public void SetPosition(double raHours, double deDeg, DateTime utcTime, bool isVideoNormalPosition, bool highPrecision = false) { double roundedTime = (utcTime.Hour + utcTime.Minute / 60.0 + (utcTime.Second + (utcTime.Millisecond / 1000.0)) / 3600.0) / 24; string format = "00.000000"; if (isVideoNormalPosition) { roundedTime = Math.Truncate(Math.Round(roundedTime * 1000000)) / 1000000; format = "00.000000"; } else { roundedTime = Math.Truncate(Math.Round(roundedTime * 100000)) / 100000; format = "00.00000"; } m_TimeString_16_32 = (utcTime.ToString("yyyy MM ") + (utcTime.Day + roundedTime).ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).PadRight(17).Substring(0, 17); if (highPrecision) { m_RAString_33_44 = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raHours, "HH MM SS.TTT").PadRight(13).Substring(0, 13); m_DEString_45_56 = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+HH MM SS.TT").PadRight(13).Substring(0, 13); } else { m_RAString_33_44 = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raHours, "HH MM SS.TT").PadRight(12).Substring(0, 12); m_DEString_45_56 = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+HH MM SS.T").PadRight(12).Substring(0, 12); } SetVideoNormalPosition(isVideoNormalPosition); }
public void ShowImageHeader(AstroImage currentImage) { try { var hdr = new QHYImageHeader(currentImage); lblSeqNo.Text = hdr.SeqNumber.ToString(); lblTempNo.Text = hdr.TempNumber.ToString(); lblGpsState.Text = hdr.GPSStatus.ToString(); lblMaxClock.Text = hdr.MaxClock.ToString(); try { lblStartTime.Text = hdr.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff"); lblEndTime.Text = hdr.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff"); } catch { } lblStartFlag.Text = "0x" + Convert.ToString(hdr.StartFlag, 16).PadLeft(2, '0'); lblEndFlag.Text = "0x" + Convert.ToString(hdr.EndFlag, 16).PadLeft(2, '0'); lblNowFlag.Text = "0x" + Convert.ToString(hdr.NowFlag, 16).PadLeft(2, '0'); lblLongitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(hdr.ParseLongitude, "+DD°MM'SS.TT\""); lblLatitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(hdr.ParseLatitude, "+DD°MM'SS.TT\""); lblImageSize.Text = string.Format("{0} x {1}", hdr.Width, hdr.Height); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex); } }
public static List <MPCheckEntry> CheckRegion( DateTime utcDate, double raDeg, double deDeg, double radiusArcMin, double magLimit, string observatoryCode) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Checking potential objects around RA:{0:0.0000}, DEC:{1:0.0000} at {2} UTC for observatory code {3})", raDeg / 15, deDeg, utcDate.ToString("yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss"), observatoryCode)); double dayPart = utcDate.Day + (utcDate.Hour + utcDate.Minute / 60.0 + (utcDate.Second + (utcDate.Millisecond / 1000.0)) / 3600.0) / 24.0; string requestUrl = string.Format( TangraConfig.Settings.Urls.MPCheckHttpsServiceUrl + "?year={0}&month={1}&day={2}&which=pos&ra={3}&decl={4}&TextArea=&radius={5}&limit={6}&oc={7}&sort=d&mot=h&tmot=s&pdes=u&needed=f&ps=n&type=p", utcDate.Year, utcDate.Month, dayPart.ToString("0.000"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raDeg / 15.0, "HH MM SS"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+DD MM SS"), radiusArcMin.ToString("0"), magLimit.ToString("0.0"), observatoryCode); ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls; try { HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUrl); Version ver = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; req.UserAgent = "Tangra, ver " + ver.ToString(); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); string responseString = null; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { responseString = reader.ReadToEnd(); } int startIdx = responseString.IndexOf("<pre>"); int endIdx = responseString.IndexOf("</pre>"); if (startIdx > -1) { List <MPCheckEntry> parsedData = ParseMPCheckResponse(responseString.Substring(startIdx + 5, endIdx - startIdx - 5)); return(parsedData); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return(new List <MPCheckEntry>()); }
public frmRovingObsLocation() { InitializeComponent(); if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLongitude == null) { cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = -1; tbxLongitude.Text = string.Empty; } else { double longNoSign = Math.Abs(TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLongitude.Value); tbxLongitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(longNoSign, "DD MM SS"); if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLongitude.Value < 0) { cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = 0; } } if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLatitude == null) { cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = -1; tbxLatitude.Text = string.Empty; } else { double latNoSign = Math.Abs(TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLatitude.Value); tbxLatitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(latNoSign, "DD MM SS"); if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLatitude.Value < 0) { cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = 0; } } if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingAltitude != null) { tbxAltitude.Text = string.Format("{0:0}", TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingAltitude.Value); } else { tbxAltitude.Text = string.Empty; } }
private void SaveHeader() { Header.AddValue("HISTORY", "Fits header populated by Tangra v0.1", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxObject.Text)) { Header.AddValue("OBJECT", tbxObject.Text, null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxScope.Text)) { Header.AddValue("TELESCO", tbxScope.Text, null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxCamera.Text)) { Header.AddValue("INSTRUME", tbxCamera.Text, null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxObserver.Text)) { Header.AddValue("OBSERVER", tbxObserver.Text, null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxNotes.Text)) { Header.AddValue("NOTES", tbxNotes.Text, null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxRA.Text)) { Header.AddValue("OBJCTRA", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_RA, "HH MM SS.TT"), string.Empty); Header.AddValue("RA", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_RA, "HH MM SS.TT"), string.Empty); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxDE.Text)) { Header.AddValue("OBJCTDEC", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_DEC, "DD MM SS.T"), string.Empty); Header.AddValue("DEC", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_DEC, "DD MM SS.T"), string.Empty); } if (cbxDateTime.Checked) { Header.AddValue("DATE-OBS", m_ExposureTime, string.Empty); Header.AddValue("TIMESYS", "UTC", "Default time system"); } Header.AddValue("CLRBAND", "R", string.Empty); }
public override void LoadSettings() { m_CatalogValidator = new StarCatalogueFacade(TangraConfig.Settings.StarCatalogue); if (double.IsNaN(TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Longitude)) { cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = -1; tbxLongitude.Text = string.Empty; } else { double longNoSign = Math.Abs(TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Longitude); tbxLongitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(longNoSign, "DD MM SS"); if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Longitude < 0) { cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = 0; } } rbMPCCode.Checked = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.UseMPCCode; tbxMPCCode.Text = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.MPCObservatoryCode; if (double.IsNaN(TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Latitude)) { cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = -1; tbxLatitude.Text = string.Empty; } else { double latNoSign = Math.Abs(TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Latitude); tbxLatitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(latNoSign, "DD MM SS"); if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Latitude < 0) { cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = 0; } } }
internal void SelectStar(PlateConstStarPair selectedPair, PSFFit psfFit) { if (selectedPair != null) { lblStarNo.Text = selectedPair.StarNo.ToString(); lblRA.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(selectedPair.RADeg / 15.0, "HH MM SS.TT"); lblDE.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(selectedPair.DEDeg, "+DD MM SS.T"); lblX.Text = selectedPair.x.ToString("0.00"); lblY.Text = selectedPair.y.ToString("0.00"); lblResRA.Text = string.Format("{0}\"", selectedPair.FitInfo.ResidualRAArcSec.ToString("0.00")); lblResDE.Text = string.Format("{0}\"", selectedPair.FitInfo.ResidualDEArcSec.ToString("0.00")); m_SelectedPSF = psfFit; } else { m_SelectedPSF = null; } pnlSelectedStar.Visible = selectedPair != null; }
public frmConfigureCsvExport() { InitializeComponent(); TrackedObjects = new List <TrackedObjectConfig>(); pb1.Image = new Bitmap(pb1.Width, pb1.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); pb2.Image = new Bitmap(pb2.Width, pb1.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); pb3.Image = new Bitmap(pb3.Width, pb1.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); pb4.Image = new Bitmap(pb4.Width, pb1.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); try { CoordsAndLocation savedSettings = Properties.Settings.Default.AtmExtRememberedConfig.Deserialize <CoordsAndLocation>(); tbxRA.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(savedSettings.RAHours, "HH MM SS"); tbxDec.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(savedSettings.DEDeg, "+DD MM SS"); tbxLatitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(savedSettings.LatitudeDeg, "+DD MM SS"); tbxLongitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(savedSettings.LongitudeDeg, "DDD MM SS"); tbxHeightKm.Text = savedSettings.HeightKM.ToString("0.000"); } catch { } }
public override void MouseMove(Point location) { if (m_State == FittingsState.Activated) { base.MouseMove(location); } else if (m_State == FittingsState.Solved && m_SolvedPlate != null) { double ra, de; m_SolvedPlate.GetRADEFromImageCoords(location.X, location.Y, out ra, out de); string info = string.Format("RA={0} DE={1}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(ra / 15, "HHhMMmSS.Ts"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(de, "+DD°MM'SS\"")); m_VideoController.DisplayCursorPositionDetails(location, info); } else { if (m_State == FittingsState.Configuring) { m_OSDExcluderTool.MouseMove(location); } m_VideoController.DisplayCursorPositionDetails(location, null); } }
public override void MouseMove(Point location) { IStarMap map = AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap; if (map == null) { return; } bool nearbyStarFound = false; AstrometricState state = AstrometryContext.Current.AstrometricState; if (state != null) { if (state.AstrometricFit != null) { for (int radius = 1; radius < 8; radius++) { ImagePixel centroid = map.GetCentroid(location.X, location.Y, radius); if (centroid == null) { continue; } foreach (PlateConstStarPair star in state.AstrometricFit.FitInfo.AllStarPairs) { if (Math.Abs(star.x - centroid.XDouble) < radius && Math.Abs(star.y - centroid.YDouble) < radius) { m_Object = star; nearbyStarFound = true; break; } } if (nearbyStarFound) { break; } } if (!nearbyStarFound) { m_State = SelectObjectState.NoObject; } else { m_State = SelectObjectState.ObjectLocked; } if (m_AstrometricState.MeasuringState == AstrometryInFramesState.Ready) { double ra, de; state.AstrometricFit.GetRADEFromImageCoords(location.X, location.Y, out ra, out de); string moreInfo = string.Format("RA={0} DE={1}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(ra / 15, "HHhMMmSS.Ts"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(de, "+DD°MM'SS\"")); m_VideoController.DisplayCursorPositionDetails(location, moreInfo); } } else { StarMapFeature nearbyFeature = map.GetFeatureInRadius(location.X, location.Y, 8); nearbyStarFound = nearbyFeature != null && nearbyFeature.PixelCount > 4; } m_VideoController.SetPictureBoxCursor(nearbyStarFound ? Cursors.Hand : (state.ManualStarIdentificationMode ? Cursors.Cross : Cursors.Default)); } }
private void btnGenerateVideo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateParameters()) { return; } if (cbxVideoFormat.SelectedIndex == 0) { saveFileDialog.Filter = "AAV Files (*.aav)|*.aav"; saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = "aav"; } else if (cbxVideoFormat.SelectedIndex == 1) { saveFileDialog.Filter = "AVI Files (*.avi)|*.avi"; saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = "avi"; } if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { UsageStats.Instance.ModelVideosGenerated++; UsageStats.Instance.Save(); var config = new ModelConfig() { FileName = saveFileDialog.FileName, IsAAVFile = cbxVideoFormat.SelectedIndex == 0, Integration = (int)Math.Pow(2, cbxAAVIntegration.SelectedIndex), TotalFrames = (int)nudTotalFrames.Value, FrameWidth = (int)nudFrameWidth.Value, FrameHeight = (int)nudFrameHeight.Value, NoiseMean = (int)nudNoiseMean.Value, NoiseStdDev = (int)nudNoiseStdDev.Value, FlickeringStdDev = (int)nudStarFlickering.Value, FWHM = (double)nudStar1FWHM.Value, BrighestUnsaturatedStarMag = (double)nudFirstSaturatedMag.Value, LimitStarMag = (double)nudLimitMag.Value, RADeg2000 = m_RA * 15, DEDeg2000 = m_DE, PlatePixWidth = (double)nudPlatePixWidth.Value, PlatePixHeight = (double)nudPlatePixHeight.Value, PlateFocLength = (double)nudPlateFocLength.Value, PhotometricFilter = (ModelledFilter)cbxPhotometricFilter.SelectedIndex, BVSlope = (double)nudBVSlope.Value, LinearityCoefficient = (double)nudNonLinearity.Value, DarkFrameMean = cbxProduceDark.Checked ? (int)nudDarkMean.Value : 0, CheckMagnitudes = cbxCheckMagnitudes.Checked, PSFMagnitudeModelling = cbxPSFStarModelling.Checked }; config.PlateRotAngleRadians = (double)nudPlateRotation.Value * Math.PI / 180.0; config.MatrixToImageScaleX = config.FrameWidth / (double)nudMatrixWidth.Value; config.MatrixToImageScaleY = config.FrameHeight / (double)nudMatrixHeight.Value; config.InfoLine1 = string.Format("Model Video Generated by Tangra v.{0}", ((AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), true)[0]).Version); config.InfoLine2 = string.Format("Noise: {0} +/- {1}, Flickering: {2}, FWHM: {3}", config.NoiseMean, config.NoiseStdDev, config.FlickeringStdDev, config.FWHM.ToString("0.0")); config.InfoLine3 = String.Format("Field Center: RA={0} DE={1}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_RA, "HHh MMm SSs"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_DE, "+DDo MM' SS\"")); config.InfoLine4 = ""; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(GenerateSimulatedVideo), config); } }
public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotSlowMotion( Dictionary <int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements, FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext, GetProcessingValueCallback getValueCallback, Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth) { // Compute median, use median based exclusion rules // Report the median position for the time at the middle of the measured interval // Do not expect elongated image (no corrections from the exposure) // May apply instrumental delay corrections for the frame time var rv = new ProcessingReturnValues(); double sum = 0; double userSum = 0; double stdDevUserSum = 0; int numFramesUser = 0; double userMidFrom = meaContext.UserMidValue - meaContext.MaxStdDev; double userMidTo = meaContext.UserMidValue + meaContext.MaxStdDev; rv.EarliestFrame = int.MaxValue; rv.LatestFrame = int.MinValue; List <double> medianList = new List <double>(); List <double> medianWeightsList = new List <double>(); var minPosUncertaintyArcSec = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.AssumedPositionUncertaintyPixels * meaContext.ArsSecsInPixel; foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values) { float x = (measurement.FrameNo - meaContext.MinFrameNo) * xScale + 5; ProcessingValues val = getValueCallback(measurement); double valueFrom = val.Value - val.StdDev; double valueTo = val.Value + val.StdDev; float yFrom = (float)(valueFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; float yTo = (float)(valueTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; sum += val.Value; Pen mPen = plottingContext.IncludedPen; if (!double.IsNaN(meaContext.UserMidValue)) { if ((valueFrom >= userMidFrom && valueFrom <= userMidTo) || (valueTo >= userMidFrom && valueTo <= userMidTo)) { numFramesUser++; userSum += val.Value; medianList.Add(val.Value); medianWeightsList.Add(ComputePositionWeight(val.StdDev, measurement, minPosUncertaintyArcSec, WeightingMode.SNR)); stdDevUserSum += val.StdDev * val.StdDev; if (rv.EarliestFrame > measurement.FrameNo) { rv.EarliestFrame = measurement.FrameNo; } if (rv.LatestFrame < measurement.FrameNo) { rv.LatestFrame = measurement.FrameNo; } } else { mPen = plottingContext.ExcludedPen; } } g.DrawLine(mPen, x, yFrom, x, yTo); g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 1, yFrom, x + 1, yFrom); g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 1, yTo, x + 1, yTo); } if (!double.IsNaN(meaContext.UserMidValue) && numFramesUser > 0) { double average = userSum / numFramesUser; double err = Math.Sqrt(stdDevUserSum) / (numFramesUser - 1); float yAve = (float)(average - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve - 1, imageWidth - 5, yAve - 1); g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve, imageWidth - 5, yAve); g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve + 1, imageWidth - 5, yAve + 1); float yMin = (float)(userMidFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; float yMax = (float)(userMidTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yMin, imageWidth - 5, yMin); g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yMax, imageWidth - 5, yMax); double median; double medianWeight; WeightedMedian(Tuple.Create(medianList, medianWeightsList), out median, out medianWeight); double standardMedian = medianList.Median(); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}; Included: {1}; Average: {2}; Wighted Median: {3}; Standard Median: {4}", meaContext.UserMidValue.ToString("0.00000"), numFramesUser, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(average, "+HH MM SS.TTT"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(median, "+HH MM SS.TTT"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(standardMedian, "+HH MM SS.TTT"))); rv.FittedValue = median; var stdDevArcSec = 3600 * Math.Sqrt(medianList.Sum(x => (x - median) * (x - median)) / (medianList.Count - 1)); var tCoeff95 = TDistribution.CalculateCriticalValue(medianList.Count, (1 - 0.95), 0.0001); var error95 = 1.253 * tCoeff95 * stdDevArcSec / Math.Sqrt(medianList.Count); rv.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec = error95; rv.IsVideoNormalPosition = false; } else { double average = sum / measurements.Count; float yAve = (float)(average - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; g.DrawLine(Pens.WhiteSmoke, 5, yAve, imageWidth - 5, yAve); rv.FittedValue = double.NaN; } return(rv); }
private string IAU_Id() { return(string.Format("PPMXL {0}{1}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_RADeg, "HHMMSS.T"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_DEDeg, "+DDMMSS"))); }
private bool CheckInputAndLoadStars() { if (!TangraContext.Current.HasImageLoaded) { MessageBox.Show(this, "There is no loaded frame/image", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Close(); } m_RAHours = double.NaN; m_DEDeg = double.NaN; Context.ObsCode = tbxObsCode.Text; if (rbKnownCenter.Checked) { try { m_RAHours = AstroConvert.ToRightAcsension(cbxRA.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show(this, "Enter a valid RA value", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); cbxRA.Focus(); cbxRA.Select(); return(false); } try { m_DEDeg = AstroConvert.ToDeclination(cbxDE.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show(this, "Enter a valid DE value", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); cbxDE.Focus(); cbxDE.Select(); return(false); } cbxRA.Persist(); cbxDE.Persist(); } else if (rbKnownObject.Checked) { // Connect to MPC to find the object coordinates MPEph2.MPEphEntry position = null; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Enabled = false; try { if (!TangraConfig.Settings.HasSiteCoordinatesOrCOD && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxObsCode.Text)) { m_VideoController.ShowTangraSettingsDialog(false, true); if (!TangraConfig.Settings.HasSiteCoordinatesOrCOD) { return(false); } } Refresh(); frmIdentifyObjects frm; if (TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.UseMPCCode || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxObsCode.Text)) { Context.ObsCode = tbxObsCode.Text; frm = new frmIdentifyObjects(cbxObject.Text, Context.UtcTime, Context.ObsCode); } else { frm = new frmIdentifyObjects( cbxObject.Text, Context.UtcTime, TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Longitude, TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Latitude); } if (m_VideoController.ShowDialog(frm) == DialogResult.OK) { position = frm.Position; } } finally { Enabled = true; Cursor = Cursors.Default; } if (position == null) { MessageBox.Show( this, string.Format(string.Format("Could not retrieve the position of '{0}' from MPC. Is your internet connection active? Is the designation correct?", cbxObject.Text)), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); cbxObject.Focus(); cbxObject.Select(); return(false); } else { m_RAHours = position.RAHours; m_DEDeg = position.DEDeg; cbxObject.Persist(); Context.FoundObject = position; } } Context.RADeg = m_RAHours * 15; Context.DEDeg = m_DEDeg; Context.ErrFoVs = (double)nudError.Value; Context.Method = RecognitionMethod.KnownCenter; Context.LimitMagn = (double)nudFaintestMag.Value; float epoch = Context.UtcTime.Year + Context.UtcTime.DayOfYear / 365.25f; if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceInfo()) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Loading stars in region ({0}, {1})", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(Context.RADeg / 15, "REC"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(Context.DEDeg, "DEC"))); } var facade = new StarCatalogueFacade(TangraConfig.Settings.StarCatalogue); m_CatalogueStars = facade.GetStarsInRegion( Context.RADeg, Context.DEDeg, (Context.ErrFoVs + 1.0) * m_Image.GetMaxFOVInArcSec() / 3600.0, Context.LimitMagn, epoch); Context.CatalogueStars = m_CatalogueStars; Context.StarCatalogueFacade = facade; Context.DetermineAutoLimitMagnitude = rbAutomaticLimitMagnitude.Checked; Context.AutoLimitMagnitude = double.NaN; return(true); }
private AstroDigitalVideoStreamV2(string fileName, ref AdvFileMetadataInfo fileMetadataInfo, ref GeoLocationInfo geoLocation) { //CheckAdvFileFormat(fileName, ref fileMetadataInfo, ref geoLocation); m_FileName = fileName; m_AdvFile = new AdvFile2(fileName); m_FirstFrame = 0; m_CountFrames = m_AdvFile.MainSteamInfo.FrameCount; m_BitPix = m_AdvFile.DataBpp; m_Width = m_AdvFile.Width; m_Height = m_AdvFile.Height; m_MaxPixelValue = (uint)m_AdvFile.MaxPixelValue; m_FrameRate = 0; m_AAVVersion = 0; m_StackingRate = 0; m_Engine = "ADV2"; fileMetadataInfo.Recorder = GetFileTag("RECORDER-SOFTWARE"); CameraModel = fileMetadataInfo.Camera = GetFileTag("CAMERA-MODEL"); fileMetadataInfo.Engine = GetFileTag("FSTF-TYPE"); fileMetadataInfo.AdvrVersion = GetFileTag("RECORDER-SOFTWARE-VERSION"); fileMetadataInfo.SensorInfo = GetFileTag("CAMERA-SENSOR-INFO"); fileMetadataInfo.ObjectName = GetFileTag("OBJNAME"); int aavVersion; if (int.TryParse(GetFileTag("AAV-VERSION"), out aavVersion)) { m_AAVVersion = aavVersion; m_VideoStandard = GetFileTag("NATIVE-VIDEO-STANDARD"); double.TryParse(GetFileTag("NATIVE-FRAME-RATE"), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out m_NativeFrameRate); int.TryParse(GetFileTag("OSD-FIRST-LINE"), out m_OsdFirstLine); int.TryParse(GetFileTag("OSD-LAST-LINE"), out m_OsdLastLine); if (m_OsdLastLine > m_Height) { m_OsdLastLine = m_Height; } if (m_OsdFirstLine < 0) { m_OsdFirstLine = 0; } m_IntegratedAAVFrames = -1; if (double.TryParse(GetFileTag("EFFECTIVE-FRAME-RATE"), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out m_EffectiveFrameRate) && m_NativeFrameRate != 0) { m_IntegratedAAVFrames = (int)Math.Round(m_NativeFrameRate / m_EffectiveFrameRate); m_FrameRate = m_EffectiveFrameRate; // This is important for OCR-ing as the frame rate is used to derive the frame exposure } int.TryParse(GetFileTag("FRAME-STACKING-RATE"), out m_StackingRate); if (m_StackingRate == 1) { m_StackingRate = 0; // Video stacked at x1 is a non-stacked video } m_Engine = string.Format("AAV{0}", aavVersion); } this.geoLocation = new GeoLocationInfo(); double lng; double lat; if ( double.TryParse(GetFileTag("LONGITUDE"), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out lng) && double.TryParse(GetFileTag("LATITUDE"), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out lat)) { this.geoLocation.Altitude = GetFileTag("ALTITUDE"); this.geoLocation.Longitude = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(lng, "DD°MM'SS.T\""); this.geoLocation.Latitude = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(lat, "DD°MM'SS.T\""); } geoLocation = this.geoLocation; }
public void TestRAUncertainty() { var regressionRA = new LinearRegression(); var regressionRACosDE = new LinearRegression(); var regressionDE = new LinearRegression(); #region DATA var data3 = new double[100, 2] { { 107.739483057629, 23.1727860863356 }, { 107.739758423225, 23.1725858289442 }, { 107.739270316112, 23.1727265176296 }, { 107.740138616241, 23.1726236358575 }, { 107.739635635855, 23.1720172219518 }, { 107.739770516897, 23.1729142307849 }, { 107.73978035157, 23.1724868171702 }, { 107.7402464908, 23.1722211800014 }, { 107.740153319844, 23.17248806658 }, { 107.739638162317, 23.1721297891023 }, { 107.740152592624, 23.1724840894266 }, { 107.73958378293, 23.1723613227751 }, { 107.740253757515, 23.172044928013 }, { 107.739869281082, 23.1718262300426 }, { 107.739789179397, 23.1719229687229 }, { 107.740109562638, 23.1722060231074 }, { 107.740283891099, 23.1718843884705 }, { 107.739908616613, 23.1721244581715 }, { 107.740456941346, 23.171955354053 }, { 107.739775905586, 23.1718647897894 }, { 107.739910899659, 23.1717039889273 }, { 107.740289075343, 23.1716186337573 }, { 107.739949394724, 23.171506240555 }, { 107.739932221015, 23.1716027243754 }, { 107.740295228809, 23.1716475314679 }, { 107.740110388037, 23.1713426960706 }, { 107.740000979798, 23.1716693560547 }, { 107.740683952325, 23.1709681704731 }, { 107.740203119785, 23.1714519510736 }, { 107.740273707513, 23.1713702195282 }, { 107.740715664145, 23.1708006096487 }, { 107.740242143812, 23.1714449185373 }, { 107.740687548443, 23.1714370988362 }, { 107.740393828828, 23.1711679651411 }, { 107.740547330181, 23.1707733940985 }, { 107.740304974691, 23.1709983145174 }, { 107.74034540204, 23.1710469626238 }, { 107.740904365499, 23.1712337543625 }, { 107.740271422439, 23.1707876401664 }, { 107.740473226403, 23.1707728540074 }, { 107.740636055235, 23.1704881107108 }, { 107.740425649522, 23.1706972672815 }, { 107.741075014634, 23.1711886612524 }, { 107.740786717375, 23.1703917179741 }, { 107.740612480474, 23.1707997640991 }, { 107.740513888292, 23.1702033095878 }, { 107.740861057518, 23.1707917436653 }, { 107.740431450664, 23.1704962321596 }, { 107.740894364108, 23.1706460451468 }, { 107.740737653969, 23.1699454114361 }, { 107.741167338868, 23.1704390641158 }, { 107.7413536072, 23.1702117449598 }, { 107.741086391515, 23.1708025027409 }, { 107.740817260861, 23.1707126761071 }, { 107.741221711022, 23.1703529560508 }, { 107.740861537438, 23.1703420196572 }, { 107.74133696574, 23.1699266624604 }, { 107.741008974082, 23.1698332023904 }, { 107.741330374957, 23.1699747581779 }, { 107.740956577025, 23.1699971703065 }, { 107.741383593614, 23.1700614545797 }, { 107.741111473117, 23.1693429455465 }, { 107.741121545844, 23.1698626383014 }, { 107.740820518692, 23.1696821611261 }, { 107.740916798005, 23.1696481452449 }, { 107.741407098196, 23.1697794065368 }, { 107.741287855641, 23.1694896025056 }, { 107.741231209856, 23.1697278715938 }, { 107.741571326879, 23.1696485314836 }, { 107.741256422563, 23.1692796164232 }, { 107.741083941569, 23.1692085591873 }, { 107.742137813992, 23.1692501809322 }, { 107.741681536193, 23.1691250721346 }, { 107.741303539868, 23.1692497992003 }, { 107.741635549928, 23.1696783769589 }, { 107.741659390834, 23.1692018221502 }, { 107.741519314827, 23.1689582724524 }, { 107.741584255568, 23.1690406639767 }, { 107.741457448448, 23.1689571870363 }, { 107.741598496613, 23.1690963575179 }, { 107.741640939783, 23.1689548869089 }, { 107.741369971733, 23.1688034552239 }, { 107.741859029521, 23.1688553893107 }, { 107.741963565581, 23.1683666431612 }, { 107.741666822527, 23.1688987338326 }, { 107.741641792823, 23.1689634685279 }, { 107.742023968239, 23.1690510611327 }, { 107.741962846523, 23.1688076089897 }, { 107.741683243803, 23.1683235937605 }, { 107.742121706882, 23.1689619396987 }, { 107.741538062532, 23.168283426697 }, { 107.742422013432, 23.1687801621234 }, { 107.741896618583, 23.1686362544736 }, { 107.741972513575, 23.1686551496664 }, { 107.74206679923, 23.168500337937 }, { 107.742405073144, 23.1684770104653 }, { 107.742032294448, 23.1683475533958 }, { 107.742230287337, 23.1682284222132 }, { 107.742201384546, 23.1682279605208 }, { 107.741884032454, 23.1682565185304 } }; var data2 = new double[100, 2] { { 107.739477771965, 69.1728347555165 }, { 107.73961196667, 69.1726830767986 }, { 107.739409817125, 69.1725933008645 }, { 107.74019077671, 69.172494940147 }, { 107.740585586026, 69.1726077103564 }, { 107.74059838218, 69.1722819118463 }, { 107.740208274081, 69.1723120729806 }, { 107.740712281929, 69.1720791829606 }, { 107.74033612626, 69.1723780587458 }, { 107.741242715081, 69.1721192003436 }, { 107.741266002392, 69.1722343854433 }, { 107.741105006249, 69.1721003309252 }, { 107.741363419742, 69.172088671089 }, { 107.741690798727, 69.1722568414364 }, { 107.741666861184, 69.17205417308 }, { 107.741361837266, 69.1720675384819 }, { 107.742084712903, 69.1718874998462 }, { 107.742042010619, 69.1719175816475 }, { 107.742280817921, 69.1719094396275 }, { 107.742577304285, 69.1717986068223 }, { 107.741966244595, 69.1718798130166 }, { 107.742684141694, 69.1718510228511 }, { 107.742976630078, 69.17157595174 }, { 107.743352294911, 69.1715857376448 }, { 107.743061556848, 69.1714241326127 }, { 107.743090113926, 69.1714458284253 }, { 107.743275509384, 69.1715522559223 }, { 107.743176399757, 69.1714823812197 }, { 107.743814300524, 69.1713901151672 }, { 107.743767969983, 69.1714428793583 }, { 107.743858065548, 69.1713035534992 }, { 107.743822885639, 69.1712307918348 }, { 107.744334295083, 69.1713055626603 }, { 107.744427875787, 69.1712388751409 }, { 107.744340783728, 69.1710928940912 }, { 107.744805413896, 69.1710055991679 }, { 107.74502108349, 69.1709137441353 }, { 107.744828974649, 69.1709496406011 }, { 107.74512401154, 69.1708573778863 }, { 107.745281281021, 69.1708161629737 }, { 107.745576469803, 69.1710203029433 }, { 107.745740147716, 69.1707075932863 }, { 107.745502577032, 69.1708074622807 }, { 107.745623997879, 69.1706684821245 }, { 107.746509028511, 69.1708362938784 }, { 107.74602549245, 69.1706568551002 }, { 107.745897609677, 69.170596921634 }, { 107.746469521491, 69.1704027875192 }, { 107.746277468908, 69.1703449453588 }, { 107.74672857027, 69.1705498632184 }, { 107.746946720371, 69.1702725215642 }, { 107.746884661238, 69.1704713141467 }, { 107.746860604767, 69.1702156222331 }, { 107.747294089089, 69.1701998357532 }, { 107.747620144745, 69.1702161529364 }, { 107.747858455982, 69.170059426359 }, { 107.747632580795, 69.1700516486805 }, { 107.747755094573, 69.1698765265442 }, { 107.747994751954, 69.1701514424405 }, { 107.748121399878, 69.1700667592208 }, { 107.748172662863, 69.1698849007696 }, { 107.748228803142, 69.1699923304849 }, { 107.749014214424, 69.1697868133965 }, { 107.748792915115, 69.1700161340914 }, { 107.748638559821, 69.1698409328545 }, { 107.748636809009, 69.1697153039492 }, { 107.749136438823, 69.1697074633957 }, { 107.749338377121, 69.1697654496001 }, { 107.749569612206, 69.1697500026688 }, { 107.749595422398, 69.169419529115 }, { 107.750383523525, 69.1696656542994 }, { 107.75048831811, 69.1692035028989 }, { 107.750352623105, 69.1693815488115 }, { 107.750761537512, 69.1692866838914 }, { 107.750685403332, 69.1693024139098 }, { 107.750705748086, 69.1692717484141 }, { 107.750843059166, 69.1692580533525 }, { 107.750716179597, 69.1691529497331 }, { 107.75072202975, 69.1691168107163 }, { 107.75108559747, 69.1691834005496 }, { 107.751493043153, 69.1691522809292 }, { 107.751596829163, 69.169012841963 }, { 107.75131727043, 69.1688012714158 }, { 107.751666922544, 69.1689359714136 }, { 107.751578388338, 69.1687399323656 }, { 107.751905351653, 69.1688376229061 }, { 107.752250104552, 69.1687619831483 }, { 107.752678677296, 69.1687244251449 }, { 107.752525957028, 69.1686536798413 }, { 107.752373714866, 69.1686287601216 }, { 107.753019411842, 69.1686380478501 }, { 107.752741905599, 69.1684961094107 }, { 107.753018243388, 69.1683971436757 }, { 107.752942371889, 69.1684595315802 }, { 107.753259742823, 69.1684806579804 }, { 107.753511849838, 69.168268224757 }, { 107.75342673874, 69.1685388792275 }, { 107.753991832751, 69.1681999371544 }, { 107.753606583523, 69.1682240722345 }, { 107.753806764198, 69.1682937040626 }, }; var data = new double[100, 2] { { 107.73935730677, 69.172711754819 }, { 107.739941719805, 69.1725607327368 }, { 107.739969545763, 69.1728020832412 }, { 107.739725613496, 69.1724948444009 }, { 107.739031353708, 69.1726159366499 }, { 107.739747958109, 69.1721826902977 }, { 107.74074663056, 69.1722130865804 }, { 107.739619292955, 69.1724872676585 }, { 107.739526386824, 69.1723097829692 }, { 107.7410771233, 69.1725703918204 }, { 107.740739660076, 69.1724144742981 }, { 107.740697636644, 69.1721550394849 }, { 107.741880544558, 69.1719738870443 }, { 107.741833247397, 69.1721940884685 }, { 107.742314186337, 69.17193450189 }, { 107.740926254247, 69.1721384298611 }, { 107.741970497859, 69.1721455511604 }, { 107.742119450987, 69.1721636360282 }, { 107.742132805385, 69.1719603779096 }, { 107.742777129314, 69.1714210932301 }, { 107.743075397391, 69.1714527431053 }, { 107.743768675633, 69.1715943552255 }, { 107.742542542626, 69.1716645234002 }, { 107.743524460336, 69.1716088168889 }, { 107.743350115709, 69.1717882604853 }, { 107.743489485345, 69.1721692852173 }, { 107.74401344733, 69.1717430018303 }, { 107.743001358569, 69.171745750306 }, { 107.744101155658, 69.1715995718388 }, { 107.743357827113, 69.1709192593056 }, { 107.744693317033, 69.1716866797303 }, { 107.74508962137, 69.1713006067015 }, { 107.743997983147, 69.1708910615953 }, { 107.743996491802, 69.1715212096561 }, { 107.74373222623, 69.1709626863127 }, { 107.744993875976, 69.1714069871322 }, { 107.744573043011, 69.1710885783853 }, { 107.744610440986, 69.1709524781463 }, { 107.744515880438, 69.171012647055 }, { 107.745021853434, 69.1706795177817 }, { 107.745928469586, 69.1709513201446 }, { 107.746274328526, 69.1709990525173 }, { 107.746003621776, 69.1703636654999 }, { 107.746860479622, 69.1707788370646 }, { 107.746015994963, 69.170532070676 }, { 107.745308266138, 69.1703833282827 }, { 107.747434171025, 69.1707583505672 }, { 107.746380716695, 69.1707477283657 }, { 107.746322773734, 69.1705759472448 }, { 107.747195770778, 69.1704783387962 }, { 107.746726832268, 69.1705445287354 }, { 107.746479807916, 69.170295182694 }, { 107.746858852632, 69.170151842435 }, { 107.748005552167, 69.1701324143026 }, { 107.746440725163, 69.1702997117708 }, { 107.747632752596, 69.1699714950714 }, { 107.746288060495, 69.170247112624 }, { 107.748643753256, 69.1698662806951 }, { 107.74881046717, 69.1699979516342 }, { 107.747535292112, 69.170078645581 }, { 107.747766333879, 69.1699744718271 }, { 107.748809227233, 69.1700193921839 }, { 107.749697498078, 69.1695793718616 }, { 107.74893998829, 69.1698713857366 }, { 107.748878487794, 69.1695228880432 }, { 107.74904534252, 69.1698472549382 }, { 107.749463140037, 69.1696628177742 }, { 107.749830174792, 69.1698519550262 }, { 107.749699649195, 69.1695956041761 }, { 107.750502343619, 69.1693099555417 }, { 107.750326261356, 69.1691415029809 }, { 107.748673873243, 69.1692620977489 }, { 107.75106313072, 69.1690631812159 }, { 107.75052688368, 69.1691938573698 }, { 107.750543324985, 69.1695068538202 }, { 107.751031016666, 69.1692150774484 }, { 107.751096804392, 69.1688797213772 }, { 107.75042386222, 69.1690032179007 }, { 107.750153005185, 69.169176739356 }, { 107.751104742713, 69.1687864249361 }, { 107.751084417858, 69.1690641095538 }, { 107.751285471877, 69.1690996992436 }, { 107.751597211541, 69.169157134543 }, { 107.751909360988, 69.1690350795147 }, { 107.752462310445, 69.1684796654783 }, { 107.751635885797, 69.1688208914861 }, { 107.752428595531, 69.1685312843568 }, { 107.753169064017, 69.1685892661358 }, { 107.752228822227, 69.1685323946141 }, { 107.753263916127, 69.168469632772 }, { 107.753442528401, 69.1684911064022 }, { 107.753490171167, 69.168976339076 }, { 107.753304279553, 69.1685787342008 }, { 107.75333647205, 69.1683355355218 }, { 107.753820078749, 69.1683194672346 }, { 107.753790511111, 69.1683609672304 }, { 107.754442898298, 69.1681319406902 }, { 107.753649542414, 69.1683447688382 }, { 107.754436235939, 69.1684819745314 }, { 107.754808387808, 69.1680718218884 }, }; #endregion double SEC_TO_DAY = 1.0 / (24 * 3600); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var ra = data[i, 0]; var de = data[i, 1]; regressionRA.AddDataPoint(i * SEC_TO_DAY, ra); regressionDE.AddDataPoint(i * SEC_TO_DAY, de); regressionRACosDE.AddDataPoint(i * SEC_TO_DAY, ra * Math.Cos(de * Math.PI / 180.0)); } regressionRA.Solve(); regressionDE.Solve(); regressionRACosDE.Solve(); double timeOfDay = 50 * SEC_TO_DAY; ErrorMethod errMethod = ErrorMethod.HalfStdDev; double errRAArcSec; double errDEArcSec; var raHours = regressionRA.ComputeYWithError(timeOfDay, out errRAArcSec, errMethod) / 15.0; var deDeg = regressionDE.ComputeYWithError(timeOfDay, out errDEArcSec, errMethod); double cosDEFactor = Math.Cos(deDeg * Math.PI / 180); double errRACosDEArcSec = errRAArcSec * cosDEFactor * 3600; errDEArcSec *= 3600; Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("RA = {0} +/- {1:0.00}\" StdDev={4:0.000}; DE={2} +/- {3:0.00}\"", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raHours, "HH MM SS.TT"), errRACosDEArcSec, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+DD MM SS.T"), errDEArcSec, regressionRA.StdDevUnscaled * cosDEFactor * 3600)); double errRA2; var raHoursCosDE = regressionRACosDE.ComputeYWithError(timeOfDay, out errRA2, errMethod) / 15.0; raHours = raHoursCosDE / cosDEFactor; errRA2 *= 3600; Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("RA = {0} +/- {1:0.00}\" StdDev={4:0.000}; DE={2} +/- {3:0.00}\"", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raHours, "HH MM SS.TT"), errRA2, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+DD MM SS.T"), errDEArcSec, regressionRACosDE.StdDevUnscaled * 3600)); Assert.IsTrue(regressionRA.StdDevUnscaled * cosDEFactor < regressionRACosDE.StdDevUnscaled); // NOTE: StdDev in the RA fit appears to be smaller in RA.CosDE terms when the fitting is done in RA, compared to when it is done in RA.CosDE. // Therefore we continue to use the RA fitting, rather than RA.CosDE fitting. // TODO: This needs to be looked through and proper mathematical evaluation needs to be done for the uncertainties before the RA.CosDE fitting can be used directly }
private void BuildAbsFlux() { var indexFile = new StringBuilder(); indexFile.AppendLine("BD and HD CALSPEC stars with STIS fluxes between 3000 and 10000 Angstroms"); indexFile.AppendLine("Name FK5_Coordinates_J2000 Type Mag B-V File_Name"); foreach (CalSpecStar star in CalSpecDatabase.Instance.Stars) { if (star.AbsFluxStarId.StartsWith("TYC")) { continue; } string modifiedId = star.AbsFluxStarId.Replace(" ", "_"); if (modifiedId.Length < 10) { modifiedId += "_"; } while (modifiedId.Length < 10) { int firstUnderScorePos = modifiedId.IndexOf("_"); modifiedId = modifiedId.Substring(0, firstUnderScorePos) + "_" + modifiedId.Substring(firstUnderScorePos); } string raStr = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(star.RA_J2000_Hours, "HH MM SS.TTT"); string deStr = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(star.DE_J2000_Deg, "+DD MM SS.TT"); string dataFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(star.FITS_File) + "_t1.txt"; string line = string.Format("{0}{1} {2} {3}{4} {5} {6}\r\n", modifiedId.PadRight(14), raStr, deStr, star.SpecType.PadRight(7), star.MagV.ToString("0.00").PadLeft(5), star.MagBV.ToString("0.00").PadLeft(5), dataFileName); indexFile.Append(line); string filePath = Path.GetFullPath(@"Z:\CALSPEC\current_calspec\" + star.FITS_File); double wavelengthFrom = star.DataPoints.Keys.Min(); double wavelengthTo = star.DataPoints.Keys.Max(); using (var bf = new BufferedFile(filePath, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { var fitsFile = new Fits(); fitsFile.Read(bf); BasicHDU imageHDU = fitsFile.GetHDU(1); var table = (ColumnTable)imageHDU.Data.DataArray; double[] wavelengths = (double[])table.Columns[0]; float[] fluxes = (float[])table.Columns[1]; float[] col2 = (float[])table.Columns[2]; float[] col3 = (float[])table.Columns[3]; float[] col4 = (float[])table.Columns[4]; short[] goodnessFlags = (short[])table.Columns[5]; float[] exposures = (float[])table.Columns[6]; var dataFile = new StringBuilder(); dataFile.AppendLine(" WAVELENGTH FLUX STATERROR SYSERROR FWHM DATAQUAL TOTEXP"); dataFile.AppendLine(" 1D 1E 1E 1E 1E 1I 1E"); dataFile.AppendLine(" ANGSTROMS FLAM FLAM FLAM ANGSTROMS NONE SEC"); for (int j = 0; j < fluxes.Length; j++) { if (wavelengths[j] < wavelengthFrom) { continue; } if (wavelengths[j] > wavelengthTo) { break; } string dataLine = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4} {5}{6}", ((int)Math.Round(wavelengths[j])).ToString().PadLeft(16), fluxes[j].ToString("E4").PadLeft(14), col2[j].ToString("E4").PadLeft(14), col3[j].ToString("E4").PadLeft(14), col4[j].ToString("#.0").PadLeft(13), goodnessFlags[j].ToString(), exposures[j].ToString("E1").PadLeft(12)); dataFile.AppendLine(dataLine); } fitsFile.Close(); File.WriteAllText(@"Z:\AbsFlux\v3\" + dataFileName, dataFile.ToString()); } } File.WriteAllText(@"Z:\AbsFlux\v3\AbsFluxCALSPECstars.txt", indexFile.ToString()); }
public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotSlowFlyby( Dictionary <int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements, FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext, FittingContext fittingContext, FittingValue fittingValue, GetFrameStateDataCallback getFrameStateDataCallback, Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth, int imageHight, out double motionRate) { try { #region Building Test Cases if (m_DumpTestCaseData) { var mvSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FlybyMeasurementContext)); var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var wrt = new StringWriter(sb)) { mvSer.Serialize(wrt, meaContext); } Trace.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); var fcSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FittingContext)); sb.Clear(); using (var wrt = new StringWriter(sb)) { fcSer.Serialize(wrt, fittingContext); } Trace.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); var smfmSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SingleMultiFrameMeasurement)); foreach (int key in measurements.Keys) { sb.Clear(); using (var wrt2 = new StringWriter(sb)) { smfmSer.Serialize(wrt2, measurements[key]); if (measurements[key].FrameNo != key) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } Trace.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); } } } #endregion // Do linear regression, use residual based exclusion rules // Report the interpolated position at the middle of the measured interva // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections motionRate = double.NaN; var rv = new ProcessingReturnValues(); int numFramesUser = 0; rv.EarliestFrame = int.MaxValue; rv.LatestFrame = int.MinValue; var intervalValues = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > >(); var intervalMedians = new Dictionary <double, double>(); var intervalWeights = new Dictionary <double, double>(); LinearRegression regression = null; if (measurements.Values.Count > 1) { rv.EarliestFrame = measurements.Values.Select(m => m.FrameNo).Min(); rv.LatestFrame = measurements.Values.Select(m => m.FrameNo).Max(); var minUncertainty = meaContext.MinPositionUncertaintyPixels * meaContext.ArsSecsInPixel; foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values) { int integrationInterval = (measurement.FrameNo - fittingContext.FirstFrameIdInIntegrationPeroid) / fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount; Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > intPoints; if (!intervalValues.TryGetValue(integrationInterval, out intPoints)) { intPoints = Tuple.Create(new List <double>(), new List <double>()); intervalValues.Add(integrationInterval, intPoints); } if (fittingValue == FittingValue.RA) { intPoints.Item1.Add(measurement.RADeg); intPoints.Item2.Add(ComputePositionWeight(measurement.SolutionUncertaintyRACosDEArcSec, measurement, minUncertainty, fittingContext.Weighting)); } else { intPoints.Item1.Add(measurement.DEDeg); intPoints.Item2.Add(ComputePositionWeight(measurement.SolutionUncertaintyDEArcSec, measurement, minUncertainty, fittingContext.Weighting)); } } if (intervalValues.Count > 2) { regression = new LinearRegression(); foreach (int integratedFrameNo in intervalValues.Keys) { Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > data = intervalValues[integratedFrameNo]; double median; double medianWeight; WeightedMedian(data, out median, out medianWeight); // Assign the data point to the middle of the integration interval (using frame numbers) // // |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| // | | | // // Because the time associated with the first frame is the middle of the frame, but the // time associated with the middle of the interval is the end of the field then the correction // is (N / 2) - 0.5 frames when integration is used or no correction when integration of x1 is used. double dataPointFrameNo = rv.EarliestFrame + fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount * integratedFrameNo + (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount / 2) - (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount > 1 ? 0.5 : 0); intervalMedians.Add(dataPointFrameNo, median); intervalWeights.Add(dataPointFrameNo, medianWeight); if (fittingContext.Weighting != WeightingMode.None) { regression.AddDataPoint(dataPointFrameNo, median, medianWeight); } else { regression.AddDataPoint(dataPointFrameNo, median); } } regression.Solve(); var firstPos = measurements[rv.EarliestFrame]; var lastPos = measurements[rv.LatestFrame]; double distanceArcSec = AngleUtility.Elongation(firstPos.RADeg, firstPos.DEDeg, lastPos.RADeg, lastPos.DEDeg) * 3600; var firstTime = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, rv.EarliestFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, firstPos.FrameTimeStamp); var lastTime = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, rv.LatestFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, lastPos.FrameTimeStamp); double elapsedSec = new TimeSpan(lastTime.UT.Ticks - firstTime.UT.Ticks).TotalSeconds; motionRate = distanceArcSec / elapsedSec; } } FrameTime resolvedTime = null; if (int.MinValue != meaContext.UserMidFrame) { // Find the closest video 'normal' MPC time and compute the frame number for it // Now compute the RA/DE for the computed 'normal' frame resolvedTime = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, meaContext.UserMidFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, measurements[meaContext.UserMidFrame].FrameTimeStamp); #region Plotting Code if (g != null) { float xPosBeg = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalIntervalFirstFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5; float xPosEnd = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalIntervalLastFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5; g.FillRectangle(s_NormalTimeIntervalHighlightBrush, xPosBeg, 1, (xPosEnd - xPosBeg), imageHight - 2); } #endregion } Dictionary <double, double> secondPassData = new Dictionary <double, double>(); int minFrameId = measurements.Keys.Min(); #region Plotting Code if (g != null) { foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values) { float x = (measurement.FrameNo - minFrameId) * xScale + 5; ProcessingValues val = new ProcessingValues() { Value = fittingValue == FittingValue.RA ? measurement.RADeg : measurement.DEDeg, StdDev = fittingValue == FittingValue.RA ? measurement.StdDevRAArcSec / 3600.0 : measurement.StdDevDEArcSec / 3600.0 }; double valueFrom = val.Value - val.StdDev; double valueTo = val.Value + val.StdDev; float yFrom = (float)(valueFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; float yTo = (float)(valueTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x, yFrom, x, yTo); g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x - 1, yFrom, x + 1, yFrom); g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x - 1, yTo, x + 1, yTo); } } #endregion foreach (double integrFrameNo in intervalMedians.Keys) { double val = intervalMedians[integrFrameNo]; double fittedValAtFrame = regression != null ? regression.ComputeY(integrFrameNo) : double.NaN; bool included = Math.Abs(fittedValAtFrame - val) < 3 * regression.StdDev; #region Plotting Code if (g != null) { if (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount > 1) { Pen mPen = included ? plottingContext.IncludedPen : plottingContext.ExcludedPen; float x = (float)(integrFrameNo - minFrameId) * xScale + 5; float y = (float)(val - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; g.DrawEllipse(mPen, x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6); g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 5, y - 5, x + 5, y + 5); g.DrawLine(mPen, x + 5, y - 5, x - 5, y + 5); } } #endregion if (included) { secondPassData.Add(integrFrameNo, val); } } #region Second Pass regression = null; if (secondPassData.Count > 2) { regression = new LinearRegression(); foreach (double frameNo in secondPassData.Keys) { if (fittingContext.Weighting != WeightingMode.None) { regression.AddDataPoint(frameNo, secondPassData[frameNo], intervalWeights[frameNo]); } else { regression.AddDataPoint(frameNo, secondPassData[frameNo]); } } regression.Solve(); } #endregion if (regression != null) { #region Plotting Code if (g != null) { double leftFittedVal = regression.ComputeY(rv.EarliestFrame); double rightFittedVal = regression.ComputeY(rv.LatestFrame); double err = 3 * regression.StdDev; float leftAve = (float)(leftFittedVal - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; float rightAve = (float)(rightFittedVal - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; float leftX = 5 + (float)(rv.EarliestFrame - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale; float rightX = 5 + (float)(rv.LatestFrame - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale; g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve - 1, rightX, rightAve - 1); g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve, rightX, rightAve); g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve + 1, rightX, rightAve + 1); float leftMin = (float)(leftFittedVal - err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; float leftMax = (float)(leftFittedVal + err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; float rightMin = (float)(rightFittedVal - err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; float rightMax = (float)(rightFittedVal + err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftMin, rightX, rightMin); g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftMax, rightX, rightMax); } #endregion if (int.MinValue != meaContext.UserMidFrame && resolvedTime != null) { // Find the closest video 'normal' MPC time and compute the frame number for it // Now compute the RA/DE for the computed 'normal' frame double fittedValueUncertainty; double fittedValueAtMiddleFrame = regression.ComputeYWithError(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo, out fittedValueUncertainty); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}; Included: {1}; Normal Frame No: {2}; Fitted Val: {3} +/- {4:0.00}", meaContext.UserMidValue.ToString("0.00000"), numFramesUser, resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(fittedValueAtMiddleFrame, "+HH MM SS.T"), regression.StdDev * 60 * 60)); // Report the interpolated position at the middle of the measured interval // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections rv.FittedValue = fittedValueAtMiddleFrame; rv.FittedValueTime = resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameTime; rv.IsVideoNormalPosition = true; rv.FittedNormalFrame = resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo; rv.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec = fittedValueUncertainty * 60 * 60; #region Plotting Code if (g != null) { // Plot the frame float xPos = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5; float yPos = (float)(rv.FittedValue - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5; g.DrawLine(Pens.Yellow, xPos, 1, xPos, imageHight - 2); g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, xPos - 3, yPos - 3, 6, 6); } #endregion } else { rv.FittedValue = double.NaN; } } else { rv.FittedValue = double.NaN; } return(rv); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.GetFullStackTrace()); motionRate = 0; return(null); } }