private void ShowInfo(int _id) { Model.wx_fc_floor model = bll.GetModel(_id); Model.wx_requestRule rModel = rBll.GetModelList("modelFunctionName='微房产' and modelFunctionId=" + _id)[0]; this.txtAddress.Text = model.Address; this.txtfSummary.InnerText = model.fSummary; this.txtjtpt.InnerText = model.jtpt; this.txtLngYPoint.Text = model.latY.ToString(); this.txtLatXPoint.Text = model.lngX.ToString(); this.txtNewsTitle.Text = model.newsTitle; this.txtpSummary.InnerText = model.pSummary; this.txtSort_id.Text = model.sort_id.ToString(); this.txtVideo.Text = model.videoUrl; this.txtKW.Text = rModel.reqKeywords; this.slideA.ImageUrl = model.slideA; this.slideAUrl.Text = model.slideA; this.slideC.ImageUrl = model.slideC; this.slideCUrl.Text = model.slideC; this.slideD.ImageUrl = model.slideD; this.slideDUrl.Text = model.slideD; this.slideE.ImageUrl = model.slideE; this.slideEUrl.Text = model.slideE; this.slideB.ImageUrl = model.sildeB; this.slideBUrl.Text = model.sildeB; this.txtNewsCover.Text = model.newsCover; this.imgNewsCover.ImageUrl = model.newsCover; this.txtHtheadImg.Text = model.htheadImg; this.imgHtheadImg.ImageUrl = model.htheadImg; this.txtFheadImg.Text = model.fheadImg; this.imgFheadImg.ImageUrl = model.fheadImg; this.ddlQjt.SelectedValue = model.qid.ToString(); this.ddlYybm.SelectedValue = model.yid.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 微房产 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="apiid"></param> /// <param name="openid"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IList <Model.ResponseContentEntity> WXFReponse(int id, int apiid, string openid) { IList <Model.ResponseContentEntity> responselist = new List <Model.ResponseContentEntity>(); Model.ResponseContentEntity responseEntity = new Model.ResponseContentEntity(); = id; responseEntity.wid = apiid; BLL.wx_fc_floor fcBll = new BLL.wx_fc_floor(); Model.wx_fc_floor actModel = fcBll.GetModel(id); if (actModel == null) { responseEntity.rcType = Model.ReponseContentType.text; responseEntity.rContent = "该房产信息不存在"; } else { responseEntity.rcType = Model.ReponseContentType.txtpic; responseEntity.rContent = actModel.newsTitle; // responseEntity.rContent2 = actModel.pSummary; responseEntity.rContent2 = ""; responseEntity.detailUrl = MyCommFun.getWebSite() + "/weixin/wfangchan/index.aspx?wid=" + apiid + "&fid=" + id; responseEntity.picUrl = actModel.newsCover; } responselist.Add(responseEntity); return(responselist); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { gid = MXRequest.GetQueryInt("gid"); fid = MXRequest.GetQueryInt("fid"); if (!IsPostBack) { BLL.wx_fc_aboutWe awBll = new BLL.wx_fc_aboutWe(); BLL.wx_fc_floor fBll = new BLL.wx_fc_floor(); if (gid > 0) { Model.wx_fc_aboutWe awModel = awBll.GetModel(gid); address = awModel.address; name =; logourl = awModel.logoAddress; tel = awModel.telephone; x = awModel.latY; y = awModel.lngX; } if (fid > 0) { Model.wx_fc_floor fModel = fBll.GetModel(fid); address = fModel.Address; name = fModel.newsTitle; logourl = fModel.newsCover; y = fModel.latY; x = fModel.lngX; } } }
void showInfo() { BLL.wx_fc_yyInfo yBll = new BLL.wx_fc_yyInfo(); BLL.wx_fc_floor fBll = new BLL.wx_fc_floor(); BLL.wx_fc_yySysset ysBll = new BLL.wx_fc_yySysset(); int yid = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(fBll.GetModel(fid).yid); photo = ysBll.GetModel(yid).headImg; this.rptDinfo.DataSource = yBll.GetList(string.Format(" openid='{0}' and wid={1} and fid={2}", openid, wid, fid)); this.rptDinfo.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { fid = MXRequest.GetQueryInt("fid"); wid = MXRequest.GetQueryInt("wid"); openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); if (!IsPostBack) { BLL.wx_fc_houseType htBll = new BLL.wx_fc_houseType(); BLL.wx_fc_floor fBll = new BLL.wx_fc_floor(); fModel = fBll.GetModel(fid); this.rptHt.DataSource = htBll.GetList(string.Format(" wid={0} and fid={1} ", wid, fid)); jlNum = htBll.GetList(string.Format(" wid={0} and fid={1} ", wid, fid)).Tables[0].Rows.Count; this.rptHt.DataBind(); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/json"; string action = MXRequest.GetQueryString("myact"); int wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid"); string openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); #region 添加印象 if (action == "fyyx") { BLL.wx_fc_fyImpression fBll = new BLL.wx_fc_fyImpression(); Dictionary <string, string> jsondict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string imp_user = MyCommFun.QueryString("imp_user"); int fid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("fid"); int record = fBll.GetRecordCount(" content='" + imp_user + "'"); int allrw = fBll.GetRecordCount(" id>0 "); int rep = fBll.GetRecordCount(" openid='" + openid + "'"); if (rep > 0) { jsondict.Add("errno", "2"); jsondict.Add("res", "你已经添加过印象了"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsondict)); return; } if (record > 0)//有过此类印象 { double re = (Convert.ToDouble(record) / allrw) * 100; jsondict.Add("res", re.ToString() + "%"); } else //独特印象 { jsondict.Add("res", "1"); } Model.wx_fc_fyImpression fModel = new Model.wx_fc_fyImpression(); fModel.content = imp_user; fModel.createDate = DateTime.Now; fModel.fid = fid; fModel.openid = openid; fModel.sort_id = 1; fModel.wid = wid; fModel.quantity = 1; fBll.Add(fModel); jsondict.Add("errno", "1"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsondict)); return; } #endregion #region 添加预约订单信息 if (action == "addyydd") { Dictionary <string, string> jsondict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); BLL.wx_fc_yyInfo yBll = new BLL.wx_fc_yyInfo(); BLL.wx_fc_floor fBll = new BLL.wx_fc_floor(); string linkman = MyCommFun.QueryString("truename"); string dateline = MyCommFun.QueryString("dateline"); string timepart = MyCommFun.QueryString("timepart"); int housetype = MyCommFun.RequestInt("housetype"); string info = MyCommFun.QueryString("info"); string tel = MyCommFun.QueryString("tel"); int fid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("fid"); int addOrEdit = MyCommFun.RequestInt("addOrEdit"); int yid = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(fBll.GetModel(fid).yid); Model.wx_fc_yyInfo yyinfo = new Model.wx_fc_yyInfo() { createdate = DateTime.Now, hid = housetype, telephone = tel, remark = info, name = linkman, yydate = MyCommFun.Obj2DateTime(dateline), yydatepart = timepart, wid = wid, fid = fid, yid = yid, openid = openid, orderStatus = "待回复", sort_id = 99 }; if (addOrEdit > 0) { //修改 yyinfo.Id = addOrEdit; yBll.Update(yyinfo); } else //添加 { yBll.Add(yyinfo); } jsondict.Add("errno", "0"); jsondict.Add("content", ""); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsondict)); return; } #endregion #region 加载相册信息 if (action == "xiangce") { BLL.wx_fc_album bll = new BLL.wx_fc_album(); BLL.wx_albums_photo pBll = new BLL.wx_albums_photo(); BLL.wx_albums_info aBll = new BLL.wx_albums_info(); Model.wx_albums_info model = new Model.wx_albums_info(); int fid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("fid"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); sb.Append("showPics(["); //获得楼盘相册 DataTable artlist = bll.GetList(" fid=" + fid).Tables[0]; int a_rowsNum = 0; //每行显示的图片数量 List <Model.wx_albums_photo> allist = new List <Model.wx_albums_photo>(); //图片表 if (artlist != null && artlist.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr; for (int i = 0; i < artlist.Rows.Count; i++)//循环楼盘相册 { dr = artlist.Rows[i]; model = aBll.GetModel(int.Parse(dr["aid"].ToString()));//根据楼盘相册得到该相册基本信息表 //if (model.albums == null || model.albums.Count <= 0) //{ // continue; //} allist = pBll.GetModelList(" aId=" +; sb.Append("{\"title\":\"" + model.aName + "\","); a_rowsNum = (allist.Count) / 2; //第一行 sb.Append(" \"ps1\":["); sb.Append(" { \"type\":\"title\", \"title\":\"" + model.aName + "\", \"subTitle\":\"" + model.aContent + "\"}"); if (a_rowsNum > 0) { sb.Append(","); } for (int h = 0; h < a_rowsNum; h++) { if (h < (a_rowsNum - 1)) { sb.Append(" {\"type\":\"img\",\"name\":\"" + allist[h].pContent + "\",\"img\":\"" + MyCommFun.getWebSite() + allist[h].photoPic + "\",\"size\":[480,450]},"); } else { sb.Append(" {\"type\":\"img\",\"name\":\"" + allist[h].pContent + "\",\"img\":\"" + MyCommFun.getWebSite() + allist[h].photoPic + "\",\"size\":[480,450]}"); } } sb.Append("],"); //第二行 sb.Append(" \"ps2\":["); int h_cishu = 0; for (int h = a_rowsNum; h < allist.Count; h++) { if (h_cishu == 1) { sb.Append(" {\"type\":\"text\",\"content\":\"" + model.aContent + "\"},"); } if (h < (allist.Count - 1)) { sb.Append(" {\"type\":\"img\",\"name\":\"" + allist[h].pContent + "\",\"img\":\"" + MyCommFun.getWebSite() + allist[h].photoPic + "\",\"size\":[480,450]},"); h_cishu++; } else { sb.Append(" {\"type\":\"img\",\"name\":\"" + allist[h].pContent + "\",\"img\":\"" + MyCommFun.getWebSite() + allist[h].photoPic + "\",\"size\":[480,450]}"); } } if (h_cishu == 0) { if (allist.Count > 0) { sb.Append(","); } sb.Append("{\"type\":\"text\",\"content\":\"" + model.aContent + "\"}"); } sb.Append("]"); if (i < (artlist.Rows.Count - 1)) { sb.Append("},"); } else { sb.Append("}"); } } } sb.Append("]);"); context.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); return; } #endregion #region 加载户型图片 if (action == "htImg") { BLL.wx_fc_houseType htBll = new BLL.wx_fc_houseType(); BLL.wx_fc_floor fBll = new BLL.wx_fc_floor(); int fid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("fid"); int htid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("htid"); if (htBll.GetRecordCount(string.Format(" fid={0} and wid={1} and id={2}", fid, wid, htid)) < 1) { return; } Model.wx_fc_houseType htModel = htBll.GetModel(htid); Model.wx_fc_floor fModel = fBll.GetModel(fid); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("showRooms({");//begin sb.Append("\"banner\":\"\","); sb.Append("\"rooms\":[{"); sb.Append("\"name\":\"" + htModel.Name + "\","); sb.Append("\"desc\":\"" + fModel.newsTitle + "\","); sb.Append("\"bimg\":\"" + MyCommFun.getWebSite() + htModel.htimgA + "\","); sb.Append("\"rooms\":\"" + htModel.houseType + "\","); sb.Append("\"area\":\" " + htModel.jzmj + "平方米\","); sb.Append("\"floor\":\"" + htModel.storey + "\","); sb.Append("\"width\":1600,"); sb.Append("\"height\":1600,"); sb.Append("\"pics\":["); //图片区,A List <string> ls = imgstr(htModel); for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { sb.Append("{\"img\":\"" + MyCommFun.getWebSite() + htModel.htimgA + "\","); sb.Append("\"width\":760,"); sb.Append("\"height\":760,"); sb.Append("\"name\":\"" + htModel.Name + "\"}"); if (i != ls.Count) { sb.Append(","); } } sb.Append("],"); //图片end sb.Append("\"dtitle\":[\"建筑面积约" + htModel.jzmj + "平方米\"],"); sb.Append("\"dlist\":[\"" + htModel.Jieshao + "\"]"); sb.Append("}]})");//end context.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); return; } #endregion }
void showInfo() { floor = fBll.GetModel(fid); }