void showInfo() { BLL.wx_fc_yySysset ysBLL = new BLL.wx_fc_yySysset(); BLL.wx_fc_floor fBll = new BLL.wx_fc_floor(); BLL.wx_fc_houseType htBll = new BLL.wx_fc_houseType(); //楼盘 Model.wx_fc_floor fModel = fBll.GetModelList(string.Format(" wid={0} and id={1}", wid, fid))[0]; //系统设置 ysModel = ysBLL.GetModelList(" id=" + fModel.yid)[0]; //我的订单数量 dnum = yiBll.GetRecordCount(" openid='" + openid + "' and fid=" + fid + " and wid=" + wid); //户型 this.rptHx.DataSource = htBll.GetModelList(" fid=" + fModel.Id + " and wid=" + wid); this.rptHx.DataBind(); }
void showInfo() { floor = fBll.GetModelList(string.Format(" wid={0} and id={1}", wid, fid))[0]; if (floor == null) { return; } this.Title = floor.newsTitle; ls = new List <test>(); if (floor.slideA != "") { ls.Add(new test() { Str = floor.slideA }); } if (floor.sildeB != "") { ls.Add(new test() { Str = floor.sildeB }); } if (floor.slideD != "") { ls.Add(new test() { Str = floor.slideD }); } if (floor.slideC != "") { ls.Add(new test() { Str = floor.slideC }); } if (floor.slideE != "") { ls.Add(new test() { Str = floor.slideE }); } this.rptList.DataSource = ls; this.rptList.DataBind(); }