDynamicFontStyle); this.mDynamicFont.textureRebuildCallback = null; } while (num3 > 0 && num2 > 0) { char c = text[--num3]; BMSymbol bmsymbol = (!flag) ? null : this.MatchSymbol(text, num3, length); int num4 = this.mSpacingX; if (!isDynamic) { if (bmsymbol != null) { num4 += bmsymbol.advance; } else { BMGlyph glyph = this.mFont.GetGlyph((int)c); if (glyph == null) { bmglyph = null; continue; } num4 += glyph.advance + ((bmglyph != null) ? bmglyph.GetKerning((int)c) : 0); bmglyph = glyph; } } else if (this.mDynamicFont.GetCharacterInfo(c, out UIFont.mChar, this.mDynamicFontSize, this.mDynamicFontStyle)) { num4 += (int)UIFont.mChar.width; } num2 -= num4; } if (num2 < 0) { num3++; } return(text.Substring(num3, length - num3)); }
public static void BatchCreateArtistFont() { string dirName = ""; string fntname = SelectObjectPathInfo(ref dirName).Split('.')[0]; Debug.Log(fntname); Debug.Log(dirName); string fntFileName = dirName + fntname + ".fnt"; Font CustomFont = new Font(); { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(CustomFont, dirName + fntname + ".fontsettings"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } TextAsset BMFontText = null; { BMFontText = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fntFileName, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset; } BMFont mbFont = new BMFont(); BMFontReader.Load(mbFont,, BMFontText.bytes); // 借用NGUI封装的读取类 CharacterInfo[] characterInfo = new CharacterInfo[mbFont.glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < mbFont.glyphs.Count; i++) { BMGlyph bmInfo = mbFont.glyphs[i]; CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index = bmInfo.index; info.uv.x = (float)bmInfo.x / (float)mbFont.texWidth; info.uv.y = 1 - (float)bmInfo.y / (float)mbFont.texHeight; info.uv.width = (float)bmInfo.width / (float)mbFont.texWidth; info.uv.height = -1f * (float)bmInfo.height / (float)mbFont.texHeight; info.vert.x = (float)bmInfo.offsetX; info.vert.y = (float)bmInfo.offsetY; info.vert.width = (float)bmInfo.width; info.vert.height = (float)bmInfo.height; info.width = (float)bmInfo.advance; characterInfo[i] = info; } CustomFont.characterInfo = characterInfo; string textureFilename = dirName + mbFont.spriteName + ".png"; Material mat = null; { Shader shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"); mat = new Material(shader); Texture tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(textureFilename, typeof(Texture)) as Texture; mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", tex); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, dirName + fntname + ".mat"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } CustomFont.material = mat; EditorUtility.SetDirty(CustomFont); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// Helper function that retrieves the specified glyph, creating it if necessary. /// </summary> public BMGlyph GetGlyph(int index, bool createIfMissing) { // Get the requested glyph BMGlyph glyph = null; if (mDict.Count == 0) { // Populate the dictionary for faster access for (int i = 0, imax = mSaved.Count; i < imax; ++i) { BMGlyph bmg = mSaved[i]; mDict.Add(bmg.index, bmg); } } // Saved check is here so that the function call is not needed if it's true if (!mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph) && createIfMissing) { glyph = new BMGlyph(); glyph.index = index; mSaved.Add(glyph); mDict.Add(index, glyph); } return(glyph); }
override public bool GetGlyph(char ch, out float width, out float height, out float baseline) { if (ch == ' ') { width = Mathf.RoundToInt(size * _scale / 2); height = Mathf.RoundToInt(size * _scale); baseline = height; _glyph = null; return(true); } else if (_dict.TryGetValue((int)ch, out _glyph)) { width = Mathf.RoundToInt(_glyph.advance * _scale); height = Mathf.RoundToInt(_glyph.lineHeight * _scale); baseline = height; return(true); } else { width = 0; height = 0; baseline = 0; return(false); } }
public static void CreateBmFont() { NewFont(); BMFontReader.Load(bmFont,, fntData.bytes); // 借用NGUI封装的读取类 CharacterInfo[] characterInfo = new CharacterInfo[bmFont.glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < bmFont.glyphs.Count; i++) { BMGlyph bmInfo = bmFont.glyphs[i]; CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index = bmInfo.index; info.uv.x = (float)bmInfo.x / (float)bmFont.texWidth; info.uv.y = 1 - (float)bmInfo.y / (float)bmFont.texHeight; info.uv.width = (float)bmInfo.width / (float)bmFont.texWidth; info.uv.height = -1f * (float)bmInfo.height / (float)bmFont.texHeight; info.vert.x = 0; info.vert.y = -(float)bmInfo.height; info.vert.width = (float)bmInfo.width; info.vert.height = (float)bmInfo.height; info.width = (float)bmInfo.advance; characterInfo[i] = info; } targetFont.characterInfo = characterInfo; if (fontMaterial) { fontMaterial.mainTexture = fontTexture; } targetFont.material = fontMaterial; EditorUtility.SetDirty(targetFont); Debug.Log("create font <" + + "> success"); }
public bool LegacyCheck() { if ((this.mGlyphs != null) && (this.mGlyphs.Length > 0)) { int index = 0; int length = this.mGlyphs.Length; while (index < length) { BMGlyph item = this.mGlyphs[index]; if (item != null) { item.index = index; this.mSaved.Add(item); while (++index < length) { if (item != null) { item.index = index; this.mSaved.Add(item); } } this.mGlyphs = null; return(true); } index++; } this.mGlyphs = null; } return(false); }
public unsafe override void Unity_NamedSerialize(int depth) { ISerializedNamedStateWriter arg_1F_0 = SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance; int arg_1F_1 = this.mSize; byte[] var_0_cp_0 = $FieldNamesStorage.$RuntimeNames; int var_0_cp_1 = 0; arg_1F_0.WriteInt32(arg_1F_1, &var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 1659); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.WriteInt32(this.mBase, &var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2092); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.WriteInt32(this.mWidth, &var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2098); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.WriteInt32(this.mHeight, &var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2105); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.WriteString(this.mSpriteName, &var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2113); if (depth <= 7) { if (this.mSaved == null) { SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.BeginSequenceGroup(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2125, 0); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } else { SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.BeginSequenceGroup(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2125, this.mSaved.Count); for (int i = 0; i < this.mSaved.Count; i++) { BMGlyph arg_10A_0 = (this.mSaved[i] != null) ? this.mSaved[i] : new BMGlyph(); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.BeginMetaGroup((IntPtr)0); arg_10A_0.Unity_NamedSerialize(depth + 1); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } } }
public BMGlyph GetGlyph(int index, bool createIfMissing) { BMGlyph glyph = null; if (mDict.Count == 0) { var num = 0; var count = mSaved.Count; while (num < count) { var glyph2 = mSaved[num]; mDict.Add(glyph2.index, glyph2); num++; } } if (!mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph) && createIfMissing) { glyph = new BMGlyph { index = index }; mSaved.Add(glyph); mDict.Add(index, glyph); } return(glyph); }
public unsafe override void Unity_NamedDeserialize(int depth) { ISerializedNamedStateReader arg_1A_0 = SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance; byte[] var_0_cp_0 = $FieldNamesStorage.$RuntimeNames; int var_0_cp_1 = 0; this.mSize = arg_1A_0.ReadInt32(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 1659); this.mBase = SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.ReadInt32(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2092); this.mWidth = SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.ReadInt32(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2098); this.mHeight = SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.ReadInt32(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2105); this.mSpriteName = (SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.ReadString(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2113) as string); if (depth <= 7) { int num = SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.BeginSequenceGroup(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2125); this.mSaved = new List <BMGlyph>(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { BMGlyph bMGlyph = new BMGlyph(); BMGlyph arg_C7_0 = bMGlyph; SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.BeginMetaGroup((IntPtr)0); arg_C7_0.Unity_NamedDeserialize(depth + 1); SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); this.mSaved.Add(bMGlyph); } SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } }
/// <summary> /// Different line wrapping functionality -- contributed by MightyM. /// /// </summary> public string GetEndOfLineThatFits(string text, float maxWidth, bool encoding, SymbolStyle symbolStyle) { if (mReplacement != null) { return(mReplacement.GetEndOfLineThatFits(text, maxWidth, encoding, symbolStyle)); } int lineWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(maxWidth * size); if (lineWidth < 1) { return(text); } int textLength = text.Length; int remainingWidth = lineWidth; BMGlyph followingGlyph = null; int currentCharacterIndex = textLength; bool useSymbols = encoding && symbolStyle != SymbolStyle.None && hasSymbols; while (currentCharacterIndex > 0 && remainingWidth > 0) { char currentCharacter = text[--currentCharacterIndex]; // See if there is a symbol matching this text BMSymbol symbol = useSymbols ? MatchSymbol(text, currentCharacterIndex, textLength) : null; // Calculate how wide this symbol or character is going to be int glyphWidth = mSpacingX; if (symbol != null && symbol.Validate(atlas)) { glyphWidth += symbol.advance; } else { // Find the glyph for this character BMGlyph glyph = mFont.GetGlyph(currentCharacter); if (glyph != null) { glyphWidth += glyph.advance + ((followingGlyph == null) ? 0 : followingGlyph.GetKerning(currentCharacter)); followingGlyph = glyph; } else { followingGlyph = null; continue; } } // Remaining width after this glyph gets printed remainingWidth -= glyphWidth; } if (remainingWidth < 0) { ++currentCharacterIndex; } return(text.Substring(currentCharacterIndex, textLength - currentCharacterIndex)); }
/// <summary> /// Trim the glyphs, making sure they never go past the trimmed texture bounds. /// </summary> void Trim() { Texture tex = mAtlas.texture; if (tex != null && mSprite != null) { Rect full = NGUIMath.ConvertToPixels(mUVRect, texture.width, texture.height, true); Rect trimmed = (mAtlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.TexCoords) ? NGUIMath.ConvertToPixels(mSprite.outer, tex.width, tex.height, true) : mSprite.outer; int xMin = Mathf.RoundToInt(trimmed.xMin - full.xMin); int yMin = Mathf.RoundToInt(trimmed.yMin - full.yMin); int xMax = Mathf.RoundToInt(trimmed.xMax - full.xMin); int yMax = Mathf.RoundToInt(trimmed.yMax - full.yMin); for (int i = 0; i < mFont.glyphCount; ++i) { BMGlyph glyph = mFont.GetGlyph(i); if (glyph != null) { glyph.Trim(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax); } } } }
public static void BatchCreateArtistFont() { string dirName = ""; string fntname = EditorUtils.SelectObjectPathInfo(ref dirName).Split('.')[0]; Debug.Log(fntname); Debug.Log(dirName); string fntFileName = dirName + fntname + ".fnt"; Font CustomFont = new Font(); { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(CustomFont, dirName + fntname + ".fontsettings"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } TextAsset BMFontText = null; { BMFontText = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fntFileName, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset; } BMFont mbFont = new BMFont(); BMFontReader.Load(mbFont,, BMFontText.bytes); // 借用NGUI封装的读取类 CharacterInfo[] characterInfo = new CharacterInfo[mbFont.glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < mbFont.glyphs.Count; i++) { BMGlyph bmInfo = mbFont.glyphs[i]; CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index = bmInfo.index; info.uvTopLeft = new Vector2((float)bmInfo.x / (float)mbFont.texWidth, (float)(bmInfo.y + bmInfo.height) / (float)mbFont.texHeight); info.uvTopRight = new Vector2((float)(bmInfo.x + bmInfo.width) / (float)mbFont.texWidth, (float)(bmInfo.y + bmInfo.height) / (float)mbFont.texHeight); info.uvBottomLeft = new Vector2((float)bmInfo.x / (float)mbFont.texWidth, (float)bmInfo.y / (float)mbFont.texHeight); info.uvBottomRight = new Vector2((float)(bmInfo.x + bmInfo.width) / (float)mbFont.texWidth, (float)(bmInfo.y) / (float)mbFont.texHeight); info.minX = bmInfo.offsetX; info.minY = bmInfo.offsetY; info.maxX = bmInfo.width; info.maxY = bmInfo.height; info.advance = bmInfo.advance; characterInfo[i] = info; } CustomFont.characterInfo = characterInfo; string textureFilename = dirName + mbFont.spriteName + ".png"; Material mat = null; { Shader shader = Shader.Find("UI/Unlit/Text"); mat = new Material(shader); Texture tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(textureFilename, typeof(Texture)) as Texture; mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", tex); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, dirName + fntname + ".mat"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } CustomFont.material = mat; }
public BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult GetOrCreateGlyph(int index, out BMGlyph glyph) { if (!this.mDictMade) { this.mDictMade = true; this.mDictAny = true; int count = this.mSaved.Count; if (count == 0 && this.LegacyCheck()) { count = this.mSaved.Count; } if (count <= 0) { this.mDict = BMFont.CreateGlyphDictionary(); } else { this.mDict = BMFont.CreateGlyphDictionary(count + 1); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BMGlyph item = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(item.index, item); if (item.index == index) { glyph = item; while (true) { int num = i - 1; i = num; if (num < 0) { break; } item = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(item.index, item); } return(BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Found | BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Created); } } } } else if (!this.mDictAny) { this.mDict = BMFont.CreateGlyphDictionary(); this.mDictAny = true; } else if (this.mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph)) { return(BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Found | BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Created); } glyph = new BMGlyph() { index = index }; this.mDict.Add(index, glyph); return(BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Created); }
public static CharacterInfo[] retriveCharInfos(BMFont bmFont) { // BMFont bmFont = new BMFont (); // // // 读取fnt字体信息 // BMFontReader.Load(bmFont,, fntSettings.bytes); // 创建Unity自定义字体信息 CharacterInfo[] characterInfo = new CharacterInfo[bmFont.glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < bmFont.glyphs.Count; i++) { BMGlyph bmInfo = bmFont.glyphs[i]; CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index = bmInfo.index; // float x = (float)bmInfo.x / (float)mbFont.texWidth; // float y = 1 - (float)bmInfo.y / (float)mbFont.texHeight; // info.uvBottomLeft = new Vector2(x, y); // info.uv.x = (float)bmInfo.x / (float)bmFont.texWidth; // info.uv.y = 1 - (float)bmInfo.y / (float)bmFont.texHeight; // info.uv.width = (float)bmInfo.width / (float)bmFont.texWidth; // info.uv.height = -1f * ((float)bmInfo.height )/ (float)bmFont.texHeight; // info.vert.x = (float)bmInfo.offsetX; // info.vert.y = 0f; // info.vert.width = (float)bmInfo.width; // info.vert.height = (float)bmInfo.height; // info.width = (float)bmInfo.advance; // 左上 info.uvTopLeft = new Vector2((float)bmInfo.x / (float)bmFont.texWidth, 1.0f - (float)bmInfo.y / (float)bmFont.texHeight); // 右下 info.uvBottomRight = new Vector2((float)(bmInfo.width + bmInfo.x) / (float)bmFont.texWidth, 1.0f - ((float)(bmInfo.y + bmInfo.height)) / (float)bmFont.texHeight); info.minX = bmInfo.offsetX; info.minY = bmInfo.offsetY; info.maxX = info.minX + bmInfo.width; info.maxY = info.maxY + bmInfo.height; info.advance = bmInfo.advance; // info.uvBottomLeft.x = (float)bmInfo.x / (float)bmFont.texWidth; // info.uvBottomLeft.y = 1 - (float)bmInfo.y / (float)bmFont.texHeight; // info.uv.width = (float)bmInfo.width / (float)bmFont.texWidth; // info.uv.height = -1f * ((float)bmInfo.height )/ (float)bmFont.texHeight; // info.vert.x = (float)bmInfo.offsetX; // info.vert.y = 0f; // info.vert.width = (float)bmInfo.width; // info.vert.height = (float)bmInfo.height; // info.width = (float)bmInfo.advance; characterInfo[i] = info; } // _TargetFnt.characterInfo = characterInfo; return(characterInfo); }
public static void GenerateBMFont() { Font selectedFont = null; TextAsset selectedData = null; BMFont bmFont = new BMFont(); Object[] selectedObjects = Selection.objects; Object selectedObject = null; for (int selectedObjectIndex = 0; selectedObjectIndex < selectedObjects.Length; selectedObjectIndex++) { selectedObject = selectedObjects[selectedObjectIndex]; if (selectedObject is Font) { selectedFont = selectedObject as Font; } else if (selectedObject is TextAsset) { selectedData = selectedObject as TextAsset; } } if (selectedFont == null || selectedData == null) { string fontNullInfo = selectedFont == null ? "Font is null." : string.Empty; string dataNullInfo = selectedData == null ? "Data is null." : string.Empty; Debugger.Log(fontNullInfo + dataNullInfo); return; } else { Debugger.Log(string.Format("Selected Font:{0}, Selected Data:{1}",,; BMFontReader.Load(bmFont,, selectedData.bytes); CharacterInfo[] characterInfos = new CharacterInfo[bmFont.glyphs.Count]; int characterInfoLength = bmFont.glyphs.Count; for (int index = 0; index < characterInfoLength; index++) { BMGlyph bmGlyph = bmFont.glyphs[index]; CharacterInfo characterInfo = new CharacterInfo(); characterInfo.index = bmGlyph.index; characterInfo.uv.x = (float)bmGlyph.x / (float)bmFont.texWidth; characterInfo.uv.y = 1 - (float)bmGlyph.y / (float)bmFont.texHeight; characterInfo.uv.width = (float)bmGlyph.width / (float)bmFont.texWidth; characterInfo.uv.height = -1f * (float)bmGlyph.height / (float)bmFont.texHeight; characterInfo.vert.x = bmGlyph.offsetX; characterInfo.vert.y = bmGlyph.offsetY; characterInfo.vert.width = bmGlyph.width; characterInfo.vert.height = bmGlyph.height; characterInfo.width = bmGlyph.advance; characterInfos[index] = characterInfo; } selectedFont.characterInfo = characterInfos; } }
void OnWizardCreate() { string fontName =; string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(fntTex); path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); var matPath = Path.Combine(path, fontName + ".mat"); var fntMat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(matPath); if (fntMat == null) { fntMat = new Material(Shader.Find("UI/Default")); fntMat.mainTexture = fntTex; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(fntMat, matPath); } var fontPath = Path.Combine(path, fontName + ".fontsettings"); var font = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Font>(fontPath); if (font == null) { font = new Font(fontName); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(font, fontPath); } font.material = fntMat; var bmFont = new BMFont(); BMFontReader.Load(bmFont,, fntTxt.bytes); var charInfos = new CharacterInfo[bmFont.glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < bmFont.glyphs.Count; ++i) { BMGlyph glyph = bmFont.glyphs[i]; //var rect = new Rect(glyph.x, glyph.y, glyph.width, glyph.height); var uvRect = new Rect(glyph.x / (float)bmFont.texWidth, 1 - glyph.y / (float)bmFont.texHeight, glyph.width / (float)bmFont.texWidth, -1 * glyph.height / (float)bmFont.texHeight); var info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index = glyph.index; info.glyphWidth = glyph.width; info.glyphHeight = glyph.height; info.advance = glyph.advance; info.uvTopLeft = uvRect.min;// new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMin); //info.uvBottomRight = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin); //info.uvTopLeft = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax); info.uvBottomRight = uvRect.max;// new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax); charInfos[i] = info; } font.characterInfo = charInfos; //EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("提示", string.Format("功能未实现\nNot Implemented\n実装されていない\nKeine umsetzung"), "确定"); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("提示", string.Format("字体创建完成:{0}。\n注意:需要手动修改一下字体配置,否则退出后不会保存!", fontPath), "确定"); }
public GetOrCreateGlyphResult GetOrCreateGlyph(int index, out BMGlyph glyph) { if (!this.mDictMade) { this.mDictMade = true; this.mDictAny = true; int count = this.mSaved.Count; if ((count == 0) && this.LegacyCheck()) { count = this.mSaved.Count; } if (count > 0) { this.mDict = CreateGlyphDictionary(count + 1); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BMGlyph glyph2 = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(glyph2.index, glyph2); if (glyph2.index == index) { glyph = glyph2; while (--i >= 0) { glyph2 = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(glyph2.index, glyph2); } return(GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Found); } } } else { this.mDict = CreateGlyphDictionary(); } } else if (this.mDictAny) { if (this.mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph)) { return(GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Found); } } else { this.mDict = CreateGlyphDictionary(); this.mDictAny = true; } BMGlyph glyph3 = new BMGlyph { index = index }; glyph = glyph3; this.mDict.Add(index, glyph); return(GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Created); }
public static void BatchCreateArtistFont() { string fntFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeObject); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fntFilePath) || !fntFilePath.Contains(".fnt")) { Debug.LogError("请选择字体文件,后缀为.fnt的文件"); return; } string fntName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fntFilePath); string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fntFilePath); Font CustomFont = new Font(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(CustomFont, Path.Combine(dirName, fntName + ".fontsettings")); CustomFont = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Font>(Path.Combine(dirName, fntName + ".fontsettings")); TextAsset BMFontText = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fntFilePath, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset; BMFont mbFont = new BMFont(); BMFontReader.Load(mbFont,, BMFontText.bytes); // 借用NGUI封装的读取类 CharacterInfo[] characterInfo = new CharacterInfo[mbFont.glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < mbFont.glyphs.Count; i++) { BMGlyph bmInfo = mbFont.glyphs[i]; CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index = bmInfo.index; info.uv.x = (float)bmInfo.x / (float)mbFont.texWidth; info.uv.y = 1 - (float)bmInfo.y / (float)mbFont.texHeight; info.uv.width = (float)bmInfo.width / (float)mbFont.texWidth; info.uv.height = -1f * (float)bmInfo.height / (float)mbFont.texHeight; info.vert.x = (float)bmInfo.offsetX; info.vert.y = (float)bmInfo.offsetY - (float)bmInfo.height / 2; info.vert.width = (float)bmInfo.width; info.vert.height = (float)bmInfo.height; info.width = (float)bmInfo.advance; characterInfo[i] = info; } CustomFont.characterInfo = characterInfo; string textureFilename = Path.Combine(dirName, mbFont.spriteName + ".png"); Shader shader = Shader.Find("GUI/Custom Text Shader"); Material mat = new Material(shader); Texture tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(textureFilename, typeof(Texture)) as Texture; mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", tex); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, Path.Combine(dirName, fntName + ".mat")); CustomFont.material = mat; EditorUtility.SetDirty(CustomFont); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// Trim the glyphs, ensuring that they will never go past the specified bounds. /// </summary> public void Trim(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax) { if (isValid) { for (int i = 0, imax = mSaved.Count; i < imax; ++i) { BMGlyph glyph = mSaved[i]; if (glyph != null) glyph.Trim(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax); } } }
static public int get_index(IntPtr l) { try { BMGlyph self = (BMGlyph)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.index); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
void OnGUI() { //改成拖动文件夹 targetFont = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Target Font", targetFont, typeof(Font), false) as Font; fntData = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Fnt Data", fntData, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; fontMaterial = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Font Material", fontMaterial, typeof(Material), false) as Material; fontTexture = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Font Texture", fontTexture, typeof(Texture2D), false) as Texture2D; if (GUILayout.Button("Create BMFont")) { BMFontReader.Load(bmFont,, fntData.bytes); // 借用NGUI封装的读取类 CharacterInfo[] characterInfo = new CharacterInfo[bmFont.glyphs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < bmFont.glyphs.Count; i++) { BMGlyph bmInfo = bmFont.glyphs[i]; CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index = bmInfo.index; int width = bmInfo.width; int height = bmInfo.height; int texWidth = bmFont.texWidth; int texHeight = bmFont.texHeight; float uvX = 1f * bmInfo.x / texWidth; float uvY = 1 - (1f * bmInfo.y / texHeight); //UV的坐标轴是以左上为0点 float uvWidth = 1f * width / texWidth; float uvHeight = -1f * height / texHeight; info.uvBottomLeft = new Vector2(uvX, uvY); info.uvBottomRight = new Vector2(uvX + uvWidth, uvY); info.uvTopLeft = new Vector2(uvX, uvY + uvHeight); info.uvTopRight = new Vector2(uvX + uvWidth, uvY + uvHeight); info.minX = bmInfo.offsetX; info.minY = bmInfo.offsetY + height / 2; info.maxX = bmInfo.offsetX + width; //todo test info.maxY = bmInfo.offsetY + height; info.glyphWidth = width; info.glyphHeight = -height; // 不知道为什么要用负的,可能跟unity纹理uv有关 info.advance = bmInfo.advance; characterInfo[i] = info; } targetFont.characterInfo = characterInfo; if (fontMaterial) { fontMaterial.mainTexture = fontTexture; } targetFont.material = fontMaterial; fontMaterial.shader = Shader.Find("UI/Default"); Debug.Log("create font <" + + "> success"); Close(); } }
private static void ReadXml(BMFont font, string name, string text) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(text); XmlNode commonNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/font/common"); if (commonNode != null) { font.charSize = GetXmlInt(commonNode.Attributes["lineHeight"].Value); font.baseOffset = GetXmlInt(commonNode.Attributes["base"].Value); font.texWidth = GetXmlInt(commonNode.Attributes["scaleW"].Value); font.texHeight = GetXmlInt(commonNode.Attributes["scaleH"].Value); int pages = GetXmlInt(commonNode.Attributes["pages"].Value); if (pages != 1) { Debug.LogError("Font '" + name + "' must be created with only 1 texture, not " + pages); return; } } XmlNode pageNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/font/pages/page"); if (pageNode != null) { font.spriteName = pageNode.Attributes["file"].Value.Replace(".png", ""); } XmlNodeList charNodes = doc.SelectNodes("/font/chars/char"); foreach (XmlNode node in charNodes) { string chnl = node.Attributes["chnl"].Value; int channel = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chnl) ? 15 : GetXmlInt(chnl); int id = GetXmlInt(node.Attributes["id"].Value); BMGlyph glyph = font.GetGlyph(id, true); if (glyph != null) { glyph.x = GetXmlInt(node.Attributes["x"].Value); glyph.y = GetXmlInt(node.Attributes["y"].Value); glyph.width = GetXmlInt(node.Attributes["width"].Value); glyph.height = GetXmlInt(node.Attributes["height"].Value); glyph.offsetX = GetXmlInt(node.Attributes["xoffset"].Value); glyph.offsetY = GetXmlInt(node.Attributes["yoffset"].Value); glyph.advance = GetXmlInt(node.Attributes["xadvance"].Value); = channel; } else { Debug.Log("Char: " + node.Attributes["id"] + " (" + id + ") is NULL"); } } }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { BMGlyph o; o = new BMGlyph(); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, o); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_index(IntPtr l) { try { BMGlyph self = (BMGlyph)checkSelf(l); System.Int32 v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.index = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_kerning(IntPtr l) { try { BMGlyph self = (BMGlyph)checkSelf(l); System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Int32> v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.kerning = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public static LitJson.JsonData Export(BMGlyph glyph) { var data = new LitJson.JsonData(); data["i"] = glyph.index; data["x"] = glyph.x; data["y"] = glyph.y; data["w"] = glyph.width; data["h"] = glyph.height; data["ox"] = glyph.offsetX; data["oy"] = glyph.offsetY; data["a"] = glyph.advance; data["c"] =; return(data); }
static public int GetKerning(IntPtr l) { try { BMGlyph self = (BMGlyph)checkSelf(l); System.Int32 a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); var ret = self.GetKerning(a1); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, ret); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public BMGlyph GetGlyph(int index, bool createIfMissing) { BMGlyph glyph = null; if (this.mDict.Count == 0) { int num = 0; int count = this.mSaved.Count; while (num < count) { BMGlyph glyph2 = this.mSaved[num]; this.mDict.Add(glyph2.index, glyph2); num++; } } if (!this.mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph) && createIfMissing) { glyph = new BMGlyph(); glyph.index = index; this.mSaved.Add(glyph); this.mDict.Add(index, glyph); } return glyph; }
public bool GetGlyph(int index, out BMGlyph glyph) { if (!this.mDictMade) { this.mDictMade = true; int count = this.mSaved.Count; if (count == 0 && this.LegacyCheck()) { count = this.mSaved.Count; } this.mDictAny = count > 0; if (this.mDictAny) { this.mDict = BMFont.CreateGlyphDictionary(count); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BMGlyph item = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(item.index, item); if (item.index == index) { glyph = item; while (true) { int num = i - 1; i = num; if (num < 0) { break; } item = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(item.index, item); } return true; } } } } else if (this.mDictAny) { return this.mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph); } glyph = null; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Helper function that retrieves the specified glyph, creating it if necessary. /// </summary> public BMGlyph GetGlyph(int index, bool createIfMissing) { // Start with a standard UTF-8 character set if (mGlyphs == null) { if (!createIfMissing) return null; int size = GetArraySize(index); if (size == 0) return null; mGlyphs = new BMGlyph[size]; } // If necessary, upgrade to a unicode character set if (index >= mGlyphs.Length) { if (!createIfMissing) return null; int size = GetArraySize(index); if (size == 0) return null; BMGlyph[] glyphs = new BMGlyph[size]; for (int i = 0; i < mGlyphs.Length; ++i) glyphs[i] = mGlyphs[i]; mGlyphs = glyphs; } // Get the requested glyph BMGlyph glyph = mGlyphs[index]; // If the glyph doesn't exist, create it if (glyph == null && createIfMissing) { glyph = new BMGlyph(); mGlyphs[index] = glyph; } return glyph; }
public BMGlyph GetGlyph(int index, bool createIfMissing) { BMGlyph bMGlyph = null; if (this.mDict.Count == 0) { int i = 0; int count = this.mSaved.Count; while (i < count) { BMGlyph bMGlyph2 = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(bMGlyph2.index, bMGlyph2); i++; } } if (!this.mDict.TryGetValue(index, out bMGlyph) && createIfMissing) { bMGlyph = new BMGlyph(); bMGlyph.index = index; this.mSaved.Add(bMGlyph); this.mDict.Add(index, bMGlyph); } return bMGlyph; }
/// <summary> /// Helper function that retrieves the specified glyph, creating it if necessary. /// </summary> public BMGlyph GetGlyph(int index, bool createIfMissing) { // Get the requested glyph BMGlyph glyph = null; if (mDict.Count == 0) { // Legacy check for pre-1.84 fonts if (mSaved.Count == 0) { LegacyCheck(); } else { // Populate the dictionary for faster access foreach (BMGlyph bmg in mSaved) { mDict.Add(bmg.index, bmg); } } } // Saved check is here so that the function call is not needed if it's true if (!mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph) && createIfMissing) { glyph = new BMGlyph(); glyph.index = index; mSaved.Add(glyph); mDict.Add(index, glyph); } return glyph; }
/// <summary> /// Helper function that retrieves the specified glyph, creating it if necessary. /// </summary> public BMGlyph GetGlyph (int index, bool createIfMissing) { // Get the requested glyph BMGlyph glyph = null; if (mDict.Count == 0) { // Populate the dictionary for faster access for (int i = 0, imax = mSaved.Count; i < imax; ++i) { BMGlyph bmg = mSaved[i]; mDict.Add(bmg.index, bmg); } } // Saved check is here so that the function call is not needed if it's true if (!mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph) && createIfMissing) { glyph = new BMGlyph(); glyph.index = index; mSaved.Add(glyph); mDict.Add(index, glyph); } return glyph; }
public void AddChar(char ch, BMGlyph glyph) { _dict[ch] = glyph; }
public BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult GetOrCreateGlyph(int index, out BMGlyph glyph) { if (!this.mDictMade) { this.mDictMade = true; this.mDictAny = true; int count = this.mSaved.Count; if (count == 0 && this.LegacyCheck()) { count = this.mSaved.Count; } if (count <= 0) { this.mDict = BMFont.CreateGlyphDictionary(); } else { this.mDict = BMFont.CreateGlyphDictionary(count + 1); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BMGlyph item = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(item.index, item); if (item.index == index) { glyph = item; while (true) { int num = i - 1; i = num; if (num < 0) { break; } item = this.mSaved[i]; this.mDict.Add(item.index, item); } return BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Found | BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Created; } } } } else if (!this.mDictAny) { this.mDict = BMFont.CreateGlyphDictionary(); this.mDictAny = true; } else if (this.mDict.TryGetValue(index, out glyph)) { return BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Found | BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Created; } glyph = new BMGlyph() { index = index }; this.mDict.Add(index, glyph); return BMFont.GetOrCreateGlyphResult.Created; }