Exemple #1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void PlayBGMusic(string name)
        if (mCurrentBGMusicData != null && name == mCurrentBGMusicData.Name)

        if (mIsCrossFadingBGMusic)
            Debug.LogError("Sorry, can't change background music while in the middle of a cross-fade!", gameObject);

        BGMusicData nextBGMusicData;

        if (mBGMusicDataDict.TryGetValue(name, out nextBGMusicData))
            mIsCrossFadingBGMusic = true;

            var currentBGMusicAudioSource = (mCurrentBGMusicSourceIsA) ? BGMusicAudioSourceA : BGMusicAudioSourceB;
            var nextBGMusicAudioSource    = (mCurrentBGMusicSourceIsA) ? BGMusicAudioSourceB : BGMusicAudioSourceA;

            // Start playing the new clip but fade the volume in from 0
            nextBGMusicAudioSource.clip   = nextBGMusicData.AudioClip;
            nextBGMusicAudioSource.volume = 0.0f;
            nextBGMusicAudioSource.time = (nextBGMusicData.ContinueFromLastPlayback) ? nextBGMusicData.LastPlaybackTime : 0.0f;

            LeanTween.value(0.0f, 1.0f, BGMusicCrossFadeDuration).setOnUpdate((float value) =>
                currentBGMusicAudioSource.volume = (1.0f - value);
                nextBGMusicAudioSource.volume    = (value);
            }).setOnComplete(() =>
                if (mCurrentBGMusicData != null)
                    mCurrentBGMusicData.LastPlaybackTime = currentBGMusicAudioSource.time;

                mCurrentBGMusicData = nextBGMusicData;
                mCurrentBGMusicSourceIsA = !mCurrentBGMusicSourceIsA;
                mIsCrossFadingBGMusic    = false;
            Debug.LogError("Couldn't find backgroud music with the name: " + name);
    static SoundManager()
        Dictionary <BackgroundMusicType, BGMusicData> dictionary = new Dictionary <BackgroundMusicType, BGMusicData>();
        BGMusicData data = new BGMusicData {
            path   = "uibg",
            volume = 1f

        dictionary.Add(BackgroundMusicType.eMain, data);
        data = new BGMusicData {
            path   = "battlebg",
            volume = 0.5f
        dictionary.Add(BackgroundMusicType.eBattle, data);
        mBGList = dictionary;